SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20549 FORM 6-K REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 From: May 25, 2005 IVANHOE MINES LTD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Translation of Registrant's Name into English) SUITE 654 - 999 CANADA PLACE, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA V6C 3E1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Address of Principal Executive Offices) (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.) Form 20-F- [ ] Form 40-F- [X] (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.) Yes: [ ] No: [X] (If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-___________.) Enclosed: Technical Report SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. IVANHOE MINES LTD. DATE: May 25, 2005 By: /s/ Beverly A. Bartlett ------------------------ BEVERLY A. BARTLETT Corporate Secretary [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] TECHNICAL REPORT Hugo Dummett and Southern Oyu Deposits Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia EFFECTIVE DATE: 03 MAY 2005 PREPARED BY: DR. STEPHEN JURAS, P. GEO 131294 [AMEC LOGO] IMPORTANT NOTICE This report was prepared as a National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report, in accordance with Form 43-101F1, for Ivanhoe Mines Limited (Ivanhoe) by AMEC Americas Limited (AMEC). The quality of information, conclusions, and estimates contained herein is consistent with the level of effort involved in AMEC's services, based on: i) information available at the time of preparation, ii) data supplied by outside sources, and iii) the assumptions, conditions, and qualifications set forth in this report. This report is intended to be used by Ivanhoe, subject to the terms and conditions of its contract with AMEC. That contract permits Ivanhoe to file this report as a Technical Report with Canadian Securities Regulatory Authorities pursuant to provincial securities legislation. Except for the purposes legislated under provincial securities laws, any other use of this report by any third party is at that party's sole risk. [AMEC LOGO] CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOR Stephen J. Juras, P.Geo. 111 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 400 Vancouver, BC Tel: (604) 664-4349 Fax: (604) 664-3057 I, Stephen J. Juras, P.Geo., am a Professional Geoscientist, employed as Chief Geologist of AMEC Americas Limited and residing at 9030 161 Street in the City of Surrey in the Province of British Columbia. I am a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia. I graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in geology in 1978 and subsequently obtained a Master of Science degree in geology from the University of New Brunswick in 1981 and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in geology from the University of British Columbia in 1987. I have practiced my profession continuously since 1987 and have been involved in: mineral exploration for copper, zinc, gold and silver in Canada and United States and in underground mine geology, ore control and resource modelling for copper, zinc, gold, silver, tungsten, platinum/palladium and industrial mineral properties in Canada, United States, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Vietnam and Russia. As a result of my experience and qualifications, I am a Qualified Person as defined in N.P. 43-101. I am currently a Consulting Geologist and have been so since January 1998. From 18 February 2005 until 24 February 2005 I visited the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. I also helped to direct the mineral estimation work for the Hugo Dummett and Southern Oyu deposits, Oyu Tolgoi project. This report was prepared under my direct supervision. I am not aware of any material fact or material change with respect to the subject matter of this technical report that is not reflected in this report and that the omission to disclose would make this report misleading. I am independent of Ivanhoe Mines Limited in accordance with the application of Section 1.5 of National Instrument 43-101. AMEC Americas Limited 111 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 400 Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5W3 Tel +1 604 664 3471 Fax +1 604 664 3057 I have read National Instrument 43-101 and Form 43-101Fl and this report, Technical Report -Hugo Dummett and Southern Oyu Deposits, Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia (May 2005), has been prepared in compliance with same. Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 25th day of May 2005. /s/ Stephen J. Juras [STAMP] ------------------------------ Stephen J. Juras, Ph.D., P Geo [AMEC LOGO] Stephen J. Juras, P. Geo. AMEC Americas Limited 111 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 400 Vancouver, BC Telephone: (604) 664-4349 Fax: (604) 664-3057 Email: CONSENT OF AUTHOR TO: British Columbia Securities Commission Alberta Securities Commission Saskatchewan Securities Commission Manitoba Securities Commission Ontario Securities Commission Commission des valeurs mobilieres du Quebec Nunavut Legal Registry Officer of the Administrator, New Brunswick Nova Scotia Securities Commission Registrar of Securities, Prince Edward Island Securities Commission of Newfoundland Registrar of Securities, Government of the Yukon Territories Securities Registry, Government of the Northwest Territories AND TO: Ivanhoe Mines Limited I, Stephen J. Juras, P.Geo., do hereby consent to the filing of the technical report prepared for Ivanhoe Mines Limited titled Technical Report - Hugo Dummett and Southern Oyu Deposits, Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia (May 2005), (the "Technical Report") with the securities regulatory authorities referred to above. I further consent (a) to the filing of the Technical Report with any stock exchange and other regulatory authority and any publication of the Technical Report by them for regulatory purposes, including electronic publication in the public company files on their websites accessible by the public, and (b) to the publication of the Technical Report by Ivanhoe Mines Limited on its company website or otherwise, and (c) to all other uses by Ivanhoe Mines Limited of the Technical Report or excerpts thereof in connection with its business. Dated this 25th day of May 2005. /s/ Stephen J. Juras [STAMP] ---------------------------- Stephen J. Juras, Ph. D., P. Geo AMEC Americas Limited 111 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 400 Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5W3 Tel (604) 664-4315 Fax (604) 664-3057 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA CONTENTS SECTION 1 - SUMMARY............................................................................................ 1-1 SECTION 2 - INTRODUCTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE................................................................ 2-1 2.1 Terms of Reference..................................................................................... 2-1 SECTION 3 - DISCLAIMER......................................................................................... 3-1 SECTION 4 - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION.................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Mineral Tenure......................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Permits and Agreements................................................................................. 4-3 4.3 Environmental Impact Assessment........................................................................ 4-4 SECTION 5 - ACCESSIBILITY, CLIMATE, LOCAL RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND PHYSIOGRAPHY.......................... 5-1 5.1 Location............................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Regional Centres and Infrastructure.................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Climate................................................................................................ 5-1 5.4 Physiography........................................................................................... 5-2 5.5 Seismicity............................................................................................. 5-2 5.6 Transportation Infrastructure.......................................................................... 5-2 5.7 Other Resources........................................................................................ 5-3 SECTION 6 - HISTORY............................................................................................ 6-1 SECTION 7 - GEOLOGICAL SETTING................................................................................. 7-1 7.1 Regional Geology....................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 Property Geological Units.............................................................................. 7-2 7.2.1 Stratified Rocks.............................................................................. 7-2 7.2.2 Intrusive Rocks............................................................................... 7-6 7.3 Property Structural Geology............................................................................ 7-8 7.3.1 Solongo Fault................................................................................. 7-8 7.3.2 Northwest Shear Zone......................................................................... 7-10 7.3.3 Central Fault................................................................................ 7-10 7.3.4 Axial Fault, West Bat, East Bat Faults....................................................... 7-10 7.3.5 Boundary Fault System........................................................................ 7-11 7.3.6 Northeast-Striking Secondary Faults.......................................................... 7-11 7.3.7 Folds........................................................................................ 7-11 7.4 Southern Oyu Deposits................................................................................. 7-12 7.4.1 Southwest Oyu Deposit........................................................................ 7-12 7.4.2 South Oyu Deposit............................................................................ 7-14 7.4.3 Wedge Deposit................................................................................ 7-15 7.4.4 Central Oyu Deposit.......................................................................... 7-15 7.5 Hugo Dummett Deposits................................................................................. 7-17 7.5.1 Hugo South Deposit........................................................................... 7-17 7.5.2 Hugo North Deposit........................................................................... 7-24 SECTION 8 - DEPOSIT TYPES...................................................................................... 8-1 SECTION 9 - MINERALIZATION..................................................................................... 9-1 May 2005 PAGE 1-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 9.1 Southern Oyu Deposits.................................................................................. 9-1 9.1.1 Southwest Deposit............................................................................. 9-1 9.1.2 South Deposit................................................................................. 9-2 9.1.3 Wedge Deposit................................................................................. 9-2 9.1.4 Central Deposit............................................................................... 9-3 9.2 Hugo Dummett Deposits.................................................................................. 9-5 9.2.1 Hugo South Deposit............................................................................ 9-5 9.2.2 Hugo North Deposit............................................................................ 9-8 SECTION 10 - EXPLORATION...................................................................................... 10-1 SECTION 11 - DRILLING......................................................................................... 11-1 SECTION 12 - SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH..................................................................... 12-1 SECTION 13 - SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES, AND SECURITY....................................................... 13-1 13.1 Sample Preparation and Shipment....................................................................... 13-1 13.2 Assay Method.......................................................................................... 13-2 13.3 QA/QC Program......................................................................................... 13-2 13.3.1 Standards Performance........................................................................ 13-3 13.3.2 Blank Sample Performance..................................................................... 13-3 13.3.3 Duplicates Performance....................................................................... 13-3 13.3.4 Specific Gravity Program..................................................................... 13-5 13.4 Concluding Statement.................................................................................. 13-5 SECTION 14 - DATA VERIFICATION................................................................................ 14-1 SECTION 15 - ADJACENT PROPERTIES.............................................................................. 15-1 SECTION 16 - MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING..................................................... 16-1 SECTION 17 - MINERAL RESOURCE AND MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES................................................... 17-1 17.1 Geologic Models....................................................................................... 17-1 17.2 Data Analysis......................................................................................... 17-3 17.2.1 Histograms and Cumulative Frequency Plots.................................................... 17-3 17.2.2 Box-Plot and Contact Profile Analyses........................................................ 17-7 17.2.3 Grade Scatter plots.......................................................................... 17-9 17.2.4 Estimation Domains........................................................................... 17-9 17.3 Evaluation of Extreme Grades......................................................................... 17-12 17.4 Variography.......................................................................................... 17-13 17.4.1 Southern Oyu Deposits....................................................................... 17-13 17.4.2 Hugo North Deposit.......................................................................... 17-14 17.5 Model Setup.......................................................................................... 17-19 17.6 Estimation........................................................................................... 17-19 17.6.1 Validation.................................................................................. 17-22 17.7 Mineral Resource Classification...................................................................... 17-24 17.7.1 Measured Mineral Resources.................................................................. 17-24 17.7.2 Indicated Mineral Resources................................................................. 17-25 17.7.3 Inferred Mineral Resources.................................................................. 17-25 17.8 Mineral Resource Summary............................................................................. 17-25 SECTION 18 - OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION............................................................. 18-1 May 2005 PAGE 1-3 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 19 - REQUIREMENTS FOR TECHNICAL REPORTS ON PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES..................... 19-1 SECTION 20 - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................. 20-1 SECTION 21 - REFERENCES...................................................................................... 21-1 TABLES Table 1-1: Oyu Tolgoi Project Mineral Resources based on a 0.6% Cu Eq. Cutoff, 3 May 2005.............. 1-6 Table 13-1: Percent Difference at the 90th Population Percentile........................................ 13-4 Table 17-1: Lithology and Structural Solids and Surfaces, Oyu Tolgoi Project............................ 17-2 Table 17-2: OTS Statistics for 5 m Composites - Cu % Data............................................... 17-4 Table 17-3: OTS Statistics for 5 m Composites - Au g/t Data............................................. 17-4 Table 17-4: Hugo North Statistics for 15 m Composites - Cu % Data....................................... 17-5 Table 17-5: Hugo North Statistics for 15 m Composites - Au g/t Data..................................... 17-5 Table 17-6: Cap Grades (Assays), Southern Oyu and Hugo North Deposits................................... 17-12 Table 17-7: Cu and Au Variogram Parameters for Southern Oyu Deposits.................................... 17-16 Table 17-8: Azimuth and Dip Angles of Rotated Variogram Axes, Southern Oyu Deposits..................... 17-17 Table 17-9: Cu and Au Variogram Parameters for Hugo North Deposit....................................... 17-18 Table 17-10: Azimuth and Dip Angles of Rotated Variogram Axes, Hugo North Deposit........................ 17-18 Table 17-11: Global Model Mean Grade Values by Domain in each Zone....................................... 17-24 Table 17-12: Oyu Tolgoi Project Mineral Resources based on a 0.6% Cu Eq. Cutoff, 3 May 2005.............. 17-26 Table 17-13: Southern Oyu Deposits Mineral Resources in Ultimate Pit based on 0.6% and 0.3% Cu Eq. Cutoff Grades, 3 May 2005................................................................... 17-27 FIGURES Figure 4-1: Location Map.................................................................................. 4-2 Figure 4-2: Oyu Tolgoi Licence in Relation to Neighbouring Tenements...................................... 4-3 Figure 5-1: Transportation Infrastructure................................................................. 5-3 Figure 7-1: Location of Oyu Tolgoi, Gurvansayhan Terrane, and Major Cenozoic Faults in Southern Mongolia...................................................................................... 7-1 Figure 7-2: Stratigraphic Column of Paleozoic Bedrock Units in the Oyu Tolgoi Project Area............... 7-3 Figure 7-3: Simplified Geological Map of Oyu Tolgoi Concession............................................ 7-9 Figure 7-4: Simplified Interpretation of Section 6200 N, Hugo South Deposit.............................. 7-19 Figure 7-5: Simplified Interpretation of Section 7100N, Hugo North Deposit............................... 7-26 Figure 7-6: Simplified Interpretation of Section 7400N, Hugo North Deposit............................... 7-27 Figure 9-1: Sulphide Distribution in the Hugo South Deposit (Section 6200N)............................... 9-6 Figure 9-2: Cross-Section 6200N in the Hugo South Deposit................................................. 9-7 Figure 9-3: Section 4767500N (7500N) in Hugo North Deposit............................................... 9-10 Figure 13-1: SRM Failure Chart............................................................................ 13-3 Figure 17-1: Southern Oyu Copper Estimation Domains...................................................... 17-10 Figure 17-2: Southern Oyu Gold Estimation Domains........................................................ 17-10 Figure 17-3: Hugo North Copper Estimation Domains........................................................ 17-11 Figure 17-4: Hugo North Gold Estimation Domains.......................................................... 17-11 May 2005 PAGE 1-4 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDICES Appendix A Drill Hole Lists and Trace Views A-1 Southern Oyu Deposits A-2 Hugo North Deposit Appendix B Composite Data Lists B-1 Southern Oyu Deposits B-2 Hugo North Deposit Appendix C QA/QC Charts C-1 Standard Reference Materials Charts C-2 Field Blanks Charts C-3 Duplicate Sample Charts Appendix D EDA Charts D-1 Histograms and CDF Plots - Southern Oyu Deposits D-2 Histograms and CDF Plots - Hugo North Deposit D-3 Boxplots D-4 Contact Plots D-5 Grade Scatter Plots Appendix E Model Validation Charts E-1 HERCO Plots E-2 Grade Swath Plots - Southern Oyu Deposits E-3 Grade Swath Plots - Hugo North Deposits Appendix F Block Model Sections and Plans - Southern Oyu Deposits Appendix G Block Model Sections and Plans - Hugo North Deposit May 2005 PAGE 1-5 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 1 - SUMMARY Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (Ivanhoe) has asked AMEC Americas Limited (AMEC) to provide an independent mineral resource estimate and Qualified Person's review and Technical Report for the Hugo Dummett (Hugo North deposit) and Southern Oyu deposits of the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. The work entailed estimating mineral resources in conformance with the CIM Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in National Instrument (NI) 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. It also involved the preparation of a Technical Report as defined in NI 43-101 and in compliance with Form 43-101F1 (the "Technical Reports"). The work represents a significant change in the size and level of confidence of the Hugo North mineral resources since the last disclosure on this deposit in a Technical Report dated June 2004, and a smaller change in the Southern Oyu deposits since the last disclosure in a Technical Report on these deposits dated September 2004. Dr. Harry Parker, Ch.P.Geol., and Dr. Stephen Juras, P.Geo., directed the mineral resource estimation work and review of the geological data. Dr. Juras most recently visited the project site from 18 to 24 February 2005. Dr. Parker visited the site from 1 to 6 April 2004. Dr. Stephen Juras, P.Geo., an employee of AMEC, who served as the Qualified Person responsible for preparing the earlier Technical Reports, served in the same capacity for this version. The Oyu Tolgoi project consists of copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization in a mid Paleozoic copper-gold porphyry system. It is located in the Aimag (Province) of Omnogov, in the South Gobi region of Mongolia, about 530 km south of the capital city of Ulaanbaatar and 80 km north of the border with China. The Oyu Tolgoi project comprises Mining License 6709A, which covers an area of 8,496 ha. Ivanhoe has been granted the exclusive right to explore within the bounds of its exploration licence. Oyu Tolgoi occurs in an early to mid Paleozoic island arc environment that is part of the Gurvansayhan terrane. The arc terrane is dominated by basaltic volcanics and intercalated volcanogenic sediments, intruded by plutonic-size, hornblende-bearing granitoids of mainly quartz monzodiorite to possibly granitic composition. Carboniferous sedimentary rocks overlie this assemblage. Property geology consists of two major stratigraphic sequences: 1) tuffs, basaltic rocks, and sedimentary strata of probable island arc affinity, assigned to the Upper Devonian Alagbayan Formation; and 2) an overlying succession containing conglomerates, fossiliferous marine siltstones, sandstones, waterlain tuffs, and basaltic to andesitic flows and volcaniclastic rocks, assigned to the Carboniferous Sainshandhudag Formation. The two sequences are separated by a regional unconformity that in the Oyu Tolgoi area is associated with a time gap of 10 Ma to 15 Ma. The southern edge of a large body of hornblende granodiorite outcrops along the northern margin of the exploration block. A wide variety of felsic to mafic dykes are found throughout the exploration block and in drill holes. These include porphyritic quartz monzodiorite dykes that may be genetically related to the copper-gold porphyry systems. Based on satellite imagery and geophysical interpretations, major structures trend N35E and N70E. May 2005 PAGE 1-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA The Southern Oyu deposits include the Southwest, Central, South, and Wedge deposits. These form contiguous zones of mineralization representing multiple mineralizing centres, each with distinct styles of mineralization, alteration, and host rock lithology. The boundaries between the individual deposits coincide with major fault zones. Strong high-sulphidation mineralization and associated advanced argillic alteration, hosted by dacite tuff and quartz monzodiorite, are characteristic of the Central and Wedge deposits, and grade downward into chalcopyrite-gold mineralization with associated biotite-chlorite alteration hosted within basalt. At Southwest the dacite tuff and overlying strata have been removed by erosion, exposing deeper-level chalcopyrite-gold mineralization with associated biotite-chlorite alteration, hosted within basalt. This gold-rich porphyry system is characterized by a southwest-plunging, pipe-like geometry with over 700 m vertical extent. Mineralization at the South deposit is chalcopyrite-bornite dominant with associated biotite-chlorite alteration and is hosted within quartz monzodiorite, basalt, and dacite tuff. The Hugo Dummett deposit contains porphyry-style mineralization associated with quartz monzodiorite intrusions, concealed beneath a deformed sequence of Upper Devonian and Lower carboniferous sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The deposit is highly elongate to the north-northeast and extends over 3.0 km. Although mineralization is continuous over this entire length, it thins marked and decreases in grade where the host strata are displaced by an east-west-striking, north-dipping fault, termed the 110 Fault. This fault defines the boundary between the Hugo South and the Hugo North deposits. The depth to the top of the high-grade zone (3% to 5% Cu) varies from 300 m at Hugo South to about 900 m at Hugo North. The high-grade zone at Hugo North comprises relatively coarse bornite impregnating quartz and disseminated in wall rocks, usually intergrown with subordinate chalcopyrite. Pyrite is rare or absent, except in local areas where the host rocks are advanced argillically altered. In addition, high-grade bornite is associated with minor amounts of tennantite, sphalerite, hessite, clausthalite, and gold. These minerals occur as inclusions or at grain boundaries. Elevated gold grades in the Hugo North deposit occur within the up-dip (western) portion of the intensely-veined high-grade core and within a steeply-dipping lower zone cutting through the western part of the quartz monzodiorite. Quartz monzodiorite in the lower zone exhibits a characteristic pink to buff colour, with a moderate intensity of quartz veining (25% by volume). This zone is characterized by finely disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite, although in hand specimen the chalcopyrite is usually not visible. The sulphides are disseminated throughout the rock in the matrix as well as in quartz veins. The Hugo Dummett deposit has several features unusual to porphyry copper systems, including 1) the anomalously high copper and gold grades, particularly in the northern part of the deposit; 2) an unusually weakly altered pre-mineral sedimentary cover sequence that lies just above the porphyry system; 3) quartz + sulphide vein contents always exceeding 15%, and commonly over 90%, in the high-grade portion of the deposit; and 4) a highly-elongate gently-plunging tabular shape to the high-grade stockwork system. The database used to estimate the mineral resources for the Southern Oyu and Hugo North deposits consists of samples and geological information from 583 drill holes for the Southern Oyu deposits May 2005 PAGE 1-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA and 156 drill holes, including daughter holes, for Hugo North. Samples from the drill programs were prepared for analysis at an on-site facility operated by SGS Mongolia LLC (SGS Mongolia). The samples were then shipped under the custody of Ivanhoe to Ulaanbaatar, where they were assayed at a facility operated by SGS Mongolia. Data transfer to the resource database was validated from original certificates through a 5% check of the database. Ivanhoe employs a comprehensive QA/QC program. All sampling and QA/QC work is overseen on behalf of Ivanhoe by Dale A. Sketchley, M.Sc., P.Geo. Each sample batch of 20 samples contains four or five quality control samples consisting of one duplicate split core sample and one uncrushed field blank, which are inserted prior to sample preparation; a reject or pulp preparation duplicate, which is inserted during sample preparation; and one or two standard reference material (SRM) samples (one <2% Cu and one >2% Cu if higher-grade mineralization is present based on visual estimates), which are inserted after sample preparation. A total of 33 different reference materials have been developed for the Oyu Tolgoi deposits and are used to monitor the assaying of six different ore types made up of varying combinations of chalcopyrite, bornite, primary and supergene chalcocite, enargite, covellite, and molybdenite. Ivanhoe strictly monitors the performance of the SRM samples as the assay results arrive at site. If a batch fails based on standard reference material and blank sample tolerance limits from round-robin programs, it is re-assayed until it passes, unless the batch is deemed to represent barren intervals. AMEC reviewed Ivanhoe's QA/QC procedures at site and found them to be strictly adhered to. Results of field blanks show low incidence of contamination and confirm negligible contamination in the assay process. AMEC also evaluated duplicate performance of core, coarse reject, and pulp duplicates was found to be well within the respective accepted ranges. The current Ivanhoe QA/QC program exceeds industry standards and demonstrates that the assay process for the Southern deposits samples is in control and the result suitable for use in mineral resource estimation. Ivanhoe used significant new data from infill drilling at Hugo North and revised structural and intrusive rock interpretations based on ongoing geologic studies at Oyu Tolgoi as a whole to create new 3D shapes of key geologic surfaces, faults, and intrusive units. For Hugo (mainly Hugo North) the changes were major since the last disclosed resource and affected both geologic and structural features. In OTS, the changes were limited to a more consistent interpretation of post-mineral dykes in all deposits and a better definition of geologic contacts in the Wedge zone. AMEC checked the shapes for interpretational consistency in section and plan, and found them to have been properly constructed. The shapes honoured the drill data and appear well constructed. To constrain grade interpolation in each of the zones, AMEC and Ivanhoe created 3D mineralized envelopes or shells. Most were based on initial outlines derived by a method of Probability Assisted Constrained Kriging (PACK). Threshold values were determined by inspection of histograms and probability curves, as well as indicator variography. The shells were based on a copper or gold grade except for the high-grade copper zone in Hugo North, which was defined based on the amount of quartz veining. The OTS gold shells were developed on threshold gold values of 0.7 g/t May 2005 PAGE 1-3 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA for Southwest and 0.5 g/t for Central and South. OTS copper shells (Southwest - Bridge area, Central, South, and Wedge) were based on threshold values of 0.3% Cu. The higher-grade copper zone at Hugo North was defined by a quartz vein percentage threshold (15%). Shell outline selection was done by inspecting contoured probability values. These shapes were then edited on plan and section views to be consistent with the structural and lithologic models and the drill assay data so that the boundaries did not violate data and current geologic understanding of mineralization controls. Traditional grade shells were drawn manually for the lower-grade copper mineralization at Hugo North, as well as Hugo North gold mineralization. The copper shell was made at a grade threshold at 0.6% Cu, whereas the gold shells (Main and West) were drawn at a grade threshold of 0.3 g/t Au. AMEC checked the grade and mineralized shapes for interpretational consistency on section and plan, and found them to have been properly constructed. The shapes honoured the drill data and interpreted geology, and appear well constructed. The estimates were made from 3D block models utilizing commercial mine planning software (MineSight(R)). Industry-accepted methods were used to create interpolation domains based on mineralized geology and grade estimation based on ordinary kriging. The assays were composited into 5 m down-hole composites in the Southern Oyu deposits and 15 m down-hole in Hugo North. The different lengths mirror the proposed mining method in each area (open-pit versus underground block-caving). The compositing honoured the lithology domain zone by breaking the composites on the domain code values. The composites included any post-mineral dyke material intervals that were deemed too small to be part of a post mineral dyke geology model. Any capping limits were applied to the assay data prior to compositing. The Oyu Tolgoi estimation plans, or sets of parameters used for estimating blocks, were designed using a philosophy of restricting the number of samples for local estimation. AMEC has found this to be an effective method of reducing smoothing and of producing estimates that match the Discrete Gaussian change-of-support model and ultimately the actual recovered grade-tonnage distributions. Reasonableness of grade interpolation was reviewed by visual inspection of sections and plans displaying block model grades, drill hole composites, and geology. Good agreement was observed. Global and local bias checks in block models, using nearest-neighbour estimated values versus the ordinary kriged values, found no evidence of bias. Final resource grade values were adjusted to reflect likely occurrences of internal dilution or no-separable dilution from the unmineralized post-mineral dykes. Final resource grade values were adjusted to reflect likely occurrences of internal dilution from the unmineralized post-mineral dykes. The estimated mined resources for Hugo North and Southern Oyu deposits were tabulated and reported using these adjusted or diluted grade values. The mineral resources of the Oyu Tolgoi project were classified using logic consistent with the CIM definitions referred to in National Instrument 43-101. Inspection of the model and drill hole data on plans and sections in the Southwest gold zone area, combined with spatial statistical work and investigation of confidence limits in predicting planned quarterly production, showed good geologic and grade continuity in areas where sample spacing was about 50 m. When taken together with all observed factors, AMEC decided that blocks covered by this data spacing in the Southwest gold zone area may be classified as Measured Mineral Resource. A three-hole rule was used where May 2005 PAGE 1-4 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA blocks containing an estimate resulting from three or more samples from different holes (all within 55 m and at least one within 30 m) were classified as Measured Mineral Resource. The Indicated Mineral Resource category is supported by the present drilling grid over most of the remaining part of the Oyu Tolgoi Southern deposits. The drill spacing is at a nominal 70 m on and between sections. Geologic and grade continuity is demonstrated by inspection of the model and drill hole data in plans and sections over the various zones, combined with spatial statistical work and investigation of confidence limits in predicting planned annual production. Considering these factors, AMEC decided that blocks covered by this data spacing may be classified as Indicated Mineral Resource. A two-hole rule was used where blocks contained an estimate resulting from two or more samples from different holes. For the Southwest deposit the two holes needed to be within 75 m, with at least one hole within 55 m. For the remaining deposits, both holes needed to be within 65 m, with at least one hole within 45 m to be classified as Indicated Mineral Resource. The Indicated Mineral Resource category is supported at Hugo North where the drill spacing is approximately 125 m by 75 m centres. Geologic and grade continuity is demonstrated by inspection of the model and drill hole data in plans and sections over the various zones, combined with spatial statistical work and investigation of confidence limits in predicting planned annual production. Considering these factors, AMEC decided that blocks covered by this data spacing may be classified as Indicated Mineral Resource. To help define the area outlined by this drill spacing, AMEC utilized an indicator variogram method (based on the Quartz Vein domain) where a suitable threshold value was selected by inspection relative to the observed drill hole locations. All interpolated blocks that did not meet the criteria for either Measured or Indicated Mineral Resource were assigned as Inferred Mineral Resource if within they fell within 150 m of a drill hole composite. The mineralization of the Oyu Tolgoi Project as of 3 May 2005 is classified as Measured, Indicated and Inferred mineral resources. The total project mineral resources are shown in Table 1-1, and are reported at copper equivalent cutoff grade of above 0.6%. Hugo South mineral resources are included in the Hugo Dummett total for completeness. Though not re-estimated as part of this work, a revised definition of the separation of Hugo South and Hugo North along the north-dipping 110 fault necessitated a re-tabulation of the existing Hugo South model. The result showed slight variations since the last disclosure in November 2003. The equivalent grade was calculated using assumed metal prices of US$0.80/lb for copper and US$350/oz for gold. For convenience the formula is: CuEq = %Cu + (g/t Au*11.25)/17.64 The contained gold and copper estimates in Table 1-1 have not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries. May 2005 PAGE 1-5 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 1-1: OYU TOLGOI PROJECT MINERAL RESOURCES BASED ON A 0.6% CU EQ. CUTOFF, 3 MAY 2005 GRADES CONTAINED METAL --------------------- -------------------------- CU AU CU EQ. CU AU MINERAL RESOURCE CATEGORY TONNES % G/T % 000 LB OZ ------------------------- ------------- ---- ---- ----- ---------- ---------- Southern Oyu Deposits Measured 101,590,000 0.64 1.10 1.34 1,440,000 3,580,000 Indicated 465,640,000 0.62 0.43 0.89 6,360,000 6,400,000 Measured+Indicated 567,230,000 0.62 0.55 0.97 7,810,000 9,980,000 Inferred 88,500,000 0.47 0.41 0.73 920,000 1,170,000 ------------- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- Hugo Dummett Deposits Indicated 581,930,000 1.89 0.41 2.15 24,250,000 7,600,000 Inferred 1,071,620,000 1.07 0.21 1.20 25,220,000 7,310,000 ------------- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- Total Oyu Tolgoi Project Measured 101,590,000 0.64 1.10 1.34 1,440,000 3,580,000 Indicated 1,047,570,000 1.33 0.42 1.59 30,610,000 14,070,000 Measured+Indicated 1,149,160,000 1.30 0.47 1.54 32,850,000 17,340,000 Inferred 1,160,120,000 1.02 0.23 1.16 26,200,000 8,400,000 ------------- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- May 2005 PAGE 1-6 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 2 - INTRODUCTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (Ivanhoe) has asked AMEC Americas Limited (AMEC) to provide an independent mineral resource estimate and Qualified Person's review and Technical Report for the Hugo Dummett (Hugo North deposit) and Southern Oyu deposits of the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. The work entailed estimating mineral resources in conformance with the CIM Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in National Instrument (NI) 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. It also involved the preparation of a Technical Report as defined in NI 43-101 and in compliance with Form 43-101F1 (the "Technical Reports"). The work represents a significant change in the size and level of confidence of the Hugo North mineral resources since the last disclosure on this deposit in a Technical Report dated June 2004, and a smaller change in the Southern Oyu deposits since the last disclosure in a Technical Report on these deposits dated September 2004. Dr. Stephen Juras, P.Geo., an employee of AMEC, who served as the Qualified Person responsible for preparing the earlier Technical Reports, served in the same capacity for this version. Information and data for the independent resource estimate were obtained from Ivanhoe personnel in Vancouver and from the project site in Mongolia. Pertinent geological data were reviewed in sufficient detail to prepare this document. Dr. Harry Parker, Ch.P.Geol., and Dr. Stephen Juras, P.Geo., directed the mineral resource estimation work and review of the geological data. Dr. Juras most recently visited the project site from 18 to 24 February 2005. Dr. Parker visited the site from 1 to 6 April 2004. 2.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE The Oyu Tolgoi project consists of a series of copper-gold mineralized deposits grouped into the Southern Oyu and Hugo Dummett deposits. The Southern Oyu deposits comprise Southwest, Central, South, and Wedge. Throughout this report, these may be termed SW, CO, SO, and WZ, respectively. Also, Southwest, South, and Central deposits may be called Southwest Oyu, South Oyu, and Central Oyu deposits, respectively. The Hugo Dummett deposits consist of Hugo South and Hugo North. Only Hugo North was part of this review and mineral resource estimate. All units of measure used in this report are in the metric system except contained metal quantities shown in the mineral resource summary tables, which are also expressed in troy ounces and pounds. May 2005 PAGE 1-7 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 3 - DISCLAIMER AMEC's review and resource work relied on work and reports done by Dr. Peter Lewis, P.Geo., of Lewis Geoscience Services Inc. on matters pertaining to structural geology of the Oyu Tolgoi project. AMEC used information from this work under the assumption that it was prepared by a Qualified Person. AMEC's resource work also relied on an ultimate open-pit design shape developed by Minproc Limited of Australia. This work, part of a nearly completed integrated development study on the Oyu Tolgoi project, was used under the assumption that it was prepared by a Qualified Person. May 2005 PAGE 3-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 4 - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION The Oyu Tolgoi property hosts a series of copper-gold mineralized deposits in a Paleozoic porphyry system. It is located in the Aimag (Province) of Omnogovi in the South Gobi region of Mongolia, about 570 km south of the capital city of Ulaanbaatar and 80 km north of the border with China (Figure 4-1). The Oyu Tolgoi property comprises Mining License 6709A (Figure 4-2), which covers an area of 8,496 ha and is centred at latitude 43(degree)00'45"N, longitude 106(degree)51'15"E. 4.1 MINERAL TENURE Ivanhoe was granted Mining Licenses for the Oyu Tolgoi property and three satellite properties on 23 December 2003, in accordance with the Minerals Law of Mongolia. These licenses give Ivanhoe the right to mine within the bounds of the license area. The licenses are valid for 60 years, with an option for Ivanhoe to extend its license for a further 40 years. These licenses were converted exploration licenses that were originally issued to BHP on 17 February 1997. The exploration license fees were US$1.50/ha in 2002 and 2003 (6th and 7th years of tenure). Thus, Ivanhoe has paid US$12,744 to the Mongolian government each year since acquiring the property. The mining license fees are: - Years 1 to 3.................................$5.00/ha - Years 4 and 5................................$7.50/ha - Years 6 on.................................$10.00/ha. The Oyu Tolgoi property was legally surveyed in August 2002 by Surtech International Ltd. using the internationally recognized survey datum WGS-84. In September 2004, Geomaster Co. Ltd, a licensed Mongolian land survey company, re-surveyed the mining concession's corner points based on the official Mongolian survey datum CS-42 (Krasskovsky) and marked the corners with concrete and steel pylons. Between the northwest and northeast corner points of Oyu Tolgoi mining lease, 6709A, and the adjoining exploration concession 3148X belonging to Entree Gold Inc., Geomaster Co. surveyed the boundary line and marked it with wooden posts on 250 m to 500 m intervals in November 2004. May 2005 PAGE 4-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 4-1: LOCATION MAP [LOCATION MAP] May 2005 PAGE 4-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 4-2: OYU TOLGOI LICENCE IN RELATION TO NEIGHBOURING TENEMENTS [OYU TOLGOI LICENCE IN RELATION TO NEIGHBOURING TENEMENTS CHART] 4.2 PERMITS AND AGREEMENTS Upon transfer of the exploration license, Ivanhoe agreed to a 2% NSR royalty with BHP Billiton. However, the 2% NSR has now been acquired by Ivanhoe. Terms of this transaction required Ivanhoe to pay BHP Billiton a total of US$37 million in two payments, with the final payment of US$20 million made on 2 February 2004. Royalties potentially payable to the Mongolian government are governed by Article 38 of the Minerals Law of Mongolia, which states: "Royalties shall be equal to 2.5 per cent of the sales value of all products extracted from the mining claim that are sold, shipped for sale, or used. Royalties shall be equal to 7.5 per cent of the sales value of gold extracted from the placer that are sold, shipped for sale, or used." May 2005 PAGE 4-3 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA When the areas were covered by exploration licenses, an environmental plan accompanied the annual work plans submitted to the relevant soum, or district (Khanbogd Soum). The original environmental performance bond was posted in 1998 by BHP and is still retained by the soum for the ongoing work. Further requirements for environmental impact assessment are discussed below. The soum must also be paid for water and road usage. Payments are computed at the end of each calendar year based on the extent of use. Archaeological surveys and excavations have been completed for the project area by the Institute of Archaeology at the Mongolian Academy of Science. Archaeological approvals have been granted for disturbance at the site. 4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Project development for Oyu Tolgoi is currently subject to environmental impact assessment (EIA) in accordance with Mongolian environmental laws. The process was initiated with the completion of the "Oyu Tolgoi project Environmental Baseline Study" in October 2002. Ivanhoe submitted this document, along with preliminary project descriptions, to the Ministry for Nature and Environment (MNE) for screening. MNE has reviewed the documentation and prepared guidelines for the completion of a detailed EIA. Sustainability, an Australian consulting firm, is assisting Ivanhoe with the EIA negotiations with the Mongolian Government and is coordinating the preparation of the appropriate documentation. Mongolian law requires a licensed Mongolian consulting firm to prepare the EIA. Accordingly, Ivanhoe engaged Eco Trade Co. Ltd. to complete this work. The final EIA report is expected to be completed and submitted to the government by July 2005. May 2005 PAGE 4-4 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 5 - ACCESSIBILITY, CLIMATE, LOCAL RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND PHYSIOGRAPHY 5.1 LOCATION The Oyu Tolgoi project is in the Aimag (Province) of Omnogovi, located in the south Gobi Region of Mongolia. The property is approximately 570 km south of the capital city Ulaanbaatar. The elevation of the Oyu Tolgoi property ranges from 1,140 m to 1,215 m above sea level. The topography largely consists of gravel-covered plains with low hills along the northern and western lease borders. Scattered, small rock outcrops and colluvial talus are widespread within the northern, western, and southern parts of the property. 5.2 REGIONAL CENTRES AND INFRASTRUCTURE There are a number of communities in the South Gobi region. The most prominent is Dalanzadgad, population 14,000, which is the centre of the Omnogovi aimag and 220 km northwest of the Oyu Tolgoi property. Facilities at Dalanzadgad include a regional hospital, tertiary technical colleges, domestic airport, and 6 MW capacity coal-fired power station. Ivanhoe envisions that Dalanzadgad may be suitable as a regional centre for recruiting and training. The closest community to the property is Khanbogd, the centre of the Khanbogd soum. Khanbogd has a population of approximately 2,000 and is 45 km to the east. Other communities relatively near to the project include Mandalgovi (population 13,500), which is capital of the Dundgovi aimag and located 310 km north of the project on the road to Ulaanbaatar, Bayan Ovoo (population 1,600), 55 km to the west, and Manlai (population 2,400), 150 km to the north. 5.3 CLIMATE The south Gobi region has a continental, semi-desert climate with cool springs and autumns, hot summers, and cold winters. The average annual precipitation is approximately 80 mm, 90% of which falls in the form of rain with the remainder as snow. Snowfall accumulations rarely exceed 50 mm. Maximum rainfall events of up to 43 mm have been recorded for short-term storm events. In an average year, rain falls on only 25 to 28 days and snow falls on 10 to 15 days. Local records indicate that thunderstorms are likely to occur between 2 and 8 days a year at the project area, with an average total of 29 hours of electrical activity annually. An average storm will have up to 83 lightning flashes a minute. Temperatures range from an extreme maximum of about 36 degrees C to an extreme minimum of about -31 degrees C. The air temperature in wintertime fluctuates between -5 degrees C and -31 degrees C. In the coldest month, January, the average temperature is -12 degrees C. May 2005 PAGE 5-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Wind is usually present at the site. Very high winds are accompanied by sand storms that often severely reduce visibility for several hours at a time. The records obtained from nine months of monitoring at the Oyu Tolgoi project weather station show that the average wind speed in April is 5.5 m/s. However, windstorms with gusts of up to 40 m/s occur for short periods. Winter snowstorms and blizzards with winds up to 40 m/s occur in the Gobi region between 5 and 8 days a year. Spring dust storms are far more frequent, and these can continue through June and July. 5.4 PHYSIOGRAPHY The region is covered by sparse semi-desert vegetation and is used by nomadic herders who tend camels, goats, and sheep. Several ephemeral streams cross the lease area and flow for short periods immediately after rainfall. Water is widely available from shallow wells. The Oyu Tolgoi property is relatively flat with occasional exposed bedrock. This topography will be amenable to the construction of the necessary infrastructure, including tailings storage sites, heap leach pads, waste disposal, and processing plant sites. 5.5 SEISMICITY Knight Piesold completed a full seismic hazard assessment in 2004 and 2005. This assessment incorporates the findings of the seismic assessment completed by the Mongolian Research Centre for Astronomy and Geophysics, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, in March 2005. The seismicity of eastern Mongolia is generally low. The nearest known active sesimotectonic zone to the project site is the Mongolian Altai, approximately 50 km to 100 km to the west. Probabilistic and deterministic methods of analysis of available data concluded that the seismic risk to the Oyu Tolgoi project is low. 5.6 TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE Ivanhoe currently accesses the property from Ulaanbaatar either by an unpaved road, via Mandalgovi (a 12-hour drive under good conditions), or by air. Ivanhoe has constructed a 1,600 m long gravel airstrip at the site. The Trans-Mongolian Railway, which crosses the Mongolia-China border approximately 420 km east of the property, traverses the country from southeast to northwest through Ulaanbaatar between Russia and China. The Chinese government has upgraded 226 km highway from Gushaan Suhait to Wuyuan, providing a direct link between the Mongolian border crossing, 80 km south of Oyu Tolgoi, and the Trans-China Railway system (Figure 5-1). Ivanhoe has entered into negotiations with Mongolian and Chinese government authorities to extend the highway the final 80 km to the Oyu Tolgoi project site. May 2005 PAGE 5-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 5-1: TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE [TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE MAP] 5.7 OTHER RESOURCES The Mongolia government has previously conducted extensive exploration for water resources in the south Gobi region, and a number of such resources were discovered. Several possible sources of water lie within 20 km to 60 km of the project site. May 2005 PAGE 5-3 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 6 - HISTORY A minor amount of copper was recovered from malachite and chrysocolla at the South Oyu deposit during the Bronze Age, as indicated by small circular pits and minor copper smelting slag (Tseveendorj and Garamjav, 1999). The Oyu Tolgoi district was explored by a joint Mongolian and Russian regional geochemical survey during the 1980s, when the Central Oyu area was identified as a molybdenum anomaly. Dondog Garamjav (now senior geologist with Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia) first visited Oyu Tolgoi in 1983 and found evidence of alteration and copper mineralization at South Oyu. In September 1996 he brought a team of Magma Copper geologists to the area, who identified a porphyry copper leached cap nearby. Exploration tenements were secured in late 1996. During the 1997 field season, BHP, which had acquired Magma Copper, carried out geological, geochemical, and geophysical surveys and completed a six-hole diamond-drilling program of 1,102 m (Perello, 2001). This program was designed to test the potential for secondary chalcocite mineralization at Central Oyu and for hypogene copper-gold mineralization at South Oyu. Drill hole OTD3 at Central Oyu intersected 10 m of 1.89% Cu from 20 m below surface, and drill hole 4 at South Oyu encountered 70 m of 1.65% Cu and 0.15 g/t Au at a depth of 56 m. A second drilling program of 17 widely spaced, relatively shallow holes (2,800 m total) was completed in 1998. Based on the results of this drilling, BHP in 1999 estimated a preliminary resource of 438 Mt averaging 0.52% Cu and 0.25 ppm Au (Perello, 2001). BHP shut down its exploration in Mongolia in mid-1999 and offered its properties for joint venture. Ivanhoe visited Oyu Tolgoi in May 1999 and made an agreement to acquire 100% interest in the property, subject to a 2% Net Smelter Royalty (NSR). Ivanhoe completed all of its earn-in requirements by June 2002 and became the owner of the property. In November 2003 Ivanhoe acquired the 2% NSR royalty retained by BHP Minerals International Exploration, a subsidiary of BHP. Ivanhoe carried out 8,000 m of reverse circulation (RC) drilling in 2000, mainly at Central Oyu, to explore the chalcocite blanket discovered earlier by BHP. Based on this drilling, Ivanhoe estimated an indicated resource of 31.7 Mt at 0.80% Cu and an additional inferred resource of 11.2 Mt grading 0.78% Cu (Cargill, 2002). In 2001, Ivanhoe continued RC drilling, mostly in the South Oyu area, to test possible oxide resources, and then completed three diamond drill holes to test the deep hypogene copper-gold potential. Hole 150 intersected 508 m of chalcopyrite-rich mineralization grading 0.81% Cu and 1.17 g/t Au. Hole 159 intersected a 49 m thick chalcocite blanket grading 1.17% Cu and 0.21 g/t Au, followed by 252 m of hypogene covellite mineralization grading 0.61% Cu and 0.11 g/t Au. These three holes were sufficiently encouraging for Ivanhoe to mount a major follow-up drill program. In late 2002, drilling in the far northern section of the property intersected 638 m of bornite-chalcopyrite-rich mineralization in hole 270, starting at a depth of 222 m. This hole marked the discovery of the Hugo Dummett deposit. May 2005 PAGE 6-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 7 - GEOLOGICAL SETTING 7.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Oyu Tolgoi camp in southern Mongolia lies within the Paleozoic Gurvansayhan Terrane, which consists of highly-deformed accretionary complexes and oceanic island arc assemblages (Badarch et al., 2002). The Gurvansayhan Terrane is itself a component of the Altaid orogenic collage a continental-scale belt dominated by collisional tectonics related to Late Paleozoic convergence and rotation of Neoproterozoic and pre-0.6 Ga cratonic blocks. In the region surrounding Oyu Tolgoi, the Altaid orogenic collage forms a broad corridor of major strike-slip faults, contractional fault and fold belts, and fault-controlled Mesozoic sedimentary basins. Major structures in this area include the Gobi-Tien Shan sinistral strike-slip fault system, which splits eastward into a number of splays in the Oyu Tolgoi area, and the Gobi Altai Fault system, which forms a complex zone of sedimentary basins overthrust by basement blocks to the north and northwest of Oyu Tolgoi (Figure 7-1). To the east of Oyu Tolgoi, regional structures are dominated by the northeast-striking East Mongolian Fault Zone, which forms the southeastern boundary of the Gurvansayhan Terrane. This regional fault may have formed as a major suture during Late Paleozoic terrane assembly, with Mesozoic reactivation leading to the formation of northeasterly-elongate sedimentary basins along the fault trace. FIGURE 7-1: LOCATION OF OYU TOLGOI, GURVANSAYHAN TERRANE, AND MAJOR CENOZOIC FAULTS IN SOUTHERN MONGOLIA [GEOLOGICAL SETTING MAP] May 2005 PAGE 7-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA The present morphology and structure of southern Mongolia largely reflect the influences of Mesozoic to Cenozoic intra-plate deformation events. The principal recognized deformation episodes include: 1) Late Jurassic to Cretaceous north-south extension, accompanied by the intrusion of granitoid bodies, unroofing of metamorphic core complexes, and formation of extensional and transpressional sedimentary basins; and 2) superimposed northeast-southwest shortening associated with major strike-slip faulting and folding within the Mesozoic basins. 