WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                     PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                          For the month of JUNE , 2003.
                                          ------  ----

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

  #709 - 837 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3N6, Canada
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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                                       IMA Exploration Inc.

Date   June 16, 2003                   By  /s/ William Lee
     ------------------------------        -------------------------------------

William Lee, Director and Chief Financial Officer
1 Print the name and title of the signing officer under his signature.

                                 BC FORM 53-901F

                                    (FORM 27)

                                 Securities Act

                             MATERIAL CHANGE REPORT

              Section 85(1) of the Securities Act, British Columbia
                          (the "British Columbia Act")
        Section 118(1) of the Securities Act, Alberta (the "Alberta Act")
        Section 75(2) of the Securities Act, Ontario (the "Ontario Act")


       The full name of the Issuer is IMA Exploration  Inc. (the "Issuer").  The
       address and  telephone  number of the  principal  office in Canada of the
       Issuer is as follows:

       #709 - 837 West Hastings Street
       Vancouver, BC
       V6C 3N6
       Phone:  (604) 687-1828


       June 16, 2003


       A press  release  dated June 16, 2003,  a copy of which is attached,  was
       released  through  various  approved  public media and filed with the TSX
       Venture Exchange and the British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario Securities


       Please see attached press release for details.


       Please see attached press release for full details.


       Not Applicable

                                     - 2 -


       Not Applicable


       The following  senior  officer of the Issuer is  knowledgeable  about the
       material  change and may be contacted by the  Commission at the following
       telephone number:

       William Lee
       Chief Financial Officer
       Phone:  (604) 687-1828


       The  foregoing  accurately  discloses  the  material  change  referred to

DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 16th day of June, 2003.

                                            /s/ William Lee
                                            William Lee, Chief Financial Officer

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.

                      Suite 709 - 837 West Hastings Street,
                            Terminal City Club Tower,
                             Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3N6
           Tel: 604-687-1828 Fax: 604-687-1858 Toll Free: 800-901-0058
        Internet: E-mail:

               TSX Venture Exchange: IMR OTC Bulletin Board: IMXPF
                 Frankfurt & Berlin Exchanges: IMT (WKN 884971)


NEWS RELEASE                                                       JUNE 16, 2003


IMA  Exploration  Inc.  (IMR-TSX.V) is pleased to announce a progress  report on
assays  received  from the bonanza  grade  feeder  structures  and  structurally
controlled  breccias at Navidad Hill (one zone within the 5.8 kilometre  overall
Navidad system). The strike length of bonanza grade structures has been extended
by over 50% to a  current  total  of 636  metres  (from  402  metres  previously
announced),  with a length weighted  average of 162 ounces per ton (oz/t) silver
(5,546  g/t),  3.8% copper and 9.8% lead.  Individual  samples of bonanza  grade
silver-copper-lead mineralization have returned remarkable values of up to 1,475
oz/t (50,520 g/t) silver.

The 70 kilometre  IP/Resistivity  survey is nearing  completion and  preliminary
results  show  an  excellent   correlation  between  mapped  mineralization  and
chargeability;  in addition,  significant  anomalies have been delineated  under
cover.   Additional  detailed  sampling  of  replacement  style   mineralization
(Previously  reported  exposed over several  kilometers with an average grade of
4.61 oz/t [158 g/t]  silver  and 8.9%  lead) is  complete  and  results  will be
released when they are received in full. Results from ongoing gravity, magnetic,
and  IP/Resistivity  geophysical  work will be released as they are received and
evaluated by IMA Geologists.

The Navidad  discovery  is without  precedent  in Patagonia  and  represents  an
exciting new style of  mineralization  for the region. A close geologic analogue
for  Navidad is the Eskay Creek Mine in British  Columbia.  Navidad is very well
located and is less than 1 km from a provincial  gravel highway,  45 km from the
nearest town, 45 km from major  high-voltage  power lines, 190 km from a railway
line, and 340 km from a deep-sea port.

Please  refer to the  Detailed  Technical  Summary in the  appendix of this news
release or IMA's web site ( for more detailed results.

IMA Exploration  Inc. has a strong treasury to fund its exploration  objectives.
The Company focuses on quality exploration work designed to define economic gold
and silver  deposits in  Argentina  and Peru.  IMA has put  together an enviable
property portfolio including over 37 well-located,  high-potential  projects and
is  continuing  to add to  this  package  through  grass-roots  exploration  and


"Joseph Grosso"
Mr. Joseph Grosso, President & CEO

For further  information please contact Joseph Grosso,  President & CEO, or Sean
Hurd,  Investor  Relations  Manager,  at 1-800-901-0058 or 604-687-1828,  or fax
604-687-1858,  or by email,  or visit the Company's web
site at

                      APPENDIX - Detailed Technical Summary

Mineralization  at Navidad  Hill  consists of  bonanza-grade  feeder  structures
hosted by felsic flow dome rocks (often with peripheral  calcite-barite  veins),
structures  within carapace  breccia that mantles the flow dome, and mineralized
carapace breccias. These mineralization styles have now been mapped over an area
475 metres  long by 60 to 140 metres  wide.  Within  this area,  636  cumulative
metres of structurally-controlled, bonanza-grade mineralization has been mapped,
as has 537  metres of  calcite-barite  veins.  In  addition,  interpretation  of
mapping suggests carapace breccia-hosted  mineralization is the predominant rock
type in three areas of 50 by 150 metres,  18 by 20 metres,  and 20 by 25 metres,
respectively.  A total of 259 rock samples have been  collected of which 242 are
continuous chip samples.  The following  Table 1 summarizes  results of the rock
chip sampling.

 Table 1: Length-weighted average grades for Navidad Hill mineralization styles

                                              Total      Mapped lengths
                               Number of    length of          of
Mineralization Type             samples     sampling     mineralization    Length-Weighted Average Grade
                                            (metres)        (metres)
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ --------------------------------------------
                                                                           Silver      Silver     Copper     Lead
                                                                           (oz/ton)    (g/t)      (%)        (%)
                                                                           ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Bonanza-Grade Feeder           83          55.3         466                172.0       5,889      3.46       11.82
Structures in Dome
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Structures within carapace     36          29.8         170                146.2       4909       4.42       6.16
============================== =========== ============ ================== =========== ========== ========== ==========
STRUCTURES                     119         85.1         636                162         5,546      3.79       9.84
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Mineralized Carapace Breccia   50          51.7         Not applicable     110.5       3,785      3.72       2.07
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Calcite-Barite Veins           30          21.9         537                7.1         245        0.38       0.16
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Other structures not           17          16.5         169                2.3         80         0.63       1.15
obviously mineralized
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Calcite-barite hydrothermal    8           21.9         Not applicable     1.9         66         0.27       0.03
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Felsic flow dome               12          13.35        Not applicable     1.0         35         0.33       0.10
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Volcanic Tuff                  6           5.1          Not applicable     45.8        1567       0.38       1.60
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Total                          242
------------------------------ ----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Recent  mapping  has shown  that the  carapace  breccia  forms a thin unit which
mantles  the felsic  flow dome and  represents  the  uppermost  portions  of the
Navidad mineralizing system.  Structurally-controlled  mineralization within the
breccia suggests that the flow dome containing  bonanza-grade  structures may be
locally  present  beneath this unit.  At the  southeast  end of the Navidad Hill
Mineralized  Zone,  mineralization  and flow dome is overlain by a thin layer of
post-mineralization  volcanic tuff.  Soil sample results and a few isolated rock
samples  suggest  that  bonanza-grade  mineralization  and flow dome may  extend
further to the southeast beneath this tuff.

Widths of the mapped  bonanza-grade  structures are variable,  ranging from less
than one metre to 3.3 metres.  An average width cannot yet be determined  due to
soil  cover that often  obscures  the  contacts.  Table 2 shows  individual  and
composite assays from select examples of wider intersections.

Mapping used to constrain the  calculations of average grades presented here was
done at 1:500 scale, or greater detail, using surveyed grid pickets spaced at 20
metre  intervals,  and tape measures to obtain the best possible  accuracy.  The
width of each sampled interval was measured and recorded in the field.

Length  weighted  average grades were calculated by taking the sum of the length
of each sample  multiplied by its grade divided by the sum of the lengths.  Gaps
between  samples due to soil cover were  conservatively  included  assuming  the
length of the gap has zero grade.  This was done for each  mineralization  style
within  each of  eight  domains  defined  on the  basis  of host  lithology  and
mineralization  types present.  Average grades of each mineralization style were
then  calculated  for the entire area. A listing of selected  samples and sample
composites  is shown in Table 2 and a complete  listing of the summary  data for
all 242  continuous  chip  samples  taken from the Navidad Hill area is shown in
Table 1.

                Table 2: Selected sample composites Navidad Hill.