7.2 PROPERTY GEOLOGICAL UNITS 7.2.1 STRATIFIED ROCKS The Oyu Tolgoi area lies within an east-west-trending belt of Devonian-Carboniferous volcanic and sedimentary rocks of continental margin and island arc affinities, constituting the South Mongolia Volcanic Belt. Two major stratigraphic sequences are recognized in the project area (Figure 7-2): 1) tuffs, basaltic rocks, and sedimentary strata of probable island arc affinity, assigned to the Upper Devonian Alagbayan Formation; and 2) an overlying succession containing conglomerates, fossiliferous marine siltstones, sandstones, waterlain tuffs, and basaltic to andesitic flows and volcaniclastic rocks, assigned to the carboniferous Sainshandhudag Formation. The two sequences are separated by a regional unconformity that, in the Oyu Tolgoi area, is associated with a time gap of 10 Ma to 15 Ma. A thin covering of gently-dipping to horizontal Cretaceous stratified clays and clay-rich gravels overlies the Paleozoic sequence, infilling paleochannels, and small fault-controlled basins. DEVONIAN ALAGBAYAN FORMATION The oldest rocks identified at Oyu Tolgoi are correlated with the Upper Devonian Alagbayan Formation. They subcrop in the area around and to the west of the South and Southwest Oyu deposits, and are intersected in drill holes in all of the deposit areas. Four major lithologic divisions are present within the Alagbayan Formation, and each of these divisions comprises two or more mappable subunits. The two lower units are commonly strongly altered and form important ore hosts, while the upper two units, although pre- to syn-mineral in age, lack significant alteration and mineralization. Unit DA1: Basaltic Flows and Volcaniclastic Rocks The stratigraphically lowest rocks identified to date at Oyu Tolgoi consist of mafic volcanic flows and volcanogenic sedimentary rocks, forming a sequence at least several hundred metres in thickness. These rocks are commonly strongly altered and host much of the contained copper in the Southern Oyu and Hugo Dummett deposits. May 2005 PAGE 7-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 7-2: STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN OF PALEOZOIC BEDROCK UNITS IN THE OYU TOLGOI PROJECT AREA [PROJECT AREA] May 2005 PAGE 7-3 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Three main lithotypes are present in the lower sequence. Lowest is a subunit consisting of grey to green finely-laminated volcanogenic siltstone and interbedded fine sandstone. These rocks are overlain by and partially interbedded with dark green, massive porphyritic (augite) basalt, characterized by up to 35% phenocrysts in a fine-grained pilotaxitic matrix of plagioclase and augite. The third principal rock type is monolithologic to slightly polylithic basaltic lapilli tuff to volcaniclastic conglomerate/breccia, occurring above or partially interbedded with the massive augite basalt. Unit DA2: Dacite Tuff / Volcaniclastic Rocks Volcanic fragmental rocks of dacitic composition overlie the basaltic rocks of unit DA1 and form an important ore host in parts of the Hugo South deposit. The dacite sequence can be up to 200 m thick and consists of two major divisions. Volumetrically dominant is buff to dark green, dacite lapilli tuff with common eutaxitic texture and ovoid to globular fragments. This subunit occurs in the lower part of the sequence and is usually overprinted by intense sericite and advanced argillic alteration. It is overlain by or partially interstratified with a thinner unit of typically unsorted, polymictic block tuff to breccia. This coarser subunit is usually less altered than the lapilli tuff and does not contain significant copper mineralization. A zircon U/Pb date of 365+/-4 Ma from the Hugo Dummett deposit constrains the age of the dacite sequence to Upper Devonian (Wainwright et al., 2005). Unit DA3: Clastic Sedimentary Sequence A clastic sedimentary sequence that overlies the dacite marks an important change in stratigraphic style that is recognizable throughout the Oyu Tolgoi project area. This clastic sequence is only weakly altered and measures up to approximately 100 m in thickness. Two main rock types are present. A finer subunit consisting of rhythmically interbedded carbonaceous siltstone and fine brown sandstone forms a lithologically distinctive unit overlying the top of the dacite. This unit is ubiquitous in drill holes in Hugo North and is also discontinuously distributed in the more southerly deposits. A second subunit characterized by polylithic conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone is abundant in the South Oyu deposits and parts of the Hugo South deposit. The conglomerate typically has a muddy matrix, and is transitional downward to boulder conglomerate and volcanic breccia at the top of the underlying dacite sequence. Cross-cutting relationships with radiometrically-dated units constrain the age of these clastic strata to Upper Devonian. Unit DA4 Basaltic Flows / Fragmental Rocks, Siltstone The uppermost strata of the Alagbayan Formation at Oyu Tolgoi comprise a sequence of basaltic flows and volcaniclastic rocks, overlain by and partly interstratified with thinly-bedded siltstone and massive sandstone. Together with unit DA3, these strata form a weakly-altered to unaltered, pre- to syn-mineralization cover sequence to the Oyu Tolgoi deposits averaging around 600 m thick. May 2005 PAGE 7-4 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Basaltic composition, dark green volcanic breccia with vesicular, fine-grained to coarsely porphyritic basaltic clasts is the dominant lithotype in the upper Alagbayan Formation. These breccias are commonly interstratified with volcanogenic sandstones and conglomerates that appear to be directly derived from the basalts. Middle parts of unit DA4 are dominated by thinly-interbedded red and green siltstone, which contain subordinate basalt layers in their lower levels. Uppermost strata of the unit are massive green to grey sandstone with rare siltstone interbeds. LOWER CARBONIFEROUS SAINSHANDHUDAG FORMATION The Lower Carboniferous Sainshandhudag Formation forms the upper of the two major stratigraphic packages at Oyu Tolgoi. The unit post-dates porphyry mineralization and is separated from the underlying Devonian rocks by a regional unconformity. Radiometric dates and biostratigraphic correlations suggest the unconformity spans a time gap of 10 Ma to 15 Ma, omitting most of the Famennian (Upper Devonian) and Tournaisian (Lower carboniferous) stages. The Sainshandhudag Formation is divided into three major units at Oyu Tolgoi: a lowermost tuffaceous sequence, an intermediate clastic package, and an uppermost volcanic/volcaniclastic sequence. Unit CS1: Andesitic Lapilli Tuff and Volcaniclastic Rocks Lowest strata within the Sainshandhudag Formation in the Oyu Tolgoi area consist of andesitic lapilli tuff with abundant fiamme, and subordinate block tuff to breccia. These rocks are characterized by a crowded feldspar phenocryst-rich matrix and angular lithic clasts, which are invariably fine-grained and non-porphyritic. The andesitic tuff is widely distributed in the Oyu Tolgoi area and measures up to 200 m in thickness. It is absent from the base of the Sainshandhudag Formation in several drill holes along the east side of the Hugo Dummett deposit, where higher units in the Sainshandhudag Formation disconformably overlie Devonian strata. A U/Pb zircon date obtained from the Hugo Dummett deposit area suggests an age of 351 +/- 2 Ma for the andesitic tuff/volcaniclastic unit (Wainwright et al., 2005). Unit CS2: Conglomerate, Sandstone, Tuff, and Coal A clastic sedimentary sequence overlies the lower andesitic package and measures up to 200 m in thickness. The sequence typically shows a progression from a lower conglomerate-sandstone-siltstone dominant unit to an overlying siltstone-waterlain tuff unit. Carbonaceous siltstone and coal beds occur in the lower part of the sequence. Abundant marine and plant fossils constrain an Upper Tournaisian-Lower Visean (Lower Carboniferous) age for the unit. May 2005 PAGE 7-5 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Unit CS3: Basaltic and Andesite Lava and Volcaniclastic Rocks The uppermost division of the Sainshandhudag Formation consists of a thick sequence of andesitic to basaltic flows and volcaniclastic rocks comprising several subunits. These subunits include, in order of superposition, a basal thin volcanic sandstone, a discontinuous porphyritic basaltic andesitic lava sequence, a thick basaltic breccia-to-block tuff unit, and an interstratified- to overlying-porphyritic basalt flow sequence. Together, these units can measure over 800 m in thickness. 7.2.2 INTRUSIVE ROCKS Intrusive rocks are widely distributed through the Oyu Tolgoi area and range from large batholithic intrusions to narrow discontinuous dykes and sills. At least seven classes of intrusive rocks can be defined on the basis of compositional and textural characteristics. Copper-gold porphyry mineralization is related to the oldest recognized intrusive suite, comprising large Devonian quartz monzodiorite intrusions that occur in all of the deposit areas. Many of the older intrusive units found on the property are strongly to intensely altered (e.g., quartz monzodiorite suite), and the compositional classifications used for these units should therefore be considered only as field terms. BASALT / DOLERITE Mafic dykes are the youngest intrusive rocks recognized on the Oyu Tolgoi property and intrude all stratified units. They are typically aphanitic to fine-grained, locally vesicular, and contain variable amounts of plagioclase phenocrysts. In the deposit area, they are limited to dykes from metres to at most a few tens of metres wide, but in the southwest part of the property they may also occur as large, sill-like intrusive masses. This class of intrusions includes a strongly magnetic, north-striking subvertical dolerite dyke that cuts across the Hugo Dummett deposit. RHYOLITE Rhyolite dykes and sills are abundant throughout the property and measure up to a few metres to tens of metres wide, with strike extents of hundreds of metres. Except where emplaced as sills, they typically have steep dips, and strike orientations are variable. Texturally they are aphanitic and aphyric. Intrusive breccias are common along dyke contacts, commonly incorporating both rhyolitic and wall rock fragments within a flow-banded groundmass. U/Pb zircon dates obtained from the rhyolite dykes are 335 +/- 3.1 Ma (Wainwright et al., 2005). HORNBLENDE BIOTITE ANDESITE, DACITE Hornblende biotite andesite and dacite dykes occur in all of the deposit areas, but usually are less volumetrically significant than other intrusive units. Both units are part of a trachyte suite, which may be genetically related to flows and pyroclastic units of the Sainshandhudag Formation. They are typically strongly porphyritic with feldspar, hornblende, and biotite. Quartz phenocrysts are common within the dacite dykes. May 2005 PAGE 7-6 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA BIOTITE GRANODIORITE Late- to post-mineral biotite granodiorite intrusions form a voluminous dyke system along the western side of the Hugo Dummett deposit and the more-restricted dykes and sills elsewhere. The intrusions are compositionally and texturally varied and likely include several intrusive phases. Typically, they contain large plagioclase phenocrysts with lesser small biotite phenocrysts, within a fine-grained to aphanitic brown groundmass. In the Hugo Dummett deposit, the age of the biotite granodiorite is constrained by U/Pb dating of zircon to 362 +/- 4 Ma (Wainwright et al., 2005). QUARTZ MONZODIORITE Porphyry-style mineralization at Oyu Tolgoi is genetically linked to Late Devonian quartz monzodiorite to monzodiorite intrusions, which form the most voluminous intrusions in the deposit area. These intrusions are texturally and compositionally varied, and several distinct phases can be distinguished within the deposits. They are typically phenocryst-crowded, with >40% plagioclase phenocrysts up to 5 mm long, and 10% to 15% biotite and hornblende. Preliminary U/Pb zircon ages of 370.6 Ma and 378 Ma have been obtained from unaltered and altered phases of the quartz monzodiorite in the Southwest Oyu deposit. These dates are at odds with the younger ages obtained from the dacite tuff country rocks and require further analysis. The form and characteristics of the quartz monzodiorite subunits are described in more detail in the following individual deposit descriptions. NORTHWEST GRANITIC COMPLEX The Oyu Tolgoi deposit area is bounded on the northwest by a large, polyphase granitic complex. Intrusive phases recognized in this complex include syenite, granite, quartz monzonite, quartz diorite, and quartz syenite. The temporal relationships between these different compositional phases have not been documented, and the only radiometric date obtained to date is a U/Pb zircon age of 348 Ma (Wainwright et al., 2005), implying that the complex post-dates mineralization at Oyu Tolgoi. The Northwest Granitic Complex is separated from older rocks of the deposit area by the northeast-striking, steeply northwest-dipping North Boundary Fault. The movement history of this fault is uncertain, and it may largely be the result of movement focused along the intrusive contact during post-intrusion deformation. HANBOGD COMPLEX The Early Permian Hanbogd alkaline granite complex is a large, circular intrusion exposed just east of the Oyu Tolgoi property. The complex has a concentric structure defined by abundant pegmatite dykes enriched in rare earth elements and Zr. The Hanbogd Complex has a flat roof, as indicated by numerous basaltic wall rock roof pendants, and may therefore have a "pancake" or lopolithic intrusive form. May 2005 PAGE 7-7 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 7.3 PROPERTY STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY The Oyu Tolgoi project area is underlain by complex networks of faults, folds, and shear zones (Figure 7-3). Most of these structures are poorly exposed on surface and can only be defined through integration of detailed exploration data (primarily drill hole data), property-scale geological mapping, and geophysical data. Ivanhoe has made extensive use of oriented core drilling at Oyu Tolgoi, and the structural data collected has been invaluable in helping determine the subsurface morphology and structural history of the project area. Major structures in the project area strongly influence the distribution of mineralization by both controlling the original position and form of mineralized bodies, and modifying them during post-mineral deformation events. 7.3.1 SOLONGO FAULT The Solongo Fault is an east- to east-northeast-striking, subvertical structure that cuts across the Oyu Tolgoi property just south of the Southwest Oyu and South Oyu deposits. All of the significant mineralization discovered to date on the Oyu Tolgoi property is on the northern block of this fault. The Solongo Fault typically occurs as a strongly tectonized, foliated zone up to several tens of metres wide. Rhyolite dykes commonly intrude the fault zone, and themselves have tectonically brecciated margins. On ground magnetic data, the fault forms a major linear anomaly that can be traced across the entire width of the Oyu Tolgoi property. The Solongo Fault forms a major structural break, and there is a minimum of approximately 1,600 m of south-side-down stratigraphic offset where it juxtaposes mineralized basalt (unit DA1b) in the South Oyu deposit against sediments correlated with the upper Alagbayan Formation (unit DA4) to the south. Depending on movement direction, net slip may be considerably greater. The displacement history of the Solongo Fault is poorly constrained. The fault clearly existed prior to emplacement of rhyolite dykes, which are part of a suite dated at 335 +/- 3 Ma. Rhyolite dykes locally cross the fault with little or no apparent displacement, implying that movement since their emplacement was negligible. May 2005 PAGE 7-8 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 7-3: SIMPLIFIED GEOLOGICAL MAP OF OYU TOLGOI CONCESSION [GEOLOGICAL MAP] Note: Shows distribution of stratigraphic and intrusive units and major structural features of the western two-thirds of the concession May 2005 PAGE 7-9 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 7.3.2 NORTHWEST SHEAR ZONE The Northwest Shear Zone is a wide, ductile shear zone that cuts across the far northwest corner of the Oyu Tolgoi project area (Figure 7-3). This shear zone consists of mylonitic to ultramylonitic rocks in the centre, grading outward over about 200 m to rocks lacking visible ductile strain. Together with the Boundary Fault, the shear zone marks the break between the volcanic and sedimentary strata hosting and surrounding the Oyu Tolgoi deposits (Alagbayan and Sainshandhudag formations), and the carboniferous granitic complex exposed on the northwestern corner of the property. Ubiquitous subhorizontal stretching lineation, asymmetric mesoscopic fabrics (shear bands, asymmetric porphyroclasts), and map-scale deflections of dykes indicate that the Northwest Shear Zone accommodated dominantly dextral strike-slip movement. The magnitude of displacement is not closely constrained, but the geometry of deformed dykes in the shear zone indicates that at least several kilometres of displacement have occurred. Deformed quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes in the shear zone are geochemically identical to the rhyolite intrusions in the deposit area, and have produced an identical U/Pb age of 335 +/- 3 Ma, placing a maximum age on shear zone deformation; no minimum age is constrained. 7.3.3 CENTRAL FAULT The Central Fault is a west-northwest-striking, moderately north-dipping structure that lies between the Hugo South and Central Oyu deposits. It occurs in numerous drill hole intersections in Hugo South, and its surface trace coincides with a strong linear magnetic anomaly. Stratigraphic distribution across the Central Fault shows conflicting stratigraphic relationships at different levels. The fault consists of several splays and may have experienced multiple periods of displacement. The simplest interpretation of geological relationships is that early fault displacement resulted in north-side-down apparent offset, followed by a later apparent reverse displacement of lesser magnitude. Stratigraphic evidence suggests the Central Fault may have been active as a Late Devonian growth fault. However, the fault is clearly visible as a linear magnetic feature cutting the overlying Sainshandhudag Formation, implying that movement continued into the carboniferous or later. 7.3.4 AXIAL FAULT, WEST BAT, EAST BAT FAULTS The alignment of the Southwest Oyu, Central Oyu, and Hugo Dummett deposits, along with the elongate form of the Hugo Dummett deposit itself, strongly implies that an underlying north-northeast-striking fault or fault zone (referred to as the Axial Fault) controlled emplacement of porphyry intrusions and related hydrothermal activity. For example, the tabular, north-northeast-elongate form of the biotite granodiorite dyke complex that follows the west side of the deposit may reflect fault-controlled intrusion. May 2005 PAGE 7-10 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA The Hugo Dummett deposit lies within a north-northeast-trending structural high bounded by the West Bat and East Bat faults. Although the latest movement on these bounding faults displaces post-mineral strata, they may represent the shallow expression of a longer-lived, deposit-controlling fault zone. Offsets of post-mineral stratigraphic contacts measure at least a kilometre (east-side up) for the West Bat Fault, and 200 m to 300 m (west-side-up) for the East Bat Fault. For both of these structures, the true slip direction is uncertain, and if there is a large strike-slip component of movement, total displacement may be significantly greater than stratigraphic offset. 7.3.5 BOUNDARY FAULT SYSTEM Roughly coincident with the northern boundary of the Oyu Tolgoi concession, an east-northeast-striking fault zone juxtaposes the Devonian sequence hosting and overlying the Oyu Tolgoi deposits against the carboniferous granitic complex to the north. Faults within this system include the North Boundary Fault, a splay of the North Boundary Fault, and the Boundary Fault. These faults dip steeply to the north or northwest, and occur as strongly-developed, foliated gouge and breccia zones ranging from decimetres to several tens of metres wide. They juxtapose younger rocks (north block) over older (south block), but true displacement direction and magnitude are poorly constrained. 7.3.6 NORTHEAST-STRIKING SECONDARY FAULTS Magnetic and satellite images show a strong northeast to east-northeast linear structural fabric cutting across parts of the Oyu Tolgoi property. Many of these lineaments can be correlated with faults identified in drill holes (e.g., East Bounding and West Bounding faults at the Southwest Oyu deposit), but others occur in areas where few or no drill holes have been completed, and may mark the positions of undocumented faults. Northeast-striking faults in the Southwest Oyu deposit form a primary control on the distribution of copper and gold mineralization, and the presence of mineralized clasts within the fault zones implies that they were also active following mineralization. Other northeast-striking faults displace stratigraphic contacts in the Lower carboniferous Sainshandhudag Formation near the South Oyu deposit. 7.3.7 FOLDS Variations in bedding attitude recorded in both oriented drill core and surface outcrops define two orientations of folds on the Oyu Tolgoi property: a dominant set of northeast-trending folds, and a less developed set of northwest-trending folds. These folds are well defined in bedded strata of both the Sainshandhudag and Alagbayan formations. They are likely present in stratified rocks throughout the property, but outcrop and drill hole data are insufficient to define them in many areas. Together, the two orientations of folds form a dome-and-basin interference pattern, but it is not possible to determine their relative ages. Both of the dominant fold orientations occur in Lower carboniferous strata, indicating that both folding events post-date mineralization. May 2005 PAGE 7-11 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Sedimentary facing direction indicators in drill holes along the east flank of the Hugo Dummett deposit indicate that parts of the upper Alagbayan Formation are overturned. The overturning is interpreted to be associated with tight to isoclinal folds. These folds are cut by biotite granodiorite dykes, and therefore most were formed within the Late Devonian. 7.4 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS The Southern Oyu deposits include the Southwest Oyu or Southwest, South Oyu or South, Wedge Zone of Wedge, and Central Oyu or Central deposits. These deposits form contiguous zones of mineralization representing multiple mineralizing centres, each with distinct styles of mineralization, alteration, and host rock lithology. The boundaries between the individual deposits coincide with major fault zones (Figure 7-3). Strong, high-sulphidation mineralization and associated advanced argillic alteration, hosted by dacite tuff and quartz monzodiorite, are characteristic of the Central and Wedge deposits. The mineralization grades downward into chalcopyrite-gold mineralization with associated biotite-chlorite alteration hosted within basalt. At Southwest the dacite tuff and overlying strata have been removed by erosion, exposing deeper-level chalcopyrite-gold mineralization with associated biotite-chlorite alteration, hosted within basalt. Mineralization at the South deposit is chalcopyrite-bornite dominant with associated biotite-chlorite alteration, and is hosted within quartz monzodiorite, basalt, and dacite tuff. 7.4.1 SOUTHWEST OYU DEPOSIT HOST ROCKS The Southwest Oyu or Southwest deposit is a Au-rich porphyry system characterized by a southwest-plunging, pipe-like geometry with over a 700 m vertical extent. Over 80% of the deposit is hosted by massive to fragmental porphyritic basalt of the Upper Devonian Alagbayan Formation, with the remainder hosted by intra-mineral, Late Devonian quartz monzodiorite intrusions. The quartz monzodiorite intrusions form irregular plugs and dykes related to several distinct phases. These include 1) early-strongly-altered quartz-veined dykes mainly limited to the high-grade central deposit core (informally referred to as OT-Qmd); 2) superimposed younger fragmental dykes entraining early quartz vein clasts but lacking strong sulphide mineralization (informally referred to as xQmd); and 3) voluminous massive quartz monzodiorite containing weaker mineralization, flanking and underlying the high-grade deposit core. Several phases of post-mineral dykes cut the Southwest deposit. Most of the dykes belong to the rhyolite, hornblende biotite andesite, or biotite granodiorite intrusive phases. They commonly have steep dips, and many are localized along faults. The rhyolite dykes tend to have west to west-northwest strikes in the deposit core and northeast strikes when emplaced along major faults. Hornblende biotite andesite dykes strike east-northeast except where they intrude along the major northeast faults. May 2005 PAGE 7-12 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Most of the Southwest deposit, and the entire high-grade, gold-rich core of the deposit, lies between two northeast-striking faults, the West Bounding Fault and the East Bounding Fault. Both faults are clearly defined on ground magnetic images, and their positions and orientations are well constrained by numerous drill hole intersections. The bounding faults consist of foliated cataclasite, gouge/breccia, and mylonitic bands in zones ranging from a few metres to a few tens of metres wide. Both faults have subparallel splays locally. Correlation of drill hole intersections constrains an average fault dip of 80(Degree) to 310(Degree) for both faults. The East Bounding Fault juxtaposes younger rocks to the southeast against the Alagbayan Formation rocks (augite basalt) hosting the deposit, while the West Bounding Fault is mainly intraformational within the augite basalt. The West Bounding Fault is commonly intruded by hornblende-biotite andesite dykes, whereas rhyolite dykes are more common along the East Bounding Fault. The cataclasite within the fault zones contains abundant quartz, quartz sulphide, and sulphide (py, cpy, sph, gal) clasts in a comminuted matrix that is locally overprinted by fine-grained pyrite and chalcopyrite. These relationships imply that at least some of the fault movement was contemporaneous with mineralization. Kinematic indicators within the fault zones imply dominantly sub-horizontal, sinistral movement on the bounding faults. Quartz-dominant veins with variable amounts of sulphide (py, cpy, bn), K-feldspar, chlorite, and carbonate are ubiquitous in the Southwest deposit, and there is a general correlation between vein density and copper and gold grade. Most veins have widths of several millimetres to several centimetres, although within the core of the deposit veins up to a metre or more thick occur. Vein contacts can be either planar or variably deformed, and folded and/or faulted veins are common. Veins within the high-grade deposit core display subparallel to sheeted forms with a preferred southwest-dipping orientation. These pass into more irregularly oriented stockwork veins in peripheral mineralized zones, where subvertical north- to northwest-striking orientations are most common. Fault geometry and kinematics, vein orientations, and deposit geometry at Southwest support a structural model invoking deposit formation in a dilational fault transfer zone. This zone is delineated by the West Bounding Fault on the northwest and the East Bounding Fault on the southeast. The preferred vein orientation within the core of the deposit reflects the local stress geometry within this zone of dilation. The Southwest deposit probably formed as a subvertical cylindrical body and attained its present west-southwest plunge during post-mineral regional deformation. This post-mineral rotation is consistent with the easterly stratigraphic dips of both pre- and post-mineral rocks in the deposit area. May 2005 PAGE 7-13 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 7.4.2 SOUTH OYU DEPOSIT HOST ROCKS The South Oyu or South deposit occurs within an east- to northeast-dipping sequence of Alagbayan Formation strata (basalt and dacite tuff units), intruded on the southwest by an irregular quartz monzodiorite body. Much of the basalt sequence contains fragmental textures with juvenile pyroclasts and is texturally similar to the overlying dacite tuff sequence. To the northeast, the altered and mineralized rocks are overlain by mudstones and conglomerates of the upper Alagbayan Formation, which pass up-section into the overlying basalt and sediment sequence and ultimately into rocks of the Sainshandhudag Formation. The deposit area is cut by numerous barren dykes, most of which belong to the post-mineral rhyolite and basalt intrusive suites. These dykes typically have widths of only a few metres, with the exception of a major, east-west rhyolite dyke that cuts through the middle of the South deposit and attains widths of up to a few tens of metres. This wide dyke commonly balloons into larger intrusive masses where it intersects the South and Solongo faults. Although irregular in form, the rhyolite dykes have roughly west to west-northwest strikes and steep dips. In contrast, the basalt dykes have moderate north-easterly dips, subparallel to contacts within the stratified host rocks. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY The South deposit lies on a fault block bounded on the northwest by the northeast-striking South Fault, and on the south by the east-northeast-striking Solongo Fault (Figure 7-3). The South Fault forms a zone with several strands over a width of up to 90 m, which juxtapose progressively younger strata on the northwest against older strata to the southeast. Drill hole intersections of these faults typically consist of gouge and breccia zones up to several metres wide. To the west, the faults strike into a large quartz monzodiorite intrusion. The faults are difficult to trace through the intrusion and offset of the intrusive contact is minimal, implying that most movement pre-dated emplacement of the quartz monzodiorite. The Solongo Fault truncates the southern edge of the South deposit. It forms a wide, strongly tectonized zone. Stratigraphic offset on the Solongo Fault is at least 1,600 m. No significant mineralization has been identified on the south side of the fault. Copper mineralization in the South deposit is associated with stockworks of thin (usually < 10 cm) quartz+sulphide veins. In surface exploration pits and trenches, veins occur as steep, northwest-striking, strongly sheeted sets. However, veins intersected in drill holes have a stockwork style and lack the strong preferred orientation visible in surface exposures. May 2005 PAGE 7-14 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 7.4.3 WEDGE DEPOSIT HOST ROCKS The Wedge deposit occurs within a northeast-dipping sequence of Upper Devonian Alagbayan Formation strata similar to that hosting the adjacent South deposit. However, in the Wedge deposit, the dacite tuff unit is significantly thicker (up to 180 m) than at South and forms the dominant host to copper mineralization. On the northeast, conformably overlying non-mineralized rocks of the upper Alagbayan Formation and lower Sainshandhudag Formation form the upper limit of mineralization. Mineralized rocks in the Wedge deposit are cut by numerous barren dykes, including biotite granodiorite, hornblende biotite andesite, and rhyolite compositions. Biotite granodiorite and hornblende biotite andesite are more common along the northwest margin of the deposit and typically have northeast strikes, parallel to the East Bounding Fault. These intrusions are also common as sills, typically intruding along the stratigraphic contact between the dacite tuff and the overlying sedimentary strata. Rhyolite dykes are common throughout the deposit. They typically have steeply-dipping contacts but varied strike orientations. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY The Wedge deposit occupies a rectangular fault block bounded on the west by the northeast-striking East Bounding Fault and on the south by the east-northeast-striking South Fault (Figure 7-3). Within this block, stratigraphic contacts are continuous and relatively planar, showing little evidence of structural disruption. Movement on the East Bounding and South faults has juxtaposed younger strata within the fault block hosting the Wedge deposit against older strata on the adjacent blocks containing the Southwest and South deposits. Stratigraphic contacts are relatively continuous between the Wedge deposit and the Central deposit, implying that displacement on the East Bounding Fault is largely transferred to the Rhyolite Fault (between Southwest and Central), leaving the Wedge and Central as a structurally intact block that has been displaced downward relative to the Southwest and South deposits. Fault disruption is common along the contact between the Alagbayan Formation dacite tuff and the overlying sedimentary strata. However, there is no evidence of significant stratigraphic omission or repetition associated with this faulting, and the movement may be relatively minor. 7.4.4 CENTRAL OYU DEPOSIT HOST ROCKS The Central Oyu or Central deposit is hosted within a swarm of feldspar-phyric quartz monzodiorite intrusions, emplaced into porphyritic augite basalt and overlying dacite tuff of the Alagbayan May 2005 PAGE 7-15 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Formation. The dacite tuff is in turn overlain by unmineralized sedimentary and mafic volcanic rocks of the upper Alagbayan Formation, which currently dip moderately to the east. Several phases of intra-mineral and late-mineral quartz monzodiorite intrusions have been distinguished in the Central deposit based on textural variations and intensity of mineralization and alteration. Most have dyke forms, emanating from a larger intrusive mass to the north and west of the deposit area. The quartz monzodiorite dykes terminate within the base of the sedimentary units of the upper Alagbayan Formation. Basalt flows and dacite tuffs of the Alagbayan Formation are preserved as a series of isolated, irregular, moderately north- to northeast-dipping bodies within the quartz monzodiorite dyke swarm. These volcanic windows are up to 200 m thick and extend several hundred metres down dip to the limit of drilling. The contact between the dacite and the overlying sedimentary sequence is commonly faulted and forms the upper limit to mineralization, as elsewhere in the Oyu Tolgoi district. Post-mineral dykes are common in the Central deposit and comprise rhyolite, biotite granodiorite, hornblende biotite andesite, and dacite dykes. The rhyolite dykes are most abundant, with the majority occurring as west- and west-northwest-striking bodies in the southern half and on the periphery of the deposit. Biotite-granodiorite dykes occur along the deposit's eastern margin and tend to strike north to north-northeast. East-northeast striking hornblende biotite andesite dykes occur mainly along the north-eastern margin of the deposit. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Drill holes through the Central deposit show little evidence of significant post-mineral faulting, and the mineralogical zoning, grade distribution, and continuity of contacts are consistent with the deposit being contained in a structurally intact block. Most contacts in the deposit are intrusive or stratigraphic, although minor faulting occurs locally. Post-mineral faults form minor zones of breccia and cataclasite in some drill holes, but it is not possible to correlate these intersections between drill holes to define continuous fault surfaces. Pre- or syn-mineral faults, if present, are largely obscured by intrusive and hydrothermal overprinting. The Central deposit area is overlain to the east by non-mineralized conglomerate, mudstone, and siltstone of the upper Alagbayan Formation. Wide zones of breccia and foliated breccia occur either along the basal contact of or within the lower portion of these sedimentary strata. The displacement history of these zones is uncertain, and they may be related to minor post-mineralization movement between the two rheologically contrasting rock packages. Along its southern margin, the Central deposit is juxtaposed against the Southwest deposit area by an east-west-striking fault that is now occupied by a rhyolite dyke (the Rhyolite Fault). The ignimbrite and overlying sedimentary units have been uplifted and eroded from the block south of this fault. May 2005 PAGE 7-16 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Mineralized veins within the Central deposit show a range in orientations, the most common including southwest-, west-, and northwest-dipping attitudes. Vein orientations are similar to those documented in the Southwest deposit, although the degree of preferred orientation in the deposit core is weaker at Central. Similar preferred vein orientations at Central and Southwest suggest that the two deposits were formed in a similar structural regime. However, the Central deposit lacks the strong bounding fault control that is fundamental to the form and geometry of the Southwest deposit. This lack of bounding fault control may account for the more-irregular form of the mineralized body at Central. Post-mineral tilting of the Central deposit is implied by bedding dips in the enclosing and overlying stratigraphic sequence. Rotating the structural data for the Central deposit sufficiently to restore bedding to horizontal indicates a strong preference for subvertical veins within the deposit at the time of formation. 7.5 HUGO DUMMETT DEPOSITS The Hugo Dummett Deposits contain porphyry-style mineralization associated with quartz monzodiorite intrusions, concealed beneath a deformed sequence of Upper Devonian and Lower carboniferous sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The deposits are highly elongate to the north-northeast and extend over 3 km (Figure 7-3). Although mineralization is continuous over this entire length, it thins markedly and decreases in grade where the host strata are displaced by an east-west striking, north-dipping fault, termed the 110 Fault. This fault defines the boundary between the Hugo South and the Hugo North deposits. The depth to the top of the high-grade (>2.5% Cu) zone varies from 300 m at Hugo South to about 900 m at Hugo North. 7.5.1 HUGO SOUTH DEPOSIT HOST ROCKS The Hugo South deposit is hosted by an easterly-dipping sequence of volcanic strata correlated with the lower part of the Devonian Alagbayan Formation and quartz monzodiorite intrusive rocks. Stratigraphically lowest rocks in the sequence consist of porphyritic basalt flows and minor volcaniclastic strata. These rocks are overlain by dacite tuffs and breccias forming a sequence approximately 100 m to 200 m thick. Weakly-altered to unaltered sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the upper Alagbayan Formation and Sainshandhudag Formation overlie the mineralized sequence along the eastern flank of the Hugo South deposit. The thickness of the non-mineralized Alagbayan Formation sequence commonly exceeds 600 m, although structural thickening may occur within the sequence. The Sainshandhudag Formation strata unconformably overlie, and are locally faulted against, the Alagbayan Formation. Several phases of intrusive rocks occur in the Hugo South deposit. The oldest recognized intrusions are quartz monzodiorite bodies, which underlie the entire deposit area and contain low copper May 2005 PAGE 7-17 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA grades. Quartz monzodiorite contacts are irregular, but overall show a preferred easterly dip, subparallel to contacts in the enclosing stratified rocks. The quartz monzodiorite is broadly contemporaneous with alteration and mineralization, and two varieties are distinguished on the basis of alteration characteristics and position within the deposit: 1) an intensely quartz veined phase that occurs along the upper margin of the main intrusive body or as a separate east-dipping tabular body in the overlying strata; and 2) a lower-grade, more weakly veined variety, which makes up the large intrusive body forming the lower part of and underlying the entire deposit. Late- to post-mineral biotite granodiorite intrusions form a north-northeast-striking dyke complex cutting across the western edge of the deposit. Based on correlations between drill hole intersections and measurements of individual contacts using oriented drill core, dyke contacts appear to have a moderate to steeply west-dipping preferred orientation. Younger intrusions include rhyolitic, hornblende biotite andesite, dacite, and basalt/dolerite compositional varieties. These intrusions usually occur as dykes with subvertical orientations, or less commonly as easterly-dipping sills emplaced along stratigraphic contacts. They are non-mineralized and not volumetrically significant except locally in the deposit. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY The Hugo South deposit occurs within a north-northeasterly elongate block bounded on the north and south by moderately north-dipping faults, and on the east and west by steep, north-northeast-striking faults. Strata within the block form a homoclinal sequence dipping moderately to the east-southeast. Deformation of the Hugo South deposit is dominated by brittle faulting (Figure 7-4). Major faults cutting the deposit can be grouped on the basis of orientation into four sets: 1) east-west striking, moderately north-dipping faults (110, Central faults); 2) steep north-northeast-striking faults (East and West Bat, East Hugo, and Axial faults); 3) north-northeast-striking faults that dip moderately east, subparallel to lithologic contacts (Contact, Lower faults); and 4) east-west-striking, subvertical faults (East-West Fault). 110 Fault The 110 Fault defines the division between the Hugo North and Hugo South deposits, although mineralization is continuous across the fault. The fault strikes east-west and dips northerly at approximately 45 degrees to 55 degrees. In drill hole intersections, the 110 Fault consists of zones of non-cohesive gouge and breccia up to several metres thick. Tectonic fragments within the fault zone are derived from adjacent wall rocks and include mineralized quartz veins within strongly foliated clay gouge. May 2005 PAGE 7-18 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 7-4: SIMPLIFIED INTERPRETATION OF SECTION 6200 N, HUGO SOUTH DEPOSIT [GRAPH] Note: Shows distribution of major lithologic units, principal faults, and Cu mineralization The 110 Fault juxtaposes younger strata on the hangingwall block (north) against older strata on the footwall block (south). The stratigraphic offset of the base of the upper member of the Alagbayan Formation varies between approximately 100 m and 200 m. Depending on the net slip direction, the true offset may be greater. The fault is truncated up-dip by the East-West Fault, and the intersection between the two fault surfaces is subhorizontal. Because it is truncated by the East-West Fault, the 110 Fault does not have a surface trace in the Hugo Dummett deposit area. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that earliest movement on the 110 Fault had a large north-side-down component and may have been syn-depositional with respect to the strata immediately overlying the ignimbrite unit. In particular, in several areas coarse volcanic breccias (block and ash tuff unit) are thicker in drill holes immediately north of the fault than on the southern fault block. In addition, the upper basalt + sediment portion of the Alagbayan Formation is up to 200 m thicker on the northern fault block than to the south. However, the variation in thickness could be associated with varying depths of erosion at the disconformity marking the top of the unit. Additional evidence for early movement on the 110 Fault is the lack of offset of the biotite granodiorite dyke contact May 2005 PAGE 7-19 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA where the two intersect, implying that most of the stratigraphic displacement pre-dates dyke emplacement. Kinematic indicators in the foliated gouge indicate oblique sinistral + reverse movement on the 110 Fault, contrary to the apparent stratigraphic displacement. These fabrics likely record a late period of movement that is of lesser apparent magnitude than earlier displacements. Cataclasite developed during this stage of movement contains tectonic fragments of veins with copper sulphides, indicating post-mineral timing. However, the late fault movement does not significantly displace mineralization. Central Fault The Central Fault is a shallowly to moderately north-dipping structure that lies beneath the southern portion of the Hugo Dummett deposit. It projects to surface between the Hugo South and Central deposits. Drill hole intersections indicate a strike of approximately 90 degrees to 100 degrees, and its surface trace coincides with a strong linear magnetic anomaly. At shallow levels, stratigraphic contacts are offset across the Central Fault with apparent normal displacement. At deeper levels (OTD401 series drill holes), the opposite stratigraphic relationships occur: dacite tuff of the Alagbayan Formation is faulted over sedimentary strata correlated with the upper Alagbayan Formation. In drill core, the Central Fault consists of a zone of fault breccia and gouge that can be up to several metres thick. Contradictory stratigraphic relationships (stratigraphic repetition at deeper levels, stratigraphic omission at shallow levels) imply that the Central Fault may have experienced multiple periods of displacement, similar to the history proposed for the 110 Fault. The simplest interpretation is that early displacement resulted in north-side-down apparent offset, followed by a later period of reverse displacement during a period of roughly north-south contractional deformation. The magnitude of reverse displacement was insufficient to restore the entire apparent normal offset. At depth, the reverse sense reactivation may have been localized along a splay in the hangingwall of the principal fault surface, resulting in local stratigraphic repetition. East-West Fault The East-West Fault cuts across and displaces the northern end of the Hugo South deposit. Drill hole intersections constrain the fault orientation to subvertical with a strike of approximately 080 degrees to 090 degrees. It forms an abrupt boundary to alteration and mineralization in several sections. Biotite granodiorite dyke contacts -- the Contact Fault, East Hugo Fault, 110 Fault, and East Bat Fault -- are all cut by the East-West. In drill hole intersections, the East-West Fault occurs as a zone of clay-rich breccia and locally foliated gouge up to several metres in width, similar in character to the Central and 110 faults. Narrow basaltic dykes commonly occur within the fault zone. May 2005 PAGE 7-20 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Offsets of a late basaltic dyke, stratigraphic contacts, and the axis of the Hugo South deposit constrain an oblique dextral + north-side-down net slip of roughly 150 m to 200 m on the fault, along a gently eastward-plunging slip vector. Deposit-Parallel Faults Moderately east-dipping (deposit-parallel) faults that occur within and immediately adjacent to the Hugo Dummett deposit include the Contact Fault and the Lower Fault. The Contact Fault is a bedding-parallel detachment zone that normally occurs at the transition between the dacite tuff unit (middle Alagbayan Formation) and the overlying sediment/basalt sequence. The intensity of fabric development along this fault is highly variable: in some drill holes it occurs as a wide zone of anastamosing foliation and brecciation in carbonaceous mudstones within the base of the upper sequence; elsewhere there is little tectonic disruption along the contact. The Contact Fault is often intruded by dykes or sills of basaltic, andesitic, or rhyolitic composition. The Contact Fault marks the upper limit of strong alteration in most of the Hugo Dummett deposit. Bedding above and below the faulted contact is concordant. Other than the variable thickness of lithologic marker unit near the contact (e.g., uppermost block and ash tuff in the middle Alagbayan Formation), there is no indication that significant structural omission or repetition has occurred at the Contact Fault. In the western part of the Hugo Dummett deposit, the biotite granodiorite dyke crosses the Contact Fault at a high angle. The fault continues as a narrow zone of breccia and clay gouge in the biotite granodiorite, but is difficult to identify in many drill holes. Although there is likely some displacement of the intrusive contact, the magnitude is too small to be mappable with the present drill hole spacing. The Lower Fault occurs as an intensely brecciated, clay gouge-rich zone within the middle or lower portion of the mineralized body, typically 200 m to 400 m below the Contact Fault. Similar to the Contact Fault, the Lower Fault can be traced westward through at least part of the biotite granodiorite dyke as a narrow zone of breccia and gouge. Latest movement on the deposit-parallel faults post-dates both mineralization in the Hugo Dummett deposit and intrusion of the biotite granodiorite dykes. It is difficult to clearly demonstrate geological offsets on the deposit-parallel faults. The lack of apparent offset may in part reflect the absence of clear stratigraphic markers at the levels at which the faults occur, as well as the fault orientation being close to that of both stratigraphic and alteration contacts. However, in the Hugo North deposit, the Lower Fault appears to displace the Hugo North gold zone and biotite granodiorite dykes by up to 400 m. The contact-parallel nature of the Contact and Lower faults suggests that they may have formed as gently-dipping thrusts during regional contractional deformation. These faults were localized along contacts between units with differing competencies, or along relatively weak layers within the stratigraphic sequence. May 2005 PAGE 7-21 [AMEC LOGO [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Axial Fault The linear mineralized trend defined by the Central, Southwest, and Hugo Dummett deposits, which now measures over 6.5 km, likely reflects the presence of a deep, north-northeast-striking crustal fault or fault zone controlling magma emplacement and mineralization. This inferred structure probably also controlled emplacement of the north-northeast-striking late-mineral biotite granodiorite dyke. Although the controlling structure is largely conceptual and direct evidence for it would have been overprinted in many areas by the biotite granodiorite dyke, it is referred to for convenience as the Axial Fault. Apparent offsets of stratigraphic contacts across the main biotite granodiorite dyke provide supporting evidence for the existence of the Axial Fault (Figure 7-4). Depending on how contacts are projected through areas with low drill hole density, the basal contact of the upper member of the Alagbayan Formation shows an apparent stratigraphic displacement of approximately 200 m to 300 m across the biotite granodiorite dyke. Because the slip direction is unknown, this represents the minimum amount of movement on the fault. There is no clear evidence for post-dyke movement on the Axial Fault. This restricts the timing of movement to the narrow time interval between deposition of upper Alagbayan Formation and intrusion of the biotite granodiorite. West Bat Fault The West Bat Fault is a north-northeast-striking, subvertical structure that extends along the west side of the Hugo Dummett deposit. It cuts the northwestern edge of the Hugo North deposit, but is well west of the main part of the Hugo South deposit. The structural character of the fault in drill hole intersections varies with both depth and stratigraphic level. In deeper intersections, where the fault juxtaposes massive volcanic conglomerates (upper Sainshandhudag Formation) against quartz monzodiorite, biotite granodiorite, or lower Alagbayan Formation, it occurs as a weakly to moderately foliated gouge and breccia zone up to a few metres wide. At shallower levels, the fault forms a much broader tectonized zone and commonly splits into several subparallel splays. The West Bat Fault juxtaposes significantly lower stratigraphic levels to the east against higher stratigraphic levels to the west. If the base of the upper Sainshandhudag Formation is used as a marker, stratigraphic offset, and therefore the minimum net slip, is over 1,500 m. Determination of true net slip amount and direction on the West Bat Fault is complicated by the probable multiple periods of movement on the fault, and available data do not uniquely constrain the fault movement history. East Bat Fault The East Bat Fault is a north-northeast-striking, subvertical structure occurring along the east side of the Hugo Dummett deposit. Although contact positions adjacent to the fault imply a minimum of a few hundred metres' displacement, the fault expression in drill core can be subtle, often amounting May 2005 PAGE 7-22 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA to only decimetres of foliated gouge or cataclasite. The East Bat Fault occurs well east of the mineralization defined within the Hugo South deposit. Stratigraphic contacts within the Sainshandhudag Formation show around 200 m to 300 m of east-side-down stratigraphic offset across the East Bat Fault. There is no kinematic information available for the fault, so the true slip direction and amount are uncertain. Much, if not all, movement would have been post-mineral: the fault cuts carboniferous strata of the Sainshandhudag Formation, but is itself cut by the East-West Fault. East Hugo Fault The East Hugo Fault occurs as a north- to north-northwest-striking, steeply east-dipping zone of strong to intense brecciation and clay gouge occurring along the east limb of the Hugo South and Hugo North deposits. At Hugo South it cuts across stratigraphic contacts at moderate angles and forms a sharp break in alteration intensity and copper grade. It displaces mineralization, and there is no evidence in grade distribution or alteration to suggest that the fault was present at the time of mineralization. Drill hole data suggest that the East Hugo Fault cuts the 110 Fault but is displaced dextrally by the East-West Fault. Sections where fault and contact geometry are best constrained show apparent east-side-down displacement of the Alagbayan Formation contacts ranging from about 200 m to as much as 400 m. The true slip direction, and thus the amount of net slip, is not constrained. Folding History Bedding measurements obtained from oriented drill core, mainly from bedded intervals within the upper Alagbayan Formation, define two orientations of folds in the Hugo South deposit area: a dominant set of north-northeast-trending folds, and a subordinate set of northwest-trending folds. Both of the dominant fold orientations also occur in carboniferous post-mineral strata, indicating that both events post-date mineralization and may have modified the form of the deposit. Within the upper Alagbayan Formation, north-northeast-trending folds have wavelengths and amplitudes on the scale of metres to tens of metres. The far greater abundance of east-dipping bedding measurements implies that the fold geometry is strongly asymmetric, characterized by west-verging folds. In contrast, northwest-trending folds have wavelengths of hundreds of metres and open, symmetric forms. Together, the two fold sets define an elongate dome and basin interference pattern. Because the axial surfaces and fold axes of the two sets are at a high angle to one another, and no penetrative cleavage fabrics formed during either event, it is not possible to determine their relative ages in the deposit area. Reversals in sedimentary facing direction occur locally in the upper part of the Alagbayan Formation along the east flank of the Hugo South deposit. These reversals suggest the presence of tight to isoclinal folds affecting at least the Alagbayan Formation. These same overturned folds occur in the Hugo North deposit, where they are cut by the Late Devonian biotite granodiorite dyke. These May 2005 PAGE 7-23 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA cross-cutting relationships effectively bracket the timing of folding to Late Devonian, roughly contemporaneous or close in age to mineralization. 7.5.2 HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT HOST ROCKS The Hugo North deposit occurs within a geological setting similar to that at Hugo South. Host rocks are an easterly-dipping sequence of volcanic strata correlated with the lower part of the Devonian Alagbayan Formation and quartz monzodiorite intrusive rocks. Stratigraphically lowest rocks in the sequence consist of basalt flows and minor volcaniclastic strata overlain by a dacite tuff and breccia sequence. The dacite sequence includes a lower lapilli tuff unit, with overlying coarser tuffs and breccias. Weakly-altered to unaltered sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the upper Alagbayan Formation and Sainshandhudag Formation overlie the mineralized sequence along the eastern flank of the deposit. Farther to the east and up-section, Sainshandhudag Formation rocks unconformably overlie and are locally faulted against the Alagbayan Formation. Intrusive rocks at Hugo North are dominated by quartz monzodiorite bodies that underlie the entire deposit area and host a significant portion of the copper and gold mineralization. Quartz monzodiorite contacts are irregular, but overall show a preferred easterly dip, subparallel to stratification in the enclosing rocks. The quartz monzodiorite is contemporaneous with alteration and mineralization, and several varieties are distinguished on the basis of alteration characteristics and position within the deposit: 1) an intensely quartz-veined phase that occurs along the upper margin of the main intrusive body or as a separate east-dipping tabular body in the overlying strata; 2) a gold-rich phase, restricted to the western part of the main intrusion in the northern part of the Hugo North deposit; and 3) the main intrusive body, which typically has lower vein density and lower copper and gold grades. Cross-cutting relationships between the different phases are ambiguous, and it is uncertain whether they represent a temporally distinct intrusive events or simply variations in alteration intensity related to position within the deposit. Late- to post-mineral biotite granodiorite intrusions form a voluminous, northerly-striking dyke complex cutting across the western edge of the deposit. Although these intrusions locally contain elevated copper grades adjacent to intrusive contacts or associated with xenolithic zones, they are essentially non-mineralized. The positions and orientations of dyke contacts are now well established in the Hugo North deposit area on the basis of correlations between drill hole intersections and measurements of individual contacts using oriented drill core. Dominant dyke orientation varies with depth. At levels above approximately 250 m, where it cuts through the non-mineralized hangingwall strata, the biotite granodiorite occurs as a single intrusive mass with contacts dipping moderately to steeply to the west. Below this level, the biotite granodiorite is more complex, occurring as multiple, subparallel to anastamosing dykes that cut through the quartz monzodiorite intrusion and mineralized Alagbayan Formation strata. Drill hole correlation suggests May 2005 PAGE 7-24 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA that this lower portion contains a wide, steeply-dipping central dyke, from which emanate numerous moderately- to steeply-dipping apophyses. Younger intrusions include rhyolitic, hornblende biotite andesite, dacite, and basalt/dolerite compositional varieties. These intrusions usually occur as dykes with subvertical orientations or less commonly as easterly-dipping sills emplaced along stratigraphic contacts. They are non-mineralized and not volumetrically significant in most of the deposit. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY The Hugo North deposit occurs within easterly-dipping homoclinal strata contained in a north-northeasterly elongate fault-bounded block. The northern end of this block is cut by several northeast-striking faults near the northern boundary of the Oyu Tolgoi property, but the deposit remains open along trend north of these faults. Other than these northeasterly faults, the structural geometry and deformation history of the Hugo North deposit are similar to those of the Hugo South deposit. Deformation of the Hugo North deposit is dominated by brittle faulting (Figures 7-5 and 7-6). Major faults cutting the deposit can be grouped on the basis of orientation into four sets: 1) east-west-striking, moderately north-dipping faults (110 Fault); 2) steep north-northeast-striking faults (East and West Bat, East Hugo, and Axial faults); 3) north-northeast-striking, moderately east-dipping faults subparallel to lithologic contacts (Contact, Lower faults); and 4) the east-northeast-striking faults cutting across the northern end of the deposit (Boundary Fault System). 110 Fault The 110 Fault defines the division between the Hugo North and Hugo South deposits. The Hugo North deposit diminishes in size and grade southward approaching the fault. The characteristics and interpretation of the 110 Fault are summarized above in the description of the Hugo South deposit. Deposit-Parallel Faults Moderately east-dipping faults at the Hugo North deposit include the Contact Fault and the Lower Fault. The Contact Fault is a bedding-parallel detachment zone that normally occurs at the transition between the dacite tuff (middle Alagbayan Formation) and the overlying basalt/sediment cover sequence. The structural character of the Contact Fault at Hugo North is similar to that described above for the Hugo South area. The Contact Fault does not significantly displace the biotite granodiorite dyke contact, implying that movement following emplacement of this intrusion was minor. May 2005 PAGE 7-25 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 7.5: SIMPLIFIED INTERPRETATION OF SECTION 7100N, HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT [HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT PLAN] Notes: Shows distribution of major lithologic units, principal faults, and Cu mineralization May 2005 PAGE 7-26 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 7-6: SIMPLIFIED INTERPRETATION OF SECTION 7400N, HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT [HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT PLAN] Note: Shows distribution of major lithologic units, principal faults, and Cu mineralization May 2005 PAGE 7-27 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA The Lower Fault at Hugo North occurs as an intensely brecciated to foliated, clay-rich gouge zone within the middle or lower portion of the high-grade mineralized body, typically at a level 200 m to 400 m below the Contact Fault. It often coincides with the upper contact of the easterly-dipping portion of the biotite granodiorite dyke and extends updip within the dyke as well. In many drill holes, the Lower Fault occurs at an abrupt downhole discontinuity in copper and/or gold grades, indicating that latest movement displaced mineralized zones. Cross-sections through the Hugo North gold zone show apparent thrust offsets of around 300 m to 400 m, based on displaced high gold grades. West Bat Fault The subvertical, north-northeast-striking West Bat Fault occurs along the west side of the Hugo North deposit and cuts the western edge of the northern part of the deposit. Its orientation and structural character are similar to those at Hugo South, except that it splays upwards and northwards into several subparallel strands. Drill hole intersections in the northern part of Hugo North indicate an irregular fault surface, although this irregularity may be in part due to inaccurate surveys, compounded by the great depths of the fault-piercing points. The West Bat Fault is truncated at its northern end by the northeast-striking Boundary Fault System. The stratigraphic offset of the base of the upper Sainshandhudag Formation across the West Bat Fault is over 1,500 m. The fault movement direction is unknown, and the total offset may be significantly greater than the stratigraphic offset. East Bat Fault The north-northeast-striking East Bat Fault follows the east flank of the Hugo Dummett deposit, well east of the known deposit extents. It is intersected in only three drill holes at Hugo North, all of which are in the southernmost part of the deposit. The fault is assumed to continue northward along the edge of the deposit, but its existence is unproven. Based on constraints in the Hugo South area, the East Bat Fault has several hundred metres of apparent east-side-down displacement. East Hugo Fault The East Hugo Fault can be traced northward from the Hugo South deposit up to approximately Section 4767500N. In the southern and central part of Hugo North, it cuts across stratigraphic contacts at moderate angles and forms a sharp break in alteration intensity and copper grade. The fault gradually loses expression northward, suggesting a gradual decrease in displacement. The East Hugo Fault strikes north to north-northwest (subparallel to the deposit trend) and dips steeply to the east. The northernmost segment has a slightly more northerly strike than the fault to the south. The fault cuts and displaces mineralization, and there is no evidence that the fault was present at the time of mineralization. May 2005 PAGE 7-28 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Northeast-Striking Faults (Boundary Fault, Others) Several northeast-striking faults cut across the northern end of the Hugo North deposit near where it crosses the Oyu Tolgoi property boundary. These include the North Boundary Fault, which juxtaposes carboniferous granitic rocks against carboniferous strata to the south, an unnamed, more gently-dipping splay of the North Boundary Fault, and the Boundary Fault, which occurs slightly to the south. The North Boundary Fault has been intersected in several drill holes and usually occurs as a zone of intensely developed, foliated clay gouge up to several tens of metres wide. Its strike varies from east-northeast to nearly north-south, but dips are consistently around 70(degree) to the northwest. The Boundary Fault follows the intrusive contact of the granitic complex in the northwest part of the Oyu Tolgoi Property and likely represents reactivation of that surface during regional deformation. A moderately northwest-dipping splay of the North Boundary Fault juxtaposes carboniferous strata over the deposit sequence in several drill holes in the northern part of the property. This splay diverges upward from the North Boundary Fault well above the level of mineralization and thus does not cut the deposit. The steep, northeast-striking Boundary Fault juxtaposes strongly-mineralized rocks against post-mineral carboniferous strata near the northern property boundary. This fault truncates the West Bat Fault and likely displaces it and the northern end of the Hugo North deposit to the northeast. At higher levels, the Boundary Fault is cut by the splay of the North Boundary Fault. Folding History Bedding measurements indicate that fold style and orientation in the Hugo North deposit are similar to those at Hugo South, with most folding restricted to the upper part of the Alagbayan and overlying Sainshandhudag Formation. The inverted sedimentary facing directions found in the upper part of the Alagbayan Formation at Hugo South occur at similar stratigraphic levels at Hugo North. However, at Hugo North, they define tight folds that are clearly truncated by the biotite granodiorite dyke. This narrowly restricts the age of folding to Late Devonian, in roughly the same time period as mineralization. May 2005 PAGE 7-29 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 8 - DEPOSIT TYPES The Oyu Tolgoi deposits display copper-gold porphyry and related high-sulphidation copper-gold deposit styles. Copper-gold porphyry deposits are low-grade bulk tonnage deposits, where copper sulphides are finely disseminated or deposited in anastamosing veins and fractures in a large volume of rock. These deposits are amenable to large-scale open-pit or underground bulk mining methods. The Oyu Tolgoi deposits are older than typical porphyry copper systems and as a result have been subjected to post-mineral deformation associated with terrane accretion and intracontinental deformation events. Recognition of how this deformation has affected the form and distribution within the deposits has been an important factor in both exploration and resource modelling. One aspect of the deformational history that is unusual in porphyry systems involves large-scale rotation of the deposits from their original positions. Several lines of evidence suggest that the deposits have undergone moderate amounts (30(degree) to 60(degree)) of easterly tilting since their formation: - Post-mineral carboniferous strata flanking the deposits are folded but show consistent easterly to northeasterly dip directions, subparallel to those in the underlying Devonian strata. This implies that despite the time gap between the sequences, there is little angular discordance at the unconformity, and therefore the porphyry deposits formed within gently-dipping Devonian strata. - The distribution of alteration, copper and gold grades, and sulphides in the Hugo Dummett deposit are most consistent with a source below and to the west of the deposit axis. - In the Central and Southwest deposits, mineralized veins and high-grade core zones are more vertical than their present orientations if the enclosing Devonian strata are considered to have been subhorizontal during deposit formation. The Oyu Tolgoi porphyry copper deposits display a range in mineralization styles, alteration characteristics, and deposit morphologies despite having formed in close spatial and temporal association. These distinctions likely reflect differences in structural controls, host rock lithology, and depth of formation. Structural influences account for the most part for the differences in shape and distribution of mineralization within the deposits. In general, high-sulphidation mineralization and associated advanced argillic alteration are most common within the dacite tuff, the upper parts of the quartz monzodiorite, where it intrudes to levels high in the stratigraphic succession, and in narrow structurally controlled zones. In contrast the more typical copper-gold porphyry style alteration and mineralization tend to occur at deeper levels, predominantly within basalt and quartz monzodiorite. The Southwest deposit, particularly the gold-rich core zone, occurs as a steep cylindrical body typical of many porphyry copper deposits. Southwest is localized within a dilational transfer zone linking movement between the northeast-striking West Bounding and East Bounding faults. The strong structural control exerted by these faults is reflected in the abundant sheeted veins showing a May 2005 PAGE 8-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA high degree of preferred orientation, the pipe-like form of the gold-rich core to the deposit, and the spreading of low-grade copper and gold values along the bounding fault zones. The Central deposit occupies a structurally intact block within which no significant internal fault disruption has been identified. It forms an irregular to slightly funnel-shaped zone of mineralization characterized by high-sulphidation (pyrite-covellite-chalcocite-enargite) and copper-gold (chalcopyrite-gold) porphyry styles, as well as a chalcocite enrichment blanket. Although the preferred orientation of quartz veins implies strong structural control within the deposit, the geometry of intrusive phases is irregular. Weathering of the Central deposit has produced an oxide zone 40 m to 60 m thick, usually devoid of mineralization, overlying a chalcocite enrichment zone up to 80 m thick. The South and Wedge deposits are located on the eastern flank of the north-northeast-trending mineralized corridor at Oyu Tolgoi, within several structural blocks cut and bounded by minor northeast-striking subvertical faults. Despite the numerous faults cutting these deposits, the lesser degree of preferred vein orientation relative to other deposits implies that structural control was weaker during mineralization. The Hugo Dummett deposits have several features unusual to porphyry copper systems, including: 1) the anomalously high copper and gold grades, particularly in the northern part; 2) an unusually weakly altered pre-mineral sedimentary cover sequence that lies just above the porphyry system; 3) quartz + sulphide vein contents always exceeding 15%, and commonly over 90%, in the high-grade portion of the deposit; and 4) a highly-elongate gently-plunging tabular shape to the high-grade stockwork system. The formation of the high-grade portion of the Hugo Dummett deposits as a tabular, intensely veined, subhorizontal body contrasts markedly with most porphyry copper deposits, which tend to have steep, roughly cylindrical or elongate forms. This unusual form likely results from at least two geological influences: 1) the presence of low-permeability overlying sedimentary rocks; and 2) emplacement within a passive to slightly compressional horizontal stress regime, synchronous with thrust faulting. Both of these factors would serve to inhibit the upward migration of hydrothermal fluids, leading to the formation of a broad subhorizontal zone of fluid overpressuring and attendant hydraulic fracturing and vein formation. This fluid trapping likely also contributed to the unusually high copper grades in these deposits. May 2005 PAGE 8-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 9 - MINERALIZATION 9.1 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS 9.1.1 SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT Copper-gold porphyry style mineralization at the Southwest deposit consists of a cylindrical high-grade core roughly 250 m in diameter enclosed within a broad zone of lower-grade mineralization. The high-grade core is centred on a 10 m to 30 m wide, vein-rich quartz monzodiorite dyke and extends for over 100 m into the adjacent massive porphyritic augite basalt. The high-grade core is characterized by 1 cm to 50 cm wide contorted milky white quartz veins in sericite, albite, minor tourmaline altered quartz monzodiorite and biotite-magnetite altered augite basalt, overprinted by chlorite + sericite. Chalcopyrite with subordinate pyrite, bornite, and molybdenite occur as late veinlets filling fractures in quartz veins and disseminated through wall rocks. Low-grade copper mineralization peripheral to the high-grade core is characterized by lower vein densities, hosted in chlorite+epidote altered basalt and lesser sericite+albite altered quartz monzodiorite. Magnetite veinlets post-date the quartz veins but predate the main sulphide event. Chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite are mainly disseminated, with fracture or vein controlled sulphides being less prominent. These peripheral zones include the informally defined Far South zone, which encompasses mineralized basalt with 1:1 gold copper ratios on the southwest margin of the deposit area, and the Bridge zone, consisting of copper mineralized basalt and quartz monzodiorite between the Southwest and Central deposits. Although these two subzones are used in resource modeling, there is no clear geological boundary distinguishing them from the adjacent peripheral zone mineralization. Gold in the Southwest deposit is closely associated with chalcopyrite, and occurs intergrown with chalcopyrite, as inclusions and fracture infills within pyrite, or on grain boundaries of pyrite. Lesser gold occurs on grain boundaries with bornite or as inclusions in bornite, quartz or carbonate. The gold to copper ratios range from 2:1 to 3:1 within the high-grade core, decreasing to 1:1 in the low-grade margins of the deposit. The Southwest deposit is capped by an oxidized zone that varies from 50 m to 60 m thick, and consists of black copper oxide (neotocite or tenorite) as fractures coatings and speckled throughout the oxidized limonite stained basalt. Alteration styles at the Southwest deposit are typical of copper-gold porphyry systems. Augite basalt in the high-grade core of the deposit contains biotite + magnetite alteration, overprinted by chlorite + sericite. Biotite alteration occurs pervasively in the core of the deposit and grades outwards to selvage controlled within pervasive chlorite + epidote alteration. Minor albite alteration occurs as selvages along veins or fractures. Locally brown carbonate alteration is present in the basalt. May 2005 PAGE 9-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA Vein-rich quartz monzodiorite (OT-Qmd and xQmd phases) in the high-grade core contains sericite + biotite + albite alteration with minor tourmaline and montmorillonite. Pink albite alteration commonly occurs as selvages on veins or fractures, and sericite overprints biotite and albite. In the low-grade peripheral portions of the deposit, augite basalt is pervasively chlorite + magnetite altered, with epidote occurring in patches and sericite and pink albite on vein or fracture selvages. Pink albite may form reaction rims around irregularly shaped epidote patches. Biotite alteration occurs locally. Late calcite or ankerite veins cross-cut the assemblage. Quartz monzodiorite within the low-grade margin contains pervasive sericite alteration, with albite occurring along quartz vein or fracture margins. Spotty biotite alteration occurs locally. 9.1.2 SOUTH DEPOSIT Mineralization in the South deposit is hosted dominantly in quartz monzodiorite in the southwestern portion of the deposit, in basalt throughout the central portion of the deposit, and in a minor zone of dacite tuff on the northern margin. Contorted quartz veins are present at South, but there is no clearly defined zone of high quartz vein density such as at the Southwest deposit. Consequently, fracture-controlled sulphide veins are minor, and sulphides occur dominantly as disseminated chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite. Chalcopyrite is the principal copper sulphide, but in higher-grade areas bornite locally exceeds chalcopyrite in abundance. Magnetite occurs disseminated and as veins. Small zones with elevated gold values occur locally. A small zone of high sulphidation mineralization occurs within a quartz monzodiorite breccia in the western part of the deposit, adjacent to the South Fault. Mineralization here consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, and primary chalcocite in quartz sericite kaolinite alteration, with late dickite veins. An oxide zone approximately 60 m thick overlies the South deposit and consists of malachite, azurite, cuprite, chrysocolla, neotocite, or tenorite hosted within basalt and quartz monzodiorite. Alteration within the basaltic rocks at South consists of moderate chlorite, biotite hematite/magnetite, weak sericite, and pink albite fracture and vein selvages. Hematite overprints magnetite. Quartz monzodiorite is typically pervasively altered with quartz, sericite, and pyrite, as well as albite within vein selvages, small radiating clusters of tourmaline, and fluorite in quartz veins. Advanced argillic alteration consisting of quartz, sericite, and kaolinite with late dickite veins is associated with the high-sulphidation mineralization in the quartz monzodiorite breccia. 9.1.3 WEDGE DEPOSIT The Wedge deposit contains a zone of high-sulphidation mineralization hosted principally in dacite tuff, grading downward and southward into chalcopyrite mineralization in basalt and quartz monzodiorite host rocks. May 2005 PAGE 9-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA High-sulphidation mineralization consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, enargite, covellite, and primary chalcocite in advanced argillically altered host rocks. Higher grades of copper (>0.8% Cu) occur in a shallowly east-dipping zone in the upper hundred metres of dacite tuff. Gold is absent, except locally in drill holes adjacent to the South Fault. Mineralization is open down dip and to the north. High-sulphidation mineralization grades downward into chalcopyrite, with lesser bornite within basalt host rocks, and pyrite + chalcopyrite mineralization in quartz monzodiorite. Dacite tuff within the Wedge deposit is characterized by advanced argillic alteration consisting of kaolinite, zunyite, pyrophyllite, muscovite, illite, topaz, diaspore, alunite, montmorillonite, late dickite, and fluorite. A barren, specular, hematite-rich zone occurs marginal to advanced argillic alteration and is progressively overprinted by advanced argillic alteration assemblages with increasing copper grades towards the centre of the deposit. The advanced argillic alteration grades downward into biotite + chlorite alteration with hematite overprinting magnetite, mainly within basalt host rocks underlying the dacite tuff. In the southern part of the Wedge deposit, sericite + pyrite alteration occurs within the quartz monzodiorite. 9.1.4 CENTRAL DEPOSIT Mineralization in the Central deposit is characterized by an upward-flaring, high-sulphidation zone that overprints and overlies porphyry-style chalcopyrite-gold mineralization. A secondary-enriched supergene chalcocite blanket tens of metres in thickness overlies the high-sulphidation covellite-pyrite zone. Chalcopyrite-gold mineralization is dominant on the south and western margins of Central within either basalt or quartz monzodiorite adjacent to intrusive contacts with basalt. Higher grades are associated with zones of intensely contorted quartz stockwork veins, where the gold (ppm) to copper (%) ratios reach 2:1. Peripheral, lower-grade mineralization has gold:copper ratios of less than 1:1. Hematite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite, and gold occur disseminated in the zone and as fracture fillings. Hematite is pervasive and overprints magnetite. The high-sulphidation part of the Central deposit lacks significant gold and contains a mineral assemblage of pyrite, covellite, chalcocite/digenite, enargite, tennantite, cubanite, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite. Dominant host rocks are dacite tuff and quartz monzodiorite. Higher-grade mineralization is associated with disseminated and coarse-grained fracture-filling sulphides in zones of intense contorted quartz stockwork veins and anastamosing zones of hydrothermal breccias. Hydrothermal breccia consists of quartz vein and quartz monzodiorite fragments within an intensely sericitized matrix. The sulphide-filled fractures cut both the quartz veins and enclosing wall rock. High-grade mineralization grades outward to a broad, weakly veined, low-grade halo of dominantly disseminated sulphides. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, and enargite occur here as relic grains replaced by chalcocite, and covellite, and pyrite also hosts small inclusions of covellite. Covellite, May 2005 PAGE 9-3 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA chalcocite and enargite occur as intimate intergrowths or as free disseminations. Cubanite and tennantite occur intergrown with or replacing enargite, and molybdenite occurs locally in quartz. A supergene enrichment zone overlies the high sulphidation assemblage and underlies a 20 m to 60 m thick, hematitic limonite, goethite-rich leached cap. The supergene zone consists of pyrite, hematite, and chalcocite/digenite, with lesser amounts of colusite, enargite, tenorite, covellite, bornite, chalcopyrite, cuprite, and molybdenite. Pyrite is the dominant sulphide and occurs as disseminated crystals. Sooty chalcocite occurs as rims or microveinlets in pyrite and covellite, and as independent disseminations. Colusite occurs as single grains or intergrown with chalcocite/digenite and/or pyrite. Tenorite occurs interstitial to silicate-iron oxide grain boundaries. Micrograins of chalcopyrite replaced by bornite and covellite occur as small inclusions within pyrite. Minor exotic copper oxide mineralization occupies a bedrock depression on the northeastern flank of Central. Chrysocolla, malachite, and neotocite mineralization occur over a 400 m x 300 m area as a thin 2 m to 4 m thick layer at the base of the gravels. The leached cap is generally devoid of mineralization except off the eastern and southern flanks of the deposit, where patchy malachite and neotocite occur. Alteration in the Central deposit shows a close spatial relationship to mineralization and original host lithology. Biotite-chlorite and intermediate argillic alteration coincide with chalcopyrite-gold mineralization within basalt. Advanced argillic and sericite alteration coincides with the high-sulphidation mineralization within quartz monzodiorite and ignimbrite. The biotite-chlorite zone consists of an assemblage of biotite, chlorite, epidote, sericite, albite, carbonate, and anhydrite. Hematite and minor magnetite occurs in veins and disseminated. Biotite has been overprinted by chlorite and sericite, and magnetite has been altered to hematite. Anhydrite and carbonates occur as late veins. K-feldspar alteration increases at depth beneath Central, occurring as vein selvages within biotite-altered basalt. Intermediate argillic alteration forms a narrow zone separating the advanced argillic and sericite alteration from the biotite chlorite alteration. Intermediate argillic alteration is characterized by a creamy yellow to pale green coloured assemblage of kaolinite, chlorite, pyrophyllite, and illite. Advanced argillic and sericite alteration are associated with high-sulphidation mineralization, hosted primarily within dacite and quartz monzodiorite. The advanced argillic assemblage consists of topaz, quartz, zunyite, diaspore, alunite, illite, andalusite, late kaolinite, and dickite. There is a zonation from an advanced argillic assemblage of zunyite, andalusite, and alunite associated with higher-grade hydrothermal breccia-hosted mineralization, to a muscovite, sericite-dominant peripheral zone associated with lower-grade disseminated mineralization. Alteration within the supergene zone is characterized by illite, muscovite, kaolinite, alunite and pyrophyllite. Montmorillonite, smectite, kaosmectite, illite and kaolinite are the dominant clay minerals in the leached cap. May 2005 PAGE 9-4 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 9.2 HUGO DUMMETT DEPOSITS 9.2.1 HUGO SOUTH DEPOSIT Copper mineralization at the Hugo South deposit is centred on a high-grade (typically > 2% Cu) zone of intense quartz stockwork veining, which in much of the deposit is localized within narrow quartz monzodiorite intrusions and extends into the enclosing basalt and dacite tuff. The intense stockwork zone has an elongate tabular form, with a long axis plunging shallowly to the north-northwest, and an intermediate axis plunging moderately to the east. Copper grades gradually decrease upwards from the stockwork zone through the upper part of the basalt and the dacite tuff, and a broader zone of lower grades occurs below and to the west in basalt and quartz monzodiorite. Dominant sulphide minerals at Hugo South are chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, and pyrite, with minor molybdenite, enargite, tennantite, and covellite. Rarely, sphalerite and galena occur. Sulphides are zoned (Figure 9-1) with bornite +/- chalcopyrite, chalcocite, and tennantite comprising highest grades (>2.5% Cu), grading outwards to chalcopyrite (1% to 2% Cu). Pyrite-chalcopyrite +/- enargite, tennantite, bornite, chalcocite, and rarely covellite occur with low-grades (<1% Cu), mainly in advanced argillically altered dacite tuff. Drill hole assays (Cu, Au, Ag, As) and selected ICP-MS multi-element data (Pb, Zn, Se, Te, Tl, Bi) show distinct geochemical zoning coincident with sulphide zoning. copper shows a strong correlation with Au, Ag (up to 9 ppm), Se (up to 33 ppm), Bi, and, to a lesser extent, Tl. High As values (up to 2,850 ppm) occur mainly with high pyrite and enargite in the dacite tuff, and Zn (up to 3,530 ppm) occurs with chalcopyrite at the top of the mineralized zone. Alteration in the Hugo South deposit is typical of copper porphyry systems, including K-silicate (minor), advanced argillic, muscovite/sericite, and intermediate argillic styles. The mineral groupings used to define individual zones are not necessarily true assemblages that formed contemporaneously, but are associations that may represent several paragenetic stages. The following alteration zones have been defined at Hugo South (Figure 9-2): - Chlorite-illite alteration occurs in the uppermost part of the dacite tuff. This alteration is not texturally destructive, and primary volcanic textures are clearly visible. No mineralization is associated with this weak outermost alteration zone. - Advanced argillic alteration is dominant in the dacite tuff and is characterized by the minerals quartz, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, topaz, diaspore, zunyite, alunite, and dickite. Because the advanced argillic alteration is widespread and consists of a complex mineral assemblage, it is divided into subzones: - Pyrophyllite-kaolinite: This is the most widespread subgroup of the advanced argillic alteration. It occurs dominantly in the dacite tuff, but also in the upper parts of the basalt and quartz monzodiorite. Late white to pink dickite on fractures is ubiquitous. May 2005 PAGE 9-5 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 9-1: SULPHIDE DISTRIBUTION IN THE HUGO SOUTH DEPOSIT (SECTION 6200N) [SULPHIDE DISTRIBUTION IN THE HUGO SOUTH DEPOSIT] Note: Shows bornite+chalcocite core zone, grading outward through bornite, chalcopyrite+bornite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite zones May 2005 PAGE 9-6 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 9-2: CROSS-SECTION 6200N IN THE HUGO SOUTH DEPOSIT [HUGO SOUTH DEPOSIT PLAN] Note: Shows distribution of alteration zones - Quartz-alunite: The quartz-alunite zone typically occurs in the dacite tuff in bedding-parallel lenses. The lenses are parallel to, and occur just above and east of, the high-grade, vein-rich deposit core. It is whitish-pink to brown in colour. - Topaz alteration occurs as an intense, completely texturally destructive zone and is typically of limited extent. Topaz-altered zones are vuggy and whitish-brown in colour. They are most common in the dacite tuff, but occur locally in the basalt. May 2005 PAGE 9-7 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA - Pyrophyllite-kaolinite-dickite-muscovite/illite (intermediate argillic) alteration occurs in the upper parts of the basalt at the contact with the dacite tuff and is the dominant alteration type in the high-grade deposit core. It is brownish-yellow in colour but turns pinkish where pyrophyllite is the dominant mineral. It is not texturally destructive. Hematite is common as fine specularite. - Chlorite-muscovite/illite-hematite alteration is the dominant alteration in the basalt. It is characterized by its green colour, and the original texture of the basalt is still visible (e.g., relict pseudo-hexagonal augite crystals). Locally, particularly at depth, biotite occurs in the zone. Relict magnetite occurs either disseminated or in veins. - Muscovite/illite alteration occurs mainly in quartz monzodiorite intrusions. It is pale green to gray in colour and in most cases texturally destructive, although in places original feldspar crystals can still be observed. Locally, topaz occurs with muscovite, and a subgroup of muscovite-topaz alteration was recognized. The distribution of the alteration is strongly lithologically controlled: dacite tuff typically shows strong advanced argillic alteration, whereas basalt tends to be chlorite-muscovite-hematite altered with pyrophyllitic advanced argillic alteration in its uppermost parts. Pockets of advanced argillic alteration occur locally in the high-grade zone in the quartz monzodiorites. 9.2.2 HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT The highest-grade copper mineralization in the Hugo North deposit is related to a zone of intense stockwork to sheeted quartz veins. The high-grade zone is centred on thin, east-dipping quartz monzodiorite intrusions or within the upper part of the large quartz monzodiorite body, and extends into the adjacent basalt. In addition, moderate to high-grade copper and gold values occur within quartz monzodiorite below and to the west of the intense vein zone, in the Hugo North gold zone. This zone is distinct in its high Au (ppm) to Cu (%) ratios (0.5:1). In other respects the Hugo North and Hugo South deposits have similar mineralogy and zonation patterns. Bornite is dominant in highest-grade parts of the deposit (3% to 5% Cu) and is zoned outward to chalcopyrite (2%). At grades of <1% Cu, pyrite-chalcopyrite +/- enargite, tennantite, bornite, chalcocite, and rarely covellite occur, hosted mainly by advanced argillically altered dacite tuff. The high-grade bornite zone comprises relatively coarse bornite impregnating quartz and disseminated in wall rocks, usually intergrown with subordinate chalcopyrite. Pyrite is rare or absent, except in local areas where the host rocks are advanced argillically altered. Whereas chalcocite is commonly found with bornite at Hugo South, it is less common at Hugo North. In addition, high-grade bornite is associated with minor amounts of tennantite, sphalerite, hessite, clausthalite, and gold. These minerals occur as inclusions or at grain boundaries. Elevated gold grades in the Hugo North deposit occur within the up-dip (western) portion of the intensely veined, high-grade core, and within a steeply-dipping lower zone cutting through the western part of the quartz monzodiorite. Quartz monzodiorite in the lower zone exhibits a May 2005 PAGE 9-8 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA characteristic pink to buff colour, with a moderate intensity of quartz veining (25% by volume). This zone is characterized by finely disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite, although in hand specimen the chalcopyrite is usually not visible. The sulphides are disseminated throughout the rock in the matrix as well as in quartz veins. The fine-grained sulphide gives the rocks a black "sooty" appearance. The red colouration is attributed to fine hematite dusting, mainly associated with albite. Similar to Hugo South, copper in the Hugo North deposit correlates with elevated abundances of Ag, Se, and Te. Arsenic occurs at low levels in the high-grade zone and is related to tennantite. Zinc (about 300 ppm) occurs mainly as sphalerite. Se and Te are attributed to hessite and clausthalite inclusions in bornite. Pb occurs at levels of up to several hundred ppm peripheral to the high-grade zone in dacite tuff. Low levels of Hg (0.2 ppm) occur in the upper part of the ore body. The Hugo North deposit is characterized by copper-gold porphyry and related styles of alteration similar to those at Hugo South (Figure 9-3). This includes biotite-K-feldspar (K-silicate), magnetite, chlorite-muscovite-illite, albite, chlorite-illite-hematite-kaolinite (intermediate argillic), quartz-alunite-pyrophyllite-kaolinite-diaspore-zunyite-topaz-dickite (advanced argillic), and sericite/muscovite zones. The distribution of alteration zones is similar to that in the Hugo South deposit, except that the advanced and intermediate argillic zones are more restricted and occur mainly along the northern margin of the intrusive system (Figure 9-3). - Chlorite-illite marks the outer boundary of the advanced argillic zone. It occurs mainly in the coarse, upper part of the dacite tuff. - Quartz-pyrophyllite-kaolinite-dickite (advanced argillic) is hosted mainly in the lower part of the dacite tuff, although on some sections at Hugo North it extends into strongly veined quartz monzodiorite. The advanced argillic zone is typically buff or grey, and late dickite on fractures is ubiquitous. Within the advanced argillic zone, a massive quartz-alunite zone forms a pink-brown bedding-parallel lens. - Topaz is widespread as late alteration controlled by structures cutting both the advanced and intermediate argillic zone. As illustrated by the type section, topaz appears to replace parts of the quartz-alunite zone. In addition topaz may also occur disseminated with quartz-pyrophyllite-kaolinite. Strong topaz zones are mottled buff or light brown and sometimes vuggy. - Hematite-siderite-illite-pyrophyllite-kaolinite-dickite (intermediate argillic) is an inward zonation from the advanced argillic zone, and is commonly hosted by augite basalt but may also occur in dacite ash flow tuff. Hematite usually comprises fine specularite and may be derived from early magnetite or Fe-rich minerals such as biotite or chlorite. May 2005 PAGE 9-9 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 9-3: SECTION 4767500N (7500N) IN HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT [HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT] Note: Shows typical distribution of alteration zones for the Hugo North deposit - Hematite-chlorite-illite-(biotite-magnetite) (chlorite) is transitional to the intermediate argillic zone and is commonly hosted by augite basalt. It is characterized by a green colour, and relict hydrothermal magnetite, either disseminated or in veins. - Muscovite-illite (sericite) generally occurs in the quartz monzodiorite intrusions and is a feature of the strongly mineralized zone. Alteration decreases with depth in the quartz monzodiorite. May 2005 PAGE 9-10 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 10 - EXPLORATION Exploration at Oyu Tolgoi has been mainly by remote sensing and geophysical methods, including satellite image interpretation, detailed ground magnetics, Bouguer gravity and gradient array induced polarization (IP), as well as extensive drilling. Gradient array IP has been conducted on north-south and subsequently east-west lines at 200 m line spacing, with electrode spacing up to 11 km. Drill holes have been targeted to test IP chargeability targets or structural zones. Outcropping prospects (Southwest, South, and Central) have been mapped at 1:1,000 scale. The central part of the exploration block was mapped at 1:5,000 scale in 2001, and the entire block was mapped at 1:10,000 scale in 2002. As described below, geophysical methods have been the most important exploration tool. Geophysical surveying at Oyu Tolgoi was first initiated by BHP in 1996. An airborne magnetometer survey was flown at a height of approximately 100 m on 300 m spaced, east-west oriented lines over approximately 1,120 km(2) of BHP's mineral concession. The survey provided good resolution of the magnetic features to facilitate geological and structural interpretation across the concession areas. BHP also undertook an induced polarization (IP) survey utilizing a single gradient array with a 2,000 m AB and a ground magnetometer survey. Both surveys were conducted on east-west-oriented lines surveyed by a local Mongolian surveying team at 250 m spacing. The surveys covered Southern, Southwest, Central, and North Oyu exploration targets but did not extend into the Far North region that ultimately became the Hugo Dummett deposit. Ivanhoe initiated geophysical exploration after the discovery of the high-grade, gold-rich portion of the Southwest Oyu zone in June 2001. The gold-rich, chalcopyrite-dominate mineralization discovered in drill hole OTRCD150 was clearly responsible for the IP chargeability anomalies previously delineated by the BHP survey. The presence of hydrothermal magnetite with the copper-gold mineralization was the probable source of the intense magnetic anomalies defined over SW Oyu and possibly South Oyu. Delta Geoscience of B.C., Canada, was mobilized to the property in the fall of 2001 to undertake detailed IP surveying utilizing gradient arrays with multiple electrode spacings to delineate the vertical extent of the sulphide mineralization being defined by drilling in SW Oyu. The detailed IP surveys initially covered a 3 km east-west x 4 km north-south block encompassing the Southwest, South, Central, and Far North target areas. At the same time Ivanhoe acquired two magnetometers and initiated very detailed ground magnetometer surveying using 5 m spaced readings along 25 m spaced, north-south oriented lines over the Southern Oyu target areas. An Ulaanbaatar-based geophysical team ultimately expanded this magnetic survey to cover the entire 8 km x 10 km concession. This group covered the northern half of the concession with east-west oriented lines on 50 m intervals with 25 m spaced readings. In 2002 the geophysical program was further expanded to include a gravity survey over the Oyu Tolgoi concession block. The survey was controlled by GPS with readings taken on 50 m centres over the core of the concession and 100 m centres over the extremities. The Bouger map was May 2005 PAGE 10-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA reduced to residual gravity for contouring. Unfortunately no additional processing or modelling of the data has been carried out. With the density measurements that have been taken on drill core through out the deposits, detailed computer modelling of the gravity data should be possible. Telluric Electromagnetic (TEM) surveying was also conducted over the eastern half of the concession in conjunction with extensive TEM surveying used to define the Cretaceous-aged, semi-consolidated sedimentary basins along the Galbyn Gobi and Gunii Holloi valleys, southeast and northeast, respectively, from Oyu Tolgoi. These basins developed along the East Mongolian Fault system and a splay off of the fault, and form the reservoirs for extensive water resources required to operate the Oyu Tolgoi mine. On the Oyu Tolgoi concession, the TEM work was designed to delineate smaller drainage basins that could have channelled copper-rich surficial waters from the exposed copper deposits during the Cretaceous period. These "pregnant waters" could potentially have precipitated copper into river gravels down stream to form secondary "exotic" copper deposits. Diamond drilling ultimately has been the primary tool of exploration at Oyu Tolgoi. To the beginning of May 2005, more than 1,000 drill holes have been completed, many of which in the Hugo North deposit were multiple daughter holes navi-drilled from a single parent. Approximately 546,000 m of core has been collected and stored on the property. The amount of drilling in the individual deposit areas is tabulated below. Total Diamond Core Drilling....................................... 546,000 Hugo Dummett Deposit.............................................. 249,000 Central & Bridge.................................................. 95,000 Southwest......................................................... 139,000 South & Wedge..................................................... 62,000 Other............................................................. 22,000 Entree - Ivanhoe JV .............................................. 9,000 May 2005 PAGE 10-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 11 - DRILLING Diamond drill holes are the principal source of geological and grade data for the Oyu Tolgoi project. Ivanhoe conducted diamond drilling over the Southern Oyu deposits throughout 2003 (Central and Southwest) and 2004 (Southwest, South, and Wedge). Drilling on the Hugo Dummett deposit concentrated on the Hugo North deposit in 2004 and 2005. As of the mineral resource cutoff date of 15 April 2005, drilling totals just under 273,000 m in 583 drill holes for the Southern Oyu deposits and 200,000 m in 156 drill holes, including daughter holes, for Hugo North. The Southern Oyu holes generally range in length from 60 m to 1,200 m, averaging 470 m. The Hugo North holes range from 400 m to 2,200 m and average 1,280 m in length. A list of the project drill holes, together with their coordinates and lengths, is provided in Appendix A, along with location plans. Drilling was done by wireline method with H-size (HQ, 63.5 mm nominal core diameter) and N-size (NQ, 47.6 mm nominal core diameter) equipment using up to 20 drill rigs. Upon completion, the collar and anchor rods were removed and a PVC pipe was inserted into the hole. The hole collar was marked by a cement block inscribed with the hole number. Hugo North drilling almost always include multiple daughter holes drilled from the parent drill hole. A bend was placed in the parent hole at the location where the planned daughter holes were to branch off. The bend was achieved by means of a Navi-Drill(R) (navi) bit, which was lowered down the hole to the desired depth and aligned in the azimuth of the desired bend. As the navi bit advanced, a bend was achieved at the rate of 1(degree) every 3 m. No core was recovered fROm the navi-drilled interval. Drill hole collars were located respective to a property grid. Proposed hole collars and completed collars were surveyed by a Nikon Theodolite instrument relative to 18 survey control stations established during a legal survey of the property in 2002. The drill holes were drilled at an inclination of between 45(degree) and 90(deGRee), with the majority between 60(degree) and 70(degree). Holes weRE drilled along 035(degree) and 125(degree) azimuths in Southwest aND South, 0(degree) and 180(degree) azimuths in Central. Down-hole surveys wERe taken approximately every 50 m by the drill contractor using a multi-shot measurement system (RANGER survey instrument). Standard logging and sampling conventions were used to capture information from the drill core. The core was logged in detail onto paper logging sheets, and the data were then entered into the project database. The core was photographed before being sampled. AMEC reviewed the core logging procedures at site, and the drill core was found to be well handled and maintained. Material was stored as stacked pallets in an organized "core farm." Data collection was competently done. Ivanhoe maintained consistency of observations from hole to hole and between different loggers by conducting regular internal checks. Core recovery in the mineralized units was excellent, usually between 95% and 100%. Very good to excellent recovery was observed in the mineralized intrusive sections checked by AMEC. Overall, the Ivanhoe drill program and data capture were performed in a competent manner. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 11-1 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 12 - SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH Rock sampling for resource estimation has been conducted on diamond drill core obtained from holes drilled between May 2001 and April 2005. Samples are taken at 2 m intervals down the drill holes, excluding dykes that extend more than 10 m along the core length. NQ and HQ core sizes are drilled routinely, with one-half of the core collected for analysis. The core is split with a rock saw, flushed regularly with fresh water. Core recovery is good, with relatively few broken zones. To minimize sampling bias, the core is marked with a continuous linear cutting line before being split. Samples are placed in cloth bags and sent to the on-site preparation facility for processing. Reject samples are stored in plastic bags inside the original cloth sample bags and are placed in bins on pallets and stored at site. Duplicate pulp samples are stored at site in the same manner as reject samples. Pulp samples used for assaying are kept at the assaying facility for several months and then transferred to a warehouse in Ulaanbaatar. Significant composited assays for the Southern Oyu and Hugo North deposits are shown in Appendix B. Only values equal to or above 1.0% copper equivalent grade were tabulated. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 12-1 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 13 - SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES, AND SECURITY 13.1 SAMPLE PREPARATION AND SHIPMENT Split core samples are prepared for analysis at an on-site facility operated by SGS Mongolia LLC (SGS Mongolia). The samples are then shipped under the custody of Ivanhoe to Ulaanbaatar, where they are assayed at a lab facility operated by SGS Mongolia. All sampling and QA/QC work is overseen on behalf of Ivanhoe by Dale A. Sketchley, M.Sc., P.Geo. The samples are initially assembled into groups of 15 or 16, and then 4 or 5 quality control samples are interspersed to make up a batch of 20 samples. The quality control samples comprise one duplicate split core sample, one uncrushed field blank, a reject or pulp preparation duplicate, and one or two standard reference material (SRM) samples (one < 2% Cu and one >2% Cu if higher-grade mineralization is present based on visual estimates). The two copper SRMs are necessary because SGS Mongolia uses a different analytical protocol to assay all samples >2% Cu. The split core, reject, and pulp duplicates are used to monitor precision at the various stages of sample preparation. The field blank can indicate sample contamination or sample mix-ups, and the SRM is used to monitor accuracy of the assay results. The SRMs are prepared from material of varying matrices and grades to formulate bulk homogenous material. Ten samples of this material are then sent to each of at least seven international testing laboratories. The resulting assay data are analyzed statistically to determine a representative mean value and standard deviation necessary for setting acceptance/rejection tolerance limits. Blank samples are also subjected to a round-robin program to ensure the material is barren of any of the grade elements before they are used for monitoring contamination. A total of 38 different reference materials have been developed and combined with two commercially purchased ones, used to monitor the assaying of six different ore types made up of varying combinations of chalcopyrite, bornite, primary and supergene chalcocite, enargite, covellite, and molybdenite. Split core samples are prepared according to the following protocol: - The entire sample is crushed to 90% minus 3 mm. - A 1 kg subsample is riffle split from the crushed minus 3 mm sample and pulverized to 90% minus 75 um (200 mesh). - A 150 g subsample is split off by taking multiple scoops from the pulverized 75 um sample. - The 150 g subsample is placed in a kraft envelope, sealed with a folded wire or glued top, and prepared for shipping. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 13-1 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA All equipment is flushed with barren material and blasted with compressed air between each sampling procedure. Screen tests are done on crushed and pulverized material from one sample taken from each batch of 15 or 16 samples to ensure that sample preparation specifications are being met. Prepared samples are placed in wooden shipping boxes, locked, sealed with tamper-proof tags, and shipped to Ulaanbaatar for assaying. Sample shipment details are provided to the assaying facility both electronically and as paper hard copy accompanying each shipment. The assaying facility then electronically confirms sample receipt, the state of the tamper-proof tags, and assigned laboratory report numbers back to site. 13.2 ASSAY METHOD All samples are routinely assayed for gold, copper, and molybdenum. Gold is determined using a 30 g fire assay fusion, cupelled to obtain a bead, and digested with Aqua Regia, followed by an AAS finish. Copper and molybdenum are determined by acid digestion of a 5 g subsample, followed by an AAS finish. Samples are digested with nitric, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, and perchloric acids to dryness before being leached with hydrochloric acid to dissolve soluble salts and made to volume with distilled water. 13.3 QA/QC PROGRAM Assay results are provided to Ivanhoe in electronic format and as paper certificates. Upon receipt of assay results, values for SRMs and field blanks are tabulated and compared to the established SRM pass-fail criteria: - automatic batch failure if the SRM result is greater than the round-robin limit of three standard deviations - automatic batch failure if two consecutive SRM results are greater than two standard deviations on the same side of the mean. - automatic batch failure if the field blank result is over 0.06 g/t Au or 0.06% Cu. If a batch fails, it is re-assayed until it passes. Override allowances are made for barren batches. Batch pass/failure data are tabulated on an ongoing basis, and charts of individual reference material values with respect to round-robin tolerance limits are maintained. Laboratory check assays are conducted at the rate of one per batch of 20 samples, using the same QA/QC criteria as routine assays. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 13-2 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 13.3.1 STANDARDS PERFORMANCE Ivanhoe strictly monitors the performance of the SRM samples as the assay results arrive at site. The ability of the laboratories to return assay values in the prescribed SRM ranges has steadily improved to greater than 99% (Figure 13-1). Charts of the individual SRMs are included in Appendix C. All samples are given a "fail" flag as a default entry in the project database. Each sample is re-assigned a date-based "pass" flag when assays have passed acceptance criteria. At the data cutoff date of 15 April 2005, only a very small number of assayed samples still had the "fail" flag. The relative uncertainty introduced to the mineral resource estimate by using this very small number of temporarily failed samples is considered negligible. FIGURE 13-1: SRM FAILURE CHART [LINE GRAPH] 13.3.2 BLANK SAMPLE PERFORMANCE Assay performance of field blanks is presented in Appendix C for gold and copper. In these figures, the lower blue horizontal line represents the analytical detection limit (ADL) of the respective metal, and the upper yellow horizontal line represents the analytical rejection threshold (ART). The gold ADL is 0.01 g/t with an ART of 0.06 g/t; copper ADL was initially 0.01% and is now 0.001% with an ART of 0.06%. The results show a low incidence of contamination and a few cases of sample mix-ups, which were investigated at site and corrected. 13.3.3 DUPLICATES PERFORMANCE The QA/QC program currently uses four different types of duplicate samples: core, coarse reject, pulp, and laboratory check pulps (samples sent to an umpire lab). May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 13-3 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA CORE, COARSE REJECT, AND PULP DUPLICATES AMEC has reviewed the core, coarse reject, and pulp duplicate samples for the Southern Oyu and Hugo Dummett deposits. The pulp and coarse reject duplicates reproduce well for copper and are reasonable for gold values greater than 0.2 g/t. The duplicate data are shown as relative difference charts in Appendix C. Pulp and reject duplicate types for each metal, though more so for gold, show similar high variability to good reproducibility trends from near detection values towards higher-grade value. Patterns for all metals are symmetric about zero, suggesting no bias in the assay process. The absolute relative percent difference for duplicate pairs against the percentile ranking of the grade in the sample population were also evaluated. For the 90th percentile of the population, a maximum difference of 10% is recommended for the pulp duplicates and 20% for the coarse reject duplicates because these duplicate types can be controlled by the subsampling protocol. The same criteria do not apply to core duplicates because these differences cannot be controlled by the subsampling protocol; however, the heterogeneity of the mineralization ideally would allow the difference to be less than 30%. Table 13-1 summarizes the results of these analyses for each type of sample, and the charts are shown in Appendix C. The core duplicates are above the ideal value of 30% for gold samples, whereas the coarse reject duplicates reproduce well for all elements. TABLE 13-1: PERCENT DIFFERENCE AT THE 90TH POPULATION PERCENTILE CU AU ----------------- ----------------- DUPLICATE TYPE % DIFF. LIMIT NO. % DIFF. NO. % DIFF. -------------------- ------------- ----- ------- ----- ------- Southwest, South and Wedge Deposits Core 30 2,898 38 2,771 60 Coarse Reject 20 1,371 14 1,095 25 Pulp 10 1,368 5 1,092 18 Central Deposit Core 30 2,898 38 2,771 60 Coarse Reject 20 1,371 14 1,095 25 Pulp 10 1,368 5 1,092 18 Hugo North Deposit Core 30 1,416 27 1,416 45 Coarse Reject 20 719 6 719 26 Pulp 10 696 4 696 21 Gold pulp duplicates mimic the reject duplicate results and likely point to some liberation of gold during sample preparation However, since most of the gold values lie near the detection limit, and the samples that are above 0.5 g/t show much better reproducibility than the overall rank analysis, AMEC recommends no changes to the current sampling protocol. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 13-4 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 13.3.4 SPECIFIC GRAVITY PROGRAM Samples for specific gravity determination are taken at approximately 10 m intervals per drill hole and tabulated by rock type. The specific gravity for non-porous samples (the most common type) is calculated using the weights of representative samples in water (W2) and in air (W1). The bulk density is calculated by W1/(W1-W2). AMEC believes this method to be appropriate for the non-porous mineralized units and barren dykes. Less-common porous samples are dried and then coated with paraffin before weighing. Allowance is made for the weight and volume of the paraffin when calculating the specific gravity. As a check on its method for specific gravity determinations, Ivanhoe submitted 120 samples to a commercial laboratory for independent testing. The results, reviewed by AMEC, show near-identical values to the original Ivanhoe numbers, and support the procedures and results of Ivanhoe's specific gravity program. 13.4 CONCLUDING STATEMENT In AMEC's opinion, the QA/QC results demonstrate that the Oyu Tolgoi project assay database for 2005 is sufficiently accurate and precise for resource estimation. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 13-5 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 14 - DATA VERIFICATION As a test of assay data integrity, the data used to estimate the 2005 Southern Oyu and Hugo North mineral resources were verified with a random comparison of 5% of the database records against the original electronic assay certificates. No discrepancies were found. Collar coordinates were checked against the database entries. No discrepancies were observed. AMEC also checked the down-hole survey data. Camera shots and RANGER output were read for the checked drill holes and compared to those stored in the resource database. Rare minor discrepancies were observed that are probably due to arbitrary corrections made to the data because of the suspected or measured presence of magnetite. These would have neglible impact on any resource estimate. AMEC concludes that the assay and survey database transferred to AMEC is sufficiently free of error to be adequate for resource estimation. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 14-1 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 15 - ADJACENT PROPERTIES Adjacent properties are not relevant for the review of the Oyu Tolgoi project. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 15-1 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 16 - MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING Material relevant to this section is contained in a previous Technical Report on the Oyu Tolgoi project (Hodgson, 2004). A major update to that study is near completion and should be disclosed later in 2005. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 16-1 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 17 - MINERAL RESOURCE AND MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES The mineral resource estimates for the Oyu Tolgoi project were calculated under the direction of Dr. Harry Parker, Ch.P.Geol., and Dr. Stephen Juras, P.Geo. The estimates were made from 3D block models utilizing commercial mine planning software (MineSight(R)). The project consists of two groups of deposits: Hugo Dummett (Hugo) and Southern Oyu (OTS), each represented by its own resource model. Hugo comprises Hugo South (HS) and Hugo North (HN), and OTS contains four deposits: Southwest (SW), South (SO), Wedge (WZ), and Central (CO). Projects limits are in truncated UTM coordinates. Project limits are 650500 to 652500 East, 4765000 to 4768200 North, and -660 to +1170 m elevation for Hugo and 649500 to 652000 East, 4762000 to 4765000 North, and -225 m to +1,170 m elevation for OTS. Cell size for the project was 20 m east x 20 m north x 15 m high. The mineral resource for the Hugo South deposit was not re-estimated in this work. 17.1 GEOLOGIC MODELS Ivanhoe used significant new data from infill drilling at Hugo North and revised structural and intrusive rock interpretations based on ongoing geologic studies at Oyu Tolgoi as a whole to create new 3D shapes of key geologic surfaces, faults, and intrusive units. For Hugo (mainly Hugo North) the changes were major since the last disclosed resource and affected both geologic and structural features. In OTS, the changes were limited to a more consistent interpretation of post-mineral dykes in all deposits and a better definition of geologic contacts in the Wedge deposit. A list of key units and a brief comment on their relevancy to the resource models are provided in Table 17-1. AMEC checked the lithologic and structural shapes for interpretational consistency on section and plan, and found them to have been properly constructed. The shapes honoured the drill data and appear well constructed. Mineralized or grade shapes were also made. To constrain grade interpolation in each of the zones, AMEC and Ivanhoe created 3D mineralized envelopes, or shells. Most were based on initial outlines derived by a method of Probability Assisted Constrained Kriging (PACK). Threshold values were determined by inspection of histograms and probability curves as well as indicator variography. The shells were based on a copper or gold grade except for the high-grade copper zone in Hugo North, which was defined based on amount of quartz veining. The OTS gold shells were developed on threshold gold values of 0.7 g/t for Southwest and 0.3 g/t for Central and South. OTS copper shells (Southwest - Bridge area, Central, South, and Wedge) were based upon threshold values of 0.3% Cu. The higher-grade copper zone at Hugo North was defined by a quartz vein percentage threshold (15%). Shell outline selection was done by inspecting contoured probability values. These shapes were then edited on plan and section views to be consistent with the structural and lithologic models and the drill assay data so that the boundaries did not violate data and current geologic understanding of mineralization controls. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-1 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-1: LITHOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL SOLIDS AND SURFACES, OYU TOLGOI PROJECT SURFACES - GENERAL COMMENT ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- Topography Project-wide Base of Oxide Project-wide, but relevant only for OTS SOLIDS/SURFACES - LITHOLOGY Top of quartz monzodiorite (Qmd) Hugo North only quartz monzodiorite (Qmd) solid OTS only Base of ash flow tuff (DA2a - ign) Project-wide Base of unmineralized volcanic and sedimentary units Project-wide - used as a hanging wall limit to grade (DA2b or DA3 or DA4) interpolation Quartz-veined and mineralized Qmd - OT-Qmd Southwest deposit in OTS only Xenolithic Qmd (xQmd) containing quartz-veined and Southwest deposit in OTS only mineralized fragments Xenolithic biotite granodiorite (xBiGd) containing Hugo North deposit only quartz-veined and mineralized fragments Biotite granodiorite (BiGd) dikes Project wide, most important in Hugo deposits. Unmineralized unit Rhyolite (Rhy) dikes Project wide, most important in OTS. Unmineralized unit Hornblende biotite andesite and dacite dikes (HbBi) OTS only, most important in Southwest deposit. Unmineralized unit Basalt dikes (Bas) Project wide; Unmineralized unit. SURFACES - FAULTS East Bat Fault Hugo area: used to define Hugo North eastern limit West Bat Fault Hugo area: used to define Hugo North western limit 110 Fault Hugo area: forms boundary between Hugo South and Hugo North deposits East Bounding Fault OTS area: forms eastern boundary to the Southwest deposit and western boundary to the Wedge deposit West Bounding Fault OTS area: forms informal western boundary to the Southwest deposit (generally marks contact between unmineralized Qmd and mineralized Va) "Rhyolite" Fault OTS area: marks boundary between Southwest and Central deposits South fault OTS area: marks boundary between Wedge and South deposits Solongo fault OTS area: defines the southern edge of the South deposit Traditional grade shells were drawn manually for the lower-grade copper mineralization at Hugo North, as well as Hugo North gold mineralization. The copper shell was made at a grade threshold at 0.6% Cu, whereas the gold shells (Main and West) were drawn at a grade threshold of 0.3 g/t Au. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-2 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA AMEC checked the grade and mineralized shapes for interpretational consistency on section and plan, and found them to have been properly constructed. The shapes honoured the drill data and interpreted geology, and appear well constructed. The solids and surfaces were used to code the drill hole data. A set of cross-sections and plans with drill holes colour-coded by domain similarly coloured were plotted and inspected to determine the proper assignment of domain. 17.2 DATA ANALYSIS The lithologic, structural, and mineralized domains were reviewed in Hugo North and OTS to determine appropriate estimation or grade interpolation parameters. Several different procedures were applied to the data to discover whether statistically distinct domains could be defined using the available geological objects. For each zone, key lithologic categories were investigated within and outside grade shells. The mineralized volcanic and volcaniclastic units (basalt - DA1 or Va, and dacite ash flow tuff - DA2 or Ign) were separated in Hugo North but combined in the OTS deposits. The Qmd was treated as a distinct unit in the analysis, as was the quartz-veined and variable mineralized phases of the Qmd (OT-Qmd and the xenolithic Qmd) in the Southwest deposit. The mineralized xenolithic BiGd was also investigated in Hugo North. Descriptive statistics, histograms and cumulative probability plots, box plots and contact plots, and X-Y scatter plots have been completed for copper and gold in each area. Results obtained were used to guide the construction of the block model and the development of estimation plans. The data analyses were conducted on composited assay data: 5 m down-hole composites for OTS deposits and 15 m down-hole composites for Hugo North. 17.2.1 HISTOGRAMS AND CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY PLOTS Histograms and cumulative probability plots display the frequency distribution of a given variable and demonstrate graphically how that frequency changes with increasing grade. With histograms, the grades are grouped into bins, and a vertical bar on the graph shows the relative frequency of each bin. Cumulative frequency or cumulative distribution function (CDF) diagrams demonstrate the relationship between the cumulative frequency (expressed as a percentile or probability) and grade on a logarithmic scale. They are useful for characterizing grade distributions and identifying multiple populations within a data set. Appendix D contains a complete set of histograms and CDFs for copper and gold for the project area drawn by grade or mineralized shell and main rock type. The statistical properties of the copper and gold data are summarized in Tables 17-2 and 17-3 for OTS and Tables 17-4 and 17-5 for Hugo North. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-3 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-2: OTS STATISTICS FOR 5 M COMPOSITES - CU % DATA LITHOLOGY / ZONE SHELL MEAN CV Q25 Q50 Q75 MAX NO. OF COMPS --------------------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------------ SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH Va - 0.29 0.68 0.16 0.25 0.38 1.99 2,828 SOUTHWEST Va - 0.49 0.69 0.27 0.42 1.64 3.80 9,143 Qmd - 0.10 1.60 0.02 0.04 0.10 1.58 1,904 xQmd - 0.31 0.97 0.13 0.20 0.40 1.78 131 OT-Qmd - 0.75 0.60 0.36 0.74 1.06 2.50 540 SOUTHWEST - BRIDGE Va + Qmd Cu 0.46 0.69 0.26 0.39 0.56 2.87 1,373 Va Bkgd 0.30 0.70 0.17 0.27 0.39 2.78 740 Qmd Bkgd 0.12 1.21 0.03 0.06 0.17 1.28 611 CENTRAL Va + Ign Cu 0.67 0.56 0.42 0.60 0.83 2.83 2,235 Qmd Cu 0.64 0.65 0.38 0.56 0.80 4.97 4,526 Va + Ign Bkgd 0.21 1.15 0.04 0.12 0.28 2.29 590 Qmd Bkgd 0.12 1.45 0.03 0.06 0.14 2.44 3,431 SOUTH Va + Ign Cu 0.52 0.71 0.29 0.44 0.64 2.59 1,961 Qmd Cu 0.49 0.59 0.30 0.44 0.61 2.41 804 Va + Ign Bkgd 0.22 0.56 0.14 0.21 0.29 0.78 816 Qmd Bkgd 0.18 0.78 0.09 0.14 0.23 1.05 645 WEDGE Ign + Va Cu 0.55 0.66 0.33 0.46 0.68 2.55 1,366 Qmd Cu 0.46 0.45 0.32 0.43 0.56 1.45 716 Ign + Va Bkgd 0.24 0.93 0.05 0.20 0.35 1.52 478 Qmd Bkgd 0.16 0.96 0.06 0.12 0.21 1.33 1,250 TABLE 17-3: OTS STATISTICS FOR 5 M COMPOSITES - AU G/T DATA LITHOLOGY / ZONE SHELL MEAN CV Q25 Q50 Q75 MAX NO. OF COMPS --------------------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------------ SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH Va - 0.33 0.92 0.16 0.27 0.42 8.97 2,828 SOUTHWEST Va Au 1.51 0.81 0.77 1.22 1.95 32.0 3,564 xQmd Au 0.55 0.77 0.24 0.38 0.82 2.00 130 OT-Qmd Au 1.20 0.79 0.57 0.95 1.60 6.83 509 Va Bkgd 0.34 0.74 0.19 0.29 0.44 3.63 5,579 Qmd Bkgd 0.12 2.48 0.01 0.03 0.09 4.15 1,855 SOUTHWEST - BRIDGE Va - 0.12 1.46 0.05 0.08 0.13 3.38 1,573 Qmd - 0.06 1.58 0.02 0.04 0.07 1.83 1,151 CENTRAL Va + Ign Au 0.69 0.76 0.38 0.56 0.81 7.70 722 Qmd Au 0.53 0.97 0.19 0.38 0.71 4.13 651 Va + Ign Bkgd 0.12 1.31 0.04 0.07 0.13 1.86 2,103 Qmd Bkgd 0.08 1.31 0.02 0.05 0.09 1.87 7,306 SOUTH Va + Ign Au 0.55 4.79 0.09 0.23 0.43 51.1 438 Qmd Au 0.42 1.82 0.16 0.27 0.42 7.88 372 Va + Ign Bkgd 0.09 2.29 0.02 0.04 0.09 5.36 2,339 Qmd Bkgd 0.11 1.37 0.03 0.07 0.13 1.93 1,077 WEDGE Ign + Va - 0.07 2.40 0.02 0.03 0.06 2.95 1,844 Qmd - 0.06 1.83 0.02 0.03 0.06 2.24 1,966 May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-4 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-4: HUGO NORTH STATISTICS FOR 15 M COMPOSITES - CU % DATA LITHOLOGY CU SHELL MEAN CV Q25 Q50 Q75 MAX NO. OF COMPS --------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------------ Va Quartz Vein 3.28 0.59 2.37 3.22 4.04 8.16 496 Ign Quartz Vein 2.89 0.66 0.84 3.00 4.05 6.61 24 Qmd Quartz Vein 3.05 0.42 2.13 2.86 3.90 7.74 519 xBiGd Quartz Vein 0.99 0.70 0.50 0.86 1.42 3.62 21 Va 0.6 1.35 0.34 1.07 1.29 1.56 3.25 294 Ign 0.6 1.02 0.48 0.69 0.95 1.28 3.82 398 Qmd 0.6 1.13 0.43 0.77 1.07 1.40 3.66 993 xBiGd 0.6 0.88 0.44 0.58 0.87 1.09 2.93 68 Va Bkgd 0.24 1.38 0.08 0.11 0.23 1.54 24 Ign Bkgd 0.22 0.80 0.10 0.19 0.32 1.02 296 Qmd Bkgd 0.36 0.48 0.25 0.35 0.45 2.06 153 TABLE 17-5: HUGO NORTH STATISTICS FOR 15 M COMPOSITES - AU G/T DATA LITHOLOGY AU SHELL MEAN CV Q25 Q50 Q75 MAX NO. OF COMPS --------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------------ Va Main 0.66 0.91 0.32 0.48 0.76 4.86 333 Ign Main 0.49 0.76 0.32 0.40 0.54 1.63 16 Qmd Main 0.96 0.89 0.39 0.73 1.31 9.30 603 xBiGd Main 0.47 0.87 0.23 0.32 0.52 2.16 51 Qmd West 0.83 1.09 0.35 0.57 0.96 7.00 283 Va Bkgd 0.09 0.78 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.65 481 Ign Bkgd 0.03 1.07 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.44 702 Qmd Bkgd 0.16 0.80 0.09 0.14 0.20 2.21 779 xBiGd Bkgd 0.14 0.60 0.08 0.13 0.19 0.41 34 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS Copper grades in the mineralized volcanic units (dominantly basalt or Va) show essentially single lognormal distributions. CDF patterns show no distinct break for Southwest units except in the Bridge area. There and in the remaining OTS zones a noticeable bend in the distribution pattern occurs around 0.2% Cu. This is supportive of the choice of the 0.3% Cu threshold grade for these areas. Consistent copper mean values and coefficients of variation (CV) numbers occur in the Southwest Va and in Va inside the copper grade shell domains. Mean values range from 0.3 to 0.6, whereas CVs are low at 0.55 to 0.70. The mineralized copper domains all show about 7% to 15% included lower-grade material. Copper values in quartz monzodiorite units (Qmd) show variable differences in mean grade values with adjacent mineralized volcanic units. The differences depend on which intrusive phase was predominant in an area, e.g., early, altered and mineralized Central, South, and Wedge deposit Qmd units versus late, poorly altered and essentially unmineralized Southwest Qmd. Exception to the latter are the unique quartz-veined and mineralized phases (OT-Qmd and xQmd) in the Southwest gold zone. Coefficient of variation (CV) values range from low inside copper grade shells (0.45 to May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-5 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 0.65) to over 1 in the Southwest and Central background areas. South and Wedge background Qmd show the lowest CV values (0.8 to 1.0). CDF plots commonly show double to triple lognormal distributions (in analyses ignoring grade shell boundaries). Usually one of the grade distributions is at very low values, accounting for 5% to 15% of the data. Another group represents about 30% to 70% of the remaining data. Threshold grades range from 0.15% to 0.30% Cu. These populations likely correspond to the three recognized intrusive Qmd phases in the Southern deposits. Occurrence of grade breaks in the grade trends support the use of grade shells in areas where mineralized Qmd units are present (Southwest - Bridge, Central, South, and Wedge). Gold grades are highest in the Southwest gold shell domain, where every lithology has been enriched. The mineralized basalt (Va) units contain the highest gold values here, averaging 1.5 g/t Au, followed by the OT-Qmd at 1.2 g/t Au. Background Va units in Southwest are still considered to be enriched, averaging 0.33 g/t Au. CV values are relatively low, ranging from 0.7 to 0.9. Elsewhere gold only occurs at elevated values in Central and South where defined by a gold grade shell. Va and Qmd units are similarly mineralized in these shells, averaging 0.4 to 0.7 g/t Au. CVs are low in Central (0.7 to 0.9) but high in South because of the occurrence of ubiquitous extreme values. Background Qmd in Southwest and Qmd and Va in Central and South contain quite low gold values (around 0.1 g/t) and corresponding high CVs. The Wedge deposit represents a gold-depleted area and contains the lowest average values (0.06 to 0.07 g/t) in the OTS. CDF diagrams for gold show typical positively skewed trends. For Southwest, the plots display single lognormal distribution populations in the high-gold shell and background Va. In the rest of the zones, double lognormal populations are shown with a variable but high included low-grade component. In plots ignoring grade shell boundaries, the Southwest Va units CDF patterns show a double lognormal population, with the threshold between the two populations at around 0.7 g/t Au (representing the 60th percentile). Similar trends are seen at Central and South but with a lower threshold grade between the two populations of between 0.3 and 0.5 g/t Au. Unlike the Southwest case, the threshold at Central and South occurs at a high percentile (95th). These observations lend support to the use of Gold grade shells at Southwest, Central, and South. HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT Copper grades in the mineralized units (Va, Ign, and Qmd) show single lognormal to near normal distributions inside each domain (Quartz Vein and 0.6%). CV values are quite low at 0.4. There is little variation due to lithological differences inside each domain, especially the quartz vein domain. Within the 0.6% shell, the mineralized Va contains slightly higher grades than associated ignimbrite and Qmd. The CDF pattern of copper data of all domains shows evidence for three populations: a higher-grade population (at a copper threshold value of 2.5%), a lower-grade zone (threshold value of 0.4% to 0.5% Cu), and a background lowest-grade domain. The pattern supports the construction of the Quartz Vein domain and 0.6% Cu shell. Gold grade distributions at Hugo North show typical positively skewed trends. The distributions are slightly more skewed than those for copper, but the level of skewness can still be described as only May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-6 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA mild to moderate. Single lognormal populations are observed in each domain. Also, as in copper, little variation occurs between the lithological units inside the Main and West domains. CV values are low to moderate, varying from 0.7 to 1.0. Background populations are stable too, with CV values for Va and Qmd units averaging 0.8. The CDF pattern of all data between the background and Main domains shows evidence of two populations. The threshold value here is around 0.2 g/t Au and supports the drawing of the separate gold grade shells at Hugo North. 17.2.2 BOX-PLOT AND CONTACT PROFILE ANALYSES Two types of graphs, contact profiles and box-plots, help to visualize grade relationships at geological boundaries and the frequency distributions of the grades in the different geological units. Results guided the construction of the resource block model. Box-plots show the frequency distribution of the assay values by way of a graphical summary. The vertical axis of the plot gives the range of values for the particular assay (total copper). The box shows that portion of the sample data that falls between the 25th and 75th percentiles. In other words, the box captures the half of the data that fall in the middle of the distribution. The horizontal line that appears in the box represents the median of the data, or that value where half of the assays are greater and the remaining half are less than this median value. The mean or average of the data is shown with a dot. The vertical lines that extend away from the box reach to the minimum value toward the bottom of the plot and to the maximum value toward the top. Values for the statistics displayed by the box-plot are listed below each plot. Usually several boxes are plotted side by side so that the distributions can be compared. Box-plots were made for copper and gold to compare the grade distributions by domain in the OTS deposits and Hugo North. The side-by-side box-plots for these areas are shown in Appendix D. Contact profiles or plots were generated to explore the relationship between: 1) grade and lithology, and 2) grade and grade shell domains. The plots are constructed with software that searches for data with a given code, and then searches for data with another specified code and bins the grades according to the distance between the two points. This allows for a graphical representation of the grade trends away from a "contact." If average grades are reasonably similar near a boundary and then diverge as the distance from the contact increases, the particular boundary should probably not be used as a grade constraint. In fact, if a hard boundary is imposed where grades tend to change gradually, grades may be overestimated on one side of the boundary and underestimated on the opposite side. If there is a distinct difference in the averages across a boundary, there is evidence that the boundary may be important in constraining the grade estimation. Generated plots are also displayed in Appendix D. SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS Southwest deposit box-plots show similar to overlapping relationships for copper values in mineralized volcanic units (Va) from the south (Southwest - Far South) to the north (Southwest - Bridge). The mineralized Qmd units (OT - Qmd and the Qmd inside the Bridge Cu shell) also fall in May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-7 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA the same range of values. The weakly to unmineralized Qmd shows markedly different lower-grade distributions. Gold distribution here reflects the presence of the Gold grade shell: highest value distributions lie in Va and OT-Qmd units within this shell. Anomalously high values are still present in most of the Va units outside the grade shell. Values are noticeable diminished towards the North (Southwest - Bridge) in both Va and Qmd units. Gold values in the main body of Qmd in this deposit mirror the quite low values in copper concentrations. Central deposit box-plots for copper and gold values show similar grade relationships among lithologic units inside and outside the respective grade shells. The same relationships are observed in South and Wedge deposits. The chalcocite blanket unit in Central contains similar copper distributions to the copper shell plots but is gold depleted, matching the outside gold shell distributions. Contact profiles for both metals in Southwest show distinct differences in grade in the vicinity of the boundary between Va and Qmd units. Distinct differences also occur across the gold shell. Central and South deposit plots show distinct differences in copper and gold values across the respective copper and gold grade shell boundaries. Little to no differences are observed in either gold or copper between the Va and Qmd units within each domain. Finally, in the Wedge deposit no differences were observed in copper grades between Qmd and mineralized volcanic units inside and outside the copper grade shell. Similarly, gold showed no distinct breaks across the copper grade shell boundary or between any lithology. HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT Copper box-plots for lithologies in the Quartz Vein domain show very similar distributions between the mineralized volcanic (mainly Va) and Qmd units. Comparisons between the 0.6% domain lithologies show somewhat more variability, but the box-plots still maintain an overlapping relationship between one another. Copper background results show a distinct difference in the copper grade distribution between the mineralized volcanics (mainly Ign) and Qmd. Gold results show similar to overlapping relationships among the lithologic domains in the Main gold zone. The West gold zone only contains Qmd and displays closeness to the same lithology in the Main gold zone. The gold background distributions show overlapping distributions between Va and Qmd. Both are quite distinct from background ign units, which display the lowest gold value distributions in Hugo North. Contact profiles for both metals show expected differences in grade across the grade and mineralized shells boundaries. The copper trend between the Quartz Vein and 0.6% domains is somewhat transitional within 30 m of the contact, becoming clearly distinct further away. Comparisons between lithology units within each domain show no grade differences between Va and Qmd units. Qmd and Ign units are rarely in contact with each other. Va and Ign copper relationships show small differences in the 0.6% domain. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-8 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 17.2.3 GRADE SCATTER PLOTS Copper versus gold scatter plots were used to determine what degree of correlation exists between the two grades and if trends are evident. Various gold versus copper composite data scatter plots are shown in Appendix D. For OTS deposits, mineralization in Va units in and around the Southwest gold zone appear to define a Au-to-Cu ratio of 3:1. Further south, in the Southwest - Far South area, the Va units define a main 1:1 Au-to-Cu ratio and a subordinate 3:1 ratio. Elsewhere, the mineralized volcanic units of the South deposit show the marked depletion in gold relative to the Southwest area by defining an Au-to-Cu ratio of 1:10. A second set of gold mineralization is indicated on this scatter plot that appears to be related to a range of Cu grades (0.3% to 0.5% Cu) but not in any definable ratio. These data may represent the ubiquitous, narrow, high-grade vein population observed in the South deposit. At Central, the mineralization associated with Qmd phases generally outlines two Au-to-Cu ratio trends: a 1:10 ratio and a general 1.5 to 2:1 trend. At Hugo North the gold-to-copper relationships are poorer. Generally two trends may be present. The more common is a low gold trend that outlines an Au-to-Cu ratio of about 1:10 in the mineralized volcanic units. The Qmd unit also displays the 1:10 trend but also shows a more gold enriched one at about 1:2. 17.2.4 ESTIMATION DOMAINS SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS The data analyses demonstrated that all of the copper and gold grade shells in the Southern deposits should be treated as separate domains with respect to copper and gold. Additionally, the mineralized volcanic (Va) and Qmd units will be treated as separate sub-domains in Southwest for both copper and gold. Grades for blocks within the respective domains in each deposit or zone will be estimated with a hard boundary between them; only composites within the domain will be used to estimate blocks within the domain. Soft boundaries will be used between Qmd units and mineralized volcanic units in Central, South, and Wedge deposits. The various copper and gold grade shells for OTS deposits are shown in relation to each other and key structural features in Figures 17-1 and 17-2. HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT The data analysis showed that the mineralized and grade shells for copper and gold should be treated as separate domains with respect to grade interpolation. No distinctions were deemed necessary between inter-domain lithologic units. Some grade softening along the Quartz Vein domain and 0.6% Cu shell was implemented to reflect the transitional nature across that contact over 15 to 30 m. The various copper and gold grade shells for Hugo North deposits are shown in relation to each other and key structural features in Figures 17-3 and 17-4. May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-9 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 17-1: SOUTHERN OYU COPPER ESTIMATION DOMAINS [SOUTHERN OYU COPPER MAP] FIGURE 17-2: SOUTHERN OYU GOLD ESTIMATION DOMAINS [SOUTHERN OYU GOLD MAP] May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-10 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA FIGURE 17-3: HUGO NORTH COPPER ESTIMATION DOMAINS [HUGO NORTH COPPER MAP] FIGURE 17-4: HUGO NORTH GOLD ESTIMATION DOMAINS [HUGO NORTH GOLD MAP] May 2005 [AMEC LOGO] PAGE 17-11 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 17.3 EVALUATION OF EXTREME GRADES Extreme grades were examined for copper and gold, mainly by histograms and CDF plots. Generally, the distributions do not indicate a problem with extreme grades for copper. OTS coppers values did not receive a cap, whereas HN copper grades were given a high level one (99.5% level of the respective domain's grade distribution). For gold, capped grades were selected in domains with high CVs and/or where trends defined in the cumulative probability plots began to become discontinuous. In the latter case, this generally occurred between the 98% to 99.5% level. Cap grade values for the OTS deposits and Hugo North are shown in Table 18-1. The capped grades were applied to the assay data prior to compositing. TABLE 17-6: CAP GRADES (ASSAYS), SOUTHERN OYU AND HUGO NORTH DEPOSITS CAP UNCAPPED UNCAPPED CAPPED CAPPED ASSAYS ZONE AND DOMAIN GRADE MEAN CV MEAN CV CAPPED ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------ Southern Oyu - Au (g/t) SW - Au shell: Va, 10 1.48 1.01 1.47 0.85 18 OT-Qmd SW - Au shell: 2 0.53 1.29 0.50 1.04 16 xQmd, Qmd SW - background: Va 3 0.34 0.91 0.34 0.86 28 SW - background: Qmd 2 0.11 3.30 0.10 2.48 35 CO - Au shell 3 0.62 1.04 0.61 0.88 22 CO - background 0.7 0.09 1.59 0.08 1.29 224 SO - Au shell: Va 4 0.55 7.32 0.38 1.66 12 SO - Au shell: Qmd 2 0.42 2.63 0.34 1.13 24 SO - background 1 0.10 2.91 0.09 1.56 78 Wedge 1 0.07 2.49 0.06 1.81 51 Hugo North - Au (g/t) Main gold zone 4 0.84 1.64 0.80 0.96 58 West gold zone 5 0.83 1.89 0.79 1.09 16 Gold background 1 0.10 1.59 0.10 1.22 45 Hugo North - Cu (%) Quartz Vein domain 10 3.12 0.57 3.12 0.56 30 0.6% Cu domain 5 1.14 0.60 1.13 0.60 19 Copper background 2 0.27 1.08 0.26 1.01 10 May 2005 PAGE 17-12 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 17.4 VARIOGRAPHY Variography, a continuation of data analysis, is the study of the spatial variability of an attribute. AMEC prefers to use a correlogram, rather than the traditional variogram, because it is less sensitive to outliers and is normalized to the variance of data used for a given lag. The correlogram ranges from -1 to +1, although models are usually made over the interval [0,1], where 0 represents no correlation (statistical independence) and 1 represents perfect correlation. Correlograms were calculated for copper and gold in the main mineralized domains in each zone. The approach to correlogram model development is to calculate a relatively large number of sample correlograms in several directions using composite values. Directional sample correlograms are calculated along horizontal azimuths of 0(degree), 30(degree), 60(degree), 90(degree), 120(degree), 150(degree), 180(degree), 210(degree), 240(degree), 270(degree), 300(degree), and 330(degree). For each azimuth, sample correlograms are also calculated at a dip of -30(degree) and -60(degree) in addition to horizontally. Finally, a correlogram is calculated in the vertical direction. Using the 37 sample correlograms, an algorithm determines the best-fit model. This model consists of a nugget effect; single or two-nested structure variance contributions; ranges for the variance contributions; and the model type (spherical or exponential type). After fitting the variance parameters, the algorithm then fits an ellipsoid to the ranges from the directional models for each structure. The anisotropy in grade variation is given by the two ellipsoids. Variogram model parameters and orientation data of rotated variogram axes are shown in Tables 17-7 and 17-8, respectively, for OTS and Tables 17-9 and 17-10, respectively, for Hugo North. The deposits of the Oyu Tolgoi project exhibit mineralization controls related to the intrusive history and structural geology (faults). The patterns of anisotropy demonstrated by the various correlograms tend to be consistent with geological interpretations -- particularly to any bounding structural features (faults and lithologic contacts) and quartz + sulphide vein orientation data. Key observations are described below. 17.4.1 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT Copper displays dominantly N-S trending, steeply E dipping, and S plunging long-ranged structures within the mineralized volcanics. Gold in the same lithology outside the gold shell displays shorter ranged structures that trend NNE-SSW, dipping moderately to the SE, and NE-SW, with moderate to steep SW dips. Gold within the gold shell contains similar ranges to the background data and shows NE-SW trending structures having moderate NW dips and steeply E dipping, SE-NW trending structures. In general, these observations match the structural data and gold shell shape. The latter has a near-vertical upper portion and a moderately south plunging lower half. Mineralizing fluids are thought to have used the steeply west dipping East Bounding Fault as a conduit. Fluid flow would likely have been upwards and "away" from the fault plane, that is, in a northwesterly direction. This May 2005 PAGE 17-13 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA would account for the southeast dip directions. The north to northeast trends match attitudes of the bounding faults and observed vein data. SOUTH DEPOSIT Copper is influenced by the geometry of the deposit defined in part by the flanking faults (South and Solongo). Two strong structures are defined: a near cylindrical, moderately NE plunging structure and a NNW-SSE trending, moderately SW dipping structure. Gold displays similar NNW-SSE trending structures that have more gentle westerly dips. WEDGE DEPOSIT Copper structures show pronounced NE-SW trends with dips varying from moderately to steeply SE. Overall attitude is consistent with the contact orientation between the ignimbrite and overlying unmineralized sedimentary+volcanic sequence. CENTRAL DEPOSIT Copper structures show a main short-ranged steeply S dipping E-W trending orientation and a lesser longer ranged, NE-SW trending shallow dipping attitude. The latter structure outlines a tabular shape, mimicking the copper grade shell shape. Gold outlines two sets of short-ranged structures: a NW-SE trending, steeply NE dipping structure, and a NE-SW trending, shallow dipping tabular structure. The nugget effects, or random variation components of spatial variation, tend to be moderate in all OTS deposits. Copper variograms generally have nugget effects of 25% to 35% of the total variation, whereas gold variograms have somewhat more variable nugget effects of 20% to 50% of the total variation. 17.4.2 HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT Copper displays moderate to long ranges in the Quartz Vein and 0.6% domains. The former displays NNE-SSW trending, moderate to steep ESE dipping structures, effectively mimicking the mineralized shell and the surrounding structures (West Bat and East Hugo faults). The 0.6% domain shows two sets of structures: a NE-SW trending, gently E dipping set and a NNW-SSE trending, moderately NE dipping set. Again, the structures mirror the shape of the grade shell. Background data for copper were too sparse to obtain any meaningful correlograms. The 0.6% model was used instead. Gold structures are rather simple in the Main gold zone: N-S trending, steeply E dipping. The West gold zone had too few data; the Main gold variogram model was used instead. Gold in the background gave an single structure, long-ranged set that was similar to the Main gold zone: N-S May 2005 PAGE 17-14 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA trending and steep E dips. These structures for gold are distinct from those of copper, and imply a different mineralizing fluid path for gold The nugget effects are low to moderate at Hugo North. Copper variograms have nugget effects of 25% to 30% of the total variation, whereas gold variograms have variable nugget effects that range from 20% to 35% of the total variation. May 2005 PAGE 17-15 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-7: CU AND AU VARIOGRAM PARAMETERS FOR SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS SILLS ROTATION ANGLES RANGES NUGGET ------------ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- MODEL CO C1 C2 Z1 X1' Y1" Z2 X2' Y2" Z1 X1' Y1" Z2 X2' Y2" ----- ------ ----- ----- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Cu - Southwest Mineralized volcanics (Va) SPH 0.297 0.162 0.541 -3 87 34 85 5 -70 36 68 76 400 525 300 Qmd (Background) SPH 0.179 0.518 0.303 -34 0 -60 31 13 85 52 175 21 225 350 125 Cu - Central Cu Shell - all units SPH 0.229 0.552 0.218 15 -2 7 50 13 2 51 80 31 130 216 447 Background - all units SPH 0.195 0.567 0.238 12 -37 2 21 13 11 17 88 26 67 237 182 Cu - South Cu Shell - all units SPH 0.306 0.485 0.208 38 41 -68 -14 17 -38 61 308 47 373 66 413 Background - all units SPH 0.421 0.300 0.279 8 20 98 32 -36 -7 79 142 12 384 33 221 Cu - Wedge Cu Shell - all units SPH 0.342 0.318 0.340 -43 -9 -74 62 -39 47 19 60 23 344 82 230 Background - all units SPH 0.163 0.408 0.429 40 51 4 21 -7 -42 9 46 25 75 125 200 Au - Southwest Au Shell - Va and OT-Qmd SPH 0.295 0.340 0.366 53 -74 15 33 3 35 50 78 135 123 29 350 Background - Va SPH 0.418 0.246 0.335 54 30 -66 28 -6 60 17 58 101 325 400 275 Background - Qmd SPH 0.273 0.271 0.456 43 -56 -18 28 -6 9 20 100 135 275 400 150 Au - Central Au Shell - all units SPH 0.209 0.414 0.377 62 21 -78 -25 -49 8 111 36 12 75 150 100 Background - all units SPH 0.335 0.398 0.267 -22 5 25 53 58 -72 31 72 40 200 300 225 Au - South Au Shell and Background - all units SPH 0.406 0.440 0.154 253 58 -70 253 58 -70 90 85 140 140 155 280 Au - Wedge all units SPH 0.351 0.348 0.302 -37 29 88 51 -4 -10 38 110 9 225 125 75 Notes: Models are spherical (SPH) or exponential (EXP). The first rotation is about Z, left hand rule is positive; The second rotation is about X', right hand rule is positive; The third rotation is about Y", left hand rule is positive. September 2004 PAGE 17-16 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-8: AZIMUTH AND DIP ANGLES OF ROTATED VARIOGRAM AXES, SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS AXIS AZIMUTH AXIS DIP ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Z1 X1 Y1 Z2 X2 Y2 Z1 X1 Y1 Z2 X2 Y2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Cu - Southwest Mineralized volcanics (Va) 211 120 357 177 162 85 3 2 87 20 -69 5 Qmd (Background) 56 57 326 300 188 31 30 -60 0 5 76 13 Cu - Central Cu Shell - all units 299 105 16 237 140 50 83 7 -2 77 2 13 Background - all units 9 100 12 243 114 21 53 1 -37 73 11 13 Cu - South Cu Shell - all units 143 70 38 96 64 346 17 -44 41 49 -36 17 Background - all units 281 210 8 44 126 32 -7 69 20 54 -6 -35 Cu - Wedge Cu Shell - all units 45 75 317 2 117 62 16 -71 -9 32 34 -39 Background - all units 225 133 40 104 117 21 39 3 51 47 -42 -7 Au - Southwest Au Shell - Va and OT-Qmd 37 128 53 299 125 33 15 4 -74 55 35 3 Background - Va 156 96 54 301 108 28 21 -52 30 30 59 -6 Background - Qmd 64 148 43 330 117 28 33 -10 -56 80 9 -6 Au - Central Au Shell - all units 157 93 62 324 59 335 11 -66 21 41 6 -49 Background - all units 236 71 338 159 75 53 65 24 5 10 -31 58 Au - South Au Shell and Background - all units 180 276 253 180 276 253 -10 -29 59 -10 -29 59 Au - Wedge all units 232 139 323 117 142 51 1 61 29 79 -10 -4 Notes: Azimuths are in degrees. Dips are positive up and negative down. September 2004 PAGE 17-17 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-9: CU AND AU VARIOGRAM PARAMETERS FOR HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT SILLS ROTATION ANGLES RANGES NUGGET ------------ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- MODEL CO C1 C2 Z1 X1' Y1" Z2 X2' Y2" Z1 Z1' Y1" Z2 X2' Y2" ----- ------ ----- ----- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Cu Quartz Vein Domain SPH 0.301 0.346 0.353 -29 40 -17 5 3 15 40 84 126 238 91 513 0.6% Cu Domain SPH 0.241 0.324 0.435 -35 58 -13 8 -29 -41 60 137 50 148 274 600 Au Main gold zone SPH 0.200 0.371 0.429 10 -4 -8 -22 34 26 55 55 102 400 146 300 Background SPH 0.347 0.653 - -11 21 26 - - - 450 256 400 - - - Notes: Models are spherical (SPH) or exponential (EXP). The first rotation is about Z, left hand rule is positive; The second rotation is about X', right hand rule is positive; The third rotation is about Y", left hand rule is positive. TABLE 18-5: AZIMUTH AND DIP ANGLES OF ROTATED VARIOGRAM AXES, HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AXIS AZIMUTH AXIS DIP ---------------------------- ----------------------------- Z1 X1 Y1 Z2 X2 Y2 Z1 X1 Y1 Z2 X2 Y2 --- --- --- --- --- --- -- --- -- -- --- --- Cu Quartz Vein Domain 125 50 331 265 95 5 47 -13 40 75 15 3 0.6% Cu Domain 129 44 325 69 122 8 31 -7 58 41 -35 -29 Au Main gold zone 73 101 10 199 83 338 81 -8 -4 49 21 34 Background 224 89 349 - - - 57 25 21 - - - Notes: Azimuths are in degrees. Dips are positive up and negative down. September 2004 PAGE 17-18 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 17.5 MODEL SETUP The block size for the OTS model was selected based on mining selectivity considerations (open pit mining). It was assumed the smallest block size that could be selectively mined as ore or waste, referred to the selective mining unit (SMU), was approximately 20 m x 20 m x 15 m. In this case the SMU grade-tonnage curves predicted by the restricted estimation process adequately represented the likely actual grade-tonnage distribution. For Hugo North, mining selectivity was less of an issue because the mining method envisioned, block cave mining, does not easily yield to any selectivity. The same block was used for ease of integrating the block models for mine planning considerations. The assays were composited into 5 m down-hole composites in the OTS and 15 m down-hole in HN. The different lengths mirror the proposed mining method in each area. The compositing honoured the lithology domain zone by breaking the composites on the domain code values. The composites included any post-mineral dyke material intervals that were deemed too small to be part of a post-mineral dyke geology model. The capping limits were applied to the assay data prior to compositing. Also, assay data in older drill holes (pre-OTD231) were adjusted for bias (Juras 2003, Hodgson 2004). The composite data were back-tagged by the grade and mineralized shells (on a majority code basis). AMEC reviewed the compositing process and subsequent back-tagging, and found all performed as expected. Bulk density data were assigned to a unique MineSight(R) assay database file. These data were composited into 15 m fixed-length down-hole values in both areas. Various coding was done on the block models in preparation for grade interpolation. The block model was coded according to zone, lithologic domain, and grade shell. Percent below topography was also calculated into the model blocks. Post-mineral dykes were assumed to represent zero grade waste cutting the mineralized rock. The shapes were used to calculate an ore-remaining percent for each block by subtracting the volume percent dyke that intersects a block from 100. This percentage was used in the resource tabulation procedure to properly account for mineralized material and to account for internal or non-separable dilution. Only the hypogene mineralization was estimated (with the Central chalcocite blanket being the only exception). The base of sulphide oxidation surface defined the top of the hypogene mineralization in the OTS deposits. 17.6 ESTIMATION The Oyu Tolgoi estimation plans, or sets of parameters used for estimating blocks, were designed using a philosophy of restricting the number of samples for local estimation. AMEC has found this to be an effective method of reducing smoothing and producing estimates that match the Discrete Gaussian change-of-support model and ultimately the actual recovered May 2005 PAGE 17-19 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA grade-tonnage distributions. While local predictions based on the small number of samples are uncertain(1), this method can produce reliable estimates of the recovered tonnage and grade over the entire deposit, i.e., the global grade-tonnage curves from the estimations are accurate predictors of the actual grade-tonnage curves. Modelling consisted of grade interpolation by ordinary kriging (KG). The chalcocite blanket in Central was interpolated by grade averaging because of the small data population in this domain. Only capped grades were interpolated. Nearest-neighbour (NN) grades were also interpolated for validation purposes. Blocks and composites were matched on estimation domain. To reduce the impact of locally inaccurate block grades due to conditional bias at the grade shell boundaries, all blocks straddling those contacts were estimated twice with each of the composite sets on either side of the contact. The final block grade was calculated with a volume-weighted average of the two domain grades in that block. The effect is to slightly smooth the grades at the hard grade shell boundary so that the distribution of block grades more closely approximates the shape of the composite distribution. The search ellipsoids were oriented preferentially to the orientation of the respective zone as defined by bounding structures or to the attitude of the relevant copper or gold grade shell. Search ranges for OTS deposits were 175 m to 250 m along the respective long axis, 125 m to 175 m down the dip direction, and 150 m to 200 m vertically. For Hugo North the ranges for the Quartz Vein Domain (Cu) and all gold domains consisted of 300 m along the long axis, 125 m down the dip direction, and 200 m vertically. The remaining copper domains were 300 m to 400 m along the long axis, 225 m to 270 m down the dip direction, and 125 m to 150 m vertically. Block discretization was 4 x 4 x 3. A two-pass approach was instituted for interpolation. The first pass allowed a single hole to place a grade estimate in a block, and the second pass required a minimum of two holes from the same estimation domain. This approach was used to enable most blocks to receive a grade estimate within the domains, including the background domains. Blocks received a minimum of 5 and maximum of 4 composites from a single drill hole (for the two-hole minimum pass) in the OTS model. Maximum composite limit was 20. For Hugo North, a minimum of 4 and maximum of 10 composites were used, with a limit of 3 composites from a single drill (smaller-numbered composites reflect the larger composite size at HN). These parameters were based on the geological interpretation, data analyses, and variogram analyses. The number of composites used in estimating grade into a model block followed a strategy that matched composite values and model blocks sharing the same ore code or domain. The minimum and maximum number of composites were adjusted to incorporate an appropriate --------- (1) Local grade estimates at the block-scale can be conditionally biased. Blocks estimated to be low-grade will actually be higher grade and vice versa. Division of the deposits into domains prior to estimation reduces the impact of conditional bias. May 2005 PAGE 17-20 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA amount of grade smoothing. This was done by change-of-support analysis (Discrete Gaussian or Hermitian polynomial change-of-support method), as described below. For both metals, an outlier restriction was used to control the effects of high-grade composites within each of the domains in OTS and HN, particularly in background domains and poorly mineralized units (e. g, Southwest Qmd). The threshold grades were generally set as the grade of the relevant grade shell, or the distinct break in the CDF curves in the case of poorly mineralized units. In Southwest (OTS), an outlier of 1.0 g/t Au was used in background domains for Va and Qmd. Other OTS gold outlier cases were 1.5 g/t implemented within the South gold shell (to minimize grade "blow-outs" from extreme grade composites at depth) and 0.5 g/t within the Wedge. OTS zones that contained copper grade shells had a 0.5% Cu outlier value implemented in the background domains, except for the South deposit, where it was set to 0.8%. Hugo North outlier values were 3% Cu within the 0.6% domain and 1% Cu in the copper background domain. Gold values were restricted to 3 g/t in the West gold zone and to 0.3 g/t in the gold background domain. The restricted distances were 40 m in OTS and 50 m in HN. Bulk density values were estimated into the resource model by an averaging of composites. A maximum of six and minimum of two 15 m composites were used for the averaging. A rectangular search was used, measuring 200 m north x 200 m east x 50 m elevation. The assignment was constrained by matching composite values and model blocks that shared the same lithology domain in both the OTS and HN models. In the event a block was not estimated, default density values were assigned based on lithology code. Final resource grade values were adjusted to reflect likely occurrences of internal dilution from the unmineralized post-mineral dykes. The estimated mined resources for Hugo North and Southern Oyu deposits were tabulated and reported using these adjusted or diluted grade values. The planned mining method for Hugo North, underground block caving, allows for virtually no segregation of diluting material. Therefore at Hugo North, model blocks that contained less than 85% and greater than 15% mineralized material or ore by volume had final block grades recalculated with volume-weighted averaging of the interpolated grade and dyke grade (taken as zero) to 100% ore. Blocks containing more than 85% ore were allowed to use the existing interpolated grades. For block with less than 15% ore by volume, the blocks were reset to 100% but at zero grade values. The Southern Oyu deposits will be mined by open-pit methods. This allows for potential segregation of unmineralized dyke material. However, contact dilution and ore loss will be inevitable during mining. For this reason, contact block grades and ore percent values were also adjusted. Model-blocks containing greater than 85% mineralized material or ore by volume, were reset to 100% ore, but the interpolated grades were adjusted by a volume-weighted averaging of the interpolated grade and dyke grade (taken as zero). Model blocks containing less than 15% ore by volume were reset to 0% ore and zero grade values. Blocks containing less than 85% and greater than 15% ore by volume retained the interpolated grade value. However, in this case, the ore percent values were adjusted downward by 15%. May 2005 PAGE 17-21 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA 17.6.1 VALIDATION VISUAL INSPECTION AMEC completed a detailed visual validation of the OTS and HN resource models. Models were checked for proper coding of drill hole intervals and block model cells, in both section and plan. Coding was found to be properly done. Grade interpolation was examined relative to drill hole composite values by inspecting sections and plans. The checks showed good agreement between drill hole composite values and model cell values. The hard boundaries between grade shells appear to have constrained grades to their respective estimation domains. The addition of the outlier restriction values succeeded in minimizing grade smearing in regions of sparse data and, in general, all background domains. Examples of representative sections and plans containing block model grades, drill hole composite values, and domain outlines are included in Appendix F for the OTS deposits and Appendix G for the Hugo North deposit. MODEL CHECK FOR CHANGE-OF-SUPPORT An independent check on the smoothing in the estimates was made using the Discrete Gaussian or Hermitian polynominal change-of-support method described by Journel and Huijbregts (Mining Geostatistics, Academic Press, 1978). The distribution of hypothetical block grades derived by this method is compared to the estimated model grade distribution by means of grade-tonnage curves. The grade-tonnage curves allow comparison of the histograms of the two grade distributions in a format familiar to mining. If the estimation procedure has adequately predicted grades for the selected block size, then the grade-tonnage curves should match fairly closely. If the curves diverge significantly, then there is a problem with the estimated resource. This method uses the "declustered" distribution of composite grades from a nearest-neighbour or polygonal model to predict the distribution of grades in blocks. In this case the blocks used in the model are 20 m x 20 m x 15 m. The unadjusted polygonal model assumes much more selectivity for ore and waste than is actually possible in mining practice, since many sample-sized volumes are averaged together within a block. This means that part of the sample-sized volumes in the block may be ore (above the mining cutoff) and part may be waste. Hence, the distribution of the grade of the blocks is not likely to resemble the distribution of grades from composite samples derived from the polygonal estimate. The method assumes that the distribution of the blocks will become more symmetric as the variance of the block distribution is reduced, i.e., as the mining blocks become bigger. The histogram for the blocks is derived from two calculations: - the block-to-block variance (sometimes referred to in statistics as the between-block variance), which is calculated by subtracting the average value of the variogram within a block from the variance for composite samples (the sill of the variogram) May 2005 PAGE 17-22 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA - the frequency distribution for the composite grades transformed by means of hermite polynomials (Herco: hermite correction) into a less skewed distribution with the same mean as the declustered grade distribution and with the block-to-block variance of the grades. The distribution of hypothetical block grades derived by the Herco method is then compared to the estimated grade distribution to be validated by means of grade-tonnage curves. The distribution of calculated 20 m x 20 m x 15 m block grades for copper in the main OTS domains of Southwest, Central (Cu Shell), South (Cu Shell), and Wedge (Cu Shell), and the HN Quartz Vein and 0.6% domains are shown with dashed lines on the grade-tonnage curves in Appendix E. This is the distribution of grades based on 20 m blocks obtained from the change-of-support models. The continuous lines in the figures show the grade-tonnage distribution obtained from the block estimates. The grade-tonnage predictions produced for the model show that grade and tonnage estimates are validated by the change-of-support calculations over the likely range of mining grade cutoff values (equivalent to about 0.4% to 0.6% Cu). MODEL CHECKS FOR BIAS AMEC checked the block model estimates for global bias by comparing the average metal grades (with no cutoff) from the model (KG) with means from nearest-neighbour estimates. (The nearest-neighbour estimator declusters the data and produces a theoretically unbiased estimate of the average value when no cutoff grade is imposed and is a good basis for checking the performance of different estimation methods.) Results, summarized in Table 17-11, show no problems with global bias in the estimates. AMEC also checked for local trends in the grade estimates (grade slice or swath checks). This was done by plotting the mean values from the nearest-neighbour estimate versus the kriged results for benches (in 30 m swaths) and for northings and eastings (both in 40 m swaths). The kriged estimate should be smoother than the nearest-neighbour estimate, thus the nearest-neighbour estimate should fluctuate around the kriged estimate on the plots. Results for copper and gold for OTS and HN domains are shown in Appendix E. The two trends behave as predicted and show no significant trends of copper or gold in the estimates in both OTS and HN models. HISTOGRAMS AND PROBABILITY PLOTS Histograms were constructed to show the frequency of sample grades within the mineralized domains. Both kriged and nearest-neighbour plots were made for copper and gold. The nearest-neighbour plots mimic the respective composite value distribution. The kriged results show the formation of a more symmetric distribution because of the smoothing effect caused by using multiple values from multiple drill holes to interpolate a model block value. May 2005 PAGE 17-23 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-11: GLOBAL MODEL MEAN GRADE VALUES BY DOMAIN IN EACH ZONE DOMAIN / ZONE NN ESTIMATE KRIGED ESTIMATE % DIFFERENCE -------------------------------- ----------- --------------- ------------ Cu (%) - Southern Oyu Deposits Southwest - Far South Va 0.217 0.220 +1.4 Southwest - Va 0.386 0.395 +2.3 Southwest - Qmd 0.040 0.042 +5.0 Southwest - Bridge Cu Shell 0.414 0.426 +2.9 Central Cu shell 0.611 0.613 +0.3 Central background 0.107 0.105 -1.9 South Cu Shell 0.474 0.470 -0.8 South Background 0.172 0.172 - Wedge Cu Shell 0.501 0.485 -3.2 Wedge Background 0.113 0.116 +2.6 Au (g/t) - Southern Oyu Deposits Southwest Au Shell 1.350 1.358 +0.6 Southwest background (Va) 0.323 0.321 -0.6 Southwest background (Qmd) 0.044 0.046 +4.5 Central Au Shell 0.603 0.579 -4.0 Central background 0.074 0.073 -1.4 South Au Shell 0.345 0.344 -0.3 South background 0.077 0.077 - Wedge 0.054 0.052 -3.8 Cu (%) - Hugo North Deposit Quartz Vein Domain 2.962 2.956 -0.2 0.6%Cu Domain 1.057 1.079 +2.1 Copper background 0.298 0.291 -2.4 Au (g/t) - Hugo North Deposit Main Gold Zone 0.777 0.783 +0.8 West Gold Zone 0.690 0.714 +3.5 Gold Background 0.112 0.109 -2.8 17.7 MINERAL RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION The mineral resources of the Oyu Tolgoi project were classified using logic consistent with the CIM definitions referred to in NI 43-101. The mineralization of the project satisfies sufficient criteria to be classified into Measured, Indicated, and Inferred mineral resource categories. 