                                                                     Sampling gaps
Mineralization type(s)             Samples               Length      included at     Silver      Copper     Lead
                                                         (metres)    zero grade      (g/t)       %          %
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------

Feeder Structure in dome           66916-66918           4.00        1.05            1,991       2.89       0.51
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Feeder Structure in dome           M1098-M1099*          1.45                        11,021      1.13       3.11
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Feeder Structure in dome           M1085-M1087*          2.35                        8,444       3.09       23.95
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Feeder Structure in dome           66912                 0.73                        21,710      13.05      3.84
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Feeder Structure in dome           66914                 1.15                        10,140      8.36       6.10
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia               66845-66846           2.25                        6,037       1.89       10.99
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia               66888-66890           3.11                        4,385       4.09       0.86
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia               66838-33829           0.84                        3,149       3.19       0.15
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia               66845-66846           2.25                        6,037       1.89       10.99
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia               66826                 0.72                        11,400      2.49       24.41
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia               66832                 0.52                        14,600      5.97       0.27
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Mineralized Breccia                66951-66952           2.40                        2,419       3.26       17.09
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Mineralized Breccia                66945-66946           3.40                        1,490       6.89       0.04
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Mineralized Breccia                66978                 0.9                         50,520      7.11       0.22
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Mineralized Breccia                66974                 2.37                        14,890      2.72       0.21
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Feeder Structure in dome +         66954-66956           4.90        0.4             2,090       1.39       11.65
barite-calcite vein
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Feeder Structure in dome +         66912-66913           1.43                        11,551      6.80       2.26
barite-calcite vein
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia +             66892-66893**         2.70        0.45            2,763       5.85       4.21
Mineralized Breccia
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
                                   66892-66893 and
Structure in Breccia +             66919-66927 and       16.22       4.85            1,330       2.45       1.61
Mineralized Breccia                66914
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia +             66827, M4008          3.07        0.6             2,823       3.53       4.30
Mineralized Breccia
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Structure in Breccia +             M1092-M1094*          3.30                        7,719       4.22       14.73
Mineralized Breccia
---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- ---------- -----------

Note: * indicates  previously  released  results;  ** interval  included  within
following composite

                Table 3: Effect of Cutting on grade averages for
                   Navidad Hill Bonanza Mineralization style.

                                       Number of     Cutting factor used
Basis of Calculation                   samples       (g/t Silver)            Average Grades
-------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------    ------------------------
                                                                             Silver       Silver
                                                                             (Oz/ton)     (g/t)
                                                                             -----------  -----------

Simple arithmetic average              83            None                    190          6,511
-------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------    -----------  -----------
Uncut LWA grade                        83            None                    172.0        5,889
-------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------    -----------  -----------
Cut LWA  90th percentile               83            15,000                  164          5,635
-------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------    -----------  -----------
Cut LWA  twice standard deviation      83            11,000                  155          5,311
-------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------    -----------  -----------
LWA = Length Weighted Average

Inspection of the data shows that silver grades are not strongly skewed by a few
very high grade samples  influencing the average grade and therefore  cutting of
higher grade samples is probably not  warranted at Navidad  Hill.  Table 3 shows
the  effects  of  applying  cutting  factors of 15,000 g/t silver and 11,000 g/t
silver  (90th  percentile  and  two  standard  deviations,  respectively)  to be

A comprehensive  check assay program has been undertaken  since the discovery of
Navidad. ALS Chemex is the primary laboratory and receives,  prepares and assays
all the samples.  Randomly selected samples are sent to Alex Stewart  (Assayers)
Argentina S. A. who acts as the secondary laboratory.  At the time of writing 70
check  samples  (approximately  12% of all samples)  have been  analyzed by both
laboratories.  Data for these 70 samples for  silver,  copper and lead have been
systematically  analyzed  and there is  excellent  correlation  between  the two
laboratories  for all samples with the exception of one low-grade  silver sample
which is under further review. Dr. Paul Lhotka, P.Geo. is the "Qualified Person"
on the Navidad Project and has personally  supervised all data collection on the

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for
the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.  Cautionary  Note to US Investors:
This news release may contain  information about adjacent properties on which we
have no right to explore or mine. We advise U.S. investors that the SEC's mining
guidelines  strictly  prohibit  information of this type in documents filed with
the SEC.  U.S.  investors  are  cautioned  that  mineral  deposits  on  adjacent
properties are not indicative of mineral  deposits on our properties.  This news
release  may contain  forward-looking  statements  including  but not limited to
comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs,  geological
interpretations,   receipt  of  property  titles,   potential  mineral  recovery
processes, etc. Forward-looking  statements address future events and conditions
and therefore  involve  inherent  risks and  uncertainties.  Actual  results may
differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.