17.7.1 MEASURED MINERAL RESOURCES Inspection of the model and drill hole data on plans and sections in the Southwest deposit (Southern Oyu area) centred around the gold shell, combined with spatial statistical work and investigation of confidence limits in predicting planned quarterly production, showed good geologic and grade continuity in areas where sample spacing was about 50 m. When taken May 2005 PAGE 17-24 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA together with all observed factors, AMEC decided that blocks covered by this data spacing in the Southwest deposit may be classified as Measured Mineral Resource. A three-hole rule was used, where blocks containing an estimate resulting from three or more samples from different holes (all within 55 m and at least one within 30 m) were classified as Measured Mineral Resource. 17.7.2 INDICATED MINERAL RESOURCES The Indicated Mineral Resource category is supported by the present drilling grid over most of the remaining part of the Southern Oyu deposits. The drill spacing is at a nominal 70 m on and between sections. Geologic and grade continuity is demonstrated by inspection of the model and drill hole data in plans and sections over the various zones, combined with spatial statistical work and investigation of confidence limits in predicting planned annual production. Considering these factors, AMEC decided that blocks covered by this data spacing may be classified as Indicated Mineral Resource. A two-hole rule was used, where blocks contained an estimate resulting from two or more samples from different holes. For the Southwest deposit the two holes needed to be within 75 m, with at least one hole within 55 m. For the remaining deposits, both holes needed to be within 65 m, with at least one hole within 45 m, to be classified as Indicated Mineral Resource. The Indicated Mineral Resource category is supported at Hugo North where the drill spacing is approximately 125 m x 75 m centres. Geologic and grade continuity is demonstrated by inspection of the model and drill hole data in plans and sections over the various zones, combined with spatial statistical work and investigation of confidence limits in predicting planned annual production. Considering these factors, AMEC decided that blocks covered by this data spacing may be classified as Indicated Mineral Resource. To help define the area outlined by this drill spacing, AMEC utilized an indicator variogram method (based on the Quartz Vein domain) where a suitable threshold value was selected by inspection relative to the observed drill hole locations. 17.7.3 INFERRED MINERAL RESOURCES All interpolated blocks that did not meet the criteria for either Measured or Indicated Mineral Resource at OTS or HN were assigned as Inferred Mineral Resource if they fell within 150 m of a drill hole composite. 17.8 MINERAL RESOURCE SUMMARY The mineralization of the Oyu Tolgoi Project as of 3 May 2005 is classified as Measured, Indicated, and Inferred mineral resources. The total project mineral resources are shown in Table 17-12 and are reported at a copper equivalent cutoff grade of above 0.6%. The mineral resource summary for the Southern Oyu deposits are reported in two ways in this report. The May 2005 PAGE 17-25 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA first, in Table 17-12, quotes the Southern Oyu resources as global resources above cutoff grades, without the constraint of an open pit or underground mining shape, and is consistent with previous disclosed resource estimates. The second tabulation, in Table 17-13, is done as a guide to the reasonableness of future open pit mining operations. Here the Measured and Indicated mineral resources have been recast using an ultimate life-of-mine open pit shell (at 0.3% Cu Eq. and using US$1.00 for copper and US$400/oz for gold) designed by Minproc Limited of Australia. Hugo North mineral resources are shown in Table 17-14 and are reported at above various copper equivalent cutoff grades. Hugo South mineral resources are included here for completeness. Though not re-estimated as part of this work, a revised definition of the separation of Hugo South and Hugo North along the north-dipping 110 fault necessitated a re-tabulation of the existing Hugo South model. The result, in Table 17-14, shows slight variations since the last disclosure in November 2003. The equivalent grade was calculated using assumed metal prices of US$0.80/lb for copper and US$350/oz for gold. For convenience the formula is: CuEq = %Cu + (g/t Au*11.25)/17.64 The contained gold and copper estimates in the tables below have not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries. TABLE 18-7: OYU TOLGOI PROJECT MINERAL RESOURCES BASED ON A 0.6% CU EQ. CUTOFF, 3 MAY 2005 GRADES CONTAINED METAL -------------------- ----------------------- CU AU CU EQ. CU AU MINERAL RESOURCE CATEGORY TONNES % G/T % 000 LB OZ ------------------------- ------------- ---- ---- ------ ---------- ---------- Southern Oyu Deposits Measured 101,590,000 0.64 1.10 1.34 1,440,000 3,580,000 Indicated 465,640,000 0.62 0.43 0.89 6,360,000 6,400,000 Measured+Indicated 567,230,000 0.62 0.55 0.97 7,810,000 9,980,000 Inferred 88,500,000 0.47 0.41 0.73 920,000 1,170,000 Hugo Dummett Deposits Indicated 581,930,000 1.89 0.41 2.15 24,250,000 7,600,000 Inferred 1,071,620,000 1.07 0.21 1.20 25,220,000 7,310,000 Total Oyu Tolgoi Project Measured 101,590,000 0.64 1.10 1.34 1,440,000 3,580,000 Indicated 1,047,570,000 1.33 0.42 1.59 30,610,000 14,070,000 Measured+Indicated 1,149,160,000 1.30 0.47 1.54 32,850,000 17,340,000 Inferred 1,160,120,000 1.02 0.23 1.16 26,200,000 8,400,000 May 2005 PAGE 17-26 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-13: SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS MINERAL RESOURCES IN ULTIMATE PIT BASED ON 0.6% AND 0.3% CU EQ. CUTOFF GRADES, 3 MAY 2005 GRADES CONTAINED METAL CU EQ. ---------------------------- ----------------------- MINERAL RESOURCE CUTOFF GRADE CU AU CU EQ. CU AU CATEGORY % TONNES % G/T % 000 LB OZ ---------------------------- ------------ ----------- ---- ----- ------ ---------- ---------- Southwest, South and Wedge Deposits Measured 0.6 101,530,000 0.65 1.09 1.34 1,450,000 3,560,000 0.3 126,560,000 0.58 0.93 1.18 1,620,000 3,780,000 Indicated 0.6 210,960,000 0.56 0.53 0.90 2,610,000 3,560,000 0.3 558,060,000 0.42 0.31 0.61 5,110,000 5,640,000 Measured+Indicated 0.6 312,490,000 0.59 0.71 1.04 4,070,000 7,120,000 0.3 684,620,000 0.45 0.43 0.72 6,730,000 9,430,000 Inferred 0.6 9,040,000 0.55 0.22 0.69 110,000 70,000 0.3 72,000,000 0.35 0.18 0.46 560,000 410,000 Central Deposit Indicated 0.6 160,190,000 0.78 0.20 0.91 2,750,000 1,030,000 0.3 232,530,000 0.67 0.17 0.78 3,430,000 1,270,000 Inferred 0.6 3,910,000 0.70 0.24 0.86 60,000 30,000 0.3 6,240,000 0.56 0.22 0.70 80,000 40,000 Total Southern Oyu Deposits Measured 0.6 101,530,000 0.65 1.09 1.34 1,450,000 3,560,000 0.3 126,560,000 0.58 0.93 1.18 1,620,000 3,780,000 Indicated 0.6 371,150,000 0.66 0.38 0.90 5,370,000 4,590,000 0.3 790,590,000 0.49 0.27 0.66 8,540,000 6,910,000 Measured+Indicated 0.6 472,680,000 0.65 0.54 1.00 6,820,000 8,150,000 0.3 917,150,000 0.50 0.36 0.73 10,160,000 10,700,000 Inferred 0.6 12,950,000 0.59 0.23 0.74 170,000 100,000 0.3 78,240,000 0.37 0.18 0.48 630,000 450,000 May 2005 PAGE 17-27 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA TABLE 17-14: HUGO DUMMETT DEPOSITS MINERAL RESOURCES AT VARIOUS CU EQ. CUTOFF GRADES, 3 MAY 2005 GRADES CONTAINED METAL CU EQ. ----------------------- -------------------------- CUTOFF GRADE CU AU CU EQ. CU AU MINERAL RESOURCE CATEGORY % TONNES % G/T % '000 LB OZ --------------------------- ------------ ------------- ---- ---- ------ ---------- --------- Hugo North Deposit Indicated 3.5 113,370,000 3.74 0.92 4.33 9,350,000 3,360,000 3.0 153,770,000 3.50 0.85 4.05 11,880,000 4,210,000 2.5 194,010,000 3.27 0.79 3.78 14,000,000 4,930,000 2.0 239,450,000 3.02 0.72 3.48 15,960,000 5,560,000 1.5 321,120,000 2.64 0.62 3.03 18,680,000 6,390,000 1.25 391,910,000 2.39 0.54 2.73 20,620,000 6,830,000 1.0 476,300,000 2.15 0.47 2.45 22,540,000 7,210,000 0.9 507,410,000 2.07 0.45 2.36 23,130,000 7,340,000 0.8 535,180,000 2.00 0.43 2.28 23,600,000 7,450,000 0.7 559,220,000 1.94 0.42 2.21 23,960,000 7,530,000 0.6 581,930,000 1.89 0.41 2.15 24,250,000 7,600,000 Inferred 3.5 6,230,000 3.33 1.11 4.04 460,000 220,000 3.0 13,060,000 3.01 0.93 3.61 870,000 390,000 2.5 29,720,000 2.61 0.78 3.11 1,710,000 750,000 2.0 57,020,000 2.22 0.73 2.69 2,800,000 1,340,000 1.5 126,870,000 1.73 0.62 2.13 4,840,000 2,540,000 1.25 231,370,000 1.47 0.49 1.78 7,490,000 3,670,000 1.0 392,150,000 1.27 0.38 1.51 10,950,000 4,790,000 0.9 448,590,000 1.21 0.36 1.44 11,980,000 5,150,000 0.8 500,770,000 1.16 0.34 1.38 12,820,000 5,440,000 0.7 540,680,000 1.12 0.33 1.33 13,380,000 5,670,000 0.6 581,290,000 1.08 0.32 1.28 13,840,000 5,920,000 Hugo South Deposit Inferred 3.5 5,440,000 3.71 0.25 3.87 450,000 40,000 3.0 11,950,000 3.38 0.21 3.51 890,000 80,000 2.5 22,760,000 3.02 0.18 3.14 1,520,000 130,000 2.0 38,900,000 2.67 0.15 2.77 2,290,000 190,000 1.5 69,620,000 2.21 0.12 2.29 3,390,000 280,000 1.25 128,100,000 1.80 0.10 1.86 5,080,000 400,000 1.0 203,590,000 1.53 0.09 1.59 6,860,000 590,000 0.9 243,160,000 1.42 0.09 1.48 7,620,000 730,000 0.8 317,940,000 1.27 0.09 1.33 8,900,000 960,000 0.7 413,620,000 1.14 0.09 1.20 10,370,000 1,210,000 0.6 490,330,000 1.05 0.09 1.11 11,380,000 1,390,000 Total Hugo Dummett Deposit Indicated 3.5 113,370,000 3.74 0.92 4.33 9,350,000 3,360,000 3.0 153,770,000 3.50 0.85 4.05 11,880,000 4,210,000 2.5 194,010,000 3.27 0.79 3.78 14,000,000 4,930,000 2.0 239,450,000 3.02 0.72 3.48 15,960,000 5,560,000 1.5 321,120,000 2.64 0.62 3.03 18,680,000 6,390,000 1.25 391,910,000 2.39 0.54 2.73 20,620,000 6,830,000 1.0 476,300,000 2.15 0.47 2.45 22,540,000 7,210,000 0.9 507,410,000 2.07 0.45 2.36 23,130,000 7,340,000 0.8 535,180,000 2.00 0.43 2.28 23,600,000 7,450,000 0.7 559,220,000 1.94 0.42 2.21 23,960,000 7,530,000 0.6 581,930,000 1.89 0.41 2.15 24,250,000 7,600,000 Inferred 3.5 11,670,000 3.51 0.71 3.96 910,000 260,000 3.0 25,010,000 3.19 0.59 3.56 1,760,000 470,000 2.5 52,480,000 2.79 0.52 3.12 3,230,000 880,000 2.0 95,920,000 2.40 0.49 2.72 5,090,000 1,530,000 1.5 196,490,000 1.90 0.44 2.19 8,230,000 2,820,000 1.25 359,470,000 1.59 0.35 1.81 12,570,000 4,070,000 1.0 595,740,000 1.36 0.28 1.54 17,810,000 5,380,000 0.9 691,750,000 1.28 0.27 1.45 19,600,000 5,880,000 0.8 818,710,000 1.20 0.24 1.36 21,720,000 6,400,000 0.7 954,300,000 1.13 0.23 1.27 23,750,000 6,880,000 0.6 1,071,620,000 1.07 0.21 1.20 25,220,000 7,310,000 May 2005 PAGE 17-28 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 18 - OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION No other data or information are relevant for the review of the Oyu Tolgoi project. May 2005 PAGE 18-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 19 - REQUIREMENTS FOR TECHNICAL REPORTS ON PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES This section is not relevant for this review. May 2005 PAGE 19-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 20 - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS AMEC reviewed pertinent data from the Oyu Tolgoi project to obtain a sufficient level of understanding to assess the Mineral Resource estimate for the Southern Oyu deposits (Southwest, South, Central, Wedge) and the Hugo North deposit. AMEC's general conclusions from this review are as follows: The geology of the Oyu Tolgoi project is well understood. The deposits are considered to be examples of a copper-gold porphyry system and related high-sulphidation types of deposits. The deposits are grouped into two areas: Southern Oyu and Hugo Dummett. The exploration program relies strongly on geophysical survey data (IP and magnetics), and other target anomalies still remain within the project land holdings. SOUTHERN OYU Four deposits are known in the Southern Oyu system: - The Southwest deposit consists primarily of pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization related to biotite-magnetite alteration, overprinted by chlorite-sericite alteration. Mineralization is characterized by high gold contents with Au:Cu ratios of about 1:1 in the main part of the deposit, rising to 3:1 in the core of the system and at depth. Gold in the Southwest Oyu deposit is closely associated with chalcopyrite and occurs intergrown with chalcopyrite, as inclusions and fracture infills within pyrite, or on grain boundaries of pyrite. The deposit is essentially hosted in augite basalts. - South deposit mineralization is hosted in quartz monzodiorite in the southwest and basalt throughout the central portion of the deposits. Chalcopyrite is the principal copper sulphide, but in higher-grade areas bornite locally exceeds chalcopyrite. Alteration in basaltic rocks consists of chlorite, biotite, hematite / magnetite, and weak sericite. Quartz monzodiorite contains advance argillic alteration. Small zones with elevated gold values occur locally. - Mineralization in the Central deposit is characterized by an upward-flaring high-sulphidation zone that overprints and overlies porphyry-style chalcopyrite-gold mineralization. A secondary enriched supergene chalcocite blanket tens of metres in thickness overlies the high-sulphidation covellite-pyrite zone. The high-sulphidation portion of the Central Oyu deposit contains a mineral assemblage of pyrite, covellite, chalcocite/digenite, enargite, tennantite, cubanite, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite. Dominant host rocks are dacite tuff and quartz monzodiorite. Higher-grade mineralization is associated with disseminated and coarse-grained fracture-filling sulphides in zones of intensely contorted quartz stockwork veins and anastamosing zones of hydrothermal breccias. Chalcopyrite-gold mineralization is dominant on the south and western margins of Central within either basalt or quartz monzodiorite adjacent to intrusive contacts with basalt. The high-sulphidation part of the Central deposit lacks significant gold. Alteration in the Central deposit shows a close spatial May 2005 PAGE 20-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA relationship to mineralization and original host lithology. Biotite-chlorite and intermediate argillic alteration coincide with chalcopyrite-gold mineralization within basalt. Advanced argillic and sericite alteration coincide with the high-sulphidation mineralization within quartz monzodiorite and ignimbrite. - The Wedge deposit contains a zone of high sulphidation mineralization hosted principally in dacite tuff, grading downward and southward into chalcopyrite mineralization in basalt and quartz monzodiorite host rocks. High-sulphidation mineralization consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, enargite, covellite, and primary chalcocite in advanced argillically altered host rocks. The high-sulphidation mineralization grades downward into chalcopyrite, with lesser bornite within basalt host rocks, and pyrite + chalcopyrite mineralization in quartz monzodiorite. Gold is absent, except locally in drill holes adjacent to the South Fault. HUGO NORTH - The highest-grade copper mineralization in the Hugo North deposit is related to a zone of intense stockwork to sheeted quartz veins. The high-grade zone is centred on thin, east-dipping quartz monzodiorite intrusions or within the upper part of the large quartz monzodiorite body and extends into the adjacent basalt. In addition, moderate- to high-grade copper and gold values occur within quartz monzodiorite below and to the west of the intense vein zone, in the Hugo North gold zone. This zone is distinct in its high gold (ppm) to Cu (%) ratios (0.5:1). Bornite is dominant in the highest-grade parts of the deposit (3% to 5% Cu), and is zoned outward to chalcopyrite (2%). At grades of <1% Cu, pyrite-chalcopyrite +/- enargite, tennantite, bornite, chalcocite, and rarely covellite occur, hosted mainly by advanced argillically altered dacite tuff. - Elevated gold grades in the Hugo North deposit occur within the up-dip (western) portion of the intensely veined high-grade core, and within a steeply dipping lower zone cutting through the western part of the quartz monzodiorite. Quartz monzodiorite in the lower zone exhibits a characteristic pink to buff colour, with a moderate intensity of quartz veining (25% by volume). This zone is characterized by finely disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite, although in hand specimen the chalcopyrite is usually not visible. The sulphides are disseminated throughout the rock in the matrix as well as in quartz veins. The fine-grained sulphide gives the rocks a black "sooty" appearance. The red colouration is attributed to fine hematite dusting, mainly associated with albite. - The Hugo North deposit is characterized by copper-gold porphyry and related styles of alteration similar to those at Hugo South. This includes biotite-K-feldspar (K-silicate), magnetite, chlorite-muscovite-illite, albite, chlorite-illite-hematite-kaolinite (intermediate argillic), quartz-alunite-pyrophyllite-kaolinite-diaspore-zunyite-topaz-dickite (advanced argillic), and sericite/muscovite zones. May 2005 PAGE 20-2 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA RESOURCE ESTIMATION - The database used to estimate the mineral resources for the Oyu Tolgoi project consists of samples and geological information from 583 core drill holes in the Southern Oyu deposits and 156 drill holes, including daughter holes, in Hugo North. The holes were drilled by Ivanhoe between 2002 and April 2005. Data transfer to the resource database was validated from original assay certificates through a 5% check of the database. - Ivanhoe employs a comprehensive QA/QC program. Each sample batch of 20 samples contains four or five quality control samples. The quality control samples consist of one duplicate split core sample and one uncrushed field blank, which are inserted prior to sample preparation; a reject or pulp preparation duplicate, which is inserted during sample preparation; and one or two reference material samples (one <2% Cu and one >2% Cu if higher-grade mineralization is present based on visually estimates), which are inserted after sample preparation. AMEC reviewed Ivanhoe's QA/QC procedures at site and found them to be strictly adhered to. Duplicate performance of core, coarse reject, and pulp duplicates was evaluated by AMEC and found to be well within the respective accepted ranges. The current Ivanhoe QA/QC program exceeds industry standards and demonstrates that the assay process for the Southern deposits samples is in control. - The Oyu Tolgoi resource models were developed using industry-accepted methods. AMEC validated the model estimates and found them to reasonably estimate grade and tonnage for the Southern deposits. The mineral resources of the Oyu Tolgoi project were classified using logic consistent with the CIM definitions referred to in National Instrument 43-101. The mineralization of the project satisfies sufficient criteria to be classified into Measured, Indicated and Inferred mineral resource categories. This independent mineral resource estimate and review by AMEC supports the May 2005 Oyu Tolgoi project mineral resource statement. May 2005 PAGE 20-3 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA SECTION 21 - References Badarch, G. et al., 2002. A new terrane subdivision for Mongolia: implications for the Phanerozoic crustal growth of Central Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.21, p.87-110. Cargill, G., 2002. Report on the Oyu Tolgoi Exploration Project South Gobi Region, Mongolia. National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report, 11 January 2002. Hodgson, S., 2004. Technical Report, Preliminary Assessment, Oyu Tolgoi Project, Mongolia. National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report, January 2004. Journel, A.G. and Huijbregts, Ch. J. 1978. Mining Geostatistics, Academic Press, London. Juras, S., 2003. Technical Report, Oyu Tolgoi Project, Mongolia. National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report, February 2003. Juras, S., 2004. Technical Report, Hugo Dummett - Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia. National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report, June 2004. Juras, S., 2004. Technical Report, Southern Oyu Tolgoi Deposits - Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia. National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report, September 2004. Perello, J. et al., 2001. Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia: Siluro-Devonian porphyry copper-gold-Moand high-sulphidation copper mineralization with a Cretaceous chalcocite blanket. Econ.Geol. v.96, p.1407-1428. Tseveendorj, D. and Garamjav, D., 1999. About ancient copper mining and processing in Mongolia; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Academy of Science Institute Proceedings Series 19, p.17-21 (in Mongolian). May 2005 PAGE 21-1 [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDIX A DRILL HOLE LISTS AND TRACE VIEWS A-1 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS A-2 HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA A-1 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------ -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD001 651027.6 4763885.4 1166.9 350.0 -75.0 136.0 CO OTD003 651028.8 4764043.9 1169.6 180.0 -90.0 186.3 CO OTD004 651258.1 4762853.5 1170.7 40.0 -75.0 250.7 SO OTD005 650308.4 4762667.4 1169.1 226.0 -75.0 207.9 SWO OTD007 651044.4 4762636.3 1167.0 40.0 -75.0 280.0 SO OTD008 651642.4 4763034.1 1162.2 220.0 -75.0 100.0 SO OTD009 650526.3 4762992.9 1173.0 360.0 -75.0 242.9 SWO OTD010 650825.5 4763299.5 1165.6 180.0 -75.0 151.8 SWO OTD011 650380.5 4763196.7 1174.0 180.0 -75.0 100.0 SWO OTD012 651079.6 4763411.2 1162.3 180.0 -75.0 142.4 SWO OTD013 651274.7 4764294.4 1161.9 180.0 -70.0 200.9 CO OTD014 651274.7 4764695.1 1161.8 360.0 -60.0 145.0 CO OTD015 651774.2 4764295.4 1155.7 180.0 -70.0 100.9 CO OTD016 650629.9 4763994.8 1169.4 180.0 -70.0 76.2 CO OTD017 650632.7 4764391.4 1169.3 180.0 -70.0 120.7 CO OTD018 651271.5 4763738.7 1159.6 360.0 -60.0 200.3 CO OTD019 650829.9 4762696.5 1169.0 360.0 -60.0 157.3 SO OTD020 651026.2 4763092.2 1164.1 180.0 -60.0 250.3 WZ OTD021 651626.3 4762540.3 1161.1 360.0 -60.0 133.6 FS OTD022 651628.6 4762300.7 1160.2 180.0 -60.0 159.8 FS OTD023 651324.5 4762494.8 1162.9 360.0 -60.0 251.0 SO OTD159 651131.9 4764192.3 1162.1 180.0 -90.0 450.1 CO OTD160 650693.4 4763140.1 1169.5 35.0 -55.0 460.7 SWO OTD161 650773.7 4763081.8 1168.3 35.0 -55.0 472.0 SWO OTD162 650629.1 4763187.0 1170.5 35.0 -55.0 362.5 SWO OTD163 650554.3 4762941.8 1172.6 35.0 -55.0 488.9 SWO OTD164 651378.8 4762985.1 1164.4 225.0 -55.0 516.9 SO OTD165 650386.5 4762706.6 1171.6 35.0 -55.0 530.7 SWO OTD166 650702.6 4762981.0 1169.7 35.0 -55.0 601.6 SWO OTD167 650086.9 4762516.5 1163.8 45.0 -55.0 415.5 SWO OTD168 650183.1 4762850.2 1168.1 35.0 -55.0 550.3 SWO OTD170 650889.3 4762678.8 1168.2 45.0 -55.0 534.6 SO OTD171 650556.3 4763083.3 1171.4 35.0 -55.0 614.3 SWO OTD172 650483.9 4762987.1 1173.3 35.0 -55.0 772.0 SWO OTD173 650633.5 4762884.4 1172.0 35.0 -55.0 692.4 SWO OTD174 650841.1 4763181.7 1166.2 35.0 -55.0 554.4 SWO OTD175 650738.8 4763193.2 1170.1 125.0 -45.0 461.3 SWO OTD176 650625.8 4763267.7 1168.6 125.0 -55.0 674.9 SWO OTD177 650520.8 4763210.0 1170.9 125.0 -55.0 591.6 SWO OTD178 650738.8 4763193.4 1169.9 305.0 -45.0 448.8 SWO OTD179 650761.3 4763238.8 1167.5 35.0 -55.0 490.4 SWO OTD180 650337.3 4762775.0 1170.6 35.0 -55.0 897.0 SWO OTD181 650908.7 4763281.2 1164.7 35.0 -55.0 236.5 SWO OTD182 649925.5 4763008.6 1168.6 358.0 -50.0 342.2 SWO OTD183 650873.5 4763102.7 1166.6 305.0 -71.5 853.1 WZ OTD184 650544.4 4763103.9 1171.3 125.0 -74.0 705.4 SWO OTD185 650399.2 4763298.5 1173.6 123.0 -70.0 1012.0 SWO OTD186 651525.3 4762987.0 1163.3 185.0 -60.0 617.7 SO OTD187 650829.2 4764167.3 1165.6 180.0 -60.0 532.6 CO OTD188 650601.9 4764530.2 1170.1 5.0 -60.0 554.0 CO OTD189 650718.2 4763089.4 1168.8 180.0 -90.0 332.0 SWO OTD190 650449.5 4763168.5 1172.7 125.0 -75.0 913.3 CO OTD191 650125.8 4764292.5 1179.0 180.0 -65.0 402.8 CO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------ -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD192 651010.2 4763992.8 1173.0 120.0 -70.0 554.4 CO OTD193 651325.5 4764340.0 1162.6 180.0 -60.0 576.0 CO OTD194 650727.4 4764166.4 1167.5 180.0 -65.0 481.0 CO OTD195 650126.0 4762592.0 1163.8 0.0 -90.0 786.4 SWO OTD196 650926.9 4764191.0 1164.4 180.0 -60.0 569.4 CO OTD197 650335.9 4762775.1 1170.6 0.0 -90.0 823.9 SWO OTD198 651427.5 4764339.7 1160.2 180.0 -60.0 122.9 CO OTD200 650196.2 4763208.0 1174.0 125.0 -70.0 1045.7 SWO OTD201A 650837.8 4763690.6 1164.8 125.0 -60.0 565.4 SWO OTD202 650925.5 4764091.1 1166.4 180.0 -60.0 656.2 CO OTD203 650570.8 4763434.3 1168.4 125.0 -60.0 754.5 SWO OTD204 650069.0 4762741.2 1164.2 125.0 -60.0 647.8 SWO OTD205 650827.9 4763593.1 1164.0 360.0 -60.0 460.5 SWO OTD206 650925.6 4763990.6 1173.2 180.0 -60.0 626.6 CO OTD207 650826.1 4764068.0 1166.9 180.0 -60.0 599.5 CO OTD208 650706.8 4762978.9 1169.6 125.0 -45.0 604.0 SWO OTD209 650525.7 4764175.1 1171.1 180.0 -60.0 359.0 CO OTD210 650824.6 4764261.3 1166.8 180.0 -60.0 686.9 CO OTD211 650925.5 4764299.9 1166.3 180.0 -60.0 552.5 CO OTD212 651166.0 4763627.4 1160.9 125.0 -60.0 559.8 SWO OTD213 650706.1 4762979.4 1169.5 125.0 -60.0 808.2 SWO OTD215 651084.2 4763684.6 1161.7 125.0 -60.0 522.1 CO OTD216 651025.6 4764298.7 1165.7 180.0 -60.0 574.2 CO OTD217 651024.9 4764201.2 1163.3 180.0 -60.0 520.9 CO OTD219 651055.5 4763468.7 1162.2 125.0 -60.0 600.2 SWO OTD224 651126.2 4764290.6 1165.0 180.0 -60.0 576.3 CO OTD225 651425.7 4764337.6 1160.2 180.0 -60.0 444.1 CO OTD226 650925.6 4764491.3 1166.2 180.0 -60.0 857.0 CO OTD227 651177.4 4763383.2 1161.3 125.0 -60.0 319.8 WZ OTD228 651298.6 4762906.9 1169.2 180.0 -90.0 56.4 SO OTD229 651292.7 4762925.0 1167.3 180.0 -90.0 55.9 SO OTD230 651323.3 4762891.9 1168.1 180.0 -90.0 65.9 SO OTD231 650487.7 4763365.7 1172.0 125.0 -70.0 846.0 SWO OTD232 650926.0 4763301.7 1164.2 125.0 -60.0 556.0 SWO OTD233 651233.2 4762824.4 1168.7 305.0 -70.0 638.9 SO OTD234 651121.1 4764104.1 1163.3 180.0 -90.0 66.0 CO OTD235 651025.8 4764093.4 1165.5 180.0 -90.0 75.0 CO OTD236 651025.3 4764491.8 1165.0 180.0 -90.0 108.7 CO OTD237 651224.2 4764097.7 1160.8 180.0 -90.0 66.7 CO OTD238 651325.2 4764091.8 1159.7 180.0 -90.0 88.4 CO OTD239 650929.8 4764391.3 1166.3 180.0 -90.0 102.8 CO OTD240 651353.9 4763236.0 1160.7 305.0 -60.0 539.5 WZ OTD241 650925.4 4764556.4 1167.1 180.0 -90.0 166.2 CO OTD242 651326.7 4764429.2 1162.1 180.0 -60.0 422.1 CO OTD243 650924.7 4764689.5 1166.0 180.0 -60.0 735.8 CO OTD245 650496.6 4763359.2 1171.9 121.0 -60.0 770.8 SWO OTD247 651227.5 4764390.0 1163.4 180.0 -60.0 575.1 CO OTD249 650926.7 4764063.1 1168.1 270.0 -50.0 476.0 CO OTD251 650372.9 4763441.5 1172.8 125.0 -70.0 991.1 SWO OTD252 650485.2 4763237.4 1170.6 125.0 -70.0 780.8 SWO OTD256 650825.8 4763952.1 1170.2 180.0 -60.0 386.3 CO OTD258 651026.0 4764413.8 1166.2 180.0 -60.0 671.9 CO OTD261 651378.7 4762888.7 1166.9 215.0 -60.0 245.3 SO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------ -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD262 650929.7 4764389.6 1166.2 180.0 -60.0 699.8 CO OTD263 650301.8 4763367.1 1175.0 125.0 -85.0 473.5 SWO OTD264 650373.2 4763441.3 1172.7 125.0 -80.0 1129.1 SWO OTD265 651248.0 4762985.7 1164.8 215.0 -60.0 310.3 SO OTD266 651299.7 4762773.3 1168.3 225.0 -60.0 245.3 SO OTD268 650302.0 4763366.9 1174.9 125.0 -75.0 1152.8 SWO OTD269 651371.3 4762718.1 1165.2 215.0 -60.0 429.2 SO OTD271 651126.1 4764391.2 1164.0 180.0 -65.0 680.0 CO OTD274 650350.4 4763241.9 1174.3 125.0 -75.0 953.5 SWO OTD275 651126.2 4764190.4 1162.2 180.0 -65.0 623.2 CO OTD276 650371.7 4763101.6 1173.7 125.0 -70.0 831.6 SWO OTD277 650442.0 4763273.0 1171.7 125.0 -69.0 813.8 SWO OTD279 651239.2 4762697.6 1165.5 215.0 -60.0 353.2 SO OTD280 650824.9 4764353.2 1167.1 180.0 -60.0 536.0 CO OTD281 651478.7 4763017.0 1163.0 215.0 -60.0 526.3 SO OTD283 650675.8 4763114.1 1169.6 125.0 -55.0 489.5 SWO OTD284 651028.1 4764511.0 1165.5 180.0 -60.0 579.3 CO OTD285 651026.5 4764098.9 1165.6 180.0 -60.0 527.0 CO OTD288 650552.3 4763323.8 1169.8 125.0 -60.0 627.6 SWO OTD290 651126.1 4764492.5 1163.5 180.0 -65.0 647.0 CO OTD291 650606.6 4763159.8 1170.6 125.0 -55.0 452.5 SWO OTD292 650686.5 4763230.7 1169.5 125.0 -50.0 347.2 SWO OTD294 650931.6 4763985.1 1172.9 0.0 -90.0 459.0 CO OTD295 651601.9 4763997.9 1156.7 0.0 -90.0 573.1 CO OTD296 650091.7 4763275.3 1173.7 125.0 -70.0 1058.5 SWO OTD297 650502.7 4763232.8 1170.6 125.0 -64.0 728.5 SWO OTD299 651227.8 4764490.1 1162.8 180.0 -60.0 466.4 CO OTD300 651328.3 4764544.1 1161.5 180.0 -60.0 126.0 CO OTD301 650117.4 4763088.0 1170.4 125.0 -70.0 1197.6 SWO OTD302 651126.1 4764091.1 1164.4 180.0 -65.0 302.4 CO OTD306 651325.0 4764545.0 1160.0 180.0 -60.0 470.0 CO OTD307 650667.1 4763367.1 1169.4 125.0 -60.0 518.5 SWO OTD308 651090.2 4762810.0 1168.2 305.0 -60.0 448.0 SO OTD309 651182.4 4763923.9 1160.9 126.0 -60.0 701.7 CO OTD311 650599.9 4763064.4 1171.8 125.0 -60.0 484.5 SWO OTD312 651116.0 4763989.0 1165.2 305.0 -50.0 678.5 CO OTD314 650453.5 4763042.2 1173.4 127.8 -69.6 625.3 SWO OTD315 650635.0 4763515.6 1166.8 125.0 -60.0 623.9 SWO OTD316 650545.9 4763103.7 1171.9 125.0 -67.0 605.5 SWO OTD317 650765.7 4763298.3 1167.8 125.0 -60.0 626.3 SWO OTD320 650554.0 4762975.0 1172.0 125.0 -70.0 340.5 SWO OTD321 650791.7 4764135.9 1166.6 125.0 -60.0 676.0 CO OTD323 651323.2 4764228.4 1160.5 180.0 -60.0 293.3 CO OTD325 650870.1 4763224.9 1165.2 125.0 -62.2 636.3 SWO OTD326 650826.5 4763381.4 1165.2 125.0 -60.0 608.0 SWO OTD328 650518.8 4762997.8 1173.2 125.0 -65.0 436.0 SWO OTD330 650288.0 4763160.7 1174.1 123.4 -70.5 927.7 SWO OTD331 650525.2 4762799.9 1171.9 125.0 -70.0 330.6 SWO OTD332 651225.7 4764278.3 1162.7 179.6 -62.5 611.3 CO OTD335 651159.9 4764091.9 1162.1 303.9 -64.7 754.0 CO OTD336 650443.2 4762857.0 1172.7 127.7 -69.8 438.0 SWO OTD337 650276.2 4762972.9 1171.0 119.7 -69.8 869.0 SWO OTD341 651450.4 4764373.7 1160.8 305.0 -70.0 486.4 CO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------ -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD349 649801.9 4763892.5 1178.2 90.0 -60.0 509.0 CO OTD357 649692.7 4764767.5 1182.5 124.2 -59.8 555.7 WO OTD360 649800.2 4763999.9 1178.5 92.3 -59.5 478.5 CO OTD368 651004.4 4762890.1 1165.9 305.0 -60.0 443.8 SO OTD371 651513.5 4763112.3 1161.5 304.8 -59.7 930.5 WZ OTD375 651142.3 4762916.3 1166.7 304.1 -59.3 459.0 SO OTD379 650723.3 4763987.6 1168.6 180.0 -90.0 276.7 CO OTD380 651168.6 4762776.1 1167.8 305.0 -60.0 589.9 SO OTD384 650723.0 4763941.3 1169.8 0.0 -90.0 55.0 CO OTD391 650674.3 4764000.9 1168.6 0.0 -90.0 336.5 CO OTD393 650580.5 4762730.1 1171.2 125.0 -70.0 397.0 SO OTD397 650773.2 4763953.1 1168.5 180.0 -90.0 384.0 CO OTD403 650669.8 4763993.2 1168.7 180.0 -60.0 207.0 CO OTD406 650727.6 4763986.8 1168.7 180.0 -60.0 379.9 CO OTD408 650871.6 4764217.2 1165.3 150.0 -77.0 1157.7 CO OTD416 650871.4 4764217.5 1165.0 155.0 -85.0 1185.9 CO OTD454 650100.6 4762957.0 1168.1 180.9 -60.1 724.9 SWO OTD456A 650817.8 4763473.2 1164.2 92.6 -61.2 724.7 SWO OTD466 651049.4 4762962.0 1165.4 133.7 -59.4 699.8 WZ OTD468 650470.3 4763329.7 1171.2 310.3 -61.6 699.8 SWO OTD480 650514.8 4762719.9 1170.4 219.1 -60.0 664.0 SWO OTD482A 650999.2 4763154.8 1164.3 60.0 -60.0 715.0 WZ OTD483 650587.0 4762988.1 1172.4 36.8 -58.2 802.0 SWO OTD484 651377.5 4764148.2 1159.3 0.0 -90.0 131.9 CO OTD485 651326.0 4764348.2 1162.3 0.0 -90.0 199.0 CO OTD486 651326.3 4764040.9 1159.3 180.0 -90.0 121.1 CO OTD487 651374.8 4764197.1 1159.2 180.0 -90.0 226.9 CO OTD489 651327.4 4764139.8 1159.9 180.0 -60.0 245.3 CO OTD490 651322.8 4764194.5 1160.0 180.0 -90.0 266.6 CO OTD492 651375.0 4764298.7 1161.4 180.0 -90.0 174.6 CO OTD493 651326.0 4764254.0 1160.5 180.0 -90.0 258.0 CO OTD496 651275.2 4764169.5 1160.6 0.0 -90.0 370.2 CO OTD497 651375.4 4764348.6 1161.8 180.0 -90.0 190.1 CO OTD498 651276.4 4764119.0 1160.2 180.0 -90.0 276.1 CO OTD500 651275.1 4764319.5 1162.6 0.0 -90.0 254.7 CO OTD501 651229.9 4763893.8 1160.5 0.0 -90.0 141.0 CO OTD502 651230.8 4763848.5 1160.2 180.0 -90.0 153.2 CO OTD503 651274.9 4764220.0 1160.7 180.0 -90.0 221.3 CO OTD504 651275.5 4764370.4 1162.6 180.0 -90.0 179.2 CO OTD506 651230.0 4763801.0 1160.1 0.0 -90.0 192.4 CO OTD507 651229.7 4764194.7 1161.2 0.0 -90.0 148.2 CO OTD508 651230.0 4764297.2 1162.6 0.0 -90.0 135.2 CO OTD509 651230.6 4763943.6 1160.1 0.0 -90.0 381.0 CO OTD510 651230.2 4764146.0 1160.7 0.0 -90.0 169.5 CO OTD511 651229.4 4764401.1 1163.1 0.0 -90.0 133.3 CO OTD515 651230.2 4763993.5 1160.1 0.0 -90.0 199.5 CO OTD516 651131.0 4764401.4 1163.7 0.0 -90.0 123.6 CO OTD517 651130.7 4764302.2 1164.6 180.0 -90.0 138.5 CO OTD518 651129.5 4763724.5 1161.5 180.0 -90.0 207.6 CO OTD520 651029.4 4764229.5 1163.0 180.0 -90.0 123.2 CO OTD521 651130.4 4763775.3 1161.1 180.0 -90.0 175.3 CO OTD523 650929.8 4764241.4 1164.7 180.0 -90.0 139.2 CO OTD524 651130.1 4763823.9 1161.9 180.0 -90.0 163.4 CO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------ -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD525 650930.9 4764297.8 1166.0 180.0 -90.0 142.5 CO OTD526 651130.5 4763874.3 1162.7 180.0 -90.0 164.7 CO OTD527 650831.3 4764279.0 1166.3 180.0 -90.0 145.8 CO OTD528 650930.1 4764126.9 1165.4 180.0 -90.0 105.0 CO OTD529 651130.6 4763929.2 1163.6 180.0 -90.0 152.1 CO OTD530 650934.7 4763909.7 1167.8 0.0 -90.0 93.0 CO OTD531 650830.1 4764175.9 1165.3 0.0 -90.0 120.0 CO OTD532 651121.2 4763986.9 1165.2 0.0 -90.0 106.7 CO OTD533 650919.6 4764021.3 1170.5 0.0 -90.0 92.7 CO OTD534 651130.8 4764035.1 1165.3 0.0 -90.0 100.9 CO OTD535 651035.8 4763927.6 1166.8 0.0 -90.0 77.6 CO OTD536 650829.9 4764097.9 1165.9 0.0 -90.0 98.7 CO OTD537 650729.3 4764031.5 1167.3 0.0 -90.0 222.3 CO OTD538 651031.0 4763838.4 1164.3 0.0 -90.0 89.5 CO OTD539 651029.6 4763801.0 1164.4 0.0 -90.0 99.5 CO OTD540 650830.2 4763994.2 1170.1 0.0 -90.0 123.8 CO OTD541 651028.4 4763751.2 1163.3 0.0 -90.0 98.7 SWO OTD542 650997.3 4763494.8 1162.0 330.0 -60.0 700.2 SWO OTD543 650929.5 4762746.5 1167.2 130.0 -60.0 600.0 SO OTD544 650729.1 4764075.3 1167.2 0.0 -90.0 90.2 CO OTD545 650828.4 4763942.8 1170.0 0.0 -90.0 172.6 CO OTD546 650873.5 4764020.1 1170.4 180.0 -60.0 387.0 CO OTD547 650978.1 4763929.2 1169.0 180.0 -60.0 351.5 CO OTD548 651073.8 4763928.5 1164.2 180.0 -60.0 286.2 CO OTD550 651223.7 4763746.8 1160.1 0.0 -90.0 206.0 CO OTD551 651071.7 4764044.1 1165.4 180.0 -60.0 468.2 CO OTD552 650973.2 4764046.5 1170.8 180.0 -60.0 396.7 CO OTD553 650875.4 4764126.3 1165.5 180.0 -60.0 493.0 CO OTD555A 651265.9 4764126.1 1160.6 130.0 -60.0 551.0 CO OTD556 651072.5 4764137.2 1163.5 180.0 -60.0 513.4 CO OTD557 650972.3 4764138.1 1164.6 180.0 -60.0 469.2 CO OTD558 651176.3 4763930.7 1161.1 180.0 -60.0 368.0 CO OTD559 650765.9 4764021.4 1167.2 180.0 -60.0 337.0 CO OTD561 650822.2 4763952.3 1170.1 190.0 -60.0 545.3 CO OTD562 651076.6 4764237.6 1163.3 180.0 -60.0 618.5 CO OTD563 650774.9 4764120.4 1166.6 180.0 -60.0 440.2 CO OTD564 650871.2 4764228.7 1165.5 180.0 -60.0 443.3 CO OTD565 651174.7 4764040.1 1161.3 180.0 -60.0 311.3 CO OTD566 650974.5 4764237.5 1163.9 180.0 -60.0 523.1 CO OTD567 651334.9 4763813.6 1158.7 270.0 -60.0 568.0 CO OTD568 651173.2 4764126.1 1161.6 180.0 -60.0 413.1 CO OTD569 650769.9 4764211.7 1167.1 180.0 -60.0 490.0 CO OTD571 651374.8 4764247.0 1160.9 180.0 -90.0 111.5 CO OTD573 651074.4 4764337.0 1164.9 180.0 -60.0 646.9 CO OTD574 650872.8 4764314.5 1167.1 175.0 -60.0 550.0 CO OTD575 651174.6 4764236.4 1163.1 180.0 -60.0 342.4 CO OTD578 650974.9 4764342.1 1165.8 180.0 -60.0 596.7 CO OTD579 651325.3 4764352.1 1162.3 180.0 -90.0 165.0 CO OTD580 650928.6 4764382.0 1165.9 340.0 -60.0 555.3 CO OTD581 650573.1 4764154.6 1170.2 250.0 -60.0 559.0 CO OTD583 651175.1 4764341.0 1163.7 180.0 -60.0 456.2 CO OTD584 650775.2 4764310.9 1167.8 180.0 -60.0 550.0 CO OTD585 650927.0 4764187.6 1164.3 180.0 -90.0 102.2 CO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------ -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD586 651174.9 4764444.8 1163.5 180.0 -60.0 453.1 CO OTD587 651215.8 4764469.1 1162.5 40.0 -60.0 556.0 CO OTD588 651121.2 4764090.6 1163.8 180.0 -65.0 130.5 CO OTD589 650875.2 4764418.8 1166.5 180.0 -60.0 687.9 CO OTD590 650830.8 4764099.7 1165.7 180.0 -90.0 65.4 CO OTD591 650775.0 4764397.0 1166.0 180.0 -60.0 556.0 CO OTD592 651075.3 4764020.1 1167.1 360.0 -70.0 780.0 CO OTD594 650975.0 4764448.0 1164.0 180.0 -60.0 778.6 CO OTD595 651175.3 4764200.9 1161.6 0.0 -70.0 400.1 CO OTD597 650923.4 4764091.4 1166.3 180.0 -60.0 109.4 CO OTD598 650922.1 4764490.7 1166.3 180.0 -60.0 111.0 CO OTD599 651174.9 4764301.2 1163.9 0.0 -70.0 395.5 CO OTD600 650875.4 4764170.3 1164.8 0.0 -70.0 535.0 CO OTD601 650975.8 4764563.2 1167.6 180.0 -60.0 449.8 CO OTD602 650921.4 4764688.4 1166.1 180.0 -60.0 111.0 CO OTD604 650875.9 4764085.7 1166.3 0.0 -70.0 556.0 CO OTD605 650929.5 4763986.9 1172.8 180.0 -60.0 90.3 CO OTD606 651075.5 4764122.0 1163.3 0.0 -70.0 511.5 CO OTD607 650830.9 4764138.1 1165.5 0.0 -70.0 489.4 CO OTD608 650925.2 4764065.1 1168.0 276.6 -50.0 130.4 CO OTD609 650974.5 4764251.1 1164.3 0.0 -70.0 453.2 CO OTD610 650973.8 4764154.2 1164.7 0.0 -70.0 622.5 CO OTD611 651074.9 4764317.6 1165.0 0.0 -70.0 364.0 CO OTD613 651074.5 4764223.5 1162.6 0.0 -70.0 443.8 CO OTD615 650925.5 4763888.2 1166.6 180.0 -60.0 360.7 CO OTD616 651224.8 4764178.1 1161.1 180.0 -60.0 556.0 CO OTD617 651025.9 4764021.7 1169.5 180.0 -58.0 455.1 CO OTD618 650923.2 4764096.9 1166.0 0.0 -70.0 684.0 CO OTD619 651126.9 4763984.3 1165.3 180.0 -65.0 480.9 CO OTD620 650830.1 4764047.5 1167.7 0.0 -70.0 495.0 CO OTD621 651026.5 4764138.4 1164.0 0.0 -70.0 436.0 CO OTD622 651124.9 4764220.1 1162.4 0.0 -70.0 475.3 CO OTD624 650725.9 4764258.9 1168.4 180.0 -60.0 227.3 CO OTD626 651126.0 4764324.3 1164.6 0.0 -70.0 395.5 CO OTD627 651274.7 4764150.0 1160.5 180.0 -60.0 368.1 CO OTD628 651023.0 4764207.0 1163.4 0.0 -60.0 484.0 CO OTD629 650926.6 4764193.3 1164.4 0.0 -70.0 553.0 CO OTD630 651274.3 4764339.0 1162.6 180.0 -70.0 573.1 CO OTD631 651274.0 4764420.8 1162.8 0.0 -90.0 301.0 CO OTD632 650775.1 4763933.0 1168.4 180.0 -60.0 304.2 CO OTD633 650725.4 4764254.1 1168.2 180.0 -60.0 376.2 CO OTD636 650832.1 4763854.4 1167.7 180.0 -60.0 288.6 CO OTD637 650832.5 4764025.2 1168.7 180.0 -60.0 392.2 CO OTD638 650828.8 4764243.2 1166.3 0.0 -70.0 514.0 CO OTD639 650925.4 4764247.0 1165.0 180.0 -60.0 477.0 CO OTD640 650853.7 4763812.0 1166.6 0.0 -65.0 620.6 CO OTD641 650924.0 4764419.4 1165.9 180.0 -60.0 577.0 CO OTD644 650878.2 4763921.9 1169.9 180.0 -60.0 344.8 CO OTD645 650976.0 4763832.7 1164.8 0.0 -70.0 295.0 CO OTD647 651082.7 4764421.4 1164.3 0.0 -70.0 292.0 CO OTD648 651176.6 4763831.5 1161.0 180.0 -60.0 393.5 CO OTD649 651225.8 4764114.8 1160.8 180.0 -63.0 304.7 CO OTD650 650973.5 4764038.9 1171.3 0.0 -70.0 736.0 CO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD651 651175.0 4764403.7 1163.2 0.0 -70.0 295.0 CO OTD652 651125.4 4764197.2 1162.1 0.0 -85.0 672.3 CO OTD654 651176.5 4763879.6 1161.3 180.0 -60.0 208.9 CO OTD655 651074.2 4763832.5 1163.9 180.0 -60.0 284.1 CO OTD656 650976.0 4764661.4 1165.4 180.0 -60.0 158.9 CO OTD657 651226.8 4763928.3 1160.5 180.0 -78.0 453.2 CO OTD658 651173.2 4763983.2 1162.4 180.0 -60.0 307.0 CO OTD659 651175.1 4764183.8 1161.3 180.0 -60.0 147.0 CO OTD660 651126.2 4763890.5 1162.6 180.0 -65.0 358.7 CO OTD661 651131.5 4764590.7 1164.1 180.0 -65.0 519.2 CO OTD662 650009.2 4762579.8 1163.9 125.0 -65.0 275.7 SWO OTD664 651225.3 4764591.2 1162.4 180.0 -60.0 522.6 CO OTD665 651025.6 4763939.8 1167.3 180.0 -60.0 383.5 CO OTD666 649984.6 4762804.7 1164.7 125.0 -60.0 405.2 SWO OTD667 650086.3 4762836.1 1166.2 122.5 -64.9 540.7 SWO OTD668 650349.3 4762923.0 1172.3 128.7 -71.1 749.3 SWO OTD669 650128.4 4762487.8 1163.3 125.0 -65.0 200.9 SWO OTD670 650544.8 4763104.0 1171.9 122.2 -70.7 636.0 SWO OTD671 650202.7 4762528.5 1163.4 180.0 -90.0 528.1 SWO OTD672 650162.7 4762770.7 1166.6 126.2 -65.9 623.5 SWO OTD673 650208.2 4762764.3 1168.4 36.8 -64.6 1114.0 SWO OTD674 650186.4 4762649.9 1165.7 122.3 -60.5 405.0 SWO OTD675 650976.2 4763819.3 1164.6 180.0 -60.0 270.8 CO OTD676 650512.2 4763220.4 1170.0 126.2 -60.5 617.5 SWO OTD677 650658.0 4763089.3 1170.4 29.6 -57.1 613.1 SWO OTD679 651326.6 4764289.0 1161.4 0.0 -90.0 201.4 CO OTD680 650320.7 4762655.8 1168.5 124.8 -76.4 451.8 SWO OTD681 650396.9 4762754.8 1172.0 122.5 -59.9 430.5 SWO OTD682 650350.4 4762658.4 1170.7 28.4 -54.5 980.2 SWO OTD682A 650350.4 4762658.4 1170.7 28.4 -54.5 982.0 SWO OTD682B 650350.4 4762658.4 1170.7 28.4 -54.5 878.5 SWO OTD683 650048.8 4762654.7 1164.3 0.0 -90.0 406.1 SWO OTD684 651275.5 4764050.7 1159.8 180.0 -70.0 341.3 CO OTD685 650818.6 4763261.7 1165.8 129.7 -60.6 455.3 SWO OTD686 650313.1 4762812.6 1171.2 125.4 -59.8 501.7 SWO OTD687 650232.2 4762873.9 1169.6 120.4 -60.7 491.0 SWO OTD688 650727.8 4763189.7 1170.2 35.0 -55.0 498.7 SWO OTD689 650153.2 4762929.5 1168.5 124.2 -60.0 508.5 SWO OTD690 650950.2 4763427.9 1163.1 125.0 -60.0 511.0 SWO OTD691 650280.9 4762858.4 1171.3 25.6 -60.0 997.1 SWO OTD692 650074.4 4762535.4 1163.7 125.0 -65.0 402.5 SWO OTD693 650868.5 4763485.5 1163.7 125.0 -60.0 531.1 SWO OTD694 650785.8 4763542.8 1164.5 125.0 -60.0 490.6 SWO OTD695 650071.4 4762989.6 1168.2 125.0 -60.0 331.3 SWO OTD696 649988.9 4763047.2 1169.2 120.1 -60.5 496.0 SWO OTD697 650728.2 4763451.2 1165.8 125.0 -60.0 550.0 SWO OTD698 650703.5 4763601.1 1165.6 125.0 -60.0 505.5 SWO OTD699 650574.4 4762806.5 1172.0 35.0 -57.5 466.5 SWO OTD700 650617.9 4763402.6 1168.3 124.6 -60.4 607.0 SWO OTD701 650378.2 4762771.3 1171.5 215.0 -50.0 549.1 SWO OTD702 650232.4 4762854.6 1169.4 215.0 -50.0 466.3 SWO OTD703 650620.1 4763659.7 1167.2 125.0 -60.0 483.2 SWO OTD704 650536.3 4763718.4 1169.2 125.0 -60.0 510.5 SWO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD705 650197.7 4763033.2 1170.5 125.0 -72.4 1003.3 SWO OTD706 650455.6 4763775.9 1171.7 125.0 -60.0 373.4 SWO OTD707 651287.7 4763315.2 1160.1 305.0 -60.0 547.7 WZ OTD708 651195.5 4763379.1 1160.9 305.0 -60.0 453.5 WZ OTD709 651106.1 4763442.7 1161.9 305.0 -60.0 297.9 SWO OTD710 650488.8 4763127.0 1173.0 34.0 -65.0 661.0 SWO OTD711 650539.2 4763203.4 1169.5 35.0 -65.0 434.1 SWO OTD712 650304.5 4762815.6 1171.2 215.0 -50.0 739.3 SWO OTD713A 650468.6 4762822.6 1172.2 35.0 -60.0 922.0 SWO OTD714 651261.5 4763453.9 1160.0 305.0 -60.0 502.2 WZ OTD715 651349.4 4763398.1 1159.6 305.0 -60.0 544.3 WZ OTD716 651176.2 4763513.8 1160.4 305.0 -60.0 498.9 SWO OTD717 651098.5 4763568.5 1161.0 305.0 -60.0 315.8 SWO OTD718 650737.9 4763699.8 1165.8 125.0 -60.0 132.0 SWO OTD719 650929.9 4763566.5 1162.6 125.0 -60.0 570.0 SWO OTD720 651021.6 4763624.5 1161.9 305.0 -60.0 636.4 SWO OTD721 651028.3 4763819.6 1164.0 180.0 -60.0 394.0 CO OTD722 650925.0 4763787.1 1164.7 180.0 -60.0 370.6 CO OTD723 650828.0 4763750.0 1165.3 180.0 -60.0 339.9 SWO OTD724 650622.4 4763956.8 1169.1 180.0 -60.0 312.8 CO OTD725 650711.6 4763090.1 1168.6 43.0 -80.8 150.8 SWO OTD726 650244.4 4763183.7 1174.3 125.0 -69.7 941.7 SWO OTD727 650725.9 4763886.7 1169.6 178.0 -60.0 454.0 CO OTD728 650718.0 4763524.7 1165.2 125.0 -60.0 520.8 SWO OTD729 650800.7 4763466.4 1164.5 125.0 -60.0 437.1 SWO OTD730 650431.1 4763279.3 1171.9 125.5 -69.7 981.8 SWO OTD731 651249.2 4763569.4 1159.6 305.0 -60.0 541.5 WZ OTD732 650778.7 4763608.8 1164.5 125.0 -60.0 664.0 SWO OTD733 650859.0 4763554.3 1163.5 125.0 -60.0 607.0 SWO OTD734 650569.3 4762867.0 1172.3 125.0 -60.0 277.0 SWO OTD735 651145.0 4763292.9 1161.4 305.0 -60.0 450.5 WZ OTD736 650930.3 4763566.6 1162.7 305.0 -60.0 167.3 SWO OTD737 651347.7 4763622.5 1159.0 305.0 -60.0 529.5 CO OTD738 651063.3 4763350.1 1162.7 305.0 -60.0 218.5 SWO OTD739 651450.6 4763198.9 1160.6 305.0 -60.0 818.0 WZ OTD740 650524.3 4762898.2 1172.7 120.0 -62.5 391.5 SWO OTD741 651331.6 4763511.0 1159.3 305.0 -60.0 608.7 WZ OTD742 651228.8 4763235.0 1161.0 305.0 -60.0 549.8 WZ OTD743 651359.7 4763998.2 1158.8 270.0 -70.0 299.4 CO OTD744 650331.5 4763130.2 1174.0 124.5 -69.9 940.1 SWO OTD745 650750.5 4763117.9 1169.6 116.0 -60.0 247.8 SWO OTD746 650552.4 4763256.4 1168.9 124.8 -65.5 700.6 SWO OTD747 650702.9 4763040.0 1169.4 125.0 -62.0 390.6 SWO OTD748 650461.9 4762941.1 1172.9 122.6 -63.3 601.5 SWO OTD749 650422.7 4763345.9 1172.7 120.3 -76.3 1018.6 SWO OTD750 650707.9 4763147.7 1169.5 124.4 -63.6 422.4 SWO OTD751 650011.7 4762451.7 1163.9 125.0 -60.0 292.7 SWO OTD752 651310.0 4763177.6 1161.3 305.0 -60.0 623.5 WZ OTD753 650430.9 4763403.8 1171.1 122.7 -67.3 862.0 SWO OTD754 651460.2 4764149.8 1158.4 270.0 -70.0 323.9 CO OTD755 650648.3 4763080.0 1170.4 128.3 -63.6 544.7 SWO OTD756 650656.8 4763026.0 1170.1 127.0 -62.7 401.3 SWO OTD757 651250.3 4763033.7 1163.8 220.0 -70.0 436.0 WZ DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD758 650244.2 4763094.4 1173.7 127.2 -74.8 999.5 SWO OTD759 649925.5 4762511.5 1164.4 125.0 -60.0 461.4 SWO OTD760 650413.1 4763195.0 1173.4 125.0 -73.5 906.1 SWO OTD761 650609.7 4763216.4 1168.7 124.3 -64.5 535.0 SWO OTD762 650417.1 4762973.3 1173.2 124.6 -68.2 699.0 SWO OTD763 650572.8 4763083.7 1171.1 120.8 -63.6 480.6 SWO OTD764 650383.3 4763155.0 1173.7 123.3 -73.6 902.5 SWO OTD765 651449.4 4764248.5 1159.1 270.0 -70.0 330.3 CO OTD766 651390.1 4763122.6 1161.4 305.0 -60.0 820.8 WZ OTD767 650658.1 4763182.1 1170.5 125.0 -65.0 493.8 SWO OTD768 650589.1 4763121.0 1171.1 121.3 -66.0 576.5 SWO OTD769 650492.2 4763078.6 1172.6 122.4 -67.6 669.7 SWO OTD771 650280.7 4763291.0 1174.7 120.0 -69.5 1004.7 SWO OTD772A 651770.7 4762975.5 1163.2 220.0 -60.0 545.0 SO OTD773 650462.1 4763318.9 1171.0 125.0 -72.0 956.9 SWO OTD774 650535.9 4763158.7 1171.2 122.7 -69.8 711.2 SWO OTD775 650590.6 4763008.4 1172.4 125.0 -62.0 501.9 SWO OTD776 650645.0 4762968.9 1171.0 125.0 -60.0 376.9 SWO OTD777 649851.3 4762573.0 1164.7 125.0 -60.0 524.9 SWO OTD778 650315.2 4763044.2 1173.3 126.6 -73.2 985.5 SWO OTD779 650651.7 4763245.9 1168.0 120.0 -52.0 443.3 SWO OTD780 649770.0 4762626.2 1165.2 125.0 -60.0 639.3 SWO OTD781 650606.7 4762932.9 1172.2 126.0 -66.5 297.6 SWO OTD782 651523.2 4763066.3 1161.9 215.0 -60.0 587.0 SO OTD783A 650477.4 4763024.7 1173.3 125.5 -66.5 604.5 SWO OTD784 650540.4 4763044.4 1172.5 123.1 -63.9 585.3 SWO OTD785 651527.5 4762928.2 1163.9 220.0 -60.0 618.5 SO OTD786 650351.4 4763332.1 1174.1 125.0 -75.0 897.7 SWO OTD787 650472.8 4763153.1 1172.6 125.0 -70.0 723.1 SWO OTD788 651308.6 4762654.3 1164.0 220.0 -60.0 431.8 SO OTD789 650597.8 4763347.1 1168.4 125.0 -67.0 691.8 SWO OTD790 650671.7 4763428.7 1166.6 121.6 -69.7 484.8 swo OTD791 651319.6 4762954.2 1165.5 219.5 -55.6 550.4 SO OTD792 650429.8 4763232.5 1172.0 122.4 -73.6 875.5 SWO OTD793 650493.2 4763187.8 1170.7 125.0 -72.5 869.9 SWO OTD794 651639.4 4762825.7 1163.9 220.0 -60.0 385.3 SO OTD795 650440.5 4763114.2 1173.4 125.0 -70.0 783.5 SWO OTD796 651186.8 4762635.6 1165.5 220.0 -60.0 425.3 SO OTD797 651104.0 4762703.1 1169.0 219.0 -65.0 399.0 SO OTD798 649677.1 4763200.1 1169.3 90.0 -65.0 750.5 SWO OTD799 651196.1 4762811.6 1169.5 220.0 -65.0 426.6 SO OTD800 650500.5 4762451.7 1170.2 0.0 -60.0 431.9 SO OTD801 651340.7 4762833.5 1171.0 220.0 -60.0 462.4 SO OTD802 651473.3 4762860.5 1165.3 220.0 -60.0 600.4 SO OTD803 651266.1 4762740.7 1166.1 220.0 -60.0 471.7 SO OTD804 651042.0 4762783.2 1167.4 220.0 -70.0 386.0 SO OTD805 651019.7 4762604.6 1166.4 220.0 -65.0 356.0 SO OTD806 651545.9 4762717.4 1164.3 220.0 -60.0 148.0 SO OTD807 651179.3 4762948.2 1166.1 224.0 -69.0 444.0 SO OTD808 650472.8 4763153.1 1172.6 125.0 -75.0 816.6 SWO OTD809 650307.9 4762598.4 1167.3 34.4 -59.5 982.2 SWO OTD810 651502.5 4762666.0 1164.6 220.0 -60.0 283.5 SO OTD811 650450.6 4762941.5 1172.9 35.0 -85.0 945.4 SWO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD812 651085.3 4762837.9 1169.2 220.0 -70.0 475.0 SO OTD813 651132.9 4762892.0 1167.5 220.0 -70.0 396.1 SO OTD814 651433.9 4762951.9 1164.6 220.0 -60.0 492.1 SO OTD815 651363.1 4762928.5 1165.6 220.0 -60.0 551.2 SO OTD816 651402.3 4763051.9 1162.9 220.0 -55.0 481.0 SO OTD817 650954.2 4762757.4 1167.6 220.0 -70.0 258.0 SO OTD818 649552.8 4763206.3 1168.0 90.0 -75.0 1151.5 SWO OTD819 650999.0 4762732.7 1168.4 220.0 -70.0 420.8 SO OTD820 651022.0 4762836.8 1166.7 220.0 -70.0 292.3 SO OTD821 651084.9 4762915.1 1168.3 220.0 -70.0 361.6 SO OTD822 651137.8 4762818.3 1170.7 225.0 -70.0 346.4 SO OTD824 650929.5 4762801.7 1167.0 220.0 -70.0 322.1 SO OTD825 650994.0 4762880.4 1165.7 220.0 -70.0 295.1 SO OTD826 651429.4 4763005.3 1164.0 220.0 -60.0 532.0 SO OTD827 651199.8 4762894.4 1168.3 225.0 -70.0 334.2 SO OTD828 651488.9 4762948.5 1163.9 220.0 -60.0 426.2 SO OTD829 651058.6 4762650.4 1167.3 220.0 -65.0 259.3 SO OTD830 651070.7 4762741.3 1168.8 215.0 -70.0 247.9 SO OTD831 651125.3 4763003.9 1164.5 355.0 -90.0 476.6 WZ OTD832 651006.9 4762665.3 1167.8 220.0 -70.0 226.8 SO OTD833 651146.2 4762753.6 1168.2 220.0 -65.0 301.1 SO OTD834 651108.4 4762618.0 1166.2 220.0 -60.0 259.7 SO OTD835 651235.6 4762773.7 1167.5 220.0 -60.0 343.3 SO OTD836 651427.0 4762869.3 1166.8 220.0 -65.0 435.0 SO OTD837 651173.9 4762695.4 1166.6 220.0 -60.0 295.0 SO OTD838 651299.5 4762854.0 1171.4 220.0 -60.0 505.0 SO OTD839 650697.8 4762501.1 1168.5 0.0 -60.0 374.4 SO OTD840 651502.9 4762810.7 1166.0 220.0 -60.0 356.0 SO OTD842 651700.2 4762897.2 1163.0 220.0 -60.0 467.7 SO OTD843 651244.2 4762636.6 1164.6 220.0 -60.0 360.7 SO OTD844 651303.5 4762709.2 1165.2 220.0 -60.0 316.8 SO OTD845 651621.6 4762962.6 1163.2 220.0 -60.0 511.1 SO OTD846 651438.2 4762732.6 1165.3 220.0 -60.0 282.0 SO OTD847 651380.8 4763187.7 1160.8 301.0 -60.0 613.0 WZ OTD848 650888.2 4763411.4 1164.4 125.0 -60.0 480.2 SWO OTD849 651379.2 4762799.9 1170.3 220.0 -60.0 405.6 SO OTD850 651437.0 4763272.1 1159.8 305.0 -60.0 855.2 WZ OTD851 651075.5 4763279.5 1162.3 305.0 -60.0 285.5 WZ OTD852 651156.6 4763223.2 1162.0 305.0 -60.0 358.7 WZ OTD853 651240.3 4763165.1 1161.7 305.0 -60.0 458.8 WZ OTD854 651215.8 4763303.5 1161.1 305.0 -60.0 469.9 WZ OTD855 651774.4 4762837.2 1161.5 200.0 -60.0 358.7 SO OTD856 651271.9 4763386.6 1160.3 305.0 -60.0 593.0 WZ OTD857 650849.6 4763560.6 1163.5 305.0 -60.0 155.0 SWO OTD858 651319.9 4763108.0 1162.2 305.0 -60.0 607.0 WZ OTD859 651262.3 4763498.9 1159.7 305.0 -60.0 508.0 WZ OTD861 650994.7 4763337.1 1163.4 305.0 -60.0 118.0 SWO OTD862 650993.9 4763459.7 1162.4 305.0 -60.0 338.5 SWO OTD863 651297.3 4763247.0 1160.9 300.0 -60.0 616.0 WZ OTD864 651181.8 4763555.6 1160.4 310.0 -60.0 496.6 SWO OTD865 650498.9 4763247.2 1170.6 180.0 -90.0 581.9 SWO OTD866 651105.1 4763381.4 1162.4 305.0 -60.0 385.2 WZ OTD868 651737.8 4762864.8 1162.2 220.0 -60.0 498.6 SO DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE -------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD869 651168.3 4763626.7 1160.8 305.0 -60.0 431.8 SWO OTD871 650183.5 4762760.0 1167.1 180.0 -90.0 556.0 SWO OTD872 651026.2 4763558.2 1161.7 305.0 -60.0 240.3 SWO OTD873 651109.9 4763500.2 1161.2 305.0 -60.0 304.8 SWO OTD876 651357.1 4763326.9 1160.1 300.0 -60.0 631.0 WZ OTD877 651191.6 4763442.8 1160.8 305.0 -60.0 442.8 WZ OTD878A 649863.5 4762429.6 1164.8 125.0 -60.0 154.2 SWO OTD879 650622.6 4762848.2 1171.7 180.0 -90.0 558.5 SWO OTD881 650852.2 4763903.5 1168.8 180.0 -90.0 546.7 CO OTD882 651098.6 4763614.6 1161.1 305.0 -60.0 379.7 SWO OTD883 649786.0 4762484.1 1165.2 125.0 -60.0 396.5 SWO OTD886 649701.4 4762542.4 1165.7 125.0 -60.0 505.0 SWO OTD888 651050.3 4763183.3 1163.1 180.0 -90.0 595.0 WZ OTD889 649575.8 4762511.3 1165.9 125.0 -60.0 565.0 SWO OTD893 651171.0 4762976.2 1164.9 305.0 -70.0 591.2 WZ OTD895 651353.3 4762970.5 1165.0 305.0 -70.0 665.9 WZ OTD896 651437.6 4762911.5 1165.4 297.0 -70.0 658.8 WZ OTD907 651136.4 4762878.6 1168.2 305.0 -70.0 486.5 WZ OTD914 650747.2 4763131.9 1169.5 135.0 -60.0 603.5 SWO OTD915 651411.4 4763052.3 1162.7 305.0 -70.0 661.8 WZ OTD916 651493.4 4762995.2 1162.9 305.0 -70.0 654.4 SO OTD919 650700.6 4762850.0 1170.2 180.0 -60.0 500.1 WZ OTD920 651271.8 4763029.3 1163.6 305.0 -70.0 736.5 WZ OTD921 651330.4 4763108.6 1161.9 305.0 -70.0 677.0 WZ OTD922 650796.8 4764328.2 1167.4 295.0 -60.0 459.8 CO OTD924 650881.9 4764153.0 1164.8 240.0 -60.0 350.9 CO OTD930 650591.4 4763408.6 1168.4 320.0 -60.0 550.1 SWO OTD932 651427.8 4762532.0 1161.9 225.0 -75.0 1064.0 SO OTD932A 651427.8 4762532.0 1161.9 225.0 -75.0 1194.3 SO OTD933 650631.7 4763322.7 1168.1 125.0 -65.0 673.8 SWO OTD935 650588.7 4763293.2 1168.9 125.0 -57.0 510.0 SWO OTD944 650675.5 4763292.0 1167.2 125.0 -65.0 526.6 SWO OTD946 651087.5 4763028.3 1163.6 310.0 -70.0 542.0 WZ OTD951 650313.7 4763169.3 1173.9 290.0 -60.0 500.1 SWO OTD953 651087.5 4762918.9 1168.1 215.0 -70.0 200.0 SO OTD954 651059.4 4764046.1 1166.1 180.0 -60.0 200.0 CO OTD955 650737.4 4762504.1 1168.4 170.0 -60.0 152.4 SO OTD956 651288.9 4762544.5 1163.3 130.0 -60.0 201.0 SO OTD980 650520.8 4763475.2 1168.8 125.0 -60.0 370.5 SWO OTD982 650595.0 4763543.0 1164.0 125.0 -60.0 299.0 SWO OTD984 650484.5 4763427.6 1169.7 125.0 -60.0 289.0 SWO OTRC981 650664.1 4763553.3 1166.3 125.0 -60.0 250.0 SWO OTRC983 650621.1 4763584.4 1167.2 125.0 -60.0 250.0 SWO OTRC985 650580.6 4763613.5 1168.2 125.0 -60.0 250.0 SWO OTRC987 650611.8 4763465.2 1167.4 125.0 -60.0 250.0 SWO OTRC988 650552.3 4763508.7 1168.2 125.0 -60.0 250.0 SWO OTRC991 650472.7 4763494.5 1169.6 125.0 -60.0 200.0 SWO OTRC992 650326.5 4762589.5 1167.1 125.0 -70.0 200.0 SWO OTRCD149 651290.5 4762899.9 1169.6 225.5 -55.0 405.0 SO OTRCD150 650621.1 4763037.5 1171.3 35.0 -55.0 590.7 SWO OTRCD152 651437.6 4762820.8 1166.8 220.0 -55.0 485.9 SO OTRCD169 650554.4 4762942.2 1172.5 35.0 -55.0 750.9 SWO OTRCD214 650196.9 4763258.4 1174.7 180.0 -70.0 750.4 SWO [SOUTHERN OYU DRILL HOLE TRACES, PLAN VIEW] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA A-2 HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD355 651943.1 4766296.8 1160.4 307.4 -71.0 1076.8 HN OTD355A 651943.1 4766296.8 1160.4 307.4 -71.0 1355.8 HN OTD355B 651943.1 4766296.8 1160.4 307.4 -71.0 1089.0 HN OTD355C 651943.1 4766296.8 1160.4 307.4 -71.0 971.2 HN OTD361 651777.3 4766413.7 1162.5 306.2 -70.0 682.6 HN OTD363 651617.8 4766524.5 1162.5 310.7 -69.3 872.0 HN OTD363A 651617.8 4766524.5 1162.7 310.7 -69.3 433.0 HN OTD367 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 304.2 -70.3 964.1 HN OTD367A 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 304.2 -70.3 1422.5 HN OTD367B 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 304.2 -70.3 1355.2 HN OTD367C 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 304.2 -70.3 832.0 HN OTD367D 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 301.7 -70.3 1273.4 HN OTD367E 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 304.2 -70.3 1360.0 HN OTD367F 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 304.2 -70.3 1588.0 HN OTD367G 652071.9 4766584.4 1161.6 304.2 -70.3 1763.8 HN OTD370 651687.8 4767958.4 1177.2 180.0 -90.0 466.5 HN OTD372 651796.8 4767501.0 1167.4 305.0 -70.0 259.5 HN OTD383 652091.4 4766791.4 1163.1 305.0 -70.0 1194.4 HN OTD383A 652091.4 4766791.4 1163.1 305.0 -70.0 1222.3 HN OTD383B 652091.4 4766791.4 1163.1 305.0 -70.0 1302.0 HN OTD383D 652091.4 4766791.4 1163.1 305.0 -70.0 1579.6 HN OTD396 651519.5 4766970.4 1165.6 111.2 -84.8 941.0 HN OTD398 652231.5 4767173.4 1165.0 305.0 -85.0 1503.0 HN OTD399 650905.6 4767021.2 1170.3 125.0 -80.0 781.7 HN OTD402 651269.9 4767399.3 1170.0 125.0 -85.0 1095.5 HN OTD405 651102.1 4766878.1 1168.7 125.0 -80.0 919.5 HN OTD409 651599.2 4767256.7 1165.1 133.6 -86.0 1192.4 HN OTD409A 651599.2 4767256.7 1165.1 133.6 -85.0 1417.3 HN OTD412 651488.9 4766846.4 1166.0 125.8 -84.9 951.6 HN OTD413 651473.6 4766627.3 1164.4 130.0 -85.3 829.2 HN OTD414A 652024.9 4766470.6 1161.5 305.4 -75.8 1131.5 HN OTD415 651329.9 4766348.8 1163.7 126.0 -71.0 693.5 HN OTD419 651387.2 4766916.1 1165.5 122.6 -85.2 1332.5 HN OTD422 651083.8 4766521.7 1167.0 120.1 -69.9 680.2 HN OTD422A 651083.8 4766521.7 1166.9 120.1 -69.9 893.7 HN OTD425 651688.3 4767367.7 1165.8 130.0 -86.7 851.0 HN OTD444 651143.4 4767087.2 1167.9 122.9 -83.4 1174.0 HN OTD446 651083.4 4766521.9 1167.0 118.4 -86.2 750.8 HN OTD449 652048.7 4767202.3 1165.1 272.3 -79.4 1439.0 HN OTD449A 652048.7 4767202.3 1165.1 272.3 -79.4 1337.4 HN OTD449B 652048.7 4767202.3 1165.1 272.3 -79.4 1675.5 HN OTD449C 652048.7 4767202.3 1165.1 272.3 -79.4 1094.5 HN OTD449D 652048.7 4767202.3 1165.1 272.3 -79.4 1607.1 HN OTD449E 652048.7 4767202.3 1165.1 272.3 -79.4 1432.2 HN OTD449F 652048.7 4767202.3 1165.1 272.3 -79.4 1632.0 HN OTD453 651192.0 4766366.9 1165.2 71.1 -65.6 924.4 HN OTD455A 651771.8 4767148.9 1163.5 240.0 -85.0 1428.0 HN OTD455B 651771.8 4767148.9 1163.5 240.0 -85.0 1428.2 HN OTD463 652017.5 4766476.0 1161.7 308.2 -75.3 1501.9 HN OTD463A 652017.5 4766476.0 1161.7 308.2 -75.3 1499.3 HN OTD463B 652017.5 4766476.0 1161.7 308.2 -75.3 1358.8 HN OTD463C 652017.5 4766476.0 1161.7 308.2 -75.3 1281.5 HN DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD465 652041.9 4767351.2 1165.8 269.8 -79.1 613.0 HN OTD465A 652041.9 4767351.2 1165.8 269.8 -79.1 1358.5 HN OTD465B 652041.9 4767351.2 1165.8 269.8 -79.1 1571.8 HN OTD465C 652041.9 4767351.2 1165.8 269.8 -79.1 1938.2 HN OTD465D 652041.9 4767351.2 1165.8 269.8 -79.1 1770.3 HN OTD465E 652041.9 4767351.2 1165.8 269.8 -79.1 1625.6 HN OTD478 652398.4 4766798.3 1163.2 180.0 -90.0 1328.0 HN OTD479 651007.4 4767546.9 1175.0 123.9 -81.0 1143.4 HN OTD495 652460.0 4766647.0 1162.3 180.0 -90.0 404.6 HN OTD505 651703.4 4767448.0 1166.9 239.6 -79.7 1203.8 HN OTD513 651372.8 4766445.1 1164.1 126.1 -61.9 1096.9 HN OTD514 652049.0 4767491.7 1166.6 270.8 -80.4 2233.5 HN OTD514A 652049.0 4767491.7 1166.6 270.8 -80.4 2057.1 HN OTD514B 652049.0 4767491.7 1166.6 270.8 -80.4 1951.5 HN OTD514C 652049.0 4767491.7 1166.6 270.8 -80.4 1801.0 HN OTD514D 652049.0 4767491.7 1166.6 270.8 -80.4 1701.3 HN OTD514H 652049.0 4767491.7 1166.6 270.8 -80.4 1286.6 HN OTD514I 652049.0 4767491.7 1166.6 270.8 -80.4 1701.8 HN OTD522 651338.2 4766459.3 1164.6 48.6 -59.7 1311.7 HN OTD554 651020.2 4766434.4 1166.0 125.9 -60.6 726.9 HN OTD560 651561.7 4767346.3 1166.5 270.0 -80.0 1007.6 HN OTD560A 651561.7 4767346.3 1166.5 270.0 -80.0 1034.0 HN OTD570 651383.8 4766914.2 1165.7 310.0 -80.0 925.5 HN OTD576 652048.3 4766900.1 1164.0 270.0 -80.0 1251.6 HN OTD576A 652048.3 4766900.1 1164.0 270.0 -80.0 1951.0 HN OTD576B 652048.3 4766900.1 1164.0 270.0 -80.0 1781.9 HN OTD576C 652048.3 4766900.1 1164.0 270.0 -80.0 1421.0 HN OTD576D 652048.3 4766900.1 1164.0 270.0 -80.0 1561.2 HN OTD577 652046.9 4766693.1 1162.5 270.0 -80.0 1025.1 HN OTD577A 652046.9 4766693.1 1162.5 270.0 -80.0 1247.0 HN OTD577B 652046.9 4766693.1 1162.5 270.0 -80.0 1242.0 HN OTD582 651554.5 4767205.0 1165.4 270.0 -85.0 1492.4 HN OTD593 652068.3 4766549.0 1160.6 250.0 -60.0 1018.1 HN OTD614 652264.0 4766309.1 1160.4 305.0 -80.0 1316.6 HN OTD614A 652264.0 4766309.1 1160.4 305.0 -80.0 1345.0 HN OTD635 651729.7 4766476.9 1161.8 205.0 -60.0 996.0 HN OTD642 651199.9 4767049.2 1167.7 305.0 -60.0 1261.1 HN OTD663 651413.6 4767498.2 1169.6 110.0 -75.0 1602.8 HN OTD678 652045.9 4767399.8 1166.2 230.0 -60.0 1105.9 HN OTD770 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 541.5 HN OTD770A 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 1319.5 HN OTD770B 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 1512.0 HN OTD770C 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 1633.0 HN OTD770D 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 1302.8 HN OTD770E 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 1301.0 HN OTD770F 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 1761.5 HN OTD770G 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.1 270.4 -76.5 1756.9 HN OTD770H 652050.3 4767422.4 1167.0 270.4 -76.7 1711.4 HN OTD841 651848.1 4767494.0 1166.9 270.0 -70.0 1222.2 HN OTD841A 651848.1 4767494.0 1166.9 270.0 -70.0 1674.6 HN OTD841B 651848.1 4767494.0 1166.9 270.0 -70.0 955.0 HN OTD841C 651848.1 4767494.0 1166.9 270.0 -70.0 1100.1 HN DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION AZIMUTH DIP LENGTH ZONE ------- --------- ---------- --------- ------- ----- ------ ---- OTD870 651799.5 4767099.0 1163.3 180.0 -60.0 1301.3 HN OTD890 651704.4 4767303.9 1165.3 177.5 -70.0 1220.1 HN OTD891 652050.0 4767049.0 1164.5 269.0 -80.0 2198.3 HN OTD891A 652050.0 4767050.0 1165.0 269.0 -80.0 1533.5 HN OTD891B 652050.0 4767050.0 1165.0 269.0 -80.0 1500.2 HN OTD918 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1158.6 HN OTD918A 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1240.1 HN OTD918B 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1234.8 HN OTD918C 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1398.9 HN OTD918D 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1540.0 HN OTD918E 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1575.8 HN OTD918F 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1334.3 HN OTD918G 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1476.4 HN OTD918H 652050.1 4767650.1 1169.1 270.0 -80.0 1600.0 HN OTD923 651704.6 4767304.2 1165.0 180.0 -60.0 1206.0 HN OTD934 651851.1 4767651.0 1169.3 270.0 -70.0 1270.0 HN OTD934A 651851.1 4767651.0 1169.3 270.0 -70.0 1051.0 HN OTD939 651899.5 4767800.1 1172.7 270.0 -70.0 1097.4 HN OTD957 651802.6 4767095.7 1163.6 180.0 -70.0 1267.0 HN OTD958 651803.0 4767202.1 1164.6 270.0 -74.0 1129.2 HN OTD958A 651803.0 4767202.1 1164.6 270.0 -74.0 1416.8 HN OTD958B 651803.0 4767202.1 1164.6 270.0 -74.0 856.9 HN OTD958C 651803.0 4767202.1 1164.6 270.0 -74.0 1089.9 HN OTD958D 651803.0 4767202.1 1164.6 270.0 -74.0 1075.0 HN OTD960 651844.1 4767349.1 1164.8 270.0 -73.0 1234.0 HN OTD960A 651844.1 4767349.1 1164.8 270.0 -73.0 509.4 HN OTD960B 651844.1 4767349.1 1164.8 270.0 -73.0 1153.8 HN OTD963 652050.4 4767799.1 1170.1 270.0 -79.4 1368.8 HN OTD963A 652050.4 4767799.1 1170.1 270.0 -79.4 1786.0 HN OTD963B 652050.4 4767799.1 1170.1 270.0 -79.4 1450.0 HN OTD963C 652050.4 4767799.1 1170.1 270.0 -79.4 1459.0 HN OTD963E 652050.4 4767799.1 1170.1 270.0 -79.4 1500.0 HN OTD965 651552.7 4767595.7 1170.4 180.0 -70.0 1500.0 HN OTD965A 651552.7 4767595.7 1170.4 180.0 -70.0 1555.8 HN OTD967 651940.3 4766951.2 1163.3 270.0 -83.0 1203.5 HN OTD967C 651940.3 4766951.2 1163.3 270.0 -83.0 1299.4 HN OTD968 652074.5 4766648.8 1162.3 270.0 -76.7 998.0 HN OTD968A 652074.5 4766648.8 1162.3 270.0 -76.7 1213.0 HN OTD969 651844.1 4767349.1 1164.8 270.0 -64.0 1107.0 HN OTD970 651973.9 4767600.8 1168.6 270.0 -68.5 1248.0 HN OTD970A 651973.9 4767600.8 1168.6 270.0 -68.5 1406.6 HN OTD970B 651973.9 4767600.8 1168.6 270.0 -68.5 1800.0 HN OTD971A 651998.2 4767149.0 1165.6 270.0 -76.0 1521.8 HN OTD971B 651998.2 4767149.0 1165.6 270.0 -76.0 1573.5 HN OTD972 652041.7 4767351.2 1166.9 270.0 -65.0 1434.2 HN OTD973 651800.3 4767049.0 1163.2 270.0 -74.0 1027.9 HN OTD976 652131.2 4767949.2 1169.4 270.0 -80.0 1471.0 HN OTD976A 652131.2 4767949.2 1169.4 270.0 -80.0 1600.0 HN OTD977 652027.7 4767948.4 1171.1 266.2 -66.2 958.5 HN OTD977A 652027.7 4767948.4 1171.1 266.2 -66.2 856.7 HN OTD977B 652027.7 4767948.4 1171.1 266.2 -66.2 1500.0 HN OTD979 652077.4 4767291.8 1165.5 270.0 -75.0 1398.3 HN [HUGE NORTH DRILL HOLE TRACES PLAN] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDIX B COMPOSITE DATA LISTS B-1 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS B-2 HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA B-1 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH(M) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ -------------------- --------- OTD003 651028.8 4764044.0 989.5 0.99 0.03 1.00 Central 8 OTD004 651268.6 4762866.0 1109.3 2.16 0.30 2.35 South 15 OTD004 651271.1 4762869.0 1094.8 1.80 0.15 1.90 South 15 OTD004 651273.6 4762872.0 1080.3 1.63 0.14 1.71 South 15 OTD004 651276.1 4762875.0 1065.8 1.43 0.10 1.49 South 15 OTD005 650295.1 4762654.5 1100.0 0.57 0.79 1.07 Southwest(Far South) 15 OTD005 650278.3 4762638.5 1013.1 0.78 0.66 1.20 Southwest(Far South) 15 OTDQ05 650275.5 4762636.0 998.6 0.87 1.21 1.64 Southwest(Far South) 15 OTD007 651074.9 4762673.0 989.7 0.82 0.31 1.01 South 15 OTD009 650526.3 4763043.5 984.2 0.72 0.69 1.16 Southwest 15 OTD009 650526.3 4763054.5 943.2 0.55 0.72 1.01 Southwest 9.9 OTD010 650825.5 4763268.0 1048.7 0.58 0.69 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD010 650825.5 4763264.5 1034.2 0.84 1.57 1.84 Southwest 15 OTD010 650825.5 4763261.5 1023.0 0.72 1.36 1.59 Southwest 8.3 OTD018 651271.5 4763828.0 1004.2 1.09 0.06 1.13 Central 15 OTD159 651130.1 4764191.0 954.6 1.00 0.17 1.11 Central 15 OTD159 651128.4 4764191.0 834.7 0.96 0.29 1.14 Central 15 OTD159 651128.0 4764191.5 789.7 0.94 0.21 1.07 Central 15 OTD160 650717.1 4763173.5 1110.0 0.62 0.60 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD160 650722.0 4763180.5 1097.7 0.64 0.71 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD160 650726.8 4763188.0 1085.3 0.59 0.87 1.14 Southwest 15 OTD160 650731.7 4763194.5 1072.8 0.76 0.96 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD160 650736.6 4763201.5 1060.3 0.83 1.32 1.67 Southwest 15 OTD160 650741.5 4763208.0 1047.8 0.65 1.28 1.47 Southwest 15 OTD160 650746.4 4763214.5 1035.2 0.53 1.14 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD160 650751.3 4763221.0 1022.6 1.31 2.38 2.83 Southwest 15 OTD160 650756.1 4763227.0 1010.9 1.25 2.57 2.89 Southwest 13 OTD160 650764.5 4763237.0 990.8 0.79 2.36 2.30 Southwest 15 OTD160 650769.8 4763243.5 978.3 1.41 3.46 3.62 Southwest 15 OTD160 650775.1 4763249.5 965.8 0.91 2.33 2.39 Southwest 15 OTD160 650780.5 4763256.0 953.3 1.15 2.48 2.73 Southwest 15 OTD160 650785.8 4763262.5 940.9 0.99 3.54 3.24 Southwest 15 OTD160 650791.1 4763268.5 928.4 0.73 1.85 1.90 Southwest 15 OTD160 650796.5 4763275.5 915.9 0.84 2.28 2.29 Southwest 15 OTD160 650801.9 4763282.0 903.4 0.49 1.34 1.35 Southwest 15 OTD161 650804.0 4763125.0 1091.2 0.78 0.74 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD161 650838.0 4763173.5 1004.4 0.60 1.50 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD161 650842.9 4763180.5 992.2 0.78 2.56 2.42 Southwest 15 OTD161 650847.8 4763187.5 979.9 2.04 5.24 5.38 Southwest 15 OTD161 650852.8 4763194.5 967.6 0.52 1.68 1.59 Southwest 15 OTD161 650857.7 4763201.5 955.3 0.97 2.57 2.61 Southwest 15 OTD161 650862.6 4763208.5 943.0 0.47 1.50 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD161 650867.7 4763216.0 930.9 0.86 2.36 2.37 Southwest 15 OTD161 650872.9 4763222.5 918.9 0.75 2.40 2.28 Southwest 15 OTD161 650878.2 4763230.0 907.1 0.94 2.52 2.54 Southwest 15 OTD161 650883.6 4763238.0 895.4 0.65 1.82 1.81 Southwest 15 OTD161 650889.0 4763246.0 883.8 0.75 2.49 2.34 Southwest 15 OTD161 650898.3 4763259.0 864.8 0.66 2.43 2.21 Southwest 20 OTD161 650903.6 4763266.5 854.3 1.12 2.09 2.45 Southwest 15 OTD161 650909.4 4763275.0 843.1 0.68 1.77 1.81 Southwest 15 OTD162 650658.0 4763227.5 1098.7 0.49 0.84 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD162 650663.0 4763234.5 1086.4 0.57 1.06 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD162 650668.0 4763241.5 1074.0 0.76 1.05 1.43 Southwest 15 OTD162 650672.9 4763248.0 1061.6 0.58 0.98 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD162 650677.9 4763255.5 1049.2 1.10 2.16 2.48 Southwest 15 OTD162 650682.8 4763262.0 1036.7 0.86 1.98 2.12 Southwest 15 OTD162 650687.8 4763268.5 1024.2 0.67 1.53 1.64 Southwest 15 OTD162 650692.7 4763274.5 1011.6 1.03 2.63 2.71 Southwest 15 OTD162 650697.6 4763281.5 999.0 0.78 2.73 2.52 Southwest 15 OTD162 650702.5 4763288.0 986.5 1.03 4.07 3.63 Southwest 15 OTD162 650706.6 4763293.5 975.9 0.77 3.31 2.88 Southwest 10 OTD162 650728.0 4763320.5 921.5 0.72 1.36 1.58 Southwest 15 OTD163 650639.7 4763060.5 947.3 0.66 0.53 1.00 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------------------- ---------- OTD163 650644.4 4763067.0 934.6 0.67 0.68 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD163 650649.1 4763073.0 921.9 1.00 0.90 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD163 650653.7 4763079.5 909.1 0.78 0.79 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD163 650663.1 4763092.5 883.7 1.14 1.34 1.99 Southwest 15 OTD163 650667.8 4763098.5 871.0 0.95 1.84 2.13 Southwest 15 OTD163 650672.4 4763105.0 858.3 0.71 1.84 1.88 Southwest 15 OTD163 650679.2 4763114.5 839.6 0.40 1.08 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD164 651257.1 4762862.5 918.0 0.75 0.42 1.01 South 15 OTD165 650439.6 4762777.0 1043.7 0.77 0.55 1.12 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD165 650579.8 4762942.0 795.3 0.75 0.55 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD166 650762.6 4763063.5 1020.8 0.60 1.04 1.27 Southwest 15 OTD166 650767.6 4763069.5 1008.2 0.75 1.07 1.43 Southwest 15 OTD166 650772.6 4763076.0 995.6 1.02 2.35 2.52 Southwest 15 OTD166 650780.6 4763086.5 975.6 1.14 4.04 3.72 Southwest 18 OTD166 650783.6 4763091.0 968.2 1.35 3.58 3.63 Southwest 15 OTD166 650788.8 4763097.5 955.8 1.14 4.26 3.86 Southwest 15 OTD166 650793.8 4763104.0 943.3 0.91 1.02 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD166 650798.9 4763111.0 931.1 0.70 0.64 1.11 Southwest 15 OTD166 650803.6 4763116.5 920.0 0.84 0.71 1.29 Southwest 12 OTD166 650807.0 4763121.5 911.9 0.76 2.13 2.11 Southwest 8 OTD166 650809.8 4763125.5 905.4 0.62 0.91 1.20 Southwest 8 OTD166 650815.3 4763133.0 892.8 0.96 0.39 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD166 650826.3 4763147.0 868.6 1.25 0.43 1.53 Southwest 15 OTD166 650832.0 4763154.0 856.5 0.68 1.12 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD166 650837.8 4763159.5 844.7 0.71 0.75 1.19 Southwest 14 OTD166 650843.6 4763166.0 833.2 0.65 1.27 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD166 650849.7 4763173.0 821.2 0.69 1.53 1.67 Southwest 15 OTD166 650855.8 4763180.0 809.2 0.94 1.77 2.07 Southwest 15 OTD166 650861.9 4763186.5 797.4 1.07 2.44 2.62 Southwest 15 OTD166 650868.3 4763193.0 785.6 0.98 2.24 2.41 Southwest 15 OTD166 650874.6 4763200.0 773.8 0.73 2.05 2.03 Wedge 15 OTD166 650881.0 4763206.5 762.0 0.80 1.99 2.07 Wedge 15 OTD166 650887.7 4763213.5 750.3 0.63 1.64 1.67 Wedge 15 OTD166 650894.5 4763220.5 738.7 0.69 1.63 1.73 Wedge 15 OTD167 650147.0 4762569.5 1048.6 0.66 0.64 1.07 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD167 650154.1 4762575.0 1036.5 0.69 0.66 1.11 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD167 650227.0 4762629.5 917.3 0.46 0.91 1.04 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD171 650621.2 4763180.5 1003.3 0.44 1.09 1.14 Southwest 15 OTD171 650641.3 4763207.0 953.5 0.60 0.76 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD171 650646.2 4763214.0 941.0 0.90 1.98 2.16 Southwest 15 OTD171 650650.9 4763221.0 928.6 0.47 1.15 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD171 650655.6 4763228.0 916.1 0.86 2.66 2.56 Southwest 15 OTD171 650660.3 4763234.5 903.7 0.45 1.21 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD172 650616.5 4763151.5 879.2 0.70 1.06 1.38 Southwest 15 OTD172 650622.5 4763158.5 867.4 0.62 1.11 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD172 650628.5 4763166.0 855.7 0.69 1.52 1.66 Southwest 15 OTD172 650634.5 4763173.5 844.1 1.27 2.89 3.11 Southwest 15 OTD172 650640.6 4763180.5 832.4 1.06 1.93 2.29 Southwest 15 OTD172 650646.6 4763187.0 820.7 0.75 1.99 2.02 Southwest 15 OTD172 650652.8 4763194.5 809.2 1.00 3.38 3.16 Southwest 15 OTD172 650659.1 4763201.5 797.7 0.70 2.42 2.24 Southwest 15 OTD172 650665.5 4763209.0 786.2 0.68 2.16 2.06 Southwest 15 OTD172 650671.9 4763216.0 774.8 0.87 2.18 2.26 Southwest 15 OTD172 650678.3 4763223.5 763.5 0.49 1.14 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD172 650691.5 4763238.5 741.0 0.51 0.90 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD172 650698.4 4763246.5 730.0 0.59 0.72 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD173 650709.5 4762995.0 985.9 0.98 1.46 1.91 Southwest 15 OTD173 650714.5 4763001.0 975.6 0.47 0.91 1.05 Southwest 11 OTD174 650887.8 4763246.0 1053.0 0.75 0.66 1.17 Southwest 15 OTD175 650776.1 4763167.0 1123.0 0.57 0.70 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD176 650670.3 4763234.0 1090.8 0.46 1.00 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD176 650677.3 4763229.0 1078.5 0.73 1.08 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD176 650684.1 4763223.5 1066.2 0.65 0.74 1.12 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------------------- ---------- OTD176 650698.0 4763213.0 1041.7 0.67 0.96 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD176 650704.8 4763207.5 1029.4 0.83 1.42 1.73 Southwest 15 OTD176 650711.7 4763202.5 1017.1 0.73 1.24 1.52 Southwest 15 OTD176 650718.5 4763197.0 1004.8 0.80 1.44 1.71 Southwest 15 OTD176 650725.3 4763192.0 992.5 0.77 1.63 1.81 Southwest 15 OTD176 650732.1 4763186.5 980.3 0.83 2.06 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD176 650738.8 4763182.0 968.5 0.71 1.55 1.70 Southwest 14 OTD176 650743.9 4763178.0 959.5 0.86 1.31 1.69 Southwest 8 OTD176 650748.5 4763174.5 951.4 0.89 1.59 1.90 Southwest 12 OTD176 650756.3 4763168.0 937.7 0.90 1.74 2.01 Southwest 10 OTD176 650762.1 4763163.5 927.6 0.45 1.14 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD176 650768.7 4763158.5 916.3 0.47 0.91 1.05 Southwest 13 OTD176 650789.4 4763142.0 881.2 0.85 0.79 1.35 Southwest 15 OTD176 650801.9 4763132.0 860.2 0.75 0.97 1.37 Southwest 8 OTD176 650807.3 4763127.5 851.1 0.70 1.84 1.87 Southwest 15 OTD176 650813.0 4763123.0 841.6 0.58 1.54 1.56 Southwest 9 OTD177 650649.3 4763120.5 943.2 0.74 0.72 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD177 650656.1 4763115.5 930.8 0.71 0.98 1.34 Southwest 15 OTD177 650663.0 4763110.0 918.4 0.72 1.03 1.38 Southwest 15 OTD177 650669.9 4763105.5 905.9 0.76 1.63 1.80 Southwest 15 OTD177 650676.7 4763100.5 893.4 0.51 1.18 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD177 650683.6 4763096.0 881.0 0.70 1.29 1.53 Southwest 15 OTD177 650694.7 4763088.0 860.6 0.91 2.22 2.32 Southwest 19 OTD177 650719.4 4763070.5 815.2 0.81 1.06 1.49 Southwest 15 OTD177 650733.5 4763061.5 789.3 0.58 1.42 1.48 Southwest 15 OTD178 650687.3 4763231.0 1104.5 0.85 1.30 1.68 Southwest 15 OTD178 650679.0 4763237.0 1093.7 0.89 1.41 1.79 Southwest 15 OTD178 650670.7 4763243.5 1082.9 0.77 1.67 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD178 650654.0 4763256.0 1061.3 0.58 1.06 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD178 650645.7 4763262.0 1050.5 0.53 0.84 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD180 650374.4 4762823.0 1085.6 0.44 1.07 1.12 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD180 650483.6 4762932.0 882.2 0.78 0.58 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD180 650491.3 4762938.0 870.8 0.71 0.82 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD180 650499.0 4762944.0 859.4 0.68 0.63 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD180 650555.2 4762984.5 780.8 0.69 0.74 1.16 Southwest 15 OTD180 650632.8 4763032.5 686.9 0.94 1.05 1.61 Southwest 15 OTD180 650642.0 4763038.5 676.8 1.19 1.20 1.96 Southwest 15 OTD180 650651.5 4763044.5 666.6 0.62 0.77 1.11 Southwest 15 OTD180 650660.8 4763050.5 656.4 0.97 1.20 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD180 650668.5 4763055.5 647.9 0.88 1.56 1.87 Southwest 10 OTD180 650687.3 4763069.0 627.9 1.22 2.12 2.57 Southwest 15 OTD180 650696.6 4763075.0 618.0 1.07 2.18 2.46 Southwest 15 OTD180 650705.8 4763081.5 608.1 1.74 4.46 4.59 Southwest 15 OTD180 650714.9 4763088.0 598.1 2.02 6.21 5.98 Southwest 15 OTD180 650724.0 4763094.5 588.3 1.64 5.24 4.99 Southwest 15 OTD180 650732.9 4763101.5 578.4 0.81 2.17 2.19 Southwest 15 OTD180 650741.8 4763108.5 568.6 0.64 1.45 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD180 650750.5 4763115.5 558.5 0.71 1.76 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD183 650834.4 4763127.0 1026.7 0.61 1.22 1.39 Southwest 15 OTD183 650830.5 4763130.0 1012.5 0.94 2.19 2.33 Southwest 15 OTD183 650826.4 4763133.0 998.3 0.71 1.99 1.98 Southwest 15 OTD183 650822.4 4763135.5 984.1 0.81 2.60 2.47 Southwest 15 OTD183 650818.4 4763138.0 969.9 0.66 2.30 2.13 Southwest 15 OTD183 650814.4 4763140.5 955.7 0.74 2.75 2.49 Southwest 15 OTD183 650810.6 4763143.0 941.5 1.17 3.10 3.15 Southwest 15 OTD183 650804.1 4763148.0 918.3 1.01 2.81 2.80 Southwest 19 OTD183 650801.6 4763150.0 909.3 1.24 0.89 1.80 Southwest 15 OTD183 650797.6 4763153.0 895.2 0.94 0.50 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD183 650793.7 4763156.0 881.0 0.90 0.78 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD183 650789.9 4763158.5 866.8 1.39 1.36 2.26 Southwest 15 OTD183 650786.0 4763161.5 852.7 1.65 0.99 2.28 Southwest 15 OTD183 650782.1 4763165.0 838.5 0.95 0.97 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD183 650778.5 4763167.5 824.4 0.63 0.63 1.03 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD183 650774.6 4763170.5 810.2 0.98 1.42 1.88 Southwest 15 OTD183 650770.9 4763174.0 796.0 1.22 2.53 2.84 Southwest 15 OTD183 650767.2 4763177.0 781.8 0.94 2.05 2.25 Southwest 15 OTD183 650763.4 4763179.5 767.6 1.35 1.97 2.60 Southwest 15 OTD183 650759.6 4763183.0 753.4 1.24 2.18 2.63 Southwest 15 OTD183 650756.1 4763186.0 739.8 0.86 2.19 2.26 Southwest 14 OTD183 650752.6 4763189.0 726.1 1.29 3.43 3.47 Southwest 15 OTD183 650748.8 4763192.0 711.9 0.95 2.50 2.54 Southwest 15 OTD183 650745.0 4763195.0 697.7 0.57 1.27 1.38 Southwest 15 OTD183 650741.2 4763198.0 683.5 0.53 0.96 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD183 650737.4 4763201.0 669.3 0.65 1.01 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD183 650733.6 4763204.0 655.1 0.64 1.09 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD183 650726.3 4763211.0 626.8 0.54 0.76 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD183 650722.5 4763214.0 612.7 0.69 1.88 1.88 Southwest 15 OTD184 650599.2 4763058.0 846.7 0.60 0.67 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD184 650610.3 4763049.5 779.7 0.80 0.52 1.13 Southwest 17 OTD184 650615.5 4763045.5 749.3 0.95 0.50 1.27 Southwest 8 OTD184 650621.0 4763041.5 717.5 1.34 0.88 1.90 Southwest 15 OTD184 650623.5 4763039.5 702.9 1.06 1.45 1.99 Southwest 15 OTD184 650626.0 4763037.5 688.2 0.92 1.08 1.61 Southwest 15 OTD184 650628.6 4763036.0 673.5 0.73 0.89 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD184 650631.2 4763034.0 658.9 1.07 1.45 1.99 Southwest 15 OTD184 650634.0 4763032.5 644.2 0.87 1.74 1.98 Southwest 15 OTD184 650636.6 4763031.0 629.5 0.81 1.69 1.88 Southwest 15 OTD184 650639.3 4763029.5 614.8 0.62 2.25 2.06 Southwest 15 OTD184 650642.1 4763028.0 600.2 0.96 2.93 2.82 Southwest 15 OTD184 650644.8 4763026.5 585.5 0.90 2.53 2.51 Southwest 15 OTD184 650647.5 4763025.0 570.8 0.62 2.25 2.05 Southwest 15 OTD184 650650.2 4763023.5 556.2 2.00 3.24 4.07 Southwest 15 OTD184 650653.0 4763022.0 541.5 0.75 2.45 2.31 Southwest 15 OTD184 650657.3 4763020.0 518.0 0.71 1.36 1.57 Southwest 18 OTD185 650498.0 4763225.0 813.9 0.74 0.75 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD185 650529.0 4763197.5 689.7 0.74 0.86 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD185 650532.3 4763194.5 675.4 0.79 0.84 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD185 650539.3 4763188.5 646.8 0.75 1.02 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD185 650542.6 4763185.5 632.5 0.66 1.20 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD185 650545.9 4763182.5 618.1 0.64 1.24 1.43 Southwest 15 OTD185 650549.3 4763180.0 603.8 0.77 1.69 1.84 Southwest 15 OTD185 650552.7 4763177.0 589.4 0.61 1.61 1.63 Southwest 15 OTD185 650558.2 4763173.0 566.5 0.58 1.41 1.48 Southwest 18 OTD185 650563.6 4763168.5 543.5 0.87 1.37 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD185 650567.0 4763166.0 529.2 0.56 0.89 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD185 650572.3 4763162.0 505.7 0.95 2.81 2.74 Southwest 19 OTD185 650574.5 4763160.5 496.5 0.96 3.77 3.36 Southwest 15 OTD185 650577.7 4763157.5 482.1 0.95 3.71 3.32 Southwest 15 OTD185 650580.9 4763155.0 467.7 0.83 3.28 2.92 Southwest 15 OTD185 650584.0 4763152.5 454.2 0.47 1.57 1.47 Southwest 13 OTD187 650830.3 4764111.5 1066.1 0.78 0.41 1.04 Central 15 OTD187 650834.5 4764066.0 988.5 0.66 0.55 1.01 Central 15 OTD187 650835.2 4764060.0 977.7 0.74 0.67 1.16 Central 10 OTD187 650840.6 4763997.0 868.3 0.74 0.80 1.25 Central 15 OTD187 650841.8 4763981.5 842.3 0.85 1.54 1.83 Central 15 OTD187 650842.3 4763974.0 829.3 0.79 1.18 1.54 Central 15 OTD187 650842.8 4763968.0 818.5 1.59 2.81 3.38 Central 10 OTD187 650843.3 4763962.0 807.6 0.84 1.86 2.03 Central 15 OTD187 650843.8 4763954.5 794.6 0.78 1.36 1.64 Central 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 1091.3 0.65 0.63 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 1061.3 0.56 0.80 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 1046.3 0.68 1.56 1.67 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 1031.3 0.69 2.23 2.11 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 1016.3 0.77 2.65 2.46 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 1001.3 0.89 2.39 2.42 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 971.3 0.86 1.93 2.09 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------------------- ---------- OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 956.3 0.71 1.79 1.86 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 941.3 0.75 1.98 2.01 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 926.3 1.13 2.84 2.94 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 911.3 0.86 2.29 2.32 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 896.3 0.53 1.29 1.35 Southwest 15 OTD189 650718.2 4763089.5 881.3 0.78 1.78 1.92 Southwest 15 OTD190 650527.0 4763110.5 808.9 0.82 0.54 1.16 Southwest 15 OTD190 650530.1 4763108.0 794.5 0.79 0.49 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD190 650552.5 4763087.0 694.0 0.47 0.83 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD190 650555.8 4763084.0 679.7 0.57 0.95 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD190 650559.0 4763081.0 665.3 0.58 1.00 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD190 650562.1 4763078.0 651.0 0.50 0.93 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD190 650565.3 4763075.5 636.6 0.56 1.05 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD190 650583.0 4763058.0 555.3 0.39 1.19 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD190 650586.3 4763055.5 541.0 0.35 1.32 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD190 650589.4 4763052.5 526.7 0.39 1.25 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD190 650592.5 4763049.5 512.3 0.50 1.96 1.75 Southwest 15 OTD190 650595.6 4763046.5 498.0 0.59 2.44 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD190 650598.8 4763043.0 483.6 0.54 1.59 1.55 Southwest 15 OTD190 650601.8 4763040.0 469.3 0.74 2.35 2.24 Southwest 15 OTD190 650604.9 4763037.0 454.9 0.37 1.38 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD190 650607.8 4763034.5 440.6 0.36 1.13 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD190 650613.9 4763028.0 411.9 0.42 1.61 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD190 650616.7 4763025.5 398.5 0.66 1.14 1.39 Southwest 13 OTD193 651323.5 4764276.0 1052.7 1.05 0.08 1.10 Central 15 OTD193 651323.1 4764268.5 1039.7 1.24 0.08 1.29 Central 15 OTD193 651322.7 4764261.0 1026.7 1.07 0.06 1.11 Central 15 OTD193 651322.1 4764253.5 1013.7 2.01 0.07 2.06 Central 15 OTD193 651321.6 4764246.0 1000.7 1.87 0.08 1.92 Central 15 OTD196 650925.5 4764104.0 1006.6 1.18 0.12 1.25 Central 15 OTD196 650931.3 4764044.0 888.1 1.17 0.64 1.58 Central 15 OTD196 650932.3 4764037.0 874.6 1.09 0.73 1.55 Central 15 OTD196 650933.3 4764030.5 861 2 1.00 0.94 1.60 Central 15 OTD196 650933.3 47640240 847.9 0.94 0.27 1.12 Central 15 OTD196 650933.4 4764016.5 834.5 1.07 0.09 1.13 Central 15 OTD196 650935.4 4763984.5 772.1 0.70 0.76 1.18 Central 9 OTD197 650335.9 4762776.0 898.1 0.86 0.55 1.21 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD197 650335.9 4762776.0 883.1 0.64 0.59 1.01 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD197 650335.9 4762776.5 838.1 0.58 0.84 1.12 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD200 650359.4 4763057.5 563.1 0.65 1.23 1.44 Southwest 15 OTD200 650376.4 4763034.5 493.8 0.47 1.54 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD200 650379.9 4763029.5 480.0 0.50 1.91 1.71 Southwest 15 OTD200 650383.4 4763024.5 466.2 0.39 1.26 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD200 650386.8 4763020.0 452.4 0.68 1.89 1.88 Southwest 15 OTD200 650390.3 4763015.0 438.6 0.70 2.05 2.01 Southwest 15 OTD200 650393.7 4763010.0 424.8 0.71 1.97 1.96 Southwest 15 OTD200 650397.3 4763004.5 411.0 0.54 1.11 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD200 650400.3 4763000.5 399.0 0.75 2.17 2.13 Southwest 11 OTD200 650409.9 4762986.0 357.7 0.34 1.32 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD200 650420.6 4762969.5 312.9 0.56 1.71 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD200 650428.1 4762957.0 279.7 0.67 2.21 2.08 Southwest 15 OTD200 650431.4 4762952.0 265.9 0.52 1.85 1.70 Southwest 15 OTD200 650434.8 4762947.5 252.1 0.41 1.36 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD202 650929.3 4763952.5 914.4 0.80 0.35 1.02 Central 15 OTD202 650929.2 4763942.0 893.6 0.94 0.40 1.19 Central 17 OTD202 650929.1 47639320 875.5 1.41 1.28 2.23 Central 15 OTD202 650928.9 4763925.0 862.3 1.14 0.89 1.71 Central 15 OTD202 650928.7 4763918.0 849.0 1.14 1.10 1.84 Central 15 OTD202 650928.6 4763910.5 835.8 0.97 0.46 1.26 Central 15 OTD202 650928.3 4763903.5 8226 0.99 0.55 1.34 Central 15 OTD203 650639.0 4763380.0 1008.8 1.21 1.08 1.89 Southwest 19 OTD204 650182.6 4762653.0 923.4 0.71 0.69 1.15 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD204 650188.5 4762648.0 910.5 0.59 0.88 1.15 Southwest (Far South) 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD206 650927.6 4763882.0 978.4 1.07 0.42 1.33 Central 15 OTD207 650827.2 4764026.0 1092.4 1.72 0.15 1.82 Central 15 OTD207 650827.6 4764018.5 1079.2 0.97 0.10 1.04 Central 15 OTD207 650836.1 4763927.5 895.6 0.75 0.80 1.26 Central 15 OTD207 650836.8 4763921.0 882.0 1.11 1.08 1.80 Central 15 OTD207 650838.2 4763906.5 852.2 1.08 1.57 2.08 Central 15 OTD207 650839.0 4763896.0 831.1 1.34 0.88 1.91 Central 17 OTD210 650822.9 4764115.5 878.8 0.82 0.92 1.41 Central 10 OTD210 650822.8 4764110.0 867.5 0.86 0.81 1.37 Central 15 OTD210 650822.6 4764103.0 854.0 0.68 0.82 1.21 Central 15 OTD211 650923.0 4764165.0 932.0 1.10 0.04 1.12 Central 15 OTD211 650923.0 4764157.5 919.0 1.19 0.12 1.27 Central 15 OTD211 650922.8 4764150.0 906.0 1.55 0.28 1.72 Central 15 OTD211 650922.8 4764142.5 893.0 1.71 0.17 1.81 Central 15 OTD211 650922.8 4764134.5 880.1 1.95 0.10 2.01 Central 15 OTD211 650923.0 4764127.5 867.0 1.02 0.05 1.05 Central 15 OTD211 650923.1 4764120.0 853.9 0.98 0.04 1.00 Central 15 OTD211 650923.4 4764113.0 840.7 1.01 0.05 1.05 Central 15 OTD211 650926.5 4764045.5 709.6 0.69 0.64 1.10 Central 14 OTD216 651025.6 4764179.0 958.3 1.10 0.07 1.14 Central 15 OTD216 651025.6 4764126.5 867.4 0.93 0.13 1.02 Central 15 OTD216 651025.6 4764096.5 815.4 1.04 0.05 1.07 Central 15 OTD217 651023.4 4764112.0 994.8 1.00 0.10 1.06 Central 15 OTD217 651023.2 4764105.5 981.4 2.32 0.07 2.36 Central 15 OTD217 651023.0 4764099.0 967.9 2.05 0.06 2.08 Central 15 OTD217 651022.5 4764086.0 940.9 0.98 0.05 1.01 Central 15 OTD217 651015.7 4764005.5 773.4 0.78 0.48 1.09 Central 12 OTD217 651014.8 4764000.0 761.2 0.81 0.30 1.00 Central 15 OTD219 651143.1 4763398.0 973.5 0.96 0.06 1.00 Wedge 15 OTD219 651195.5 4763350.0 858.9 1.00 0.03 1.02 Wedge 15 OTD219 651201.7 4763344.5 846.6 1.25 0.04 1.28 Wedge 15 OTD219 651207.6 4763338.0 834.4 1.48 0.07 1.53 Wedge 15 OTD219 651213.6 47633320 822.1 1.14 0.06 1.18 Wedge 15 OTD219 651225.1 4763318.5 797.9 1.50 0.05 1.53 Wedge 15 OTD219 651248.6 4763289.5 750.9 1.17 0.02 1.18 Wedge 15 OTD226 650932.5 4764353.5 921.0 2.02 0.55 2.37 Central 15 OTD226 650933.1 4764346.5 907.9 2.19 0.25 2.35 Central 15 OTD226 650933.8 4764339.0 894.8 2.48 0.43 2.75 Central 15 OTD226 650946.8 4764224.5 683.3 0.64 0.96 1.25 Central 15 OTD226 650947.8 4764217.5 670.1 1.55 2.29 3.01 Central 15 OTD226 650948.7 4764210.5 657.8 1.19 1.17 1.93 Central 13 OTD226 650952.9 4764179.0 598.1 0.71 0.85 1.25 Central 15 OTD231 650591.8 4763284.5 836.6 1.29 1.97 2.55 Southwest 15 OTD231 650598.6 4763277.5 814.5 0.77 1.82 1.93 Southwest 18 OTD231 650603.5 4763273.0 798.9 1.04 2.46 2.61 Southwest 15 OTD231 650607.8 4763269.0 785.1 2.13 5.53 5.66 Southwest 15 OTD231 650620.9 4763257.0 743.8 1.08 3.11 3.06 Southwest 15 OTD231 650625.4 4763253.0 730.0 1.27 3.79 3.69 Southwest 15 OTD231 650629.9 4763249.0 716.3 0.78 2.19 2.17 Southwest 15 OTD231 650649.7 4763230.0 655.1 0.85 1.25 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD231 650654.0 4763225.5 641.4 0.83 1.63 1.87 Southwest 15 OTD231 650660.7 4763218.5 620.0 0.74 1.18 1.49 Southwest 17 OTD231 650671.8 4763206.5 585.1 0.70 2.09 2.03 Southwest 15 OTD231 650676.1 4763202.0 571.5 1.00 2.29 2.46 Southwest 15 OTD231 650680.5 4763197.5 557.8 0.83 1.23 1.61 Southwest 15 OTD231 650684.7 4763193.0 544.2 0.59 0.87 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD233 651217.9 4762835.5 1116.4 1.19 0.15 1.29 South 15 OTD233 651195.3 4762852.5 1034.2 0.97 0.08 1.03 South 15 OTD242 651327.6 4764345.0 1016.2 1.13 0.07 1.17 Central 15 OTD242 651327.8 4764337.5 1003.2 1.95 0.09 2.01 Central 15 OTD242 651328.0 4764330.0 990.2 1.83 0.08 1.88 Central 15 OTD242 651328.2 4764322.5 977.2 1.54 0.07 1.59 Central 15 OTD242 651328.5 4764315.0 964.2 1.79 0.07 1.83 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD245 650670.5 4763239.5 785.7 0.63 0.90 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD245 650676.3 4763234.5 772.7 0.61 0.91 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD245 650682.1 4763230.0 759.7 0.58 1.02 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD245 650693.8 4763220.5 733.8 0.64 0.98 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD245 650699.6 4763216.0 720.8 0.60 1.77 1.72 Southwest 15 OTD245 650705.5 4763211.0 707.8 0.69 2.29 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD245 650711.2 4763207.0 694.8 0.70 2.00 1.97 Southwest 15 OTD245 650717.1 4763202.0 681.8 0.60 1.81 1.75 Southwest 15 OTD245 650722.9 4763197.5 668.8 0.69 1.74 1.80 Southwest 15 OTD245 650728.7 4763192.5 655.8 0.70 0.60 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD245 650734.5 4763188.0 642.8 0.61 0.75 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD245 650740.4 4763183.5 629.8 0.64 1.43 1.55 Southwest 15 OTD247 651226.3 4764340.0 1079.5 0.98 0.07 1.02 Central 15 OTD247 651215.7 4764140.5 740.2 0.92 0.18 1.03 Central 20 OTD249 650838.8 4764061.0 1069.0 0.89 0.35 1.12 Central 15 OTD249 650830.4 4764060.5 1059.8 1.04 0.59 1.41 Central 10 OTD249 650822.0 4764060.0 1050.5 1.03 0.63 1.43 Central 15 OTD249 650812.1 4764060.0 1039.3 0.64 0.57 1.00 Central 15 OTD251 650540.5 4763314.5 674.4 0.69 0.59 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD251 650545.3 4763310.5 660.8 0.63 0.59 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD251 650565.9 4763291.5 602.0 0.93 1.23 1.71 Southwest 16 OTD251 650613.6 4763245.0 457.4 0.77 1.33 1.62 Southwest 11 OTD251 650617.3 4763241.5 445.6 0.76 1.33 1.60 Southwest 15 OTD252 650560.6 4763185.0 933.1 0.89 0.75 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD252 650565.2 4763182.0 919.3 1.03 0.70 1.47 Southwest 15 OTD252 650572.6 4763176.5 897.7 0.91 0.73 1.38 Southwest 17 OTD252 650584.5 4763168.0 863.3 0.59 0.80 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD252 650589.3 4763164.0 849.5 0.82 1.70 1.90 Southwest 15 OTD252 650594.2 4763160.5 835.8 0.71 1.14 1.43 Southwest 15 OTD252 650599.1 4763156.5 822.1 0.81 1.46 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD252 650603.0 4763153.5 811.2 1.64 2.71 3.37 Southwest 9 OTD252 650607.0 4763150.5 800.3 1.50 2.10 2.84 Southwest 15 OTD252 650611.3 4763147.0 788.4 0.90 1.04 1.56 Southwest 11 OTD252 650656.5 4763112.0 670.8 0.80 2.28 2.26 Southwest 15 OTD252 650661.8 4763106.5 657.5 1.00 2.18 2.39 Southwest 15 OTD252 650667.0 4763101.5 644.4 1.03 2.54 2.65 Southwest 15 OTD252 650672.1 4763096.5 631.3 0.68 1.74 1.79 Southwest 15 OTD252 650677.3 4763091.5 618.1 1.14 2.44 2.70 Southwest 15 OTD252 650682.5 4763086.0 605.2 2.55 6.45 6.66 Southwest 15 OTD252 650687.6 4763080.5 592.3 2.31 5.28 5.68 Southwest 15 OTD252 650695.6 4763071.0 572.2 1.51 4.33 4.27 Southwest 17 OTD252 650699.6 4763066.0 562.1 0.96 2.32 2.44 Southwest 10 OTD258 651026.2 4764308.0 983.4 1.03 0.09 1.09 Central 15 OTD258 651026.6 4764286.0 944.2 1.17 0.14 1.26 Central 15 OTD258 651026.6 4764278.5 931.2 0.90 0.32 1.11 Central 15 OTD258 651026.6 4764263.0 905.2 1.47 0.26 1.63 Central 15 OTD258 651026.6 4764256.0 892.2 1.70 0.50 2.02 Central 15 OTD258 651026.5 4764248.5 879.2 1.70 0.45 1.99 Central 15 OTD258 651026.4 4764240.5 866.2 2.03 0.35 2.25 Central 15 OTD258 651026.3 4764233.0 853.2 1.80 0.23 1.95 Central 15 OTD258 651026.1 4764225.5 840.3 1.56 0.19 1.68 Central 15 OTD258 651026.0 4764218.0 827.3 1.30 0.22 1.44 Central 15 OTD258 651023.9 4764156.5 7245 1.49 0.20 1.61 Central 15 OTD258 651023.6 4764148.0 711.8 1.11 0.16 1.21 Central 15 OTD258 651023.1 4764115.5 660.3 0.88 0.20 1.01 Central 15 OTD262 650927.2 4764331.5 1070.9 1.24 0.05 1.27 Central 15 OTD262 650917.1 4764221.5 909.0 0.84 0.69 1.28 Central 15 OTD262 650914.1 4764198.0 875.4 1.07 0.10 1.13 Central 15 OTD262 650913.1 4764189.5 863.1 1.47 0.06 1.51 Central 15 OTD262 650912.2 4764181.0 850.8 1.45 0.12 1.53 Central 15 OTD262 650911.3 4764172.0 838.5 1.54 0.18 1.66 Central 15 OTD262 650910.5 4764163.5 826.3 2.12 0.16 2.22 Central 15 OTD262 650904.7 4764103.0 740.2 0.85 0.31 1.05 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD262 650903.6 4764094.5 728.0 0.80 0.55 1.15 Central 15 OTD264 650480.6 4763341.0 417.2 0.57 1.29 1.39 Southwest 15 OTD265 651202.3 4762916.0 1005.8 1.06 0.18 1.17 South 15 OTD269 651325.2 4762659.0 1032.6 0.91 0.16 1.01 South 15 OTD269 651313.2 4762645.0 998.9 0.95 0.51 1.27 South 17 OTD269 651310.6 4762642.0 991.5 0.94 0.15 1.03 South 15 OTD271 651125.5 4764213.5 812.8 0.86 0.22 1.00 Central 15 OTD271 651121.3 4764138.0 654.7 0.96 0.55 1.31 Central 15 OTD271 651120.1 4764119.0 614.0 1.04 0.47 1.33 Central 15 OTD274 650483.1 4763144.5 647.0 0.70 1.00 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD274 650486.5 4763141.5 632.7 0.86 1.21 1.63 Southwest 15 OTD274 650490.0 4763138.5 618.4 0.80 1.48 1.75 Southwest 15 OTD274 650493.5 4763136.0 604.1 0.72 1.59 1.73 Southwest 15 OTD274 650497.0 4763133.5 589.7 0.56 1.16 1.30 Southwest 15 OTD274 650500.4 4763130.5 575.4 0.75 1.58 1.76 Southwest 15 OTD274 650503.9 4763127.5 561.1 0.91 2.48 2.49 Southwest 15 OTD274 650509.2 4763123.5 539.1 0.52 2.01 1.80 Southwest 16 OTD274 650511.0 4763122.0 531.5 0.61 1.27 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD274 650524.6 4763110.0 474.3 0.51 1.09 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD274 650528.0 4763107.0 460.0 0.58 1.22 1.36 Southwest 15 OTD275 651126.8 4764113.5 993.4 1.06 0.14 1.15 Central 15 OTD275 651114.5 4763944.5 648.1 0.44 1.20 1.21 Central 15 OTD276 650523.9 4762988.0 664.4 0.52 1.05 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD276 650528.0 4762985.0 650.3 0.61 1.18 1.36 Southwest 15 OTD276 650532.0 4762982.0 636.2 0.43 0.90 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD276 650535.9 4762979.0 622.1 0.49 1.23 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD276 650543.4 4762972.5 593.8 0.41 0.94 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD276 650547.0 4762968.5 579.7 0.50 1.14 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD276 650550.7 4762965.0 565.5 0.77 2.17 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD276 650554.3 4762962.0 551.4 0.53 1.13 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD276 650558.0 4762958.5 537.3 0.47 1.28 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD276 650561.7 4762955.0 523.2 0.30 1.19 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD276 650572.9 4762944.5 480.8 0.41 1.14 1.14 Southwest 15 OTD276 650576.6 4762941.5 466.7 0.37 1.14 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD276 650583.6 4762935.0 441.8 0.38 1.84 1.55 Southwest 8 OTD277 650537.2 4763203.5 882.4 0.95 1.25 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD277 650542.0 4763199.5 868.7 0.95 1.06 1.63 Southwest 15 OTD277 650547.0 4763196.0 854.9 1.08 1.79 2.22 Southwest 15 OTD277 650551.9 4763192.5 841.2 1.08 2.47 2.65 Southwest 15 OTD277 650556.8 4763188.0 827.6 1.53 3.01 3.45 Southwest 15 OTD277 650561.8 4763184.5 813.9 0.92 2.41 2.46 Southwest 15 OTD277 650566.6 4763181.5 800.1 1.18 2.99 3.08 Southwest 15 OTD277 650571.6 4763178.0 786.4 1.32 3.23 3.37 Southwest 15 OTD277 650575.5 4763175.0 775.4 3.25 6.68 7.51 Southwest 9 OTD277 650579.5 4763172.5 764.5 1.55 2.50 3.14 Southwest 15 OTD277 650584.1 4763169.5 751.7 0.90 1.35 1.76 Southwest 13 OTD277 650617.4 4763145.5 661.4 0.58 0.90 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD277 650635.3 4763132.5 613.4 0.63 1.24 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD277 650640.4 4763128.5 599.8 1.17 1.83 2.34 Southwest 15 OTD277 650645.5 4763125.0 586.2 1.03 1.94 2.27 Southwest 15 OTD277 650650.7 4763121.0 572.7 1.09 2.71 2.82 Southwest 15 OTD277 650655.9 4763117.5 559.1 1.38 3.80 3.80 Southwest 15 OTD277 650661.1 4763114.0 545.6 1.07 3.70 3.43 Southwest 15 OTD277 650666.3 4763110.0 532.1 0.70 1.36 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD277 650671.5 4763106.0 518.6 0.73 1.73 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD277 650676.8 4763102.0 505.1 0.88 1.89 2.09 Southwest 15 OTD277 650682.0 4763098.0 491.6 0.51 1.61 1.54 Southwest 15 OTD277 650687.1 4763094.0 478.1 0.80 2.37 2.31 Southwest 15 OTD279 651193.4 4762640.0 1035.3 1.39 0.28 1.57 South 15 OTD279 651188.7 4762634.5 1022.2 1.28 0.15 1.37 South 15 OTD279 651184.0 4762629.5 1009.1 1.13 0.20 1.26 South 15 OTD279 651179.3 4762624.0 995.9 0.92 0.17 1.03 South 15 OTD279 651175.7 4762619.5 985.9 0.95 0.80 1.46 South 8 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD280 650827.0 4764210.5 913.3 0.63 0.65 1.04 Central 15 OTD280 650826.6 4764204.0 900.2 0.74 0.83 1.27 Central 15 OTD280 650824.4 4764178.5 856.9 1.66 0.44 1.94 Central 15 OTD280 650824.3 4764171.0 843.9 1.16 0.58 1.52 Central 15 OTD280 650824.1 4764164.0 830.9 0.63 0.61 1.02 Central 15 OTD280 650824.0 4764156.0 817.9 1.02 1.58 2.03 Central 15 OTD280 650823.8 4764148.5 804.9 1.39 1.95 2.63 Central 15 OTD280 650823.6 4764141.0 791.8 1.19 1.60 2.21 Central 15 OTD280 650822.4 4764119.0 752.7 0.78 0.39 1.03 Central 15 OTD281 651336.3 4762858.0 805.5 1.20 0.28 1.38 South 15 OTD283 650754.1 4763052.5 1033.8 0.56 0.76 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD283 650765.1 4763043.5 1014.5 0.55 1.10 1.25 Southwest 18 OTD283 650841.5 4762979.5 880.1 0.71 0.46 1.00 Wedge 15 OTD284 651036.8 4764372.5 901.4 1.12 0.54 1.46 Central 15 OTD284 651037.3 4764366.0 887.8 1.60 0.43 1.88 Central 15 OTD284 651037.9 4764359.0 874.2 1.33 0.26 1.49 Central 15 OTD284 651038.4 4764353.5 860.6 1.09 0.27 1.27 Central 15 OTD284 651039.0 4764347.0 847.0 1.62 0.47 1.92 Central 15 OTD284 651039.5 4764340.5 833.4 1.45 1.21 2.23 Central 15 OTD284 651040.0 4764334.5 819.8 1.26 0.40 1.51 Central 15 OTD288 650585.8 4763301.5 1100.0 0.81 0.97 1.43 Southwest 15 OTD288 650592.0 4763298.0 1087.0 0.69 0.76 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD288 650643.8 4763260.5 978.3 1.09 1.34 1.94 Southwest 15 OTD288 650650.1 4763256.0 965.5 0.49 0.95 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD288 650656.5 4763251.0 952.8 0.76 1.73 1.86 Southwest 15 OTD288 650662.9 4763246.5 940.0 0.83 2.09 2.16 Southwest 15 OTD288 650669.2 4763241.5 927.3 1.35 2.94 3.23 Southwest 15 OTD288 650675.5 4763237.0 914.6 0.93 2.13 2.29 Southwest 15 OTD288 650681.6 4763232.0 902.0 1.03 2.83 2.83 Southwest 15 OTD288 650687.7 4763226.5 889.4 1.11 2.97 3.01 Southwest 15 OTD288 650693.8 4763221.0 876.7 1.40 2.91 3.25 Southwest 15 OTD288 650703.8 4763212.0 856.2 0.67 1.58 1.68 Southwest 19 OTD288 650707.5 4763208.5 848.2 1.26 1.38 2.14 Southwest 15 OTD288 650713.8 4763203.0 835.7 1.24 1.58 2.25 Southwest 15 OTD288 650720.1 4763197.5 823.2 1.17 1.88 2.37 Southwest 15 OTD288 650726.5 4763192.5 810.8 1.63 3.17 3.65 Southwest 15 OTD288 650733.0 4763187.0 798.3 1.23 2.95 3.11 Southwest 15 OTD288 650739.3 4763182.0 785.8 1.26 1.70 2.35 Southwest 15 OTD288 650745.7 4763176.0 773.4 1.12 0.69 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD288 650755.1 4763168.0 755.3 1.02 1.85 2.20 Southwest 15 OTD288 650761.4 4763162.5 743.0 0.55 1.13 1.27 Southwest 15 OTD288 650795.7 4763130.0 676.8 0.53 1.09 1.23 Wedge 8 OTD290 651122.5 4764391.5 937.6 1.04 0.17 1.15 Central 15 OTD290 651122.0 4764385.5 923.8 1.06 0.11 1.13 Central 15 OTD290 651121.5 4764379.0 910.1 1.73 0.14 1.82 Central 15 OTD290 651115.9 4764328.5 790.5 1.05 0.31 1.25 Central 15 OTD290 651115.2 4764322.5 776.6 0.86 0.34 1.08 Central 15 OTD291 650664.5 4763119.5 1070.6 0.75 0.72 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD291 650671.6 4763114.5 1058.4 0.62 0.94 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD291 650678.7 4763109.0 1046.2 0.89 1.44 1.80 Southwest 15 OTD291 650685.9 4763104.0 1034.0 1.00 2.09 2.34 Southwest 15 OTD291 650693.1 4763099.0 1021.8 0.75 1.83 1.91 Southwest 15 OTD291 650700.3 4763094.0 1009.7 0.82 1.54 1.80 Southwest 15 OTD291 650707.4 4763089.0 997.6 0.84 1.71 1.93 Southwest 15 OTD291 650714.6 4763083.5 985.6 0.53 1.04 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD291 650721.8 4763078.5 973.5 0.56 1.35 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD291 650729.0 4763072.5 961.5 0.76 2.34 2.25 Southwest 15 OTD291 650736.2 4763067.0 949.5 0.88 2.51 2.48 Southwest 15 OTD291 650743.4 4763061.5 937.6 0.60 1.81 1.76 Southwest 15 OTD291 650750.6 4763056.0 925.7 0.93 2.17 2.31 Southwest 15 OTD292 650759.1 4763175.5 1065.3 0.58 0.78 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD292 650790.7 4763150.5 1020.8 0.54 0.84 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD292 650798.6 4763144.5 1009.7 0.67 1.48 1.62 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD292 650806.5 4763138.0 998.6 0.75 1.81 1.90 Southwest 15 OTD292 650814.3 4763132.0 987.5 0.79 2.30 2.25 Southwest 15 OTD292 650820.8 4763127.0 978.7 1.05 3.38 3.20 Southwest 9 OTD294 650931.5 4763987.0 804.4 1.07 0.57 1.43 Central 15 OTD294 650931.5 4763987.0 789.4 0.89 0.50 1.21 Central 15 OTD297 650529.6 4763214.0 1102.6 0.65 0.88 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD297 650533.8 4763211.5 1091.7 0.51 0.98 1.14 Southwest 9 OTD297 650579.1 4763178.5 974.5 0.67 0.52 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD297 650584.5 4763174.5 961.1 0.72 0.63 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD297 650589.8 4763170.0 947.7 0.66 0.61 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD297 650594.8 4763166.0 934.0 1.28 1.04 1.94 Southwest 15 OTD297 650599.9 4763163.0 920.4 0.87 0.69 1.31 Southwest 15 OTD297 650610.0 4763155.5 893.1 0.76 0.79 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD297 650620.0 4763147.5 865.8 0.85 1.16 1.59 Southwest 15 OTD297 650625.0 4763143.5 852.2 0.93 1.47 1.87 Southwest 15 OTD297 650630.0 4763140.0 838.6 0.84 1.75 1.96 Southwest 15 OTD297 650634.9 4763136.5 825.0 0.60 1.12 1.31 Southwest 15 OTD297 650639.8 4763132.5 811.3 0.77 1.79 1.91 Southwest 15 OTD297 650643.4 4763129.0 800.4 0.56 1.45 1.48 Southwest 9 OTD297 650654.6 4763118.5 767.1 0.56 0.77 1.05 Southwest 19 OTD297 650675.4 4763102.5 708.3 0.75 1.40 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD297 650686.8 4763092.5 674.6 0.97 2.22 2.38 Southwest 15 OTD297 650691.3 4763088.0 660.9 1.04 2.68 2.75 Southwest 15 OTD297 650695.8 4763083.5 647.2 1.30 3.64 3.62 Southwest 15 OTD297 650700.3 4763079.0 633.6 2.01 5.32 5.40 Southwest 15 OTD297 650704.6 4763075.0 619.9 1.78 5.21 5.10 Southwest 15 OTD297 650711.6 4763068.0 598.6 1.86 6.29 5.87 Southwest 17 OTD299 651227.8 4764384.5 979.6 1.01 0.11 1.08 Central 15 OTD301 650286.1 4762949.5 530.5 0.48 0.84 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD301 650289.3 4762946.5 516.2 0.63 1.08 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD301 650300.1 4762936.0 466.5 0.47 0.99 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD301 650342.7 4762892.0 258.3 0.41 1.20 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD301 650360.1 4762873.0 165.8 0.43 1.27 1.24 Southwest 15 OTD301 650362.7 4762870.0 151.3 0.37 1.33 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD307 650720.5 4763331.0 1059.5 0.88 1.07 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD307 650726.8 4763326.5 1046.7 0.89 1.58 1.90 Southwest 15 OTD307 650737.6 4763319.5 1025.3 0.62 1.46 1.55 Southwest 20 OTD307 650747.0 4763312.5 1006.5 0.98 3.13 2.97 Southwest 15 OTD307 650759.9 4763303.5 981.1 0.82 2.28 2.28 Southwest 15 OTD307 650766.5 4763299.0 968.5 0.95 4.26 3.67 Southwest 15 OTD307 650773.0 4763294.0 955.8 1.39 4.83 4.47 Southwest 15 OTD307 650779.5 4763289.0 943.2 0.85 3.85 3.31 Southwest 15 OTD307 650786.0 4763284.0 930.7 0.74 2.30 2.21 Southwest 15 OTD307 650792.5 4763279.5 918.1 0.78 2.61 2.44 Southwest 15 OTD307 650799.0 4763274.0 905.5 0.88 2.44 2.44 Southwest 15 OTD307 650805.5 4763269.5 893.0 1.19 2.64 2.87 Southwest 15 OTD307 650812.1 4763264.5 880.4 0.84 2.06 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD307 650818.9 4763260.5 867.9 1.36 2.78 3.13 Southwest 15 OTD307 650825.8 4763255.5 855.3 0.95 2.05 2.25 Southwest 15 OTD307 650832.5 4763251.0 842.8 0.97 1.95 2.21 Southwest 15 OTD307 650839.3 4763246.0 830.3 1.00 2.46 2.57 Southwest 15 OTD307 650845.8 4763241.0 817.8 0.74 1.58 1.75 Southwest 15 OTD307 650852.5 4763236.0 805.3 0.70 1.29 1.52 Southwest 15 OTD307 650859.2 4763230.5 792.9 1.05 1.97 2.31 Southwest 15 OTD307 650866.1 4763226.0 780.4 0.74 1.55 1.73 Southwest 15 OTD307 650873.1 4763221.5 768.0 0.57 1.68 1.64 Southwest 15 OTD308 651053.9 4762835.5 1088.3 0.52 0.84 1.05 South 15 OTD308 651048.4 4762839.5 1075.0 0.47 0.88 1.03 South 15 OTD308 651025.3 4762856.0 1016.6 1.27 0.23 1.42 South 15 OTD309 651247.3 4763877.0 1018.3 1.15 0.10 1.21 Central 15 OTD311 650637.0 4763037.0 1091.6 0.73 0.47 1.03 Southwest 15 OTD311 650656.1 4763025.0 1051.6 0.77 1.85 1.95 Southwest 15 OTD311 650668.8 4763016.5 1025.6 0.62 0.97 1.24 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD311 650675.0 4763012.5 1012.6 0.67 0.99 1.30 Southwest 15 OTD311 650680.3 4763008.5 1001.3 0.61 0.65 1.03 Southwest 11 OTD311 650686.1 4763004.0 988.3 0.63 1.30 1.46 Southwest 15 OTD311 650692.0 4762999.5 975.2 0.77 1.69 1.85 Southwest 15 OTD311 650698.0 4762995.0 962.2 0.79 2.34 2.28 Southwest 15 OTD311 650707.9 4762988.0 940.9 1.31 3.50 3.55 Southwest 19 OTD311 650712.5 4762984.5 930.9 0.59 1.46 1.52 Southwest 15 OTD312 650922.5 4764140.0 896.1 1.20 0.17 1.31 Central 15 OTD312 650914.2 4764147.5 885.8 1.56 0.12 1.63 Central 15 OTD312 650905.9 4764154.5 875.6 1.77 0.10 1.83 Central 15 OTD312 650897.6 4764162.0 865.4 1.29 0.10 1.35 Central 15 OTD312 650889.3 4764169.0 855.4 1.91 0.15 2.01 Central 15 OTD312 650875.4 4764181.5 838.6 1.19 0.19 1.31 Central 20 OTD312 650864.2 4764191.5 825.3 0.89 0.95 1.49 Central 20 OTD312 650858.6 4764196.0 818.7 1.19 0.59 1.56 Central 15 OTD312 650833.7 4764219.0 788.6 0.99 0.07 1.04 Central 15 OTD314 650556.3 4762962.5 840.5 0.75 0.40 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD314 650598.6 4762927.5 704.3 0.54 0.76 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD314 650609.5 4762918.0 668.6 0.92 1.56 1.92 Southwest 17 OTD315 650680.4 4763483.5 1070.7 0.58 0.95 1.19 Southwest 10 OTD316 650642.6 4763039.0 918.0 0.86 0.84 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD316 650648.3 4763035.5 904.8 0.70 0.67 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD316 650654.0 4763031.0 891.6 0.75 1.42 1.66 Southwest 15 OTD316 650659.7 4763026.5 878.4 0.73 1.72 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD316 650680.5 4763009.0 830.6 0.93 1.08 1.62 Southwest 15 OTD316 650686.2 4763004.5 817.6 0.77 0.82 1.30 Southwest 15 OTD316 650692.1 4763000.0 804.6 1.03 0.98 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD316 650697.8 4762995.0 792.5 0.79 1.61 1.81 Southwest 13 OTD317 650812.3 4763262.0 1066.3 1.05 0.91 1.63 Southwest 15 OTD317 650818.0 4763257.0 1053.4 0.87 0.95 1.47 Southwest 15 OTD317 650823.8 4763252.0 1040.4 0.78 1.04 1.44 Southwest 15 OTD317 650829.5 4763247.0 1027.5 0.96 1.45 1.89 Southwest 15 OTD317 650835.1 4763242.0 1014.5 0.99 1.83 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD317 650840.8 4763237.0 1001.6 0.95 2.37 2.46 Southwest 15 OTD317 650846.5 4763232.5 988.6 1.27 3.80 3.69 Southwest 15 OTD317 650852.2 4763227.5 975.7 0.86 2.48 2.44 Southwest 15 OTD317 650857.8 4763222.5 962.7 0.77 2.11 2.11 Southwest 15 OTD317 650863.5 4763217.5 949.7 0.80 1.97 2.06 Southwest 15 OTD317 650869.2 4763212.5 936.8 0.87 2.52 2.47 Southwest 15 OTD317 650875.0 4763207.5 923.8 0.79 1.67 1.86 Southwest 15 OTD317 650880.6 4763202.5 910.9 0.79 1.85 1.97 Southwest 15 OTD320 650617.0 4762932.5 941.6 0.86 0.46 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD321 650829.3 4764111.0 1089.3 0.77 0.48 1.07 Central 15 OTD321 650835.7 4764106.5 1076.4 0.80 0.48 1.11 Central 15 OTD321 650842.2 4764102.5 1063.6 0.79 0.44 1.07 Central 15 OTD321 650848.5 4764098.5 1050.6 0.82 0.54 1.16 Central 15 OTD321 650854.8 4764094.5 1037.6 0.85 0.66 1.27 Central 15 OTD321 650861.0 4764090.5 1024.5 0.98 1.10 1.68 Central 15 OTD321 650867.1 4764086.5 1011.4 0.81 0.76 1.30 Central 15 OTD321 650872.1 4764083.5 1001.0 0.72 0.81 1.23 Central 9 OTD321 650883.6 4764076.0 976.5 1.36 0.60 1.74 Central 15 OTD321 650889.7 4764072.0 963.4 1.06 0.20 1.18 Central 15 OTD321 650918.6 4764053.0 901.3 0.91 0.14 1.00 Central 15 OTD321 650924.8 4764048.5 888.2 1.20 0.70 1.65 Central 15 OTD321 650950.2 4764033.0 836.1 0.92 0.60 1.30 Central 15 OTD321 650956.6 4764029.5 823.1 0.90 0.64 1.31 Central 15 OTD321 650962.6 4764026.0 810.9 0.70 0.66 1.12 Central 13 OTD321 650982.1 4764014.0 770.0 0.74 0.55 1.09 Central 15 OTD323 651325.7 4764180.5 1073.5 1.00 0.12 1.07 Central 15 OTD323 651328.3 4764140.5 997.6 1.59 0.11 1.66 Central 15 OTD323 651328.6 4764122.0 962.2 1.01 0.07 1.05 Central 20 OTD326 650873.6 4763348.0 1063.5 0.93 0.36 1.15 Southwest 14 OTD326 650910.9 4763321.0 975.3 0.85 0.75 1.33 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) cu_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD326 650916.2 4763317.5 961.8 0.97 0.48 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD326 650921.3 4763313.5 948.2 0.75 0.52 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD328 650636.2 4762916.0 902.6 0.60 0.82 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD330 650435.4 4762999.5 608.6 0.90 0.80 1.41 Southwest 15 OTD330 650454.3 4762955.5 482.4 0.32 1.15 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD331 650586.8 4762764.5 982.3 1.09 0.13 1.17 Wedge 15 OTD331 650591.6 4762762.0 968.4 1.04 0.08 1.09 Wedge 15 OTD335 651076.5 4764153.5 938.4 0.94 0.14 1.03 Central 15 OTD335 651071.7 4764157.0 924.7 1.14 0.14 1.23 Central 15 OTD335 651033.0 4764188.0 815.5 1.17 0.18 1.28 Central 15 OTD335 651028.3 4764192.0 801.8 0.91 0.19 1.03 Central 15 OTD335 651004.5 4764212.0 733.4 1.14 0.27 1.31 Central 15 OTD335 650999.9 4764216.0 719.8 1.08 0.37 1.31 Central 15 OTD335 650992.5 4764223.0 697.8 0.91 0.53 1.25 Central 18 OTD335 650989.6 4764225.0 689.6 1.47 1.55 2.46 Central 15 OTD335 650985.3 4764229.0 675.9 0.75 1.21 1.52 Central 15 OTD335 650956.0 4764259.0 579.6 1.51 0.70 1.95 Central 15 OTD335 650951.8 4764263.5 565.8 0.70 0.99 1.33 Central 15 OTD337 650378.0 4762913.0 808.4 0.74 0.72 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD337 650446.6 4762870.0 535.4 0.37 1.26 1.17 Southwest 15 OTD337 650457.5 4762863.0 492.3 0.46 0.94 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD337 650461.1 4762861.0 478.0 0.40 1.01 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD371 651308.8 4763262.5 682.4 0.98 0.04 1.01 Wedge 15 OTD379 650723.3 4763987.5 1054.1 1.28 0.49 1.59 Central 15 OTD379 650723.3 4763987.5 1039.1 1.16 0.95 1.76 Central 15 OTD379 650723.3 4763987.5 1024.1 1.07 1.77 2.20 Central 15 OTD379 650723.3 4763987.5 1009.1 0.94 1.45 1.86 Central 15 OTD379 650723.3 4763987.5 994.1 1.17 1.11 1.87 Central 15 OTD379 650723.3 4763987.5 979.1 1.17 1.37 2.05 Central 15 OTD379 650723.2 4763987.5 965.1 0.77 0.80 1.28 Central 13 OTD380 651131.3 4762803.0 1091.0 0.50 0.86 1.05 South 15 OTD380 651125.0 4762807.5 1078.2 0.92 0.56 1.28 South 15 OTD380 651116.1 4762814.0 1060.3 0.48 1.02 1.13 South 15 OTD391 650674.1 4764001.0 969.1 0.55 0.88 1.11 Central 13 OTD408 650890.0 4764177.5 985.9 0.87 0.57 1.23 Central 15 OTD408 650892.5 4764172.5 961.6 0.69 0.70 1.13 Central 20 OTD408 650894.9 4764166.5 936.4 1.33 0.07 1.37 Central 15 OTD408 650896.3 4764164.0 921.8 1.60 0.06 1.63 Central 15 OTD408 650897.8 4764160.5 907.3 1.53 0.13 1.61 Central 15 OTD408 650899.3 4764157.5 892.7 1.54 0.12 1.61 Central 15 OTD408 650900.8 4764154.0 878.1 2.69 0.12 2.76 Central 15 OTD408 650902.3 4764151.0 863.5 1.99 0.11 2.06 Central 15 OTD408 650903.8 4764147.5 849.0 0.97 0.08 1.02 Central 15 OTD408 650914.5 4764126.0 746.8 1.23 0.24 1.39 Central 15 OTD408 650924.0 4764108.5 662.0 0.80 0.74 1.27 Central 15 OTD408 650927.1 4764103.0 632.8 0.71 0.67 1.14 Central 15 OTD408 650928.7 4764100.0 618.1 0.76 0.59 1.13 Central 15 OTD408 650930.0 4764097.0 606.0 0.78 0.38 1.03 Central 10 OTD408 650951.8 4764048.0 362.4 0.82 0.64 1.23 Central 11 OTD408 650955.9 4764036.5 308.6 0.73 0.65 1.14 Central 15 OTD408 650957.9 4764030.5 279.3 0.75 0.70 1.20 Central 15 OTD408 650958.9 4764027.5 264.6 0.74 0.68 1.17 Central 15 OTD408 650960.9 4764022.5 238.3 0.78 0.70 1.23 Central 9 OTD416 650882.1 4764198.0 960.7 0.73 0.48 1.04 Central 15 OTD416 650882.8 4764197.0 947.7 0.67 0.62 1.06 Central 11 OTD416 650885.3 4764193.0 904.0 0.70 0.82 1.22 Central 15 OTD416 650886.1 4764191.5 889.1 0.80 0.67 1.22 Central 15 OTD416 650887.8 4764188.5 859.2 1.20 0.05 1.23 Central 15 OTD416 650888.5 4764187.5 844.3 1.14 0.38 1.39 Central 15 OTD416 650889.3 4764186.0 829.4 1.37 0.88 1.93 Central 15 OTD416 650890.0 4764185.0 816.5 1.32 2.10 2.66 Central 11 OTD416 650890.7 4764184.5 803.5 1.30 0.72 1.76 Central 15 OTD416 650891.5 4764183.5 788.6 1.13 0.15 1.23 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------------------- ---------- OTD416 650902.6 4764167.0 583.6 0.81 0.61 1.20 Central 15 OTD466 651113.6 4762900.5 1017.6 0.92 0.19 1.04 South 15 OTD466 651256.3 4762725.0 681.5 0.37 0.98 1.00 South 15 OTD466 651261.5 4762718.0 669.4 0.49 0.82 1.01 South 15 OTD466 651266.7 4762710.5 657.4 0.42 2.12 1.78 South 15 OTD480 650438.9 4762624.5 942.2 0.79 0.67 1.22 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD482A 651132.2 4763255.0 860.3 1.66 0.04 1.69 Wedge 15 OTD482A 651138.0 4763259.5 847.2 1.77 0.04 1.79 Wedge 15 OTD482A 651143.7 4763264.0 834.1 1.49 0.05 1.52 Wedge 15 OTD482A 651149.4 4763269.0 821.1 1.05 0.04 1.07 Wedge 15 OTD482A 651217.7 4763323.5 663.6 1.10 0.04 1.13 Wedge 15 OTD483 650654.2 4763081.0 1003.1 0.60 0.74 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD483 650659.5 4763088.0 991.1 0.75 0.77 1.24 Southwest 15 OTD483 650664.5 4763095.0 979.1 0.65 0.70 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD483 650675.0 4763110.0 955.2 0.86 1.41 1.76 Southwest 15 OTD483 650680.2 4763117.5 943.4 0.83 1.91 2.05 Southwest 15 OTD483 650685.5 4763125.5 931.5 0.73 1.72 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD483 650690.8 4763133.0 919.8 0.67 1.09 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD483 650696.3 4763140.5 908.1 0.70 1.45 1.62 Southwest 15 OTD483 650707.5 4763156.0 884.8 1.09 1.64 2.14 Southwest 15 OTD483 650715.3 4763166.5 868.7 1.03 1.93 2.26 Southwest 15 OTD483 650721.0 4763174.5 857.2 1.14 2.10 2.47 Southwest 15 OTD483 650726.8 4763182.0 845.7 0.89 1.35 1.75 Southwest 15 OTD483 650732.5 4763189.5 834.1 0.80 1.19 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD483 650738.2 4763197.0 822.6 0.80 0.94 1.39 Southwest 15 OTD483 650747.3 4763209.0 804.3 0.72 0.80 1.23 Southwest 17 OTD483 650750.6 4763213.5 797.8 0.62 1.53 1.60 Southwest 15 OTD483 650756.5 4763220.5 786.1 0.69 0.85 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD483 650762.3 4763228.5 774.4 0.70 1.97 1.95 Southwest 15 OTD483 650806.8 4763286.0 683.7 0.88 0.47 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD485 651325.9 4764348.0 1086.8 1.18 0.08 1.23 Central 15 OTD485 651325.6 4764348.0 1056.8 1.17 0.17 1.27 Central 15 OTD485 651325.3 4764348.0 1041.8 1.19 0.12 1.27 Central 15 OTD485 651325.1 4764348.0 1026.9 1.25 0.06 1.29 Central 15 OTD485 651324.8 4764348.0 1011.9 1.15 0.04 1.17 Central 15 OTD490 651323.8 4764195.0 1015.5 2.06 0.10 2.12 Central 15 OTD490 651324.1 4764195.0 1000.5 1.09 0.08 1.14 Central 15 OTD490 651324.3 4764195.0 985.5 1.78 0.09 1.84 Central 15 OTD490 651324.5 4764195.5 970.5 1.97 0.09 2.03 Central 15 OTD490 651324.7 4764195.5 955.5 1.52 0.08 1.57 Central 15 OTD492 651374.8 4764298.5 1047.9 1.20 0.05 1.23 Central 15 OTD493 651326.0 4764254.0 1029.0 1.05 0.06 1.09 Central 15 OTD493 651326.0 4764254.0 1014.0 1.11 0.04 1.14 Central 15 OTD493 651326.0 4764254.0 999.0 1.39 0.04 1.41 Central 15 OTD493 651326.0 4764254.0 909.6 1.26 0.06 1.30 Central 13.95 OTD496 651275.5 4764169.5 1023.1 1.21 0.08 1.26 Central 15 OTD498 651276.1 4764119.0 1030.7 1.25 0.12 1.33 Central 15 OTD498 651276.0 4764118.5 1015.7 1.21 0.05 1.24 Central 15 OTD500 651275.1 4764319.5 1080.1 1.05 0.17 1.15 Central 15 OTD500 651275.2 4764320.0 1050.1 1.09 0.05 1.12 Central 15 OTD500 651275.1 4764319.5 1035.1 1.62 0.05 1.65 Central 15 OTD500 651275.1 4764319.5 1005.1 1.01 0.05 1.04 Central 15 OTD500 651275.2 4764319.5 990.1 1.42 0.07 1.47 Central 15 OTD502 651230.8 4763848.5 1044.7 1.10 0.13 1.18 Central 15 OTD504 651275.5 4764370.5 1081.1 1.47 0.08 1.52 Central 15 OTD504 651275.5 4764370.5 1066.1 1.60 0.09 1.66 Central 15 OTD504 651275.4 4764370.5 1051.1 1.25 0.08 1.30 Central 15 OTD504 651275.4 4764370.5 1021.1 0.95 0.08 1.00 Central 15 OTD506 651230.0 4763801.0 1057.6 1.05 0.06 1.09 Central 15 OTD506 651230.0 4763801.5 1042.6 1.04 0.05 1.07 Central 15 OTD506 651230.0 4763801.5 1027.6 1.73 0.04 1.76 Central 15 OTD506 651229.9 4763802.0 1012.6 1.82 0.06 1.86 Central 15 OTD508 651229.9 4764297.0 1057.1 1.06 0.07 1.11 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ------------------ ---------- OTD509 651230.5 4763943.5 1082.6 1.28 0.06 1.32 Central 15 OTD509 651230.2 4763943.5 1067.6 1.23 0.07 1.27 Central 15 OTD511 651229.6 4764401.0 1075.6 1.03 0.09 1.09 Central 15 OTD515 651230.2 4763993.5 1067.6 1.22 0.05 1.26 Central 15 OTD515 651230.1 4763993.5 1052.6 1.34 0.05 1.37 Central 15 OTD526 651130.5 4763874.5 1036.2 0.96 0.07 1.00 Central 15 OTD526 651130.5 4763874.5 1021.2 0.95 0.08 1.00 Central 15 OTD529 651130.6 4763929.0 1108.6 1.09 0.18 1.21 Central 10 OTD533 650919.6 4764021.5 1099.0 1.14 0.15 1.24 Central 15 OTD540 650830.4 4763994.0 1090.6 1.10 0.02 1.11 Central 15 OTD546 650879.0 4763872.5 916.7 0.74 0.47 1.04 Central 15 OTD547 650977.8 4763847.5 1009.2 0.96 0.23 1.11 Central 15 OTD551 651070.5 4763873.5 849.2 0.91 0.13 1.00 Central 15 OTD551 651068.6 4763845.0 798.6 0.98 0.06 1.02 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD551 651068.1 4763839.0 788.2 1.97 0.10 2.04 Southwest (Bridge) 9 OTD552 650978.6 4763932.0 964.1 1.12 0.21 1.25 Central 15 OTD552 650979.9 4763921.5 943.6 0.97 0.09 1.03 Central 16 OTD553 650876.3 4764062.5 1055.2 1.41 0.27 1.58 Central 15 OTD553 650876.4 4764055.0 1042.2 0.86 0.36 1.09 Central 15 OTD553 650876.4 4764048.0 1029.1 1.22 0.32 1.42 Central 15 OTD553 650879.6 4763959.0 870.4 1.26 0.92 1.84 Central 15 OTD553 650880.1 4763951.0 857.4 1.35 1.13 2.07 Central 15 OTD553 650881.1 4763939.5 837.6 1.23 1.40 2.12 Central 16 OTD553 650881.8 4763927.5 817.8 1.57 1.14 2.30 Central 15 OTD553 650882.0 4763920.0 804.9 0.66 0.70 1.10 Central 15 OTD556 651071.1 4764076.0 1056.0 0.99 0.08 1.04 Central 15 OTD557 650975.8 4764011.5 918.1 1.00 0.25 1.16 Central 15 OTD557 650975.9 4764004.5 904.7 0.85 0.35 1.07 Central 15 OTD559 650768.6 4763896.0 944.9 0.83 0.41 1.09 Central 17 OTD561 650801.2 4763854.0 987.2 0.90 0.53 1.24 Central 15 OTD561 650799.8 4763847.0 974.0 0.82 0.70 1.26 Central 15 OTD561 650798.1 4763840.0 960.8 0.77 0.87 1.32 Central 15 OTD562 651069.6 4764115.0 962.5 1.08 0.16 1.19 Central 15 OTD563 650775.1 4764025.0 1009.7 0.82 0.78 1.32 Central 15 OTD563 650775.5 4764017.0 996.9 1.02 0.73 1.48 Central 15 OTD563 650775.6 4764011.0 987.0 0.96 1.04 1.62 Central 8 OTD564 650881.2 4764108.0 954.0 1.02 0.88 1.58 Central 15 OTD564 650882.2 4764101.0 940.8 0.85 0.68 1.28 Central 15 OTD564 650883.3 4764093.5 927.6 1.05 0.79 1.55 Central 15 OTD564 650888.5 4764060.0 862.1 0.88 0.91 1.46 Central 15 OTD564 650889.3 4764054.5 851.5 0.76 0.51 1.08 Central 9 OTD564 650890.1 4764049.0 840.9 0.71 0.65 1.13 Central 15 OTD564 650893.3 4764024.5 793.6 1.33 0.51 1.65 Central 17 OTD565 651174.8 4763974.0 1042.8 1.04 0.08 1.09 Central 15 OTD566 650956.2 4764071.0 847.4 1.13 0.11 1.20 Central 15 OTD566 650956.3 4764060.0 824.8 3.23 0.57 3.59 Central 20 OTD566 650956.0 4764042.5 788.6 1.02 0.69 1.46 Central 15 OTD566 650955.6 4764032.5 767.4 0.92 0.65 1.33 Central 17 OTD567 651248.0 4763811.5 1006.3 2.12 0.09 2.18 Central 15 OTD567 651235.8 4763811.5 985.0 1.42 0.13 1.50 Central 19 OTD569 650770.5 4764069.5 923.2 0.60 0.63 1.00 Central 15 OTD574 650880.0 4764223.5 1014.8 0.94 0.63 1.35 Central 15 OTD574 650881.0 4764206.0 985.6 0.97 0.42 1.24 Central 15 OTD574 650881.5 4764198.5 972.7 0.84 0.38 1.08 Central 15 OTD574 650884.5 4764168.5 921.9 0.82 0.68 1.25 Central 15 OTD574 650885.5 4764161.0 908.9 1.05 0.51 1.38 Central 15 OTD574 650886.4 4764153.5 896.0 1.88 0.22 2.02 Central 15 OTD574 650887.4 4764146.0 883.0 1.17 0.06 1.21 Central 15 OTD574 650888.3 4764139.0 870.1 1.09 0.04 1.11 Central 15 OTD574 650897.3 4764081.0 767.7 0.76 0.44 1.04 Central 15 OTD574 650898.5 4764073.5 754.6 0.70 0.85 1.24 Central 15 OTD574 650899.4 4764067.5 743.8 0.50 0.93 1.09 Central 10 OTD575 651170.3 4764108.5 942.1 0.97 0.05 1.00 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD578 650975.5 4764224.5 954.5 1.08 0.05 1.12 Central 15 OTD578 650975.8 4764217.5 941.2 1.09 0.11 1.16 Central 15 OTD578 650976.0 4764210.5 927.8 1.19 0.10 1.25 Central 15 OTD578 650976.2 4764204.0 914.5 1.32 0.10 1.38 Central 15 OTD578 650976.6 4764197.0 901.1 1.35 0.12 1.42 Central 15 OTD578 650976.8 4764190.0 887.8 0.98 0.11 1.05 Central 15 OTD578 650977.0 4764183.0 874.5 1.33 0.14 1.42 Central 15 OTD578 650977.2 4764176.0 861.1 1.11 0.12 1.18 Central 15 OTD578 650977.3 4764169.0 847.8 1.67 0.26 1.83 Central 15 OTD578 650977.5 4764162.0 834.5 1.28 0.22 1.42 Central 15 OTD578 650977.6 4764155.0 821.1 1.92 0.27 2.09 Central 15 OTD578 650977.8 4764148.5 807.8 1.11 0.18 1.22 Central 15 OTD578 650978.1 4764134.5 781.2 1.09 0.24 1.24 Central 15 OTD578 650978.1 4764128.0 767.9 1.15 0.31 1.35 Central 15 OTD578 650978.1 4764107.0 728.0 0.94 0.25 1.10 Central 15 OTD578 650977.8 4764095.5 705.8 1.07 0.42 1.34 Central 20 OTD583 651184.9 4764154.5 859.1 1.02 0.07 1.06 Central 15 OTD584 650788.9 4764162.0 896.8 1.02 1.10 1.72 Central 9 OTD584 650790.5 4764123.0 820.5 0.51 0.87 1.07 Central 15 OTD584 650790.5 4764116.0 807.1 0.93 1.42 1.84 Central 15 OTD584 650790.4 4764109.0 793.8 1.21 1.66 2.27 Central 15 OTD584 650790.6 4764088.0 753.5 0.65 0.66 1.07 Central 15 OTD586 651170.0 4764355.5 1008.5 0.98 0.08 1.03 Central 15 OTD586 651162.5 4764299.5 919.7 0.96 0.10 1.03 Central 15 OTD586 651159.6 4764283.5 894.9 1.16 0.10 1.23 Central 15 OTD586 651150.9 4764241.0 833.7 1.31 0.31 1.50 Central 15 OTD586 651148.9 4764232.0 821.6 0.92 0.21 1.05 Central 15 OTD586 651146.9 4764223.5 809.5 1.06 0.21 1.20 Central 15 OTD586 651142.9 4764207.0 787.2 1.27 0.24 1.42 Central 11.05 OTD587 651279.3 4764541.0 985.6 1.03 0.12 1.10 Central 15 OTD589 650880.9 4764267.0 913.7 0.72 0.80 1.23 Central 20 OTD589 650882.0 4764253.5 891.2 0.77 0.87 1.32 Central 15 OTD589 650882.6 4764246.5 878.2 1.14 0.58 1.51 Central 15 OTD589 650883.3 4764239.0 865.2 1.31 0.83 1.84 Central 15 OTD589 650884.0 4764231.5 852.2 1.03 0.65 1.45 Central 15 OTD589 650884.8 4764224.0 839.1 1.40 1.59 2.41 Central 15 OTD589 650885.5 4764216.5 826.0 1.28 1.49 2.23 Central 15 OTD589 650886.1 4764209.5 813.0 1.97 0.47 2.27 Central 15 OTD589 650887.1 4764198.0 793.9 1.19 0.15 1.28 Central 15 OTD589 650893.3 4764130.5 676.8 1.15 0.69 1.59 Central 15 OTD589 650894.4 4764117.0 653.4 0.71 1.12 1.42 Central 15 OTD589 650895.0 4764109.5 640.4 0.73 1.23 1.52 Central 15 OTD589 650895.6 4764102.0 627.4 0.82 0.71 1.28 Central 15 OTD592 651070.3 4764091.0 955.1 0.96 0.12 1.04 Central 15 OTD592 651069.6 4764099.5 926.5 1.07 0.09 1.12 Central 15 OTD592 651067.1 4764189.5 625.9 0.80 0.49 1.11 Central 15 OTD594 650981.7 4764351.0 995.5 0.75 0.41 1.01 Central 15 OTD594 650982.1 4764319.5 944.2 1.21 0.28 1.38 Central 15 OTD594 650982.5 4764312.0 931.3 1.27 0.13 1.35 Central 15 OTD594 650982.5 4764304.0 918.5 1.18 0.18 1.30 Central 15 OTD594 650982.5 4764296.5 905.8 1.35 0.45 1.64 Central 15 OTD594 650982.3 4764288.5 893.1 2.00 0.24 2.15 Central 15 OTD594 650982.0 4764280.5 880.4 1.29 0.24 1.45 Central 15 OTD594 650981.7 4764272.0 867.7 1.20 0.15 1.29 Central 15 OTD594 650979.7 4764214.0 780.1 0.86 0.32 1.06 Central 15 OTD594 650979.0 4764197.5 755.2 0.99 0.13 1.07 Central 15 OTD594 650978.5 4764189.0 742.8 1.38 0.28 1.56 Central 15 OTD594 650977.6 4764180.5 730.5 1.40 1.12 2.12 Central 15 OTD594 650976.6 4764172.0 718.2 1.08 0.64 1.49 Central 15 OTD594 650969.2 4764110.5 635.4 0.80 0.36 1.02 Central 15 OTD594 650968.0 4764101.5 623.5 0.80 0.37 1.03 Central 15 OTD594 650966.8 4764093.5 612.9 0.93 0.25 1.09 Central 12 OTD599 651176.3 4764381.5 942.7 1.11 0.11 1.18 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD600 650872.0 4764207.5 1053.5 0.87 0.42 1.14 Central 15 OTD600 650871.1 4764217.0 1024.9 0.75 0.52 1.08 Central 15 OTD600 650870.6 4764221.0 1012.5 0.79 0.57 1.15 Central 11 OTD600 650868.5 4764238.5 952.4 0.77 0.61 1.16 Central 15 OTD600 650867.9 4764243.0 938.1 0.96 0.65 1.37 Central 15 OTD600 650867.2 4764247.5 923.8 0.64 0.78 1.14 Central 15 OTD600 650866.5 4764252.0 909.4 0.66 0.72 1.12 Central 15 OTD600 650865.0 4764262.5 874.0 0.77 0.80 1.28 Central 15 OTD600 650864.5 4764267.0 859.7 0.88 0.76 1.36 Central 15 OTD600 650864.0 4764270.0 848.7 1.38 1.93 2.61 Central 8 OTD601 650985.3 4764407.5 893.4 0.98 0.78 1.47 Central 15 OTD601 650986.3 4764393.0 867.1 1.77 0.28 1.95 Central 15 OTD601 650986.8 4764385.5 854.0 1.44 0.41 1.70 Central 15 OTD604 650875.5 4764130.5 1042.7 0.74 0.50 1.05 Central 15 OTD604 650875.0 4764151.0 986.4 0.88 0.42 1.15 Central 15 OTD604 650874.8 4764155.5 972.3 0.71 0.51 1.03 Central 15 OTD604 650874.0 4764179.0 907.7 1.06 0.67 1.49 Central 14 OTD604 650873.6 4764186.5 884.6 0.73 1.00 1.36 Central 20 OTD604 650873.4 4764190.0 875.1 1.14 0.72 1.60 Central 15 OTD604 650872.8 4764200.0 846.8 1.04 0.13 1.12 Central 15 OTD604 650872.3 4764207.5 826.5 1.12 1.25 1.92 Central 14 OTD604 650872.0 4764211.5 812.8 1.77 0.53 2.10 Central 15 OTD604 650871.6 4764216.5 798.7 1.02 0.21 1.15 Central 15 OTD606 651082.5 4764252.0 811.2 1.72 0.14 1.81 Central 15 OTD606 651083.6 4764257.5 797.3 1.68 0.16 1.78 Central 15 OTD606 651084.6 4764263.0 783.4 1.35 0.47 1.65 Central 15 OTD606 651085.8 4764268.5 769.5 1.14 0.26 1.30 Central 15 OTD607 650828.6 4764175.0 1059.2 0.77 0.51 1.09 Central 15 OTD607 650827.1 4764193.5 1006.2 0.65 0.70 1.09 Central 15 OTD607 650827.0 4764198.0 993.5 0.82 0.85 1.36 Central 12 OTD607 650823.7 4764231.0 895.6 0.57 0.73 1.03 Central 15 OTD607 650823.2 4764235.5 881.3 0.88 1.15 1.61 Central 15 OTD607 650822.8 4764240.5 867.1 1.09 1.07 1.78 Central 15 OTD607 650822.5 4764245.5 852.9 1.18 1.63 2.22 Central 15 OTD607 650822.2 4764253.5 829.2 1.09 1.67 2.15 Central 20 OTD607 650822.1 4764256.5 819.8 0.84 0.52 1.17 Central 15 OTD607 650822.0 4764261.0 805.5 0.66 0.87 1.22 Central 15 OTD609 650972.6 4764324.0 972.3 1.13 0.24 1.28 Central 15 OTD609 650973.1 4764343.5 922.0 0.81 0.34 1.03 Central 15 OTD609 650974.7 4764371.0 852.1 1.06 0.36 1.29 Central 15 OTD609 650975.0 4764376.0 838.2 1.01 0.55 1.36 Central 15 OTD610 650966.8 4764235.0 934.2 0.88 0.18 1.00 Central 15 OTD610 650966.3 4764239.5 919.9 1.23 0.15 1.32 Central 15 OTD610 650966.0 4764244.0 905.7 1.05 0.26 1.21 Central 15 OTD610 650965.6 4764249.0 891.4 1.13 0.21 1.26 Central 15 OTD610 650965.2 4764253.5 877.2 1.06 0.32 1.26 Central 15 OTD610 650964.9 4764258.0 862.9 1.35 0.60 1.73 Central 15 OTD610 650964.6 4764262.5 848.7 1.33 1.26 2.13 Central 15 OTD611 651073.2 4764368.5 1016.3 1.03 0.12 1.11 Central 15 OTD611 651072.9 4764396.5 930.6 0.90 0.37 1.13 Central 15 OTD613 651072.2 4764321.0 887.8 1.33 0.12 1.40 Central 15 OTD613 651072.3 4764325.5 873.7 1.10 0.12 1.18 Central 15 OTD613 651072.6 4764330.5 859.6 1.56 0.19 1.68 Central 15 OTD618 650929.6 4764198.5 887.6 1.27 0.09 1.33 Central 15 OTD618 650930.9 4764208.5 859.4 0.99 0.17 1.10 Central 15 OTD618 650934.2 4764232.5 792.7 0.83 0.37 1.07 Central 15 OTD618 650942.8 4764282.0 651.3 0.88 0.19 1.00 Central 15 OTD618 650948.5 4764306.0 580.4 1.65 2.52 3.26 Central 15 OTD618 650949.6 4764311.0 566.3 1.29 1.76 2.41 Central 15 OTD618 650950.7 4764315.0 552.1 0.96 0.59 1.34 Central 15 OTD619 651126.7 4763953.5 1099.7 1.18 0.09 1.23 Central 15 OTD620 650829.2 4764131.0 941.0 0.64 0.73 1.11 Central 20 OTD620 650829.2 4764135.0 931.7 0.67 0.80 1.18 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ ----------------- ---------- OTD620 650829.3 4764143.0 909.7 0.81 0.80 1.32 Central 17 OTD620 650829.3 4764151.0 887.7 0.84 0.94 1.44 Central 15 OTD620 650829.4 4764155.0 877.0 0.93 1.12 1.65 Central 8 OTD620 650829.5 4764163.0 856.9 1.24 0.89 1.80 Central 15 OTD620 650829.5 4764168.5 843.0 2.01 0.66 2.43 Central 15 OTD620 650829.6 4764174.0 829.0 1.22 0.81 1.74 Central 15 OTD620 650829.8 4764191.0 787.3 1.73 0.25 1.89 Central 15 OTD621 651015.0 4764224.5 942.0 0.99 0.11 1.06 Central 15 OTD621 651014.2 4764229.5 928.0 1.31 0.18 1.42 Central 15 OTD621 651013.6 4764235.0 914.0 1.12 0.16 1.22 Central 15 OTD621 651012.5 4764246.0 886.0 1.35 0.21 1.48 Central 15 OTD621 651012.1 4764251.5 872.0 1.80 0.17 1.91 Central 15 OTD621 651011.6 4764256.5 858.0 1.57 0.14 1.66 Central 15 OTD626 651124.2 4764378.0 1019.6 1.09 0.07 1.14 Central 15 OTD626 651124.1 4764383.0 1005.5 1.11 0.09 1.16 Central 15 OTD626 651124.0 4764388.5 991.4 1.20 0.14 1.29 Central 15 OTD626 651123.8 4764393.0 977.3 0.97 0.13 1.06 Central 15 OTD626 651123.4 4764403.0 949.0 0.93 0.13 1.01 Central 15 OTD626 651123.3 4764408.5 934.9 0.96 0.11 1.03 Central 15 OTD627 651277.0 4764068.5 1008.7 1.27 0.09 1.33 Central 15 OTD627 651277.5 4764062.0 995.3 1.32 0.05 1.35 Central 15 OTD627 651278.0 4764055.5 981.8 1.12 0.04 1.14 Central 15 OTD627 651278.5 4764049.0 968.4 1.29 0.07 1.33 Central 15 OTD628 651021.8 4764314.5 975.2 1.09 0.09 1.15 Central 15 OTD628 651022.5 4764336.0 935.9 0.93 0.25 1.09 Central 15 OTD628 651022.8 4764343.5 922.8 0.95 0.42 1.22 Central 15 OTD628 651023.1 4764351.0 909.8 1.23 0.31 1.42 Central 15 OTD628 651023.3 4764358.5 896.7 1.15 0.39 1.39 Central 15 OTD628 651023.5 4764365.5 883.6 1.04 0.31 1.23 Central 15 OTD629 650921.6 4764287.0 885.3 0.89 0.93 1.48 Central 15 OTD629 650921.3 4764291.5 871.0 1.77 1.94 3.00 Central 15 OTD629 650921.0 4764296.5 856.8 1.13 1.00 1.76 Central 15 OTD629 650920.6 4764301.0 842.5 1.26 1.75 2.38 Central 15 OTD633 650724.0 4764137.0 958.0 0.54 1.21 1.31 Central 15 OTD633 650723.9 4764129.5 944.8 0.58 1.07 1.27 Central 15 OTD636 650836.2 4763769.5 1020.5 0.86 0.38 1.10 Southwest(Bridge) 15 OTD636 650836.5 4763762.5 1007.4 0.82 0.36 1.05 Southwest(Bridge) 15 OTD637 650832.3 4763905.0 958.9 1.46 0.05 1.49 Central 15 OTD637 650831.8 4763890.0 932.8 1.09 0.89 1.66 Central 15 OTD637 650831.5 4763883.0 919.6 0.75 0.78 1.25 Central 15 OTD637 650831.3 4763875.5 906.5 0.80 0.76 1.28 Central 15 OTD639 650921.2 4764148.0 982.4 0.99 0.04 1.01 Central 15 OTD639 650912.2 4764069.0 837.5 1.31 0.34 1.53 Central 15 OTD639 650909.0 4764039.0 781.5 0.74 1.01 1.38 Central 8 OTD640 650851.2 4763907.5 948.2 0.93 0.11 1.00 Central 15 OTD640 650851.0 4763925.0 906.8 0.73 0.52 1.06 Central 15 OTD640 650851.0 4763931.0 893.0 1.01 0.30 1.20 Central 15 OTD640 650851.1 4763937.0 879.2 1.10 0.42 1.37 Central 15 OTD640 650851.1 4763942.5 865.4 0.85 0.36 1.08 Central 15 OTD640 650851.2 4763959.5 823.7 1.00 0.47 1.30 Central 15 OTD640 650851.3 4763964.5 811.7 0.96 0.69 1.40 Central 11 OTD640 650851.3 4763969.0 799.6 1.12 1.75 2.23 Central 15 OTD640 650851.3 4763974.5 786.7 0.90 1.24 1.69 Central 13 OTD641 650920.5 4764297.0 939.7 1.20 0.80 1.71 Central 15 OTD641 650920.1 4764286.0 918.9 0.91 0.70 1.36 Central 17 OTD641 650920.0 4764282.0 911.4 0.84 0.74 1.31 Central 15 OTD641 650919.8 4764274.5 898.2 1.10 0.79 1.60 Central 15 OTD641 650919.4 4764264.5 877.8 0.87 1.11 1.58 Central 16 OTD641 650919.1 4764243.0 838.1 1.23 0.30 1.42 Central 15 OTD641 650919.1 4764236.0 824.9 1.02 0.87 1.58 Central 15 OTD641 650919.1 4764224.0 803.3 1.03 0.18 1.15 Central 19 OTD641 650918.8 4764208.5 772.8 1.04 0.12 1.11 Central 15 OTD641 650918.2 4764201.5 759.5 1.64 0.17 1.75 Central 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------------------- ---------- OTD649 651224.6 4764050.0 1033.7 0.96 0.09 1.02 Central 15 OTD650 650963.7 4764150.0 828.5 1.00 0.13 1.08 Central 15 OTD650 650963.3 4764154.0 814.1 1.33 0.27 1.50 Central 15 OTD650 650961.8 4764175.5 742.4 1.24 0.17 1.35 Central 15 OTD650 650961.6 4764180.0 728.0 0.94 0.24 1.09 Central 15 OTD650 650961.5 4764184.5 713.7 1.41 0.50 1.73 Central 15 OTD650 650961.5 4764189.0 699.9 1.49 0.41 1.76 Central 14 OTD650 650961.3 4764193.5 686.0 1.14 0.62 1.53 Central 15 OTD650 650961.3 4764198.0 671.7 1.52 1.69 2.60 Central 15 OTD650 650961.3 4764201.5 659.8 1.10 0.66 1.52 Central 10 OTD650 650962.5 4764222.0 592.4 0.78 0.87 1.34 Central 15 OTD650 650963.1 4764226.5 578.1 1.17 0.67 1.59 Central 15 OTD650 650963.5 4764230.5 566.2 0.92 1.37 1.79 Central 10 OTD652 651125.6 4764215.0 956.5 1.13 0.12 1.21 Central 15 OTD652 651125.6 4764216.0 941.5 1.21 0.18 1.32 Central 15 OTD652 651126.1 4764223.5 851.8 1.04 0.16 1.14 Central 15 OTD652 651126.4 4764228.5 792.1 1.19 0.15 1.29 Central 15 OTD654 651176.2 4763843.5 1097.3 1.45 0.08 1.50 Central 15 OTD657 651226.3 4763908.5 1080.5 1.05 0.09 1.11 Central 15 OTD661 651133.5 4764550.5 1080.6 0.95 0.11 1.02 Central 15 OTD665 651025.9 4763780.5 877.1 1.18 0.14 1.26 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD668 650470.2 4762826.5 661.0 0.33 1.04 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD668 650495.3 4762800.5 530.8 0.46 0.95 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD668 650498.0 4762797.5 516.3 0.31 1.07 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD668 650500.5 4762795.0 501.8 0.27 1.43 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD669 650145.7 4762476.0 1118.4 1.13 0.70 1.58 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD670 650649.1 4763019.0 817.5 0.70 0.62 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD670 650653.1 4763015.0 803.6 0.65 0.60 1.03 Southwest 15 OTD670 650657.0 4763011.0 789.8 0.78 0.80 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD670 650660.9 4763006.5 775.9 0.68 0.84 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD670 650667.0 4762999.5 753.8 0.92 1.24 1.71 Southwest 18 OTD670 650671.3 4762995.0 738.1 0.93 1.09 1.62 Southwest 15 OTD670 650677.0 4762988.5 716.3 0.70 1.10 1.40 Southwest 17 OTD671 650203.1 4762528.5 908.9 0.52 1.11 1.23 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD671 650203.8 4762528.5 640.9 0.24 1.21 1.01 Southwest (Far South) 11.1 OTD672 650350.2 4762620.0 617.9 0.55 0.79 1.05 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD673 650448.8 4762996.0 489.2 0.37 0.99 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD673 650461.0 4763005.0 463.2 0.47 1.42 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD673 650467.3 4763009.0 450.3 0.80 2.92 2.66 Southwest 15 OTD673 650472.5 4763012.5 439.6 0.76 2.66 2.46 Southwest 10 OTD673 650490.1 4763026.0 403.2 0.68 1.94 1.91 Southwest 15 OTD673 650496.2 4763030.5 390.3 0.54 1.32 1.38 Southwest 15 OTD673 650508.5 4763040.5 364.6 0.51 0.95 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD674 650306.9 4762551.5 887.5 0.53 1.01 1.18 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD676 650542.4 4763197.5 1104.0 0.58 0.73 1.05 Southwest 8 OTD676 650617.6 4763119.5 930.2 0.52 1.83 1.69 Southwest 15 OTD676 650622.5 4763113.5 917.4 0.74 0.61 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD676 650627.1 4763107.0 904.6 0.64 0.59 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD676 650631.6 4763100.5 891.8 0.74 0.73 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD676 650636.3 4763094.5 879.0 0.75 0.72 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD676 650640.8 4763088.0 866.1 0.89 1.18 1.64 Southwest 15 OTD676 650645.3 4763082.0 853.3 0.94 1.63 1.97 Southwest 15 OTD676 650649.8 4763075.0 840.4 1.13 2.23 2.56 Southwest 15 OTD676 650653.3 4763070.5 830.2 0.93 1.74 2.04 Southwest 9 OTD676 650656.1 4763066.5 822.0 0.43 0.92 1.02 Southwest 10 OTD676 650664.2 4763054.5 798.4 0.96 1.32 1.80 Southwest 15 OTD676 650668.5 4763048.0 785.5 0.75 1.79 1.89 Southwest 15 OTD676 650675.0 4763038.0 765.3 1.00 2.76 2.76 Southwest 17 OTD676 650689.1 4763014.5 720.3 0.91 2.94 2.79 Southwest 20 OTD677 650686.3 4763134.0 1087.0 0.62 0.62 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD677 650690.8 4763140.0 1074.2 0.76 1.09 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD677 650695.6 4763146.5 1061.4 0.99 2.39 2.51 Southwest 15 OTD677 650700.4 4763153.0 1048.6 1.14 2.42 2.68 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------------------- ---------- OTD677 650705.2 4763159.0 1035.8 0.89 1.85 2.07 Southwest 15 OTD677 650710.1 4763164.5 1023.0 0.95 2.42 2.50 Southwest 15 OTD677 650715.0 4763171.0 1010.2 1.17 2.35 2.67 Southwest 15 OTD677 650719.8 4763177.0 997.3 0.90 1.93 2.13 Southwest 15 OTD677 650724.5 4763183.0 984.4 0.63 1.70 1.72 Southwest 15 OTD677 650729.3 4763189.0 971.6 1.09 2.81 2.88 Southwest 15 OTD677 650734.1 4763195.0 958.7 0.75 1.72 1.85 Southwest 15 OTD677 650739.0 4763201.0 945.7 0.68 1.50 1.64 Southwest 15 OTD677 650743.9 4763207.0 932.8 0.78 1.32 1.62 Southwest 15 OTD677 650758.5 4763223.5 894.4 0.64 1.45 1.56 Southwest 14 OTD677 650763.4 4763229.5 881.9 1.64 2.32 3.12 Southwest 12.2 OTD677 650775.8 4763242.5 850.8 0.72 1.34 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD677 650780.8 4763248.0 837.8 0.48 0.92 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD677 650789.5 4763257.5 816.2 0.76 0.92 1.35 Southwest 20 OTD679 651326.4 4764289.0 1048.9 1.14 0.09 1.19 Central 15 OTD679 651326.4 4764289.0 1033.9 1.50 0.07 1.55 Central 15 OTD681 650472.6 4762712.0 1020.7 0.81 0.30 1.00 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD682 650418.9 4762785.5 967.5 0.77 0.36 1.00 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD682 650475.5 4762887.5 793.0 0.47 0.90 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD682 650494.5 4762923.0 729.9 0.91 1.02 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD682 650498.1 4762930.0 717.2 0.76 0.75 1.24 Southwest 15 OTD682 650505.3 4762944.5 691.8 0.65 0.93 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD682 650509.0 4762951.5 679.1 0.61 1.37 1.48 Southwest 15 OTD682 650512.4 4762958.5 666.4 0.58 1.01 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD682 650515.9 4762966.0 653.7 0.63 1.18 1.38 Southwest 15 OTD682 650519.4 4762973.0 641.0 0.76 1.56 1.76 Southwest 15 OTD682 650526.5 4762987.0 615.5 0.36 1.03 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD682 650542.8 4763017.5 559.3 0.40 1.16 1.14 Southwest 15 OTD682 650546.7 4763024.5 546.5 0.40 1.64 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD682 650550.7 4763031.0 533.7 0.64 2.13 2.00 Southwest 15 OTD682 650554.7 4763038.0 520.9 0.49 2.02 1.78 Southwest 15 OTD682 650558.7 4763044.5 508.2 0.55 2.08 1.87 Southwest 15 OTD682 650562.8 4763051.5 495.4 0.60 2.86 2.42 Southwest 15 OTD682 650566.8 4763058.0 482.6 0.42 1.53 1.39 Southwest 15 OTD682 650570.9 4763064.5 469.8 0.52 2.69 2.23 Southwest 15 OTD682 650574.9 4763071.5 456.9 0.49 1.68 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD682 650579.0 4763078.0 444.0 0.40 1.25 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD682 650595.0 4763103.0 393.2 0.58 1.56 1.57 Southwest 13 OTD682A 650489.3 4762905.5 782.1 0.74 0.64 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650507.7 4762933.0 751.8 0.61 0.94 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650513.7 4762942.0 741.6 0.53 0.92 1.11 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650531.5 4762969.5 710.8 0.50 0.87 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650548.9 4762997.5 679.9 0.57 0.72 1.03 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650554.7 4763007.0 669.6 0.55 1.21 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650574.3 4763037.0 635.0 0.54 1.23 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650580.2 4763046.0 624.6 0.48 1.10 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650586.1 4763055.0 614.2 0.52 1.31 1.36 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650592.0 4763064.0 603.9 0.49 1.09 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650602.9 4763080.5 585.2 0.65 1.66 1.71 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650609.0 4763089.5 574.8 0.46 0.99 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650615.0 4763098.5 564.4 0.65 1.77 1.78 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650621.1 4763107.5 554.0 0.71 2.44 2.26 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650627.4 4763116.5 543.6 0.77 1.52 1.73 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650633.4 4763125.5 533.2 0.87 2.27 2.32 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650639.3 4763134.0 522.8 0.52 0.94 1.11 Southwest 15 OTD682A 650660.6 4763163.5 488.2 0.49 0.81 1.01 Southwest 16 OTD682B 650502.8 4762914.0 702.4 0.54 1.07 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD682B 650522.9 4762929.5 616.0 0.59 0.78 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD682B 650526.2 4762932.5 601.6 0.58 0.86 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD682B 650529.5 4762935.0 587.1 0.54 0.84 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD682B 650545.6 4762947.0 514.9 0.26 1.49 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD682B 650548.8 4762949.5 500.4 0.29 1.33 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD682B 650552.0 4762952.5 486.0 0.33 1.22 1.11 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) cu_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------------------- ---------- OTD682B 650555.1 4762955.5 471.5 0.39 1.23 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD683 650048.3 4762655.5 762.2 0.49 1.01 1.14 Southwest (Far South) 8.1 OTD684 651275.5 4764023.0 1083.1 1.14 0.23 1.29 Central 15 OTD685 650868.2 4763218.0 1046.3 0.71 0.65 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD685 650873.4 4763213.0 1033.1 0.66 0.72 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD685 650878.6 4763208.5 1020.0 0.62 0.85 1.17 Southwest 15 OTD685 650883.8 4763203.5 1006.8 0.76 1.58 1.77 Southwest 15 OTD685 650889.0 4763198.5 993.6 0.76 1.76 1.88 Southwest 15 OTD685 650893.3 4763194.5 982.6 0.58 0.81 1.09 Southwest 10 OTD685 650969.1 4763119.0 776.8 0.89 0.28 1.06 Wedge 15 OTD687 650349.8 4762791.0 917.2 0.82 0.66 1.24 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD687 650355.8 4762787.0 904.1 0.82 0.77 1.31 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD687 650361.7 4762782.5 891.0 0.72 0.62 1.11 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD687 650367.6 4762779.0 877.8 0.96 0.93 1.56 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD687 650373.5 4762775.0 864.6 0.51 0.85 1.05 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD688 650745.5 4763215.0 1126.5 0.78 0.82 1.30 Southwest 15 OTD688 650750.4 4763222.0 1114.3 0.91 1.04 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD688 650755.3 4763229.0 1102.0 0.74 0.61 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD688 650765.1 4763243.0 1077.5 0.84 0.92 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD688 650770.1 4763250.5 1065.2 1.46 2.23 2.88 Southwest 15 OTD688 650775.0 4763258.0 1052.9 0.81 1.47 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD688 650784.5 4763271.5 1028.2 1.28 3.18 3.31 Southwest 15 OTD688 650788.4 4763277.0 1018.3 1.23 2.94 3.10 Southwest 9 OTD688 650794.8 4763286.5 1001.8 1.07 3.81 3.50 Southwest 15 OTD688 650799.6 4763293.5 989.5 1.25 4.00 3.80 Southwest 15 OTD688 650804.4 4763300.0 977.1 0.99 3.31 3.10 Southwest 15 OTD688 650809.2 4763307.5 964.6 0.83 2.51 2.43 Southwest 15 OTD688 650831.5 4763339.0 907.4 0.73 0.66 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD688 650836.4 4763346.0 894.9 0.67 0.52 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD691 650431.6 4763128.5 636.6 0.52 0.75 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD691 650440.9 4763140.5 610.7 0.63 1.01 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD691 650445.5 4763146.5 597.7 1.43 1.53 2.40 Southwest 15 OTD691 650450.1 4763152.5 584.7 1.56 2.12 2.91 Southwest 15 OTD691 650454.8 4763158.5 571.8 0.78 1.30 1.61 Southwest 15 OTD691 650459.5 4763164.5 558.7 0.66 1.36 1.53 Southwest 15 OTD691 650464.1 4763169.5 545.7 0.85 2.03 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD691 650468.8 4763175.5 532.7 0.69 1.65 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD691 650478.4 4763187.0 506.5 0.57 1.19 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD692 650102.9 4762516.0 1087.8 0.67 0.65 1.08 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD692 650124.5 4762504.0 1033.1 0.55 0.71 1.00 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD692 650145.2 4762490.0 978.5 0.41 0.92 1.00 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD694 650813.2 4763522.0 1106.4 1.06 0.74 1.53 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD694 650823.1 4763514.5 1085.3 1.21 0.82 1.73 Southwest (Bridge) 19 OTD694 650834.5 4763505.5 1061.9 0.77 0.64 1.18 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD694 650840.4 4763500.5 1049.0 1.03 0.79 1.53 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD694 650880.3 4763466.0 958.2 0.70 0.49 1.02 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD695 650167.6 4762933.5 990.9 0.87 0.83 1.40 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD697 650806.3 4763385.5 984.9 0.79 0.38 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD697 650832.1 4763361.5 918.6 0.66 0.70 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD697 650845.6 4763347.5 881.8 0.72 0.77 1.21 Southwest 8 OTD697 650886.2 4763306.0 773.9 0.87 0.35 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD699 650684.7 4762972.5 869.6 1.06 0.97 1.68 Southwest 15 OTD699 650689.1 4762979.0 856.9 0.80 1.07 1.49 Southwest 15 OTD699 650693.6 4762985.5 844.2 0.78 1.24 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD700 650695.2 4763353.0 1003.7 1.24 1.23 2.03 Southwest 15 OTD700 650701.3 4763349.0 990.5 0.89 1.07 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD700 650707.3 4763345.5 977.3 1.04 1.21 1.81 Southwest 15 OTD700 650713.3 4763342.0 964.0 1.13 2.52 2.74 Southwest 15 OTD700 650719.2 4763338.5 950.6 1.30 2.94 3.18 Southwest 15 OTD700 650742.7 4763325.0 896.1 0.82 0.30 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD700 650748.5 4763321.5 882.6 0.84 0.32 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD701 650285.5 4762650.5 998.7 0.72 0.66 1.14 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD701 650258.5 4762619.5 954.8 0.50 0.97 1.11 Southwest (Far South) 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------------------- ---------- OTD701 650228.1 4762590.5 912.6 0.57 0.80 1.08 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD701 650220.3 4762583.5 901.9 0.56 0.82 1.08 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD701 650212.4 4762576.5 891.1 0.31 1.29 1.13 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD701 650147.7 4762517.0 794.2 0.35 1.19 1.11 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD702 650103.8 4762677.0 919.1 0.66 0.60 1.04 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD703 650755.0 4763574.5 861.2 1.35 1.51 2.31 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD704 650667.4 4763590.5 846.0 0.85 1.76 1.97 Southwest 15 OTD705 650373.6 4762856.0 314.2 0.35 1.44 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD705 650376.2 4762852.5 299.9 0.38 1.57 1.39 Southwest 15 OTD705 650378.6 4762849.0 285.5 0.45 2.45 2.01 Southwest 15 OTD705 650381.3 4762845.5 271.2 0.34 1.79 1.48 Southwest 15 OTD707 651189.0 4763385.5 956.1 1.17 0.06 1.21 Wedge 15 OTD707 651182.9 4763390.0 943.1 1.07 0.04 1.09 Wedge 15 OTD707 651176.8 4763394.5 930.2 1.72 0.05 1.75 Wedge 15 OTD708 651073.4 4763477.5 887.4 1.23 0.38 1.47 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD708 651067.7 4763483.0 874.6 1.08 0.14 1.17 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD708 651062.0 4763488.0 861.8 1.00 0.07 1.05 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD710 650550.3 4763210.0 952.3 0.68 0.60 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD710 650554.3 4763214.5 938.6 0.99 0.83 1.52 Southwest 15 OTD710 650562.4 4763224.0 911.3 0.96 1.14 1.69 Southwest 15 OTD710 650566.3 4763228.5 897.6 0.92 1.45 1.84 Southwest 15 OTD710 650570.3 4763233.0 883.9 1.22 1.93 2.45 Southwest 15 OTD710 650574.3 4763237.5 870.3 0.54 1.52 1.51 Southwest 15 OTD710 650578.2 4763242.5 856.5 1.08 2.68 2.79 Southwest 15 OTD710 650590.0 4763255.5 815.3 0.75 1.49 1.70 Southwest 15 OTD710 650593.8 4763260.0 801.6 1.33 3.27 3.42 Southwest 15 OTD710 650597.8 4763264.5 787.9 1.30 2.69 3.01 Southwest 15 OTD710 650601.6 4763269.0 774.1 1.69 4.02 4.25 Southwest 15 OTD710 650605.4 4763273.5 760.4 0.52 0.94 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD710 650612.9 4763282.5 732.8 1.00 1.01 1.64 Southwest 15 OTD712 650047.1 4762495.0 719.5 0.37 1.26 1.17 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD713A 650560.6 4762944.5 898.5 0.78 0.68 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650587.3 4762978.0 819.4 0.96 0.64 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650596.5 4762990.0 793.4 0.94 0.58 1.31 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650601.2 4762996.0 780.5 0.94 0.48 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650608.8 4763005.0 760.7 0.78 0.65 1.20 Southwest 16 OTD713A 650618.4 4763015.5 736.6 1.05 0.78 1.55 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650623.7 4763021.5 723.9 0.91 0.79 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650629.1 4763027.0 711.2 1.02 0.69 1.46 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650634.7 4763033.0 698.5 0.84 0.61 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650640.4 4763039.0 685.9 0.71 0.56 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650646.1 4763044.5 673.3 1.14 1.51 2.10 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650652.1 4763050.5 660.8 1.01 1.79 2.16 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650661.3 4763059.5 641.2 0.70 1.16 1.44 Southwest 17 OTD713A 650673.2 4763071.0 617.9 0.62 0.95 1.23 Southwest 16 OTD713A 650680.1 4763077.5 605.0 1.35 3.28 3.44 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650687.3 4763083.5 593.3 1.10 2.82 2.90 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650694.5 4763089.5 581.6 2.08 5.06 5.31 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650701.5 4763096.0 569.9 2.28 6.01 6.11 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650708.6 4763102.0 558.1 0.98 3.21 3.03 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650715.7 4763108.0 546.3 0.93 2.98 2.83 Southwest 15 OTD713A 650730.1 4763119.5 522.5 0.54 1.11 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD714 651078.0 4763579.5 769.6 1.01 0.37 1.25 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD714 651072.3 4763584.0 756.5 0.75 0.67 1.18 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD716 651032.3 4763607.0 863.8 0.94 0.09 1.00 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD719 651064.0 4763483.5 903.3 1.02 0.06 1.06 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD719 651070.5 4763479.5 890.4 1.18 0.11 1.25 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD721 651033.3 4763679.5 910.2 1.06 0.08 1.11 Southwest (Bridge) 20 OTD721 651033.4 4763675.0 902.7 1.64 0.37 1.87 Southwest (Bridge) 12 OTD721 651033.3 4763669.0 890.8 1.10 0.13 1.19 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD721 651033.0 4763661.5 877.6 0.95 0.09 1.00 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD725 650721.5 4763101.0 1075.2 0.72 1.13 1.44 Southwest 15 OTD725 650723.0 4763102.0 1060.4 0.86 1.62 1.90 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ ------------------ ---------- OTD725 650724.6 4763103.5 1045.5 0.75 1.76 1.87 Southwest 15 OTD725 650727.0 4763106.0 1021.4 0.90 2.43 2.45 Southwest 18.8 OTD726 650304.0 4763135.5 962.3 0.82 0.74 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD726 650307.6 4763132.0 948.1 0.88 0.59 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD726 650396.5 4763033.5 588.2 0.50 0.97 1.12 Southwest 19 OTD726 650412.5 4763013.0 522.2 0.61 0.70 1.06 Southwest 10 OTD726 650418.3 4763005.0 497.5 0.63 1.44 1.55 Southwest 15 OTD726 650423.6 4762998.0 474.8 0.85 2.37 2.36 Southwest 19 OTD726 650430.6 4762988.0 443.6 0.66 2.00 1.93 Southwest 15 OTD726 650433.8 4762983.5 429.7 0.66 2.53 2.27 Southwest 15 OTD726 650436.8 4762979.0 415.7 0.44 1.26 1.24 Southwest 15 OTD726 650439.8 4762974.0 401.7 0.42 1.35 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD726 650442.9 4762970.0 387.8 1.12 3.44 3.32 Southwest 15 OTD726 650446.0 4762965.5 373.9 0.94 2.83 2.74 Southwest 15 OTD726 650448.8 4762961.0 360.3 0.45 1.80 1.60 Southwest 14 OTD730 650522.1 4763204.5 855.7 1.43 1.11 2.14 Southwest 15 OTD730 650525.7 4763201.5 841.6 0.95 1.03 1.60 Southwest 15 OTD730 650529.5 4763197.5 827.6 0.92 1.22 1.70 Southwest 15 OTD730 650533.3 4763193.5 813.5 1.11 3.08 3.08 Southwest 15 OTD730 650537.0 4763190.0 799.4 1.49 3.12 3.48 Southwest 15 OTD730 650540.6 4763186.5 785.3 1.16 3.89 3.64 Southwest 15 OTD730 650544.1 4763182.5 771.2 0.77 2.53 2.39 Southwest 15 OTD730 650551.3 4763175.0 743.0 0.73 0.93 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD730 650554.8 4763171.5 728.9 0.93 0.89 1.49 Southwest 15 OTD730 650560.1 4763166.0 707.7 0.74 0.85 1.29 Southwest 14 OTD730 650564.7 4763160.5 688.3 0.57 0.91 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD730 650568.1 4763157.0 674.1 0.53 1.06 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD730 650571.2 4763154.0 661.4 0.58 0.93 1.17 Southwest 12 OTD730 650588.6 4763134.5 587.2 0.43 1.26 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD730 650594.9 4763127.0 558.8 0.58 1.37 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD730 650598.0 4763123.0 544.6 0.85 2.72 2.59 Southwest 15 OTD730 650623.3 4763091.5 425.1 0.19 1.34 1.05 Southwest 20 OTD730 650629.8 4763083.0 392.8 0.40 0.98 1.03 Southwest 15 OTD731 651096.6 4763672.5 809.3 1.08 0.07 1.12 Southwest (Bridge) 8 OTD731 651092.3 4763675.0 799.0 1.16 0.06 1.19 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD740 650610.8 4762846.5 978.1 0.66 0.79 1.17 Southwest 10 OTD740 650618.3 4762841.0 959.8 0.97 0.20 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD742 651142.1 4763294.5 981.8 0.99 0.04 1.02 Wedge 15 OTD742 651123.8 4763306.0 944.6 0.97 0.08 1.02 Wedge 11 OTD744 650478.5 4763014.5 599.2 0.41 0.95 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD744 650484.8 4763008.5 570.5 0.52 0.84 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD744 650488.0 4763005.5 556.2 0.37 1.03 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD744 650500.3 4762991.5 499.0 0.34 1.40 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD744 650509.5 4762982.0 456.0 0.35 1.23 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD746 650612.4 4763217.5 1010.8 0.87 0.70 1.31 Southwest 15 OTD746 650617.5 4763214.0 997.1 0.73 0.53 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD746 650622.5 4763210.5 983.4 1.10 0.75 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD746 650637.0 4763200.5 942.1 1.06 1.29 1.89 Southwest 15 OTD746 650641.6 4763197.0 928.3 1.10 2.86 2.93 Southwest 15 OTD746 650646.1 4763193.0 914.5 0.51 1.26 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD746 650651.0 4763189.0 900.8 0.81 1.60 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD746 650655.5 4763185.5 887.0 0.87 1.50 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD746 650660.0 4763181.5 873.2 1.04 2.16 2.42 Southwest 15 OTD746 650664.5 4763178.0 859.4 1.01 2.61 2.68 Southwest 15 OTD746 650669.0 4763174.0 845.6 0.48 1.48 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD746 650672.5 4763171.0 834.5 1.41 4.59 4.33 Southwest 9 OTD746 650705.8 4763142.5 726.9 0.44 0.91 1.02 Southwest 13 OTD746 650725.4 4763126.5 661.8 0.98 1.03 1.64 Southwest 15 OTD746 650729.7 4763123.0 647.8 0.73 1.44 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD746 650733.9 4763119.0 633.9 1.02 3.12 3.01 Southwest 15 OTD746 650738.0 4763115.0 619.9 0.94 2.59 2.59 Southwest 15 OTD746 650742.2 4763111.5 606.0 1.27 4.39 4.07 Southwest 15 OTD746 650746.4 4763108.5 592.0 1.36 5.25 4.70 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- ---------- OTD748 650601.8 4762833.5 792.5 0.72 0.85 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD750 650730.3 4763132.5 1114.2 0.65 0.72 1.11 Southwest 15 OTD750 650735.8 4763129.0 1100.7 0.67 0.95 1.28 Southwest 15 OTD750 650741.2 4763126.0 1087.2 0.61 1.07 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD750 650746.7 4763122.0 1073.6 0.65 1.04 1.31 Southwest 15 OTD750 650752.0 4763119.0 1060.1 1.46 1.63 2.50 Southwest 15 OTD750 650757.3 4763115.0 1046.5 0.59 0.85 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD750 650768.0 4763107.5 1019.5 0.83 1.61 1.85 Southwest 15 OTD750 650773.3 4763104.0 1006.0 1.19 3.33 3.31 Southwest 15 OTD750 650778.8 4763099.5 992.4 1.39 3.09 3.36 Southwest 15 OTD750 650784.1 4763096.0 978.9 1.12 3.12 3.11 Southwest 15 OTD750 650789.5 4763092.5 965.4 0.78 2.06 2.09 Southwest 15 OTD752 651174.3 4763273.5 868.0 1.00 0.03 1.02 Wedge 15 OTD752 651169.0 4763278.5 854.9 1.07 0.04 1.09 Wedge 15 OTD752 651163.6 4763283.5 841.8 1.25 0.09 1.31 Wedge 15 OTD753 650571.1 4763287.0 717.4 1.39 2.50 2.99 Southwest 15 OTD753 650581.4 4763274.5 675.3 0.73 1.19 1.49 Southwest 15 OTD753 650590.1 4763264.0 639.2 0.86 1.80 2.01 Southwest 17 OTD753 650596.6 4763255.5 610.6 1.10 1.39 1.99 Southwest 15 OTD753 650599.7 4763251.5 596.6 0.76 1.18 1.51 Southwest 15 OTD753 650602.8 4763247.5 582.5 0.81 1.07 1.49 Southwest 15 OTD753 650605.8 4763243.0 568.5 0.64 0.70 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD753 650608.4 4763239.5 555.8 1.48 2.20 2.88 Southwest 12 OTD753 650612.0 4763233.5 537.5 0.80 2.20 2.20 Southwest 15 OTD753 650614.6 4763229.0 523.4 0.48 1.38 1.36 Southwest 15 OTD753 650616.9 4763225.0 511.7 0.99 2.88 2.82 Southwest 10 OTD753 650619.2 4763221.5 500.0 0.97 2.82 2.77 Southwest 15 OTD753 650622.0 4763217.0 485.9 1.30 2.65 2.99 Southwest 15 OTD753 650624.8 4763212.5 471.9 0.44 1.06 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD753 650627.5 4763208.0 457.8 0.62 1.34 1.47 Southwest 15 OTD755 650695.9 4763042.0 1046.0 0.56 0.82 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD755 650706.2 4763033.5 1019.2 0.78 0.96 1.39 Southwest 15 OTD755 650716.3 4763024.5 992.5 0.50 1.08 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD755 650721.3 4763020.0 979.1 0.93 2.23 2.35 Southwest 15 OTD755 650725.6 4763016.0 967.4 0.76 1.11 1.47 Southwest 11 OTD757 651224.5 4763000.0 1048.8 1.02 0.26 1.18 South 15 OTD757 651221.6 4762995.5 1034.7 1.20 0.28 1.38 South 15 OTD758 650279.1 4763069.0 1009.9 0.92 0.89 1.48 Southwest 15 OTD758 650363.9 4762990.0 570.9 0.63 0.72 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD758 650369.2 4762983.5 542.0 0.57 1.29 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD758 650371.8 4762981.0 527.5 0.53 1.04 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD758 650374.3 4762978.0 513.0 0.63 1.22 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD758 650376.9 4762975.0 498.5 0.56 1.24 1.35 Southwest 15 OTD758 650379.7 4762972.0 484.1 0.54 1.22 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD758 650382.3 4762969.0 469.6 0.59 1.28 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD758 650384.8 4762965.5 455.1 0.48 1.80 1.63 Southwest 15 OTD758 650387.4 4762963.0 440.6 0.53 1.20 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD758 650390.0 4762960.0 426.1 0.52 1.42 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD758 650392.5 4762957.0 411.7 0.54 1.59 1.55 Southwest 15 OTD758 650395.1 4762953.5 397.3 0.54 1.22 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD758 650397.6 4762950.5 382.8 0.81 1.60 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD758 650400.1 4762947.0 368.4 0.92 3.26 3.00 Southwest 15 OTD758 650405.1 4762940.5 339.5 0.45 2.07 1.77 Southwest 15 OTD758 650410.0 4762934.0 310.6 0.30 1.38 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD758 650414.8 4762928.0 281.8 0.34 1.32 1.18 Southwest 15 OTD758 650417.3 4762924.5 267.3 0.42 1.66 1.48 Southwest 15 OTD758 650419.7 4762921.0 252.9 0.33 1.13 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD758 650423.6 4762916.0 230.3 0.50 1.42 1.41 Southwest 17 OTD760 650506.5 4763121.5 815.5 0.80 0.63 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD760 650520.0 4763104.5 759.5 0.59 0.65 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD760 650552.3 4763067.0 637.7 0.42 1.00 1.05 Southwest 14 OTD760 650581.0 4763037.0 545.0 0.36 1.30 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD760 650585.3 4763032.5 531.5 0.52 1.66 1.58 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- ---------- OTD760 650589.6 4763028.0 517.9 0.49 2.03 1.79 Southwest 15 OTD760 650594.0 4763023.0 504.4 0.37 1.78 1.51 Southwest 15 OTD760 650611.5 4763002.5 450.6 0.34 1.23 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD760 650615.4 4762998.5 439.0 0.47 1.59 1.48 Southwest 11 OTD761 650630.9 4763202.5 1113.9 0.79 0.67 1.22 Southwest 15 OTD761 650641.0 4763195.5 1086.4 0.84 0.70 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD761 650645.8 4763192.5 1072.7 0.92 0.91 1.50 Southwest 15 OTD761 650655.6 4763185.5 1045.2 0.62 0.66 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD761 650660.4 4763182.0 1031.4 0.61 1.00 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD761 650674.7 4763172.0 990.0 0.49 1.61 1.52 Southwest 15 OTD761 650679.5 4763169.0 976.1 0.61 1.23 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD761 650684.2 4763165.5 962.3 0.67 1.36 1.53 Southwest 15 OTD761 650688.9 4763161.5 948.5 0.69 1.24 1.48 Southwest 15 OTD761 650693.5 4763158.5 934.6 0.90 1.69 1.98 Southwest 15 OTD761 650698.2 4763155.5 920.8 0.57 0.67 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD761 650707.5 4763148.5 893.0 0.66 1.45 1.58 Southwest 15 OTD761 650712.1 4763145.0 879.2 0.73 1.58 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD761 650716.7 4763142.0 865.3 0.90 2.02 2.19 Southwest 15 OTD761 650730.5 4763132.0 823.5 0.74 2.46 2.30 Southwest 15 OTD761 650735.0 4763128.5 809.6 1.09 2.37 2.60 Southwest 15 OTD761 650739.1 4763126.0 797.1 0.51 1.77 1.64 Southwest 12 OTD761 650744.3 4763122.5 780.8 0.90 1.94 2.13 Southwest 15 OTD761 650748.8 4763119.0 766.9 0.75 2.03 2.04 Southwest 15 OTD761 650753.4 4763116.0 752.9 0.94 1.69 2.02 Southwest 15 OTD761 650768.6 4763105.0 706.0 0.81 2.25 2.25 Southwest 12 OTD762 650561.1 4762873.5 725.1 0.62 0.69 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD762 650587.8 4762850.5 626.1 0.84 1.13 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD762 650590.6 4762848.0 615.2 0.82 1.18 1.57 Southwest 8 OTD763 650692.1 4762996.0 869.8 0.92 0.51 1.25 Southwest 19 OTD763 650696.8 4762991.5 857.9 1.24 1.15 1.97 Southwest 15 OTD764 650450.0 4763108.5 889.8 0.97 0.55 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD764 650468.1 4763093.0 803.1 0.62 0.60 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD764 650488.5 4763075.0 701.9 0.55 0.80 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD764 650520.8 4763043.0 529.0 0.35 1.12 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD764 650545.0 4763013.5 387.7 0.93 2.89 2.77 Southwest 15 OTD767 650678.5 4763168.5 1118.4 0.54 0.83 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD767 650683.8 4763165.5 1104.8 0.60 0.77 1.10 Southwest 15 OTD767 650699.6 4763155.0 1063.8 1.00 1.80 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD767 650705.0 4763152.0 1050.2 1.11 2.78 2.88 Southwest 15 OTD767 650710.1 4763148.5 1036.5 0.77 2.62 2.44 Southwest 15 OTD767 650715.0 4763145.0 1022.9 0.61 2.23 2.03 Southwest 15 OTD767 650719.8 4763141.0 1009.2 0.62 1.45 1.54 Southwest 15 OTD767 650724.7 4763137.5 995.5 0.62 1.44 1.54 Southwest 15 OTD767 650729.5 4763133.5 981.8 0.70 1.35 1.56 Southwest 15 OTD767 650739.3 4763126.0 954.5 0.51 1.08 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD767 650744.4 4763123.0 940.8 0.64 1.27 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD767 650749.6 4763119.5 927.1 0.86 1.84 2.04 Southwest 15 OTD767 650754.7 4763115.5 913.4 0.53 1.03 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD767 650759.7 4763112.0 899.8 0.57 1.04 1.23 Southwest 15 OTD767 650764.6 4763108.0 886.1 0.44 0.89 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD767 650776.0 4763100.0 854.2 0.92 1.03 1.57 Southwest 20 OTD767 650786.4 4763092.0 825.4 0.63 1.59 1.65 Southwest 14 OTD767 650791.1 4763089.0 812.2 0.62 0.86 1.17 Wedge 15 OTD768 650656.1 4763076.0 997.7 0.76 0.87 1.31 Southwest 15 OTD768 650661.6 4763072.0 984.4 0.77 1.22 1.55 Southwest 15 OTD768 650667.2 4763067.5 971.1 0.76 1.54 1.74 Southwest 15 OTD768 650672.6 4763063.0 957.8 1.00 1.29 1.83 Southwest 15 OTD768 650677.8 4763058.5 944.5 0.62 1.00 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD768 650686.1 4763050.5 922.9 0.79 1.33 1.64 Southwest 19 OTD768 650692.0 4763044.0 907.5 0.76 1.81 1.92 Southwest 15 OTD768 650696.8 4763039.0 894.3 0.62 1.25 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD768 650701.3 4763034.5 882.4 0.56 1.47 1.50 Southwest 12 OTD769 650632.4 4762987.0 745.1 0.71 0.80 1.22 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD769 650654.6 4762970.5 673.2 0.90 1.63 1.94 Southwest 15 OTD769 650659.0 4762967.0 659.2 1.27 2.30 2.74 Southwest 15 OTD771 650459.1 4763165.0 575.7 0.44 1.07 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD771 650471.2 4763156.0 533.2 0.40 1.34 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD771 650477.3 4763151.5 511.5 0.61 1.42 1.52 Southwest 16 OTD771 650502.5 4763131.5 419.0 0.47 0.85 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD771 650506.3 4763128.5 404.8 0.51 0.83 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD771 650509.1 4763126.0 393.9 0.41 1.05 1.08 Southwest 8 OTD773 650569.5 4763246.0 857.7 0.76 2.32 2.24 Southwest 15 OTD773 650574.1 4763242.5 843.9 0.93 2.31 2.40 Southwest 15 OTD773 650578.7 4763239.0 830.1 0.71 2.30 2.17 Southwest 15 OTD773 650583.2 4763235.5 816.2 1.41 4.53 4.30 Southwest 15 OTD773 650587.7 4763232.0 802.4 1.76 5.06 4.99 Southwest 15 OTD773 650592.1 4763228.5 788.5 1.58 4.87 4.68 Southwest 15 OTD773 650595.6 4763225.5 777.8 2.10 5.71 5.74 Southwest 8 OTD773 650603.8 4763219.0 752.4 0.68 1.46 1.61 Southwest 15 OTD773 650608.3 4763216.0 738.5 0.82 1.13 1.54 Southwest 15 OTD773 650612.6 4763212.5 725.0 0.68 1.04 1.34 Southwest 14 OTD773 650617.0 4763209.5 711.6 0.94 1.05 1.61 Southwest 15 OTD773 650621.5 4763206.5 697.7 1.21 1.28 2.02 Southwest 15 OTD773 650639.3 4763193.0 642.0 0.66 0.85 1.20 Southwest 15 OTD773 650643.8 4763189.5 628.0 0.77 1.06 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD773 650648.2 4763186.5 614.1 1.19 1.55 2.18 Southwest 15 OTD773 650652.8 4763183.5 600.1 0.76 1.32 1.60 Southwest 15 OTD773 650657.4 4763180.5 586.2 0.90 2.35 2.40 Southwest 15 OTD773 650662.2 4763177.5 572.3 0.75 2.49 2.34 Southwest 15 OTD773 650667.0 4763175.0 558.3 0.79 2.17 2.18 Southwest 15 OTD773 650671.8 4763172.0 544.4 1.37 3.10 3.35 Southwest 15 OTD773 650676.5 4763169.5 530.4 0.89 2.23 2.31 Southwest 15 OTD774 650616.2 4763110.5 912.9 0.71 0.46 1.00 Southwest 15 OTD774 650637.1 4763098.0 842.0 0.87 1.22 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD774 650641.3 4763096.0 827.8 0.58 1.12 1.29 Southwest 15 OTD774 650645.2 4763093.5 814.0 0.66 1.19 1.42 Southwest 14 OTD774 650660.8 4763083.5 758.5 0.67 0.58 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD774 650664.8 4763081.0 744.2 1.07 1.71 2.16 Southwest 15 OTD774 650672.6 4763075.5 715.7 0.61 0.84 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD774 650686.6 4763066.0 663.3 0.91 1.34 1.77 Southwest 15 OTD774 650690.5 4763063.5 649.0 0.79 1.46 1.72 Southwest 15 OTD774 650694.3 4763060.5 634.7 1.25 2.55 2.87 Southwest 15 OTD774 650698.0 4763058.0 620.4 2.30 4.94 5.45 Southwest 15 OTD774 650701.4 4763056.0 607.5 1.45 3.62 3.75 Southwest 12 OTD775 650667.9 4762957.0 1005.9 0.51 0.90 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD775 650685.1 4762944.5 970.2 0.66 1.14 1.38 Southwest 8 OTD778 650423.6 4762960.5 720.2 0.42 0.97 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD778 650463.5 4762926.5 532.5 0.51 1.79 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD779 650691.9 4763225.5 1108.8 0.85 1.21 1.62 Southwest 15 OTD779 650699.7 4763221.0 1096.7 0.71 1.03 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD779 650707.6 4763217.0 1084.7 0.64 0.77 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD779 650715.3 4763212.5 1072.6 0.59 0.78 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD779 650723.1 4763208.0 1060.5 0.54 0.93 1.14 Southwest 15 OTD779 650731.0 4763204.0 1048.5 0.66 1.31 1.49 Southwest 15 OTD779 650738.7 4763199.5 1036.4 0.70 1.76 1.82 Southwest 15 OTD779 650746.5 4763195.0 1024.4 0.83 1.84 2.00 Southwest 15 OTD779 650754.3 4763190.5 1012.3 0.74 1.95 1.98 Southwest 15 OTD779 650762.1 4763186.0 1000.2 0.70 2.16 2.08 Southwest 15 OTD779 650769.9 4763181.5 988.2 0.53 1.29 1.35 Southwest 15 OTD779 650777.7 4763177.5 976.1 0.55 1.24 1.34 Southwest 15 OTD779 650785.5 4763173.0 964.0 0.80 2.12 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD779 650793.3 4763168.5 952.0 0.65 1.12 1.36 Southwest 15 OTD779 650801.1 4763164.5 939.9 0.87 2.29 2.33 Southwest 15 OTD779 650808.9 4763160.0 927.8 0.98 2.47 2.55 Southwest 15 OTD779 650816.7 4763155.5 915.8 0.87 1.52 1.84 Southwest 15 OTD779 650824.5 4763151.5 903.7 1.03 1.47 1.96 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------- --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- OTD779 650831.3 4763147.5 893.3 0.73 1.64 1.77 Southwest 11 OTD781 650675.5 4762878.5 965.5 0.78 0.34 1.00 Wedge 15 OTD783A 650549.3 4762969.0 960.4 1.05 0.50 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD784 650639.5 4762979.0 928.2 0.76 0.43 1.03 Southwest 15 OTD784 650678.6 4762951.5 827.0 0.71 0.50 1.02 Southwest 9 OTD786 650502.1 4763201.0 412.5 0.46 1.37 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD786 650504.5 4763198.5 397.9 0.36 1.03 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD787 650612.1 4763061.5 785.9 0.93 0.54 1.27 Southwest 15 OTD787 650630.5 4763049.0 744.0 0.90 0.62 1.29 Southwest 14 OTD787 650638.6 4763043.5 726.0 0.78 0.49 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD787 650644.3 4763039.0 713.0 1.09 0.83 1.62 Southwest 15 OTD787 650649.9 4763034.0 699.9 1.63 1.24 2.42 Southwest 15 OTD787 650655.6 4763029.0 687.0 1.16 0.90 1.73 Southwest 15 OTD787 650661.5 4763024.5 674.1 1.16 1.21 1.93 Southwest 15 OTD787 650667.4 4763019.5 661.3 1.17 1.17 1.92 Southwest 15 OTD787 650673.5 4763014.5 648.4 1.16 0.90 1.73 Southwest 15 OTD787 650679.7 4763010.0 635.7 1.51 0.99 2.14 Southwest 15 OTD787 650685.5 4763006.5 625.1 1.04 1.62 2.07 Southwest 10 OTD789 650618.5 4763332.5 1110.1 1.03 0.45 1.31 Southwest 15 OTD789 650623.1 4763329.0 1097.3 1.49 0.73 1.96 Southwest 13 OTD789 650630.3 4763324.0 1077.6 0.75 0.62 1.15 Southwest 10 OTD789 650657.8 4763304.5 1001.3 0.51 0.90 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD789 650718.1 4763254.0 824.9 0.84 1.20 1.60 Southwest 15 OTD789 650727.6 4763246.5 797.6 0.95 0.76 1.43 Southwest 15 OTD789 650742.0 4763234.0 756.8 0.86 0.73 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD789 650746.6 4763230.0 743.2 0.68 1.16 1.42 Southwest 15 OTD789 650751.3 4763225.5 729.6 0.78 1.85 1.96 Southwest 15 OTD789 650756.0 4763221.0 716.0 0.65 2.10 1.99 Southwest 15 OTD789 650760.6 4763217.0 702.4 0.74 2.06 2.05 Southwest 15 OTD789 650768.4 4763210.0 679.7 0.71 1.58 1.72 Southwest 20 OTD790 650731.5 4763397.5 981.2 0.62 0.66 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD791 651286.8 4762916.5 1092.8 1.59 0.16 1.69 South 15 OTD791 651281.0 4762910.0 1080.6 1.90 0.20 2.02 South 15 OTD791 651275.1 4762903.5 1068.3 1.37 0.10 1.43 South 15 OTD791 651269.2 4762897.5 1056.1 1.18 0.08 1.23 South 15 OTD792 650515.1 4763180.5 829.6 0.72 1.01 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD792 650518.8 4763178.5 815.2 0.62 1.10 1.32 Southwest 15 OTD792 650522.3 4763176.0 800.8 0.57 0.86 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD792 650560.4 4763151.0 643.2 0.47 0.84 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD792 650574.3 4763142.5 583.5 0.38 0.99 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD792 650576.8 4763140.5 572.4 0.73 2.26 2.17 Southwest 8 OTD792 650579.4 4763138.5 561.3 0.45 1.55 1.44 Southwest 15 OTD792 650582.6 4763136.5 546.8 1.44 2.71 3.17 Southwest 15 OTD792 650585.9 4763134.0 532.4 0.99 3.90 3.48 Southwest 15 OTD792 650591.1 4763130.5 508.7 0.88 2.94 2.75 Southwest 19 OTD792 650595.8 4763127.0 486.5 0.46 0.86 1.01 Southwest 10 OTD793 650550.0 4763145.0 941.1 0.75 0.91 1.33 Southwest 15 OTD793 650556.8 4763139.0 912.4 0.62 0.73 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD793 650560.1 4763136.0 898.6 0.56 0.74 1.03 Southwest 14 OTD793 650576.0 4763122.0 830.3 0.59 0.72 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD793 650610.3 4763089.0 674.3 0.75 0.78 1.25 Southwest 15 OTD793 650613.2 4763086.0 659.9 0.62 0.72 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD793 650616.2 4763083.0 645.6 0.62 0.68 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD793 650619.1 4763080.0 631.2 0.59 0.90 1.16 Southwest 15 OTD793 650622.0 4763077.5 616.8 0.46 0.95 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD793 650624.9 4763073.5 602.4 0.98 1.82 2.14 Southwest 15 OTD793 650627.7 4763070.5 588.1 0.37 1.05 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD793 650630.5 4763067.0 573.7 0.82 2.37 2.33 Southwest 15 OTD793 650633.3 4763064.0 559.4 1.02 3.38 3.17 Southwest 15 OTD793 650636.1 4763060.0 545.0 0.79 3.20 2.83 Southwest 15 OTD793 650638.7 4763057.0 530.6 0.68 3.15 2.69 Southwest 15 OTD793 650641.3 4763053.5 516.2 0.49 1.55 1.48 Southwest 15 OTD793 650644.0 4763050.0 501.8 0.63 2.04 1.93 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- --------------------- ---------- OTD793 650646.6 4763047.0 487.4 1.47 4.09 4.08 Southwest 15 OTD793 650649.1 4763043.5 473.0 0.52 2.08 1.85 Southwest 15 OTD795 650549.9 4763030.0 791.0 0.56 0.71 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD795 650553.5 4763027.0 776.8 0.61 0.80 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD795 650581.3 4763001.0 671.3 0.32 1.83 1.49 Southwest 15 OTD795 650592.4 4762990.5 630.0 0.55 1.43 1.46 Southwest 15 OTD795 650596.0 4762987.0 615.9 0.37 1.08 1.06 Southwest 15 OTD795 650599.7 4762983.5 601.8 0.38 1.21 1.16 Southwest 15 OTD795 650603.2 4762980.0 587.6 0.37 1.19 1.13 Southwest 15 OTD795 650607.0 4762976.5 573.5 0.56 1.07 1.24 Southwest 15 OTD795 650610.7 4762973.0 559.4 0.83 1.39 1.72 Southwest 15 OTD795 650621.9 4762962.5 517.6 0.45 1.21 1.22 Southwest 14 OTD796 651167.5 4762612.5 1111.8 1.10 0.17 1.21 South 15 OTD796 651156.1 4762599.5 1078.1 1.25 0.21 1.39 South 16 OTD797 651087.7 4762681.0 1111.6 1.09 0.29 1.28 South 15 OTD797 651083.8 4762676.5 1098.0 1.08 0.21 1.22 South 15 OTD797 651076.0 4762666.5 1070.8 0.98 0.17 1.09 South 15 OTD799 651154.8 4762769.0 1044.4 1.40 0.55 1.75 South 15 OTD799 651141.6 4762754.5 1003.6 0.99 0.62 1.38 South 15 OTD799 651133.6 4762746.0 978.7 0.90 0.45 1.19 South 10 OTD801 651310.7 4762799.0 1089.5 1.70 0.19 1.82 South 15 OTD801 651306.0 4762793.0 1076.4 1.04 0.06 1.07 South 15 OTD801 651219.7 4762688.0 839.9 0.64 0.69 1.08 South 15 OTD803 651231.9 4762703.0 1082.8 1.18 0.34 1.39 South 15 OTD803 651192.8 4762664.0 993.9 0.93 0.31 1.12 South 15 OTD803 651186.9 4762658.0 981.3 1.05 0.16 1.16 South 15 OTD803 651180.8 4762652.5 968.7 0.95 0.27 1.12 South 15 OTD803 651175.6 4762648.0 958.3 0.90 0.52 1.23 South 10 OTD807 651162.1 4762929.5 1101.2 1.14 0.20 1.26 South 15 OTD807 651158.3 4762925.5 1087.2 1.05 0.10 1.12 South 15 OTD807 651150.8 4762918.0 1059.2 1.04 0.19 1.16 South 15 OTD807 651147.0 4762915.0 1045.2 1.21 0.17 1.32 South 15 OTD807 651108.8 4762878.5 904.9 1.37 0.92 1.96 South 15 OTD808 650550.0 4763092.0 819.5 0.76 0.52 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD808 650565.0 4763077.5 747.4 0.91 1.14 1.63 Southwest 15 OTD808 650570.9 4763072.0 718.6 0.55 0.72 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD808 650596.0 4763043.0 596.6 0.40 0.96 1.01 Southwest 15 OTD808 650602.0 4763035.0 568.2 0.42 0.99 1.05 Southwest 15 OTD808 650604.9 4763031.5 554.0 0.66 1.89 1.86 Southwest 15 OTD808 650607.8 4763027.5 539.8 0.88 3.12 2.87 Southwest 15 OTD808 650610.7 4763023.0 525.7 0.39 1.67 1.45 Southwest 15 OTD808 650613.6 4763019.0 511.5 0.51 1.29 1.34 Southwest 15 OTD808 650616.6 4763015.0 497.4 0.42 1.08 1.11 Southwest 15 OTD809 650412.7 4762737.0 874.6 0.65 0.80 1.16 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD809 650442.5 4762771.0 797.0 0.77 0.70 1.22 Southwest (Far South) 15 OTD809 650505.6 4762840.0 634.8 0.50 1.19 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD809 650510.7 4762845.0 621.8 0.43 1.02 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD809 650515.8 4762851.0 608.8 0.44 1.52 1.41 Southwest 15 OTD809 650552.6 4762887.5 517.7 0.30 1.16 1.04 Southwest 15 OTD811 650476.0 4762993.0 563.1 0.64 1.47 1.57 Southwest 15 OTD811 650482.5 4763003.0 450.7 0.67 2.06 1.98 Southwest 15 OTD811 650483.3 4763004.0 437.8 0.39 1.58 1.40 Southwest 11 OTD811 650486.1 4763007.5 393.1 0.88 3.34 3.01 Southwest 15 OTD811 650487.0 4763008.5 379.1 0.48 1.65 1.53 Southwest 13 OTD811 650487.7 4763010.0 365.2 0.42 1.13 1.14 Southwest 15 OTD811 650488.6 4763011.5 350.3 0.84 2.75 2.59 Southwest 15 OTD811 650489.4 4763012.5 335.4 0.61 1.46 1.54 Southwest 15 OTD811 650490.1 4763014.0 320.5 0.54 1.27 1.35 Southwest 15 OTD812 651067.8 4762817.0 1095.7 1.00 0.22 1.14 South 15 OTD812 651060.8 4762808.5 1067.6 0.73 0.49 1.04 South 15 OTD816 651303.9 4762950.5 962.3 1.11 0.21 1.24 South 15 OTD816 651290.6 4762939.0 938.1 0.81 1.05 1.48 South 15 OTD820 650985.0 4762800.0 1024.7 1.11 0.18 1.22 South 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ------------------ ---------- OTD820 650981.9 4762797.5 1013.4 1.10 0.13 1.19 South 9 OTD821 651064.0 4762892.5 1088.7 1.10 0.07 1.15 South 15 OTD822 651123.0 4762805.0 1112.8 0.83 0.58 1.19 South 15 OTD822 651119.2 4762801.0 1098.6 1.21 0.47 1.51 South 15 OTD822 651115.3 4762798.0 1084.4 0.87 0.65 1.29 South 15 OTD822 651109.0 4762793.0 1061.3 1.42 1.15 2.15 South 19 OTD822 651106.6 4762791.0 1052.3 1.31 0.85 1.85 South 15 OTD822 651102.7 4762788.5 1038.2 1.29 0.83 1.82 South 15 OTD824 650899.1 4762763.0 1019.4 0.94 0.16 1.04 Wedge 15 OTD825 650973.9 4762855.5 1080.1 1.28 0.21 1.41 Wedge 15 OTD825 650968.3 4762849.0 1057.3 0.94 0.12 1.02 Wedge 19 OTD827 651181.0 4762877.0 1098.5 1.05 0.13 1.13 South 15 OTD827 651169.8 4762866.5 1056.2 0.97 0.12 1.05 South 15 OTD830 651051.1 4762713.5 1082.6 0.82 0.30 1.01 South 15 OTD830 651047.5 4762709.5 1068.7 1.02 0.22 1.16 South 15 OTD830 651043.8 4762705.5 1054.8 0.95 0.23 1.10 South 15 OTD831 651126.3 4763004.0 832.0 1.64 0.75 2.12 Wedge 15 OTD831 651126.3 4763004.0 817.0 1.87 0.98 2.49 Wedge 15 OTD831 651126.4 4763004.0 802.0 1.34 0.84 1.87 Wedge 15 OTD831 651126.3 4763004.0 787.0 1.16 0.64 1.57 Wedge 15 OTD833 651094.3 4762690.0 986.2 1.18 0.45 1.47 South 15 OTD833 651090.8 4762685.5 972.3 0.79 0.37 1.03 South 15 OTD835 651203.6 4762740.5 1091.9 1.07 0.11 1.14 South 15 OTD835 651198.1 4762735.0 1079.2 0.99 0.16 1.09 South 15 OTD835 651192.5 4762729.5 1066.4 1.05 0.73 1.51 South 15 OTD835 651187.1 4762723.5 1053.6 1.03 1.02 1.68 South 15 OTD836 651320.4 4762741.5 784.1 0.48 1.70 1.56 South 15 OTD836 651317.5 4762738.0 772.4 0.29 2.73 2.03 South 10 OTD837 651117.6 4762634.5 1023.4 1.53 0.31 1.73 South 16 OTD837 651114.7 4762632.0 1016.5 0.87 0.21 1.00 South 15 OTD837 651097.6 4762616.0 978.0 0.97 0.42 1.24 South 15 OTD838 651196.1 4762749.0 920.1 0.81 0.37 1.05 South 15 OTD838 651190.0 4762744.5 907.3 0.72 0.47 1.02 South 15 OTD838 651183.8 4762739.5 894.5 0.56 0.80 1.07 South 15 OTD843 651206.3 4762594.0 1068.7 0.93 0.18 1.04 South 15 OTD844 651238.1 4762646.5 1010.3 0.89 0.19 1.01 South 15 OTD844 651232.6 4762641.5 997.5 1.41 0.12 1.49 South 15 OTD844 651226.6 4762636.0 984.8 1.15 0.10 1.21 South 15 OTD845 651510.9 4762837.0 871.3 0.56 1.14 1.28 South 15 OTD849 651332.5 4762749.5 1055.0 0.58 0.71 1.03 South 15 OTD849 651321.3 4762739.0 1030.5 0.85 0.38 1.10 South 16 OTD849 651300.9 4762720.0 986.4 1.50 0.27 1.67 South 15 OTD849 651281.6 4762702.0 945.1 1.04 0.15 1.13 South 15 OTD849 651275.8 4762696.0 932.5 0.80 0.75 1.28 South 15 OTD850 651270.7 4763382.5 779.1 0.98 0.06 1.02 Wedge 11.5 OTD850 651169.8 4763465.5 511.0 0.82 0.31 1.01 Wedge 15 OTD850 651164.9 4763469.5 497.4 1.00 0.42 1.26 Wedge 15 OTD850 651160.0 4763474.5 483.9 1.42 0.83 1.95 Wedge 15 OTD850 651156.4 4763477.5 473.5 0.94 0.91 1.52 Wedge 8 OTD854 651148.1 4763362.0 994.8 1.14 0.04 1.17 Wedge 15 OTD856 651178.8 4763451.5 963.1 0.98 0.04 1.01 Wedge 15 OTD856 651167.1 4763460.5 936.9 1.07 0.03 1.08 Wedge 15 OTD858 651166.5 4763219.5 833.7 1.30 0.03 1.32 Wedge 15 OTD858 651154.9 4763228.5 807.4 1.05 0.04 1.08 Wedge 15 OTD863 651193.2 4763310.5 931.1 1.26 0.04 1.28 Wedge 15 OTD863 651176.8 4763322.5 891.1 1.17 0.03 1.19 Wedge 15 OTD863 651166.0 4763331.5 864.5 1.39 0.07 1.44 Wedge 15 OTD863 651160.5 4763336.0 851.2 1.03 0.07 1.07 Wedge 15 OTD864 651151.8 4763580.0 1095.8 1.03 0.04 1.05 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD864 651068.6 4763651.0 910.9 1.06 0.07 1.11 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD864 651063.2 4763656.5 898.0 1.39 0.08 1.44 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD865 650498.5 4763247.5 631.2 0.68 0.66 1.10 Southwest 9 OTD869 651049.1 4763705.0 917.2 1.51 0.24 1.66 Southwest (Bridge) 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (m) ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ------------------ ---------- OTD869 651043.0 4763710.0 904.2 1.65 0.12 1.73 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD877 651066.0 4763546.0 881.1 1.05 0.07 1.09 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD877 651061.0 4763551.5 868.1 1.03 0.04 1.06 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD877 651041.5 4763572.0 817.7 1.06 0.50 1.38 Southwest (Bridge) 15 OTD879 650622.6 4762848.0 984.2 1.13 0.09 1.19 Southwest 15 OTD879 650622.6 4762848.0 969.2 0.93 0.14 1.02 Southwest 15 OTD879 650622.2 4762848.0 893.2 0.73 0.56 1.09 Southwest 15 OTD879 650622.0 4762848.0 822.2 0.71 0.57 1.07 Southwest 15 OTD879 650621.9 4762848.0 692.2 0.78 0.68 1.21 Wedge 20 OTD881 650853.4 4763903.5 939.3 1.08 0.08 1.13 Central 15 OTD881 650853.4 4763903.5 924.3 0.96 0.63 1.37 Central 15 OTD881 650853.5 4763903.5 909.3 0.76 1.12 1.47 Central 15 OTD881 650853.6 4763903.5 894.3 0.88 0.59 1.25 Central 15 OTD881 650853.7 4763903.5 873.3 1.00 1.54 1.98 Central 15 OTD881 650853.7 4763903.5 858.3 1.50 2.08 2.82 Central 15 OTD881 650853.7 4763903.5 843.3 1.33 0.88 1.89 Central 15 OTD881 650853.6 4763903.5 828.3 0.72 0.64 1.13 Central 15 OTD893 651092.8 4763048.5 862.8 1.13 0.02 1.15 Wedge 15 OTD893 651073.4 4763069.0 777.4 1.15 0.03 1.17 Wedge 15 OTD893 651070.1 4763073.0 763.2 1.23 0.02 1.24 Wedge 15 OTD896 651367.0 4762946.5 931.9 1.15 0.12 1.23 South 15 OTD896 651363.0 4762948.5 917.5 2.22 0.40 2.47 South 15 OTD896 651355.3 4762952.5 888.8 1.33 0.30 1.53 South 15 OTD896 651351.3 4762954.0 874.4 1.19 0.25 1.34 South 15 OTD907 651113.6 4762895.0 1089.5 1.27 0.11 1.34 South 15 OTD907 651057.8 4762938.5 886.4 1.54 0.01 1.54 South 15 OTD907 651054.6 4762941.0 874.6 1.13 0.01 1.14 South 10 OTD907 651051.5 4762943.5 862.8 1.08 0.03 1.10 South 15 OTD914 650769.2 4763110.5 1116.3 0.69 0.53 1.03 Southwest 15 OTD914 650799.1 4763084.0 1046.6 0.58 1.05 1.25 Southwest 8 OTD915 651319.0 4763122.0 837.1 0.94 0.19 1.06 Wedge 15 OTD915 651308.2 4763131.0 794.3 1.24 0.28 1.41 Wedge 15 OTD915 651301.1 4763136.5 765.7 1.66 0.43 1.93 Wedge 15 OTD915 651297.5 4763139.5 751.4 1.88 0.41 2.14 Wedge 15 OTD915 651294.0 4763142.5 737.2 1.72 0.47 2.02 Wedge 15 OTD915 651290.4 4763145.5 722.9 0.95 0.29 1.13 Wedge 15 OTD916 651396.1 4763080.5 802.1 0.89 0.65 1.31 South 15 OTD916 651392.5 4763084.5 788.1 0.82 0.65 1.24 South 15 OTD924 650786.9 4764100.0 979.9 0.68 0.72 1.13 Central 15 OTD930 650557.3 4763451.5 1073.8 0.67 0.86 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD933 650683.6 4763288.5 1032.2 0.86 2.27 2.31 Southwest 15 OTD933 650688.9 4763285.0 1018.5 1.02 2.89 2.86 Southwest 15 OTD933 650694.1 4763281.5 1004.9 0.67 1.78 1.81 Southwest 15 OTD933 650699.2 4763278.0 991.2 0.95 3.03 2.89 Southwest 15 OTD933 650704.3 4763275.0 977.5 0.85 3.01 2.77 Southwest 15 OTD933 650709.5 4763271.5 963.7 0.65 1.98 1.91 Southwest 15 OTD933 650714.5 4763268.5 950.0 0.89 2.34 2.38 Southwest 15 OTD933 650719.6 4763264.5 936.2 1.11 2.20 2.51 Southwest 15 OTD933 650724.5 4763261.0 922.4 1.31 2.73 3.05 Southwest 15 OTD933 650729.3 4763258.0 908.7 1.29 3.13 3.28 Southwest 15 OTD933 650740.6 4763250.0 876.4 1.62 2.59 3.27 Southwest 15 OTD933 650745.5 4763247.0 862.6 1.03 1.36 1.89 Southwest 15 OTD933 650750.3 4763244.0 848.8 1.06 0.59 1.43 Southwest 15 OTD933 650755.0 4763240.5 834.9 0.96 1.02 1.61 Southwest 15 OTD933 650759.6 4763237.0 821.0 1.25 1.59 2.26 Southwest 15 OTD933 650764.5 4763234.0 807.2 1.22 1.77 2.35 Southwest 15 OTD933 650769.1 4763230.5 793.3 1.07 2.76 2.83 Southwest 15 OTD933 650773.6 4763227.0 779.4 0.81 1.38 1.69 Southwest 15 OTD933 650778.3 4763223.5 765.5 0.73 0.89 1.30 Southwest 15 OTD933 650783.0 4763220.0 751.6 0.81 2.56 2.44 Southwest 15 OTD933 650787.1 4763217.0 739.1 1.17 2.99 3.07 Southwest 12 OTD933 650791.2 4763214.5 726.6 0.99 3.20 3.03 Southwest 15 OTD933 650795.8 4763211.0 712.7 0.67 1.63 1.71 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (M) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- ---------- OTD935 650657.8 4763248.0 1044.5 0.72 1.03 1.38 Southwest 15 OTD935 650664.7 4763243.5 1032.0 0.56 0.86 1.11 Southwest 15 OTD935 650671.5 4763239.0 1019.4 0.84 1.30 1.67 Southwest 15 OTD935 650678.3 4763234.0 1006.9 1.09 1.51 2.05 Southwest 15 OTD935 650685.1 4763229.0 994.4 0.62 1.22 1.40 Southwest 15 OTD935 650691.8 4763224.0 981.9 0.86 2.12 2.21 Southwest 15 OTD935 650698.4 4763219.0 969.4 0.84 1.89 2.04 Southwest 15 OTD935 650705.0 4763214.0 956.9 0.74 1.83 1.91 Southwest 15 OTD935 650711.6 4763209.0 944.5 0.73 1.62 1.76 Southwest 15 OTD935 650718.2 4763204.0 932.0 0.73 1.64 1.78 Southwest 15 OTD935 650724.8 4763198.5 919.5 0.86 1.61 1.89 Southwest 15 OTD935 650736.3 4763189.5 897.9 1.03 1.46 1.96 Southwest 15 OTD935 650743.0 4763184.5 885.5 1.22 0.97 1.84 Southwest 15 OTD935 650749.8 4763179.0 873.1 0.77 1.09 1.46 Southwest 15 OTD935 650756.3 4763174.0 860.7 0.85 1.17 1.59 Southwest 15 OTD935 650762.9 4763168.5 848.3 1.05 0.51 1.37 Southwest 15 OTD935 650769.5 4763163.5 835.9 1.02 0.99 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD935 650776.1 4763158.0 823.5 0.81 0.62 1.21 Southwest 15 OTD935 650782.6 4763152.5 811.2 1.21 1.31 2.04 Southwest 15 OTD935 650804.7 4763134.5 769.6 1.06 1.96 2.31 Southwest 14 OTD944 650703.5 4763272.5 1093.2 0.70 0.70 1.15 Southwest 15 OTD944 650708.7 4763269.5 1079.6 1.27 2.35 2.77 Southwest 15 OTD944 650713.9 4763266.0 1065.9 0.87 2.27 2.31 Southwest 15 OTD944 650719.1 4763263.0 1052.3 1.01 2.81 2.81 Southwest 15 OTD944 650724.3 4763259.0 1038.7 0.82 2.28 2.27 Southwest 15 OTD944 650729.6 4763256.0 1025.0 0.87 2.87 2.70 Southwest 15 OTD944 650734.9 4763252.5 1011.5 1.35 3.39 3.51 Southwest 15 OTD944 650740.2 4763248.5 997.9 1.02 3.08 2.98 Southwest 15 OTD944 650745.5 4763244.5 984.3 0.96 2.80 2.75 Southwest 15 OTD944 650750.4 4763241.0 971.7 0.83 1.99 2.10 Southwest 13 OTD944 650757.7 4763236.0 953.8 0.67 0.94 1.27 Southwest 15 OTD944 650763.1 4763232.0 940.4 1.04 1.73 2.15 Southwest 15 OTD944 650771.5 4763225.5 919.9 0.96 1.80 2.10 Southwest 16 OTD944 650774.4 4763223.5 912.8 1.12 1.19 1.87 Southwest 15 OTD944 650779.8 4763219.0 899.5 0.76 1.50 1.71 Southwest 15 OTD944 650785.3 4763214.5 886.3 1.27 1.70 2.35 Southwest 15 OTD944 650790.9 4763210.0 873.2 1.21 0.69 1.65 Southwest 15 OTD944 650796.4 4763205.0 860.0 1.05 0.33 1.26 Southwest 15 OTD944 650802.0 4763200.5 847.0 1.05 1.01 1.70 Southwest 15 OTD944 650807.5 4763195.5 833.9 0.61 0.80 1.12 Southwest 15 OTD944 650813.0 4763190.0 820.9 0.75 0.95 1.36 Southwest 15 OTD944 650818.5 4763185.0 808.0 0.65 1.20 1.41 Southwest 15 OTD944 650824.0 4763180.0 795.1 0.80 1.91 2.02 Southwest 15 OTD944 650829.7 4763174.5 782.4 0.84 2.22 2.25 Southwest 15 OTD944 650835.3 4763168.5 769.6 0.52 0.89 1.08 Southwest 15 OTD980 650548.8 4763457.0 1107.9 0.69 1.27 1.50 Southwest 15 OTD980 650554.7 4763453.5 1094.6 0.73 1.11 1.44 Southwest 15 OTD980 650616.2 4763413.5 949.4 0.65 0.55 1.00 Southwest 10 OTRC988 650602.5 4763473.5 1062.1 0.91 1.07 1.59 Southwest 15 OTRC988 650608.6 4763469.0 1049.1 0.96 1.26 1.76 Southwest 15 OTRCD149 651260.7 4762872.0 1111.3 1.03 0.17 1.14 South 15 OTRCD149 651254.0 4762867.0 1099.0 2.22 0.42 2.48 South 15 OTRCD149 651247.3 4762861.5 1086.7 1.65 0.18 1.76 South 15 OTRCD149 651153.0 4762784.5 915.0 0.63 0.79 1.13 South 15 OTRCD150 650667.5 4763097.5 1055.5 0.68 0.79 1.18 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650672.6 4763103.5 1043.0 0.73 0.77 1.22 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650678.0 4763110.0 1030.4 0.68 1.13 1.40 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650683.2 4763116.5 1017.8 0.48 1.13 1.20 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650688.5 4763123.0 1005.2 0.68 1.68 1.75 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650693.8 4763129.0 992.7 0.57 1.66 1.63 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650699.2 4763135.5 980.1 0.84 1.77 1.97 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650704.5 4763141.5 967.5 0.81 1.52 1.78 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650709.9 4763147.5 954.9 0.77 1.67 1.84 Southwest 15 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) DEPOSIT LENGTH (M) ------ -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- ---------- OTRCD150 650718.9 4763157.5 934.0 0.78 1.29 1.60 Southwest 20 OTRCD150 650722.5 4763161.0 925.6 1.51 1.70 2.59 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650727.8 4763167.5 913.0 1.18 1.10 1.88 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650733.1 4763174.0 900.4 1.32 2.11 2.67 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650738.5 4763180.0 887.8 1.20 1.03 1.86 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650743.8 4763186.0 875.2 1.13 1.61 2.15 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650749.3 4763192.0 862.6 1.62 2.06 2.93 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650754.9 4763198.0 850.0 1.05 1.16 1.79 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650760.4 4763204.0 837.5 1.05 1.06 1.72 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650766.1 4763210.0 825.0 1.16 1.60 2.18 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650771.7 4763216.0 812.5 0.92 1.63 1.96 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650780.7 4763226.0 792.5 1.01 2.00 2.28 Southwest 18 OTRCD150 650784.1 4763229.5 785.0 0.80 2.01 2.08 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650789.8 4763235.5 772.5 0.68 0.88 1.24 Southwest 15 OTRCD150 650795.4 4763241.5 759.9 0.67 0.98 1.30 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650639.8 4763061.0 953.5 0.60 0.62 1.00 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650644.3 4763067.5 940.8 0.72 2.30 2.19 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650648.9 4763074.0 928.1 0.62 0.90 1.20 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650653.5 4763080.0 915.3 0.94 1.27 1.74 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650666.8 4763098.5 876.8 0.69 1.42 1.60 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650671.1 4763105.0 863.8 0.70 1.58 1.71 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650675.0 4763110.5 852.1 1.14 2.93 3.01 Southwest 12 OTRCD169 650706.5 4763154.5 757.2 1.01 2.23 2.44 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650710.8 4763160.5 744.2 0.95 2.80 2.74 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650715.0 4763166.0 731.3 0.64 1.39 1.53 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650719.3 4763172.0 718.3 0.52 1.12 1.23 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650723.5 4763178.0 705.3 0.73 1.63 1.77 Southwest 15 OTRCD169 650736.4 4763196.0 666.3 0.59 1.00 1.23 Southwest 15 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA B-2 HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD355 651752.6 4766531.5 343.7 1.57 0.05 1.60 15.0 OTD355 651749.6 4766536.0 329.7 1.91 0.11 1.98 15.0 OTD355 651747.3 4766539.5 319.0 1.51 0.07 1.56 8.0 OTD355 651736.0 4766557.0 265.3 2.88 0.08 2.93 15.0 OTD355 651733.1 4766561.0 251.3 2.74 0.07 2.79 15.0 OTD355 651730.1 4766565.5 237.3 3.69 0.11 3.76 15.0 OTD355 651725.8 4766572.0 216.7 1.48 0.16 1.58 15.0 OTD355 651722.9 4766576.5 202.7 1.17 0.10 1.23 15.0 OTD355 651720.1 4766581.0 188.7 1.25 0.13 1.34 15.0 OTD355 651717.5 4766585.5 174.6 1.09 0.09 1.15 15.0 OTD355 651713.3 4766593.0 152.8 1.00 0.13 1.08 16.8 OTD355A 651652.8 4766535.5 447.2 1.04 0.12 1.12 15.0 OTD355A 651639.5 4766543.5 431.6 1.85 0.10 1.92 15.0 OTD355A 651630.4 4766548.5 420.9 1.48 0.08 1.53 15.0 OTD355A 651621.3 4766553.5 410.2 1.06 0.09 1.12 15.0 OTD355A 651613.5 4766558.5 400.9 1.32 0.13 1.40 11.0 OTD355A 651591.6 4766571.5 374.4 1.12 0.22 1.26 15.0 OTD355A 651563.4 4766586.0 341.1 1.05 0.16 1.15 15.0 OTD355A 651401.0 4766682.0 137.2 1.05 0.21 1.18 15.0 OTD355A 651392.1 4766687.0 126.2 1.02 0.38 1.26 15.0 OTD355A 651384.8 4766691.5 117.1 0.93 0.25 1.09 10.0 OTD355B 651711.4 4766537.0 385.5 1.04 0.03 1.06 8.0 OTD355B 651707.0 4766541.5 375.8 1.46 0.05 1.49 15.0 OTD355B 651675.1 4766574.5 305.4 1.16 0.06 1.20 15.0 OTD355B 651669.8 4766580.5 292.8 1.06 0.15 1.16 15.0 OTD355B 651664.4 4766586.5 280.2 1.36 0.09 1.42 15.0 OTD355B 651659.0 4766592.5 267.6 1.13 0.12 1.20 15.0 OTD355B 651653.6 4766598.5 255.0 1.10 0.22 1.24 15.0 OTD355B 651648.2 4766604.5 242.3 1.09 0.17 1.19 15.0 OTD355C 651815.3 4766442.5 360.5 1.47 0.10 1.53 15.0 OTD355C 651815.1 4766443.5 345.6 1.91 0.21 2.05 15.0 OTD355C 651815.0 4766444.0 330.6 0.94 0.10 1.00 15.0 OTD355C 651813.6 4766446.0 228.0 0.98 0.24 1.13 12.2 OTD363 651434.7 4766756.5 484.7 1.31 0.17 1.41 15.0 OTD367 651781.6 4766832.0 292.6 1.97 0.06 2.01 8.0 OTD367 651779.1 4766835.0 284.4 2.42 0.19 2.54 10.1 OTD367A 651748.3 4766879.0 463.4 1.54 0.03 1.56 15.0 OTD367A 651740.8 4766887.5 453.4 1.21 0.03 1.23 15.0 OTD367A 651733.1 4766895.5 443.5 1.11 0.03 1.13 15.0 OTD367A 651725.8 4766904.5 433.7 1.51 0.03 1.53 15.0 OTD367A 651718.5 4766913.0 423.9 1.69 0.04 1.71 15.0 OTD367A 651711.5 4766922.0 414.1 1.49 0.08 1.54 15.0 OTD367A 651704.6 4766931.0 404.3 2.11 0.11 2.18 15.0 OTD367A 651697.6 4766940.0 394.6 2.61 0.33 2.82 15.0 OTD367A 651690.8 4766949.0 384.8 0.97 0.06 1.00 15.0 OTD367A 651684.8 4766957.5 376.4 1.21 0.07 1.26 11.0 OTD367A 651649.3 4767007.0 326.2 1.14 0.06 1.17 15.0 OTD367A 651642.3 4767016.5 317.1 1.94 0.10 2.00 15.0 OTD367A 651635.3 4767026.0 308.1 3.50 0.58 3.87 15.0 OTD367A 651628.4 4767035.5 299.1 6.37 1.11 7.08 15.0 OTD367A 651621.5 4767045.5 290.2 6.40 2.47 7.98 15.0 OTD367A 651614.6 4767055.0 281.4 7.12 2.58 8.76 15.0 OTD367A 651607.5 4767065.0 272.7 5.14 2.90 6.99 15.0 OTD367A 651600.2 4767075.5 264.2 2.99 0.92 3.58 15.0 OTD367A 651592.9 4767085.5 255.8 3.50 0.90 4.07 15.0 OTD367A 651585.3 4767095.5 247.6 1.93 0.53 2.26 15.0 OTD367A 651578.0 4767105.5 239.6 3.00 1.28 3.82 14.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD367A 651518.8 4767183.5 177.0 1.39 0.16 1.50 15.0 OTD367A 651511.6 4767193.5 168.9 1.24 0.13 1.32 15.0 OTD367B 651748.8 4766848.5 334.9 2.86 0.21 3.00 15.0 OTD367B 651743.0 4766853.5 322.0 1.49 0.08 1.54 15.0 OTD367B 651737.3 4766858.5 309.1 5.63 0.27 5.81 15.0 OTD367B 651731.6 4766864.0 296.3 5.31 0.43 5.58 15.0 OTD367B 651725.6 4766869.5 283.5 4.04 0.28 4.22 15.0 OTD367B 651719.7 4766874.5 270.8 3.88 0.37 4.11 15.0 OTD367B 651713.6 4766880.0 258.2 2.75 0.24 2.90 15.0 OTD367B 651707.8 4766885.5 245.6 1.75 0.10 .81 15.0 OTD367B 651702.0 4766891.5 233.0 1.41 0.11 .48 15.0 OTD367B 651696.3 4766897.0 220.4 1.08 0.08 .13 15.0 OTD367B 651691.6 4766902.0 209.8 1.66 0.13 .74 10.0 OTD367B 651686.8 4766907.0 199.3 1.87 0.16 .97 15.0 OTD367B 651681.1 4766912.0 186.7 1.26 0.14 1.35 15.0 OTD367B 651669.0 4766924.0 160.1 1.59 0.13 1.67 12.0 OTD367B 651660.1 4766932.5 140.3 1.98 0.15 2.07 15.0 OTD367B 651640.1 4766953.0 95.1 1.08 0.10 1.14 10.0 OTD367D 651884.5 4766745.0 142.0 1.41 0.03 1.43 15.0 OTD367D 651883.1 4766746.5 127.1 1.18 0.03 1.20 15.0 OTD367D 651882.0 4766748.0 112.2 1.29 0.05 1.32 15.0 OTD367D 651880.8 4766749.5 97.3 1.07 0.03 1.09 15.0 OTD367D 651879.6 4766750.5 82.4 1.17 0.04 1.20 15.0 OTD367D 651878.5 4766752.0 69.0 1.30 0.06 1.34 12.0 OTD367D 651876.3 4766754.0 40.7 1.40 0.03 1.42 15.0 OTD367D 651874.2 4766757.0 13.4 1.11 0.05 1.15 12.0 OTD367D 651873.2 4766758.5 0.0 0.80 0.32 1.00 15.0 OTD367D 651870.4 4766762.5 -41.7 1.22 0.19 1.34 9.0 OTD367E 651828.6 4766775.0 331.3 1.50 0.14 1.59 15.0 OTD367E 651824.4 4766778.5 317.4 1.36 0.01 1.37 15.0 OTD367E 651820.1 4766782.0 303.6 2.29 0.05 2.32 15.0 OTD367E 651815.8 4766786.0 289.7 1.89 0.20 2.02 15.0 OTD367E 651811.5 4766789.5 275.9 3.92 0.18 4.03 15.0 OTD367E 651807.1 4766793.5 262.0 5.10 0.37 5.33 15.0 OTD367E 651803.0 4766797.5 249.1 5.41 0.40 5.66 13.0 OTD367E 651799.0 4766801.0 236.3 4.69 0.69 5.13 15.0 OTD367E 651794.6 4766805.0 222.5 3.01 0.48 3.32 15.0 OTD367E 651790.1 4766809.0 208.7 2.74 0.28 2.92 15.0 OTD367E 651785.7 4766813.0 194.9 3.79 0.38 4.04 15.0 OTD367E 651781.2 4766817.0 181.2 2.37 0.31 2.57 15.0 OTD367E 651776.6 4766821.5 167.6 4.89 0.90 5.46 15.0 OTD367E 651772.1 4766825.5 154.0 4.47 0.49 4.78 15.0 OTD367E 651767.6 4766829.5 140.3 2.91 0.25 3.07 15.0 OTD367E 651762.8 4766834.0 126.8 3.41 0.28 3.59 15.0 OTD367E 651758.1 4766838.5 113.2 1.62 0.09 1.68 15.0 OTD367E 651753.3 4766843.0 99.8 1.39 0.15 1.49 15.0 OTD367E 651747.6 4766849.0 83.6 1.72 0.16 1.82 15.0 OTD367E 651743.0 4766854.0 70.2 1.20 0.16 1.30 15.0 OTD367E 651738.1 4766859.0 56.9 1.30 0.20 1.42 15.0 OTD367E 651734.1 4766863.0 45.3 0.94 0.24 1.09 11.0 OTD367E 651721.5 4766877.0 10.9 1.07 0.12 1.14 16.0 OTD367F 651763.5 4766832.5 374.7 2.63 0.11 2.70 12.0 OTD367F 651756.1 4766840.5 366.6 3.19 0.11 3.26 15.0 OTD367F 651747.9 4766849.0 357.6 1.42 0.03 1.43 15.0 OTD367F 651739.6 4766858.0 348.7 1.62 0.06 1.66 15.0 OTD367F 651731.6 4766867.0 339.8 2.31 0.11 2.38 15.0 OTD367F 651723.6 4766876.0 331.0 2.47 0.27 2.64 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD367F 651714.7 4766884.5 322.3 3.30 0.37 3.54 15.0 OTD367F 651706.5 4766892.0 314.5 3.48 0.29 3.66 12.0 OTD367F 651697.8 4766899.0 306.8 2.27 0.23 2.42 15.0 OTD367F 651688.0 4766906.5 298.3 2.72 0.20 2.84 15.0 OTD367F 651668.3 4766922.0 281.5 2.22 0.20 2.34 15.0 OTD367F 651658.3 4766929.5 273.2 2.10 0.18 2.22 15.0 OTD367F 651649.0 4766937.0 265.6 1.80 0.10 1.86 13.0 OTD367F 651621.3 4766957.0 244.1 1.24 0.15 1.34 12.0 OTD367F 651452.1 4767084.0 108.3 1.46 0.16 1.56 15.0 OTD367F 651442.1 4767091.5 100.1 1.17 0.10 1.23 15.0 OTD367F 651422.0 4767106.5 83.6 1.34 0.19 1.46 15.0 OTD367F 651412.1 4767114.5 75.3 1.95 0.34 2.16 15.0 OTD367F 651402.3 4767122.5 67.0 1.76 0.23 1.91 15.0 OTD367F 651392.8 4767130.5 58.7 1.45 0.20 1.57 15.0 OTD367F 651383.1 4767138.5 50.4 1.34 0.87 1.89 15.0 OTD367G 651752.6 4766847.5 345.8 3.78 0.29 3.96 15.0 OTD367G 651747.6 4766855.0 337.7 4.02 0.43 4.30 9.0 OTD367G 651724.8 4766887.5 301.1 4.61 1.30 5.44 13.0 OTD367G 651718.9 4766896.5 290.9 2.80 0.78 3.30 15.0 OTD367G 651713.0 4766906.0 280.7 3.21 0.62 3.61 15.0 OTD367G 651707.0 4766914.5 270.3 2.13 0.16 2.23 15.0 OTD367G 651699.1 4766928.5 256.7 3.14 0.20 3.26 15.0 OTD367G 651693.5 4766938.5 247.0 2.45 0.18 2.56 15.0 OTD367G 651687.8 4766948.5 237.4 1.98 0.14 2.06 15.0 OTD367G 651682.1 4766959.0 228.1 2.05 0.23 2.20 15.0 OTD367G 651676.4 4766969.0 218.9 1.79 0.19 1.91 15.0 OTD367G 651661.9 4766996.0 196.2 2.47 0.51 2.80 15.0 OTD367G 651656.1 4767007.0 187.4 1.60 0.35 1.82 15.0 OTD367G 651626.8 4767065.0 144.3 1.25 0.16 1.35 15.0 OTD367G 651622.7 4767074.0 138.3 0.88 0.18 1.00 8.0 OTD367G 651608.0 4767106.5 117.7 1.01 0.21 1.14 15.0 OTD367G 651601.4 4767122.5 108.4 1.13 0.18 1.25 14.0 OTD367G 651589.8 4767151.0 92.5 1.14 0.21 1.27 15.0 OTD367G 651584.8 4767163.5 85.9 1.04 0.18 1.16 15.0 OTD367G 651577.8 4767180.5 76.7 1.16 0.31 1.35 15.0 OTD367G 651559.1 4767227.0 52.6 1.15 0.14 1.24 10.0 OTD367G 651547.0 4767258.0 37.2 1.15 0.20 1.28 15.0 OTD367G 651541.9 4767270.5 31.0 1.78 0.27 1.96 15.0 OTD367G 651536.8 4767283.5 24.9 1.80 0.25 1.96 15.0 OTD367G 651531.6 4767296.0 19.0 1.92 0.22 2.06 15.0 OTD367G 651526.4 4767309.0 13.1 1.97 0.26 2.14 15.0 OTD367G 651521.0 4767322.0 7.4 1.68 0.21 1.81 15.0 OTD367G 651515.7 4767335.0 1.7 2.02 0.30 2.21 15.0 OTD367G 651510.3 4767347.5 -4.1 2.45 0.31 2.64 15.0 OTD367G 651505.1 4767360.5 -9.0 1.49 0.19 1.61 15.0 OTD367G 651499.8 4767374.0 -13.9 1.54 0.19 1.66 15.0 OTD367G 651494.7 4767387.5 -18.4 1.79 0.21 1.92 15.0 OTD367G 651489.6 4767400.5 -22.9 1.73 0.20 1.85 15.0 OTD367G 651484.5 4767414.0 -27.0 1.79 0.27 1.96 15.0 OTD367G 651479.5 4767427.5 -31.1 1.92 0.22 2.06 15.0 OTD367G 651474.5 4767441.0 -35.2 1.83 0.35 2.05 15.0 OTD367G 651469.7 4767455.0 -38.6 1.52 0.24 1.68 15.0 OTD367G 651465.0 4767468.5 -42.1 1.14 0.12 1.22 15.0 OTD367G 651460.1 4767482.5 -45.3 1.34 0.26 1.51 15.0 OTD367G 651456.2 4767494.0 -47.8 1.18 0.15 1.27 9.8 OTD377 651739.3 4766228.5 558.1 1.01 0.02 1.02 13.0 OTD377 651734.6 4766233.5 544.6 1.25 0.03 1.26 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD377 651730.1 4766238.5 531.7 1.55 0.04 1.57 14.0 OTD377 651722.4 4766246.0 509.8 1.56 0.08 1.61 15.0 OTD377 651717.6 4766251.0 496.5 1.88 0.09 1.94 15.0 OTD377 651712.8 4766256.0 483.2 1.56 0.11 1.63 15.0 OTD377 651706.5 4766262.5 465.5 3.63 0.56 3.98 15.0 OTD377 651697.0 4766273.0 439.0 1.22 0.18 1.34 15.0 OTD377 651692.4 4766279.0 425.8 1.30 0.16 1.40 15.0 OTD383 651795.6 4767013.5 83.3 1.40 0.07 1.44 15.0 OTD383 651792.1 4767016.0 68.9 4.23 0.20 4.36 15.0 OTD383 651788.6 4767018.5 54.6 3.18 0.20 3.31 15.0 OTD383 651783.4 4767022.5 32.8 1.96 0.13 2.04 15.4 OTD383B 651876.8 4766979.0 -44.7 1.22 0.05 1.25 13.0 OTD383B 651875.5 4766980.0 -58.6 1.61 0.21 1.74 15.0 OTD383B 651874.1 4766981.0 -73.5 2.09 0.24 2.24 14.2 OTD383B 651872.8 4766982.0 -88.4 1.57 0.14 1.66 12.4 OTD383D 651869.1 4767031.0 -73.0 2.35 0.26 2.51 15.0 OTD383D 651867.8 4767033.0 -87.8 2.93 0.44 3.21 15.0 OTD383D 651866.4 4767035.5 -102.5 3.78 0.51 4.10 15.0 OTD383D 651865.0 4767038.5 -117.2 2.62 0.54 2.96 15.0 OTD383D 651863.6 4767041.0 -131.9 2.83 0.43 3.11 15.0 OTD383D 651862.1 4767043.5 -146.6 1.57 0.40 1.83 15.0 OTD383D 651860.5 4767046.0 -161.4 1.21 0.32 1.41 15.0 OTD383D 651859.0 4767048.0 -176.1 0.91 0.23 1.05 15.0 OTD383D 651856.5 4767052.5 -201.6 1.45 0.22 1.59 15.0 OTD383D 651855.0 4767055.0 -216.3 1.30 0.10 1.37 15.0 OTD383D 651853.5 4767057.5 -231.0 1.12 0.20 1.25 15.0 OTD383D 651852.1 4767060.5 -245.7 1.06 0.17 1.17 15.0 OTD383D 651850.7 4767063.0 -260.4 1.13 0.17 1.24 15.0 OTD383D 651849.3 4767065.5 -275.1 1.09 0.15 1.18 15.0 OTD383D 651848.0 4767068.0 -289.9 1.13 0.21 1.26 15.0 OTD383D 651846.6 4767070.5 -304.7 0.85 0.33 1.06 15.0 OTD396 651573.4 4766922.5 358.0 2.87 0.30 3.06 15.0 OTD396 651573.5 4766920.5 343.1 2.84 0.20 2.97 15.0 OTD396 651573.5 4766919.0 328.2 1.91 0.21 2.05 15.0 OTD396 651573.6 4766917.0 313.3 2.32 0.49 2.63 15.0 OTD396 651573.6 4766915.0 298.4 2.80 0.25 2.96 15.0 OTD396 651573.6 4766913.0 283.5 1.94 0.18 2.05 15.0 OTD396 651573.6 4766911.0 269.1 2.40 0.37 2.64 14.0 OTD402 651329.2 4767329.5 293.5 1.41 0.08 1.46 15.0 OTD402 651330.1 4767328.0 278.6 1.06 0.09 1.12 15.0 OTD402 651331.8 4767325.5 248.8 1.00 0.11 1.07 5.0 OTD409 651645.3 4767206.0 227.1 1.03 0.01 1.03 5.0 OTD409 651646.3 4767204.5 197.1 1.11 0.02 1.12 15.0 OTD409 651647.5 4767202.5 162.2 1.24 0.02 1.25 15.0 OTD409 651648.0 4767201.5 147.2 1.44 0.06 1.47 15.0 OTD409 651648.5 4767201.0 132.3 2.84 0.06 2.88 15.0 OTD409 651649.1 4767200.0 117.3 1.90 0.08 1.95 15.0 OTD409 651649.6 4767198.5 102.4 1.67 0.08 1.72 15.0 OTD409 651650.0 4767197.5 89.4 0.93 0.16 1.03 11.0 OTD409 651650.6 4767196.0 68.5 1.93 0.74 2.40 16.0 OTD409 651651.1 4767195.0 50.5 2.88 1.56 3.87 15.0 OTD409 651651.6 4767193.5 35.6 3.82 1.93 5.05 15.0 OTD409 651652.0 4767192.5 20.6 4.40 2.48 5.98 15.0 OTD409 651652.5 4767191.0 5.7 3.35 1.70 4.44 15.0 OTD409 651653.0 4767190.0 -9.3 1.87 0.87 2.43 15.0 OTD409A 651755.8 4767205.0 185.2 1.03 0.04 1.05 15.0 OTD409A 651793.6 4767191.5 25.2 1.00 0.01 1.00 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD409A 651803.8 4767187.0 -18.5 1.26 0.02 1.28 15.0 OTD409A 651807.3 4767185.5 -33.0 1.19 0.02 1.20 15.0 OTD409A 651810.8 4767184.0 -47.5 1.27 0.01 1.28 15.0 OTD409A 651814.3 4767183.0 -62.0 1.62 0.02 1.64 15.0 OTD409A 651818.0 4767181.5 -76.5 1.74 0.04 1.76 15.0 OTD409A 651821.7 4767179.5 -90.9 1.04 0.03 1.06 15.0 OTD409A 651825.6 4767178.0 -105.3 1.48 0.02 1.50 15.0 OTD409A 651833.7 4767174.5 -134.0 1.52 0.09 1.57 15.0 OTD409A 651841.9 4767170.5 -162.6 1.05 0.03 1.06 15.0 OTD409A 651846.2 4767168.5 -176.8 1.34 0.02 1.35 15.0 OTD409A 651850.5 4767166.0 -191.0 1.21 0.02 1.22 15.0 OTD409A 651854.8 4767164.0 -205.2 1.77 0.09 1.83 15.0 OTD411 651566.6 4766219.5 646.4 1.13 0.03 1.15 13.0 OTD411 651561.6 4766225.5 633.5 1.34 0.03 1.35 15.0 OTD411 651538.5 4766252.5 574.8 1.00 0.05 1.03 15.0 OTD411 651533.6 4766259.0 562.2 1.14 0.09 1.20 15.0 OTD411 651528.6 4766265.5 549.7 1.36 0.10 1.43 15.0 OTD411 651518.9 4766279.0 524.7 0.97 0.06 1.01 15.0 OTD411 651505.2 4766299.0 490.0 1.34 0.22 1.48 13.3 OTD411A 651531.3 4766262.0 556.3 1.41 0.06 1.44 14.0 OTD411A 651526.3 4766268.5 543.8 1.17 0.04 1.19 15.0 OTD411A 651521.5 4766275.0 531.3 1.13 0.03 1.15 15.0 OTD411A 651504.8 4766299.0 489.3 0.99 0.09 1.05 15.0 OTD411A 651499.9 4766305.5 477.1 1.29 0.25 1.45 15.0 OTD411A 651495.0 4766313.0 464.9 0.98 0.14 1.07 15.0 OTD411A 651480.2 4766335.0 428.5 1.42 0.12 1.50 15.0 OTD411A 651475.3 4766342.5 416.5 1.07 0.05 1.10 15.0 OTD411A 651467.7 4766354.0 398.1 1.21 0.06 1.24 15.8 OTD412 651551.7 4766797.5 436.9 1.26 0.12 1.33 15.0 OTD412 651558.9 4766789.5 339.6 1.07 0.10 1.13 15.0 OTD412 651560.0 4766788.0 324.7 1.54 0.12 1.61 15.0 OTD412 651561.3 4766787.0 309.8 1.64 0.06 1.68 15.0 OTD412 651562.3 4766785.5 297.9 1.47 0.10 1.53 9.0 OTD412 651564.5 4766783.5 272.1 0.97 0.07 1.02 15.0 OTD413 651525.8 4766583.0 464.3 0.97 0.12 1.05 14.0 OTD413 651527.8 4766580.5 434.4 1.12 0.14 1.21 15.0 OTD413 651528.7 4766579.5 419.5 1.00 0.07 1.05 15.0 OTD413 651529.7 4766578.5 404.6 1.17 0.09 1.23 15.0 OTD413 651530.7 4766577.0 389.6 1.29 0.10 1.35 15.0 OTD413 651531.6 4766576.0 374.7 1.03 0.09 1.09 15.0 OTD413 651532.6 4766575.0 359.8 1.65 0.25 1.81 15.0 OTD414A 651824.4 4766618.0 185.6 1.22 0.05 1.25 15.0 OTD414A 651822.0 4766620.0 170.9 1.68 0.06 1.72 15.0 OTD414A 651814.6 4766626.5 125.1 2.64 0.04 2.67 15.0 OTD414A 651812.2 4766629.0 110.4 1.19 0.20 1.32 15.0 OTD414A 651808.3 4766633.0 86.0 0.97 0.16 1.07 15.0 OTD415 651437.3 4766273.5 777.8 1.25 0.04 1.27 15.0 OTD415 651441.1 4766270.5 763.5 1.41 0.08 1.46 15.0 OTD415 651444.9 4766267.5 749.3 1.62 0.05 1.65 15.0 OTD415 651448.6 4766265.0 735.1 1.89 0.05 1.92 15.0 OTD415 651452.4 4766262.5 720.9 1.39 0.02 1.40 15.0 OTD415 651456.1 4766259.0 706.6 1.61 0.01 1.62 15.0 OTD415 651459.9 4766256.0 692.4 1.12 0.03 1.14 15.0 OTD415 651463.7 4766253.0 678.2 1.47 0.04 1.49 15.0 OTD415 651466.6 4766250.5 667.4 1.34 0.04 1.36 8.0 OTD415 651469.5 4766248.0 656.5 1.30 0.03 1.32 15.0 OTD415 651484.2 4766235.5 599.8 1.15 0.05 1.19 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD415 651487.8 4766232.5 585.6 1.08 0.20 1.21 15.0 OTD415 651495.0 4766226.0 557.2 1.50 0.08 1.55 9.0 OTD418 651343.3 4766230.5 656.4 0.97 0.08 1.02 15.0 OTD418 651344.8 4766229.5 641.6 1.01 0.04 1.03 15.0 OTD418 651346.3 4766227.5 626.8 1.14 0.06 1.17 15.0 OTD418 651347.8 4766226.0 611.9 1.08 0.17 1.19 15.0 OTD418 651350.8 4766223.0 582.2 1.00 0.06 1.04 15.0 OTD418 651352.2 4766221.0 567.4 1.05 0.12 1.13 12.0 OTD419 651429.0 4766881.5 437.1 0.93 0.16 1.03 11.0 OTD419 651441.3 4766865.5 183.9 0.98 0.13 1.06 15.0 OTD419 651441.9 4766864.0 168.9 1.17 0.14 1.26 15.0 OTD419 651442.5 4766863.5 154.0 1.20 0.11 1.27 15.0 OTD419 651443.6 4766861.0 124.1 1.16 0.21 1.30 15.0 OTD419 651444.2 4766860.0 109.2 0.94 0.11 1.01 15.0 OTD419 651444.8 4766858.5 94.2 1.18 0.18 1.29 15.0 OTD419 651445.4 4766857.5 79.3 1.12 0.14 1.21 15.0 OTD419 651446.0 4766857.0 64.3 1.31 0.16 1.41 15.0 OTD419 651446.6 4766856.0 49.3 1.98 0.19 2.10 15.0 OTD419 651447.1 4766855.0 34.4 1.45 0.23 1.60 15.0 OTD419 651447.6 4766854.0 20.9 1.33 0.16 1.43 12.0 OTD419 651448.6 4766852.0 -6.5 1.13 0.22 1.27 15.0 OTD419 651449.6 4766850.0 -36.4 1.28 0.38 1.53 15.0 OTD419 651450.0 4766849.0 -51.3 1.04 0.53 1.38 15.0 OTD419 651450.5 4766848.0 -66.3 1.26 0.39 1.51 15.0 OTD419 651451.1 4766846.5 -81.2 1.20 0.61 1.59 15.0 OTD419 651452.7 4766843.0 -124.1 0.81 0.50 1.13 15.0 OTD419 651454.1 4766840.0 -162.2 0.86 0.36 1.09 16.5 OTD420 651567.0 4766190.0 689.8 0.99 0.02 1.01 15.0 OTD443 651407.0 4766176.5 757.8 1.30 0.09 1.35 15.0 OTD443 651408.1 4766176.0 742.9 1.51 0.08 1.56 15.0 OTD443 651409.0 4766175.5 730.4 1.21 0.06 1.25 10.0 OTD447 651574.1 4766427.5 443.1 1.36 0.02 1.37 15.0 OTD447 651567.1 4766432.5 430.9 2.01 0.02 2.03 15.0 OTD447 651560.2 4766438.0 418.7 1.30 0.03 1.32 15.0 OTD447 651553.3 4766443.5 406.6 1.50 0.17 1.61 15.0 OTD447 651545.8 4766450.0 392.8 1.42 0.09 1.47 15.0 OTD447 651539.0 4766456.0 380.7 1.05 0.11 1.12 15.0 OTD447 651532.3 4766461.5 368.6 1.17 0.16 1.27 15.0 OTD447 651526.4 4766466.5 358.1 1.23 0.18 1.34 11.0 OTD447A 651594.5 4766417.5 415.9 1.35 0.04 1.38 15.0 OTD447A 651589.0 4766422.0 402.8 2.00 0.06 2.04 15.0 OTD447A 651583.5 4766426.5 389.7 2.88 0.07 2.92 15.0 OTD447A 651578.1 4766432.0 376.7 1.59 0.05 1.62 15.0 OTD447A 651572.7 4766437.5 363.8 1.70 0.23 1.84 15.0 OTD447A 651567.3 4766442.5 350.8 1.67 0.14 1.76 15.0 OTD447A 651561.9 4766448.0 338.0 1.35 0.16 1.45 15.0 OTD447A 651556.5 4766453.5 325.2 1.22 0.10 1.28 15.0 OTD447A 651552.1 4766458.0 314.9 1.12 0.08 1.17 9.0 OTD449 651617.3 4767190.0 194.2 1.09 0.04 1.11 15.0 OTD449 651607.2 4767191.0 183.1 1.39 0.09 1.45 15.0 OTD449 651598.8 4767192.0 173.8 2.96 0.46 3.25 10.0 OTD449 651592.1 4767193.0 166.5 2.22 0.86 2.77 10.0 OTD449 651570.3 4767195.5 143.3 0.94 0.17 1.05 14.0 OTD449 651560.3 4767197.0 132.9 1.11 0.20 1.24 15.0 OTD449 651549.9 4767199.0 122.2 0.97 0.21 1.10 15.0 OTD449 651539.4 4767200.5 111.6 1.22 0.32 1.43 15.0 OTD449 651509.8 4767206.0 82.4 1.85 0.17 1.96 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD449 651499.1 4767209.0 72.2 1.43 0.13 1.51 15.0 OTD449 651488.6 4767211.5 62.0 1.48 0.17 1.59 15.0 OTD449 651478.0 4767214.5 51.7 1.47 0.16 1.57 15.0 OTD449 651467.4 4767217.5 41.4 1.06 0.12 1.14 12.0 OTD449 651432.1 4767226.0 7.2 1.43 0.14 1.52 15.0 OTD449 651421.5 4767229.5 -3.0 1.58 0.16 1.68 15.0 OTD449 651411.0 4767232.0 -13.2 1.80 0.24 1.95 15.0 OTD449 651388.6 4767238.0 -35.3 2.14 0.47 2.44 15.0 OTD449 651379.9 4767240.5 -43.9 2.00 0.30 2.19 10.0 OTD449A 651707.7 4767229.5 119.1 1.07 0.02 1.08 15.0 OTD449A 651701.5 4767231.0 105.5 1.57 0.03 1.59 15.0 OTD449A 651695.5 4767232.5 91.8 1.35 0.03 1.37 15.0 OTD449A 651689.4 4767233.5 78.2 1.99 0.05 2.02 15.0 OTD449A 651683.3 4767235.0 64.5 3.13 0.14 3.22 15.0 OTD449A 651677.3 4767236.5 50.8 4.85 1.02 5.50 15.0 OTD449A 651672.0 4767237.5 39.0 4.58 2.58 6.22 11.0 OTD449A 651666.8 4767238.5 27.1 3.58 2.10 4.92 15.0 OTD449A 651660.9 4767239.5 13.4 4.43 2.56 6.07 15.0 OTD449A 651654.8 4767241.0 -0.3 2.42 1.12 3.13 15.0 OTD449A 651648.8 4767242.5 -13.9 3.01 1.51 3.97 15.0 OTD449A 651642.8 4767244.5 -27.5 2.52 1.04 3.19 15.0 OTD449A 651636.8 4767246.5 -41.1 2.77 0.88 3.33 15.0 OTD449A 651630.9 4767248.5 -54.2 3.09 1.30 3.92 14.0 OTD449A 651620.4 4767251.0 -76.3 2.08 0.82 2.61 15.0 OTD449B 651663.8 4767227.5 160.2 1.12 0.02 1.13 15.0 OTD449B 651654.1 4767229.0 148.8 1.39 0.03 1.41 15.0 OTD449B 651644.6 4767230.0 137.3 2.26 0.10 2.33 15.0 OTD449B 651635.0 4767231.5 125.8 1.67 0.08 1.72 15.0 OTD449B 651627.0 4767232.0 116.3 2.25 0.76 2.73 10.0 OTD449B 651603.9 4767236.5 91.1 3.51 1.59 4.53 15.0 OTD449B 651593.8 4767238.5 80.1 3.16 1.50 4.12 15.0 OTD449B 651577.3 4767241.5 61.6 3.38 1.43 4.29 15.0 OTD449B 651545.7 4767248.5 26.1 1.39 0.49 1.70 15.0 OTD449B 651514.3 4767254.0 -9.6 1.09 0.17 1.19 15.0 OTD449B 651504.4 4767256.0 -20.8 1.60 0.18 1.71 15.0 OTD449B 651494.5 4767258.0 -32.0 1.63 0.36 1.85 15.0 OTD449B 651471.3 4767263.5 -58.9 1.00 0.16 1.10 15.0 OTD449B 651451.9 4767267.0 -81.4 1.39 0.27 1.56 15.0 OTD449B 651442.2 4767269.0 -92.8 1.35 0.26 1.52 15.0 OTD449B 651432.5 4767270.5 -104.1 1.32 0.32 1.52 15.0 OTD449B 651404.0 4767275.0 -137.3 1.48 0.92 2.07 15.0 OTD449B 651394.1 4767276.5 -148.5 1.70 1.21 2.47 15.0 OTD449B 651385.8 4767278.0 -157.7 1.14 1.46 2.07 10.0 OTD449B 651374.8 4767280.5 -169.9 2.41 1.98 3.67 15.0 OTD449B 651364.9 4767282.5 -180.8 1.23 1.03 1.89 15.0 OTD449B 651356.5 4767284.5 -189.9 1.67 1.60 2.69 10.0 OTD449B 651319.2 4767293.0 -228.8 0.90 0.49 1.21 15.0 OTD449B 651308.4 4767295.5 -239.0 1.04 0.64 1.45 15.0 OTD449D 651770.4 4767213.0 17.2 1.41 0.03 1.43 15.0 OTD449D 651763.9 4767214.0 3.7 2.30 0.05 2.33 15.0 OTD449D 651757.4 4767214.5 -9.8 2.15 0.06 2.18 15.0 OTD449D 651750.9 4767215.0 -23.3 2.57 0.15 2.66 15.0 OTD449D 651742.6 4767215.5 -40.4 3.34 0.57 3.70 15.0 OTD449D 651733.8 4767215.5 -58.4 4.42 1.27 5.23 15.0 OTD449D 651727.1 4767215.5 -71.8 3.56 1.06 4.24 15.0 OTD449D 651720.3 4767216.0 -85.2 3.16 0.93 3.76 15.0 OTD449D 651713.6 4767216.5 -98.6 2.06 0.67 2.49 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (g/t) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (m) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD449D 651706.6 4767217.5 -111.9 2.95 1.09 3.65 15.0 OTD449D 651699.7 4767218.0 -125.2 2.83 0.84 3.36 15.0 OTD449D 651692.8 4767219.0 -138.5 2.89 0.79 3.39 15.0 OTD449D 651685.6 4767220.0 -151.6 2.43 0.59 2.80 15.0 OTD449D 651679.1 4767221.0 -163.4 1.72 0.39 1.97 12.0 OTD449D 651662.9 4767224.0 -192.6 1.35 0.32 1.55 15.0 OTD449D 651655.6 4767225.0 -205.6 1.03 0.26 1.20 15.0 OTD449D 651648.1 4767226.5 -218.6 1.04 0.34 1.25 15.0 OTD449D 651640.4 4767228.0 -231.3 1.32 0.75 1.79 15.0 OTD449D 651632.6 4767229.5 -244.1 0.77 0.39 1.02 15.0 OTD449D 651624.8 4767231.5 -256.8 0.84 0.49 1.15 15.0 OTD449D 651607.8 4767235.0 -284.3 0.92 0.82 1.44 10.0 OTD449E 651839.1 4767187.5 -37.7 1.16 0.03 1.18 15.0 OTD449E 651836.3 4767186.5 -52.4 1.75 0.03 1.77 15.0 OTD449E 651833.3 4767185.5 -67.1 1.20 0.03 1.22 15.0 OTD449E 651830.5 4767184.5 -81.8 1.24 0.02 1.26 15.0 OTD449E 651827.6 4767183.5 -96.4 1.03 0.03 1.05 15.0 OTD449E 651821.8 4767181.5 -125.8 1.11 0.07 1.16 15.0 OTD449E 651819.0 4767180.5 -140.5 1.36 0.08 1.41 15.0 OTD449E 651816.2 4767179.5 -154.2 1.96 0.54 2.31 13.0 OTD449E 651813.6 4767179.0 -167.9 3.82 0.63 4.22 15.0 OTD449E 651810.6 4767178.0 -182.6 3.86 0.60 4.24 15.0 OTD449E 651807.7 4767177.0 -197.3 2.55 0.35 2.77 15.0 OTD449E 651803.8 4767175.5 -216.8 1.40 0.25 1.56 15.0 OTD449F 651806.5 4767176.5 -203.6 1.77 0.19 1.90 12.0 OTD449F 651803.8 4767175.5 -216.9 1.56 0.32 1.76 15.0 OTD449F 651798.1 4767173.5 -246.3 0.96 0.19 1.08 15.0 OTD449F 651789.8 4767170.0 -290.3 0.99 0.20 1.11 15.0 OTD449F 651786.9 4767169.0 -305.0 1.37 0.35 1.59 15.0 OTD449F 651783.8 4767168.0 -319.7 1.22 0.26 1.39 15.0 OTD449F 651780.6 4767167.0 -334.3 0.88 0.21 1.01 15.0 OTD455A 651701.2 4767101.5 253.8 1.48 0.02 1.50 12.0 OTD455A 651698.3 4767099.5 226.5 2.74 0.42 3.01 15.0 OTD455A 651696.7 4767098.5 211.6 2.92 0.51 3.25 15.0 OTD455A 651695.1 4767098.0 196.7 3.71 0.49 4.02 15.0 OTD455A 651693.6 4767097.0 181.8 4.26 0.39 4.51 15.0 OTD455A 651692.1 4767095.5 166.9 3.70 0.53 4.03 15.0 OTD455A 651689.8 4767094.0 145.1 4.49 1.29 5.32 15.0 OTD455A 651688.2 4767093.0 130.2 4.55 1.23 5.33 15.0 OTD455A 651686.6 4767092.5 115.3 2.98 0.57 3.35 15.0 OTD455A 651685.0 4767091.5 100.4 2.14 0.37 2.38 15.0 OTD455A 651683.4 4767090.5 85.6 1.71 0.47 2.01 15.0 OTD455A 651681.6 4767089.5 70.7 4.12 1.69 5.19 15.0 OTD455A 651680.0 4767088.5 55.8 3.93 1.40 4.82 15.0 OTD455A 651678.1 4767087.5 41.0 3.55 1.00 4.19 15.0 OTD455A 651676.4 4767086.5 26.1 3.50 1.10 4.20 15.0 OTD455A 651674.5 4767085.5 11.2 2.58 0.71 3.04 15.0 OTD455A 651668.3 4767082.0 -43.3 2.03 0.26 2.19 15.0 OTD455A 651666.6 4767081.0 -58.2 1.31 0.26 1.47 15.0 OTD455A 651664.9 4767080.5 -73.0 1.34 0.39 1.59 15.0 OTD455A 651663.3 4767079.5 -87.9 1.11 0.22 1.25 15.0 OTD455A 651661.6 4767078.5 -102.8 1.02 0.20 1.14 15.0 OTD455A 651650.3 4767073.0 -192.9 0.87 0.21 1.00 15.0 OTD455A 651645.3 4767070.5 -235.1 0.89 0.60 1.28 10.0 OTD455B 651687.5 4767067.0 317.5 0.98 0.05 1.01 14.0 OTD455B 651682.8 4767063.5 304.2 3.24 0.26 3.40 15.0 OTD455B 651678.7 4767060.0 292.3 2.36 0.21 2.49 11.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD455B 651673.9 4767056.0 278.6 1.82 0.10 1.88 15.0 OTD455B 651669.1 4767052.5 264.9 3.00 0.16 3.10 15.0 OTD455B 651664.3 4767048.5 251.2 3.12 0.17 3.23 15.0 OTD455B 651659.5 4767045.0 237.5 3.44 0.30 3.63 15.0 OTD455B 651654.9 4767041.5 223.7 4.44 2.96 6.33 15.0 OTD455B 651650.2 4767037.5 210.0 4.08 1.78 5.21 15.0 OTD455B 651646.0 4767034.0 197.6 3.10 1.31 3.94 12.0 OTD455B 651642.8 4767031.5 188.4 3.48 2.50 5.07 8.0 OTD455B 651636.3 4767026.0 169.2 0.95 0.14 1.04 14.0 OTD455B 651631.1 4767022.0 154.1 1.16 0.24 1.32 15.0 OTD455B 651626.3 4767018.5 140.3 0.91 0.14 1.00 15.0 OTD455B 651604.3 4767001.5 76.0 0.98 0.20 1.11 15.0 OTD455B 651546.7 4766965.0 -85.3 0.80 0.39 1.05 15.0 OTD463 651792.3 4766608.0 354.1 1.39 0.05 1.42 15.0 OTD463 651785.6 4766610.0 340.9 1.43 0.05 1.46 15.0 OTD463 651779.0 4766613.0 327.7 1.53 0.03 1.55 15.0 OTD463 651772.3 4766615.0 314.5 1.42 0.04 1.45 15.0 OTD463 651762.9 4766619.0 296.2 2.26 0.06 2.30 15.0 OTD463 651756.0 4766621.5 283.1 3.22 0.10 3.29 15.0 OTD463 651749.1 4766624.5 270.0 4.03 0.18 4.14 15.0 OTD463 651742.3 4766627.5 257.0 4.00 0.16 4.11 15.0 OTD463 651735.3 4766630.0 244.0 2.81 0.11 2.88 15.0 OTD463 651728.4 4766633.0 231.0 3.74 0.08 3.79 15.0 OTD463 651721.2 4766636.0 218.2 3.30 0.16 3.40 15.0 OTD463 651714.5 4766638.5 206.2 2.21 0.13 2.29 13.0 OTD463 651707.8 4766641.0 194.2 1.31 0.13 1.40 15.0 OTD463 651558.3 4766706.0 -43.2 1.05 0.35 1.27 15.0 OTD463 651550.2 4766709.5 -55.2 1.01 0.32 1.21 15.0 OTD463 651467.5 4766753.5 172.6 0.92 0.49 1.23 15.0 OTD463A 651704.9 4766614.0 435.3 1.36 0.03 1.38 15.0 OTD463A 651694.1 4766617.5 425.8 1.32 0.05 1.35 15.0 OTD463A 651683.3 4766622.0 416.3 1.50 0.08 1.55 15.0 OTD463A 651672.6 4766627.0 406.8 1.40 0.13 1.48 15.0 OTD463A 651662.0 4766631.5 397.4 2.23 0.44 2.51 15.0 OTD463A 651649.8 4766637.0 386.8 2.34 0.11 2.41 15.0 OTD463A 651639.8 4766641.5 378.0 1.40 0.13 1.49 13.0 OTD463A 651629.7 4766646.0 369.4 2.16 0.08 2.21 15.0 OTD463A 651621.1 4766650.0 361.9 1.64 0.14 1.73 9.0 OTD463A 651237.9 4766863.5 61.7 1.38 0.29 1.57 15.0 OTD463A 651228.0 4766869.5 55.6 1.36 0.25 1.52 11.3 OTD463B 651762.7 4766611.5 432.4 1.97 0.09 2.03 15.0 OTD463B 651745.8 4766618.0 408.6 1.44 0.20 1.57 15.0 OTD463B 651739.0 4766621.0 399.1 1.86 0.09 1.92 9.0 OTD463B 651733.0 4766623.0 390.8 1.56 0.04 1.58 12.0 OTD463B 651719.4 4766628.0 372.3 1.06 0.03 1.08 15.0 OTD463B 651710.8 4766631.5 360.5 1.33 0.06 1.37 15.0 OTD463B 651702.1 4766634.5 348.8 1.99 0.06 2.03 15.0 OTD463B 651693.5 4766638.0 337.0 2.45 0.11 2.52 15.0 OTD463B 651682.6 4766642.5 322.1 2.24 0.19 2.36 15.0 OTD463B 651674.0 4766647.0 310.4 1.52 0.13 1.60 15.0 OTD463B 651665.3 4766650.5 298.8 1.17 0.14 1.26 15.0 OTD463B 651656.6 4766654.5 287.1 1.35 0.15 1.44 15.0 OTD463B 651648.0 4766657.5 275.5 1.18 0.15 1.28 15.0 OTD463B 651639.3 4766661.5 263.9 1.18 0.17 1.29 15.0 OTD463B 651630.6 4766665.5 252.4 0.99 0.13 1.07 15.0 OTD463B 651578.0 4766691.5 184.2 1.13 0.13 1.21 15.0 OTD463B 651570.9 4766695.5 175.3 0.94 0.14 1.03 9.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD463B 651548.6 4766708.0 147.1 0.91 0.15 1.00 15.0 OTD463B 651531.0 4766718.0 124.9 1.31 0.20 1.43 15.0 OTD463B 651522.1 4766723.0 114.0 1.06 0.13 1.14 15.0 OTD463B 651513.4 4766728.5 103.0 1.09 0.14 1.18 15.0 OTD463B 651496.0 4766739.0 81.0 1.20 0.14 1.29 15.0 OTD463B 651487.2 4766744.0 69.9 1.15 0.16 1.25 15.0 OTD463B 651478.5 4766749.5 58.9 1.00 0.11 1.07 15.0 OTD463B 651469.8 4766754.5 47.8 1.01 0.41 1.28 15.0 OTD463C 651830.5 4766576.5 260.4 1.35 0.07 1.39 15.0 OTD463C 651797.7 4766589.5 93.1 0.87 0.22 1.01 16.0 OTD463C 651780.5 4766598.5 6.2 1.36 0.18 1.47 15.0 OTD463C 651777.6 4766599.5 -8.5 1.13 0.13 1.21 15.0 OTD465A 651683.8 4767347.5 154.0 2.26 0.15 2.35 15.0 OTD465A 651675.9 4767347.5 141.3 4.14 0.50 4.45 15.0 OTD465A 651667.8 4767347.5 128.6 2.51 0.20 2.64 15.0 OTD465A 651659.8 4767347.0 115.9 3.55 0.27 3.72 15.0 OTD465A 651651.8 4767346.5 103.3 3.91 0.26 4.07 15.0 OTD465A 651643.6 4767346.5 90.7 2.82 0.18 2.93 15.0 OTD465A 651630.1 4767346.5 69.7 4.57 0.25 4.73 15.0 OTD465A 651621.9 4767346.5 57.2 4.74 0.41 5.00 15.0 OTD465A 651609.1 4767346.5 38.0 4.30 1.57 5.30 16.0 OTD465A 651604.8 4767346.5 31.3 4.19 2.43 5.74 15.0 OTD465A 651596.5 4767346.5 18.8 1.46 0.82 1.98 15.0 OTD465A 651587.8 4767346.0 6.0 1.56 0.96 2.18 12.0 OTD465A 651575.3 4767346.0 -11.5 2.05 0.90 2.62 16.0 OTD465B 651772.8 4767352.0 58.8 1.01 0.04 1.03 15.0 OTD465B 651769.5 4767352.0 45.2 1.10 0.04 1.13 13.0 OTD465B 651766.3 4767352.0 31.6 1.84 0.04 1.86 15.0 OTD465B 651762.7 4767352.0 17.0 1.44 0.03 1.46 15.0 OTD465B 651759.1 4767352.5 2.4 1.38 0.05 1.41 15.0 OTD465B 651755.5 4767352.5 -12.1 1.34 0.04 1.37 15.0 OTD465B 651751.8 4767353.0 -26.7 1.71 0.06 1.75 15.0 OTD465B 651748.0 4767353.5 -41.2 3.66 0.18 3.78 15.0 OTD465B 651744.3 4767354.0 -55.7 3.90 0.23 4.04 15.0 OTD465B 651741.4 4767354.0 -67.3 4.19 0.30 4.38 9.0 OTD465B 651738.4 4767354.5 -79.0 3.89 1.07 4.58 15.0 OTD465B 651734.7 4767355.0 -93.5 4.16 0.40 4.42 15.0 OTD465B 651731.0 4767355.5 -108.0 3.92 0.43 4.20 15.0 OTD465B 651727.3 4767356.0 -122.5 4.56 0.47 4.85 15.0 OTD465B 651723.6 4767357.0 -137.1 5.02 0.27 5.19 15.0 OTD465B 651719.8 4767357.5 -151.6 3.58 0.49 3.89 15.0 OTD465B 651715.5 4767358.5 -168.0 1.30 0.24 1.45 15.0 OTD465B 651710.4 4767359.0 -187.3 2.10 0.52 2.43 15.0 OTD465B 651706.5 4767360.0 -201.8 1.95 0.47 2.25 15.0 OTD465B 651702.6 4767360.5 -216.3 1.82 0.46 2.11 15.0 OTD465B 651698.8 4767361.5 -230.7 1.62 0.40 1.87 15.0 OTD465B 651694.9 4767362.5 -245.2 1.54 0.47 1.84 15.0 OTD465B 651691.0 4767363.5 -259.6 1.57 0.41 1.83 15.0 OTD465B 651686.9 4767364.0 -274.0 1.37 0.32 1.57 15.0 OTD465B 651682.8 4767365.5 -288.5 1.55 0.35 1.77 15.0 OTD465B 651678.3 4767366.5 -302.7 1.07 0.26 1.23 15.0 OTD465B 651673.8 4767368.0 -316.9 1.14 0.38 1.38 15.0 OTD465B 651669.2 4767369.5 -331.1 1.23 0.31 1.43 15.0 OTD465B 651664.5 4767370.5 -345.3 1.70 0.50 2.02 15.0 OTD465C 651744.5 4767345.5 121.2 0.99 0.02 1.00 15.0 OTD465C 651738.4 4767345.0 107.5 1.15 0.02 1.17 15.0 OTD465C 651732.3 4767343.5 93.8 1.55 0.04 1.57 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD465C 651726.0 4767343.0 80.2 1.64 0.04 1.66 15.0 OTD465C 651720.5 4767342.5 67.9 2.80 0.05 2.83 12.0 OTD465C 651710.6 4767341.5 46.6 2.79 0.13 2.87 15.0 OTD465C 651704.4 4767341.0 33.0 3.29 0.11 3.36 15.0 OTD465C 651698.0 4767341.0 19.4 4.15 0.31 4.35 15.0 OTD465C 651691.7 4767340.5 5.8 3.06 0.75 3.54 15.0 OTD465C 651685.3 4767340.0 -7.8 3.95 1.00 4.59 15.0 OTD465C 651679.0 4767340.0 -21.4 2.78 0.30 2.97 15.0 OTD465C 651669.9 4767340.0 -40.3 1.81 0.32 2.01 15.0 OTD465C 651663.4 4767339.5 -53.8 3.24 1.40 4.13 15.0 OTD465C 651657.0 4767339.0 -67.4 1.78 0.81 2.30 15.0 OTD465C 651645.8 4767339.0 -90.9 1.81 0.69 2.25 15.0 OTD465C 651639.5 4767339.0 -104.5 1.17 0.42 1.44 15.0 OTD465C 651625.5 4767338.5 -134.3 1.14 0.37 1.38 15.0 OTD465C 651619.1 4767338.0 -147.9 1.13 0.33 1.34 15.0 OTD465C 651612.8 4767337.5 -161.5 1.29 0.34 1.50 15.0 OTD465C 651607.4 4767337.5 -173.3 1.24 0.44 1.52 11.0 OTD465C 651590.1 4767336.0 -210.5 1.91 0.79 2.41 15.0 OTD465C 651583.8 4767336.0 -224.1 1.14 0.44 1.42 15.0 OTD465C 651577.4 4767336.0 -237.6 0.87 0.43 1.15 15.0 OTD465C 651548.1 4767336.5 -299.0 0.85 0.55 1.20 15.0 OTD465C 651519.3 4767337.5 -358.4 0.99 0.75 1.46 15.0 OTD465C 651504.5 4767339.0 -388.9 0.79 0.69 1.23 15.0 OTD465D 651843.8 4767361.5 -103.0 0.99 0.01 1.00 15.0 OTD465D 651844.3 4767361.5 -133.0 1.20 0.03 1.22 15.0 OTD465D 651844.6 4767361.5 -148.0 1.16 0.02 1.18 15.0 OTD465D 651846.0 4767360.0 -240.0 1.47 0.03 1.49 15.0 OTD465D 651846.2 4767360.0 -255.0 1.60 0.03 1.62 15.0 OTD465D 651846.6 4767359.5 -285.0 1.02 0.02 1.03 15.0 OTD465D 651848.1 4767358.5 -360.0 3.55 0.35 3.77 15.0 OTD465D 651848.5 4767358.5 -374.0 3.25 0.41 3.52 13.0 OTD465D 651848.8 4767358.0 -390.0 1.78 0.25 1.94 15.0 OTD465D 651849.1 4767358.0 -404.9 1.63 0.19 1.76 15.0 OTD465D 651849.5 4767357.5 -419.9 1.21 0.15 1.31 15.0 OTD465D 651849.7 4767357.5 -434.9 1.26 0.15 1.36 15.0 OTD465D 651850.6 4767356.0 -494.9 0.85 0.28 1.03 15.0 OTD465E 651804.0 4767366.5 -29.7 1.05 0.03 1.07 15.0 OTD465E 651798.0 4767368.0 -79.3 1.60 0.03 1.62 15.0 OTD465E 651796.3 4767368.5 -93.2 2.29 0.05 2.32 13.0 OTD465E 651794.6 4767369.0 -107.1 1.44 0.05 1.47 15.0 OTD465E 651792.8 4767369.5 -122.0 1.04 0.02 1.05 15.0 OTD465E 651789.2 4767370.5 -151.8 1.07 0.04 1.10 15.0 OTD465E 651787.2 4767371.0 -168.7 1.56 0.08 1.61 15.0 OTD465E 651785.4 4767371.5 -183.5 2.33 0.07 2.38 15.0 OTD465E 651784.1 4767371.5 -195.0 2.26 0.05 2.29 8.0 OTD465E 651780.8 4767372.5 -221.3 1.29 0.07 1.33 15.0 OTD465E 651779.0 4767372.5 -236.1 1.60 0.08 1.65 15.0 OTD465E 651777.1 4767373.0 -251.0 3.31 0.62 3.71 15.0 OTD465E 651775.3 4767373.5 -265.9 3.23 0.59 3.61 15.0 OTD465E 651773.3 4767374.0 -280.7 3.98 0.63 4.38 15.0 OTD465E 651771.3 4767374.5 -295.6 1.79 0.35 2.01 15.0 OTD465E 651769.4 4767375.0 -310.5 1.29 0.17 1.40 15.0 OTD465E 651767.4 4767375.5 -325.3 1.48 0.20 1.61 15.0 OTD465E 651765.5 4767376.0 -340.2 1.16 0.18 1.27 15.0 OTD465E 651763.5 4767377.0 -355.1 1.04 0.20 1.16 15.0 OTD465E 651761.5 4767377.5 -369.9 1.40 0.25 1.56 15.0 OTD465E 651757.6 4767378.5 -399.6 0.99 0.25 1.15 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD465E 651755.6 4767379.0 -414.5 0.99 0.17 1.09 15.0 OTD505 651579.3 4767377.0 381.8 1.31 0.04 1.34 15.0 OTD505 651576.1 4767375.5 367.2 1.03 0.02 1.04 15.0 OTD505 651571.8 4767373.5 347.0 1.29 0.07 1.34 15.0 OTD505 651568.6 4767372.0 332.4 1.65 0.08 1.70 15.0 OTD505 651565.6 4767370.5 317.8 1.53 0.11 1.60 15.0 OTD505 651562.5 4767369.0 303.2 3.84 0.67 4.26 15.0 OTD505 651559.5 4767368.0 288.6 4.07 1.19 4.82 15.0 OTD505 651556.4 4767366.5 273.9 4.43 1.17 5.18 15.0 OTD505 651552.3 4767364.5 254.1 4.98 1.85 6.16 15.0 OTD505 651549.3 4767363.0 239.5 4.79 1.38 5.67 15.0 OTD505 651546.2 4767362.5 224.9 3.88 2.11 5.22 15.0 OTD505 651543.1 4767361.0 210.3 4.61 2.26 6.05 15.0 OTD505 651540.0 4767360.0 195.6 2.44 1.51 3.40 15.0 OTD505 651536.9 4767358.5 181.0 2.60 1.44 3.52 15.0 OTD505 651533.8 4767357.5 166.9 2.50 2.15 3.87 14.0 OTD505 651499.3 4767344.5 12.7 1.43 0.20 1.55 15.0 OTD505 651496.1 4767343.5 -1.9 1.61 0.25 1.77 15.0 OTD513 651614.1 4766283.0 617.3 1.13 0.09 1.19 15.0 OTD513 651619.8 4766279.0 604.0 1.25 0.11 1.32 15.0 OTD513 651633.5 4766269.0 572.1 1.01 0.10 1.07 15.0 OTD513 651639.1 4766264.5 558.8 1.55 0.10 1.61 15.0 OTD513 651644.8 4766261.0 545.5 1.92 0.14 2.01 15.0 OTD513 651650.3 4766256.5 532.2 1.11 0.09 1.16 15.0 OTD513 651656.0 4766253.0 518.9 1.61 0.13 1.69 15.0 OTD514 651736.7 4767532.0 125.6 1.09 0.03 1.11 15.0 OTD514 651731.9 4767533.5 111.4 1.46 0.03 1.48 15.0 OTD514 651722.3 4767537.0 83.1 1.75 0.06 1.79 15.0 OTD514 651717.5 4767538.0 69.0 1.54 0.05 1.57 15.0 OTD514 651712.8 4767539.0 54.8 1.41 0.08 1.46 15.0 OTD514 651708.1 4767540.5 40.6 2.17 0.10 2.23 15.0 OTD514 651703.5 4767541.5 26.5 2.91 0.11 2.98 15.0 OTD514 651698.7 4767543.0 12.3 3.31 0.15 3.41 15.0 OTD514 651694.0 4767544.5 -1.9 2.97 0.13 3.05 15.0 OTD514 651689.2 4767546.0 -16.1 2.38 0.11 2.45 15.0 OTD514 651681.9 4767548.0 -37.8 3.19 0.49 3.50 16.0 OTD514 651679.3 4767549.0 -45.3 4.28 0.49 4.59 15.0 OTD514 651674.6 4767550.0 -59.5 2.94 0.29 3.12 15.0 OTD514 651669.8 4767552.0 -73.7 1.61 0.19 1.73 15.0 OTD514 651663.0 4767554.0 -94.5 2.53 0.64 2.94 15.0 OTD514 651658.6 4767555.5 -107.7 2.59 0.57 2.95 13.0 OTD514 651654.4 4767556.5 -121.0 1.63 0.51 1.95 15.0 OTD514 651649.8 4767558.0 -135.2 2.27 1.01 2.92 15.0 OTD514 651645.3 4767559.5 -149.4 2.43 1.13 3.15 15.0 OTD514 651640.7 4767561.0 -163.6 3.59 1.87 4.78 15.0 OTD514 651636.1 4767563.0 -177.8 2.78 1.53 3.75 15.0 OTD514 651632.2 4767564.5 -190.1 2.46 1.03 3.11 11.0 OTD514 651625.3 4767567.0 -211.9 1.92 1.00 2.56 15.0 OTD514 651620.8 4767569.0 -226.1 1.84 1.20 2.60 15.0 OTD514 651616.3 4767570.0 -240.3 2.23 1.64 3.27 15.0 OTD514 651611.9 4767572.0 -254.5 2.45 2.22 3.87 15.0 OTD514 651608.4 4767573.0 -265.4 2.53 1.52 3.49 8.0 OTD514 651600.2 4767576.0 -291.5 1.75 1.38 2.63 15.0 OTD514 651595.8 4767577.5 -305.7 1.41 1.37 2.29 15.0 OTD514A 651657.3 4767516.5 265.5 1.29 0.03 1.31 15.0 OTD514A 651647.8 4767518.0 254.1 1.05 0.03 1.07 15.0 OTD514A 651638.3 4767520.0 242.6 1.62 0.11 1.69 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD514A 651629.7 4767522.0 232.4 3.12 0.50 3.44 12.0 OTD514A 651621.1 4767524.0 222.1 5.09 0.46 5.38 15.0 OTD514A 651611.5 4767525.5 210.7 4.26 0.36 4.49 15.0 OTD514A 651601.8 4767527.5 199.4 3.64 0.28 3.81 15.0 OTD514A 651592.1 4767529.5 188.1 4.54 0.34 4.76 15.0 OTD514A 651578.5 4767532.5 172.4 3.48 0.65 3.89 15.0 OTD514A 651568.7 4767534.0 161.2 3.20 0.62 3.60 15.0 OTD514A 651558.8 4767535.5 150.0 3.66 0.72 4.12 15.0 OTD514A 651548.8 4767537.0 138.9 4.03 0.88 4.59 15.0 OTD514A 651539.8 4767538.0 128.9 3.65 0.82 4.17 12.0 OTD514A 651521.5 4767541.0 108.6 0.95 0.50 1.27 15.0 OTD514A 651509.6 4767543.5 96.0 2.78 1.09 3.48 14.0 OTD514A 651494.3 4767547.0 79.9 0.92 0.25 1.08 16.0 OTD514A 651482.9 4767549.0 68.2 1.59 0.82 2.11 8.0 OTD514A 651450.6 4767556.0 36.8 1.32 0.14 1.41 15.0 OTD514B 651681.9 4767535.5 193.3 1.26 0.08 1.31 8.0 OTD514B 651676.0 4767537.5 183.6 1.00 0.06 1.04 15.0 OTD514B 651668.3 4767540.0 170.9 1.82 0.09 1.87 15.0 OTD514B 651660.8 4767542.5 158.3 5.08 0.45 5.36 15.0 OTD514B 651651.7 4767546.0 143.0 4.88 0.34 5.10 15.0 OTD514B 651644.1 4767548.5 130.4 5.81 0.52 6.14 15.0 OTD514B 651636.5 4767551.0 117.7 5.43 1.09 6.13 15.0 OTD514B 651629.0 4767554.0 105.0 3.14 0.46 3.43 15.0 OTD514B 651621.3 4767556.5 92.4 5.78 0.66 6.20 15.0 OTD514B 651613.7 4767559.0 79.7 5.64 0.69 6.08 15.0 OTD514B 651597.8 4767564.5 53.6 2.45 0.56 2.81 15.0 OTD514B 651590.1 4767567.0 41.0 4.17 0.76 4.65 15.0 OTD514B 651580.4 4767570.5 25.1 3.38 1.06 4.06 15.0 OTD514B 651572.8 4767573.5 12.4 2.08 0.79 2.58 15.0 OTD514B 651565.3 4767576.5 -0.3 3.47 2.02 4.76 15.0 OTD514B 651558.7 4767579.0 -11.2 2.97 2.07 4.29 11.0 OTD514B 651552.1 4767581.5 -22.2 1.48 0.59 1.86 15.0 OTD514B 651523.0 4767592.5 -71.0 1.50 0.60 1.88 15.0 OTD514B 651510.8 4767597.0 -91.2 2.60 1.47 3.53 15.0 OTD514B 651503.6 4767600.5 -103.8 4.44 4.24 7.15 15.0 OTD514B 651496.5 4767604.5 -116.4 3.26 2.80 5.05 15.0 OTD514B 651489.8 4767609.0 -129.0 2.63 1.73 3.73 15.0 OTD514B 651483.0 4767614.0 -141.5 2.52 1.09 3.21 15.0 OTD514B 651476.0 4767618.0 -154.1 2.36 1.09 3.05 15.0 OTD514B 651468.9 4767622.0 -166.7 1.41 0.64 1.82 15.0 OTD514B 651461.8 4767626.0 -179.3 1.97 0.95 2.57 15.0 OTD514B 651454.5 4767629.5 -191.9 2.25 2.02 3.54 15.0 OTD514B 651447.1 4767633.5 -204.4 1.79 0.99 2.42 15.0 OTD514B 651439.6 4767637.0 -217.0 1.81 0.77 2.30 15.0 OTD514B 651432.1 4767640.5 -229.5 1.57 0.94 2.17 15.0 OTD514B 651424.7 4767644.0 -242.1 1.05 1.06 1.73 14.0 OTD514C 651803.6 4767505.0 -34.7 1.27 0.04 1.30 15.0 OTD514C 651800.8 4767505.0 -49.4 1.26 0.03 1.28 15.0 OTD514C 651794.9 4767506.0 -80.9 1.21 0.03 1.23 15.0 OTD514C 651789.4 4767506.5 -110.4 1.09 0.03 1.11 15.0 OTD514C 651786.7 4767507.0 -125.1 1.18 0.04 1.21 15.0 OTD514C 651784.0 4767507.0 -139.9 1.58 0.05 1.61 15.0 OTD514C 651780.7 4767507.5 -157.6 2.43 0.06 2.47 15.0 OTD514C 651778.0 4767508.0 -172.3 1.87 0.19 1.99 15.0 OTD514C 651775.2 4767508.5 -187.0 2.73 0.12 2.80 15.0 OTD514C 651772.5 4767509.0 -201.8 3.98 0.22 4.12 15.0 OTD514C 651770.1 4767509.0 -214.1 5.68 0.38 5.92 10.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD514C 651767.8 4767509.5 -226.3 4.42 0.32 4.62 15.0 OTD514C 651765.0 4767510.5 -241.1 2.33 0.25 2.49 15.0 OTD514C 651762.1 4767511.0 -255.8 2.96 0.25 3.12 15.0 OTD514C 651759.4 4767511.5 -270.5 2.23 0.13 2.32 15.0 OTD514C 651756.6 4767512.5 -285.2 2.21 0.32 2.42 15.0 OTD514C 651753.8 4767513.0 -300.0 1.59 0.54 1.94 15.0 OTD514C 651751.3 4767513.5 -313.2 2.47 0.94 3.06 12.0 OTD514C 651748.8 4767514.0 -326.5 3.15 0.88 3.72 15.0 OTD514C 651746.1 4767514.5 -341.2 2.58 0.69 3.02 15.0 OTD514C 651743.3 4767515.0 -355.9 2.20 0.50 2.51 15.0 OTD514C 651740.5 4767515.5 -370.7 1.64 0.42 1.91 15.0 OTD514C 651737.8 4767516.0 -385.4 1.14 0.22 1.28 15.0 OTD514C 651735.0 4767516.5 -400.1 1.00 0.25 1.16 15.0 OTD514C 651732.1 4767517.0 -414.9 1.14 0.41 1.40 15.0 OTD514C 651729.3 4767517.5 -429.6 1.01 0.28 1.19 15.0 OTD514C 651726.5 4767518.5 -444.3 0.98 0.20 1.11 15.0 OTD514C 651723.7 4767519.0 -459.0 1.12 0.21 1.25 15.0 OTD514C 651720.9 4767520.0 -473.7 0.99 0.16 1.09 15.0 OTD514C 651718.0 4767520.5 -488.5 1.32 0.21 1.45 15.0 OTD514C 651712.1 4767521.5 -517.9 0.85 0.77 1.34 15.0 OTD514D 651785.3 4767484.5 -33.0 1.14 0.04 1.16 15.0 OTD514D 651781.5 4767484.0 -44.8 1.28 0.04 1.30 10.0 OTD514D 651772.6 4767481.5 -70.8 1.03 0.01 1.04 15.0 OTD514D 651767.6 4767481.5 -85.0 1.70 0.04 1.73 15.0 OTD514D 651763.0 4767480.5 -98.2 1.49 0.06 1.52 13.0 OTD514D 651758.4 4767480.5 -111.4 3.21 0.06 3.25 15.0 OTD514D 651753.5 4767480.5 -125.6 3.09 0.08 3.14 15.0 OTD514D 651748.5 4767480.0 -139.7 2.94 0.14 3.03 15.0 OTD514D 651743.5 4767479.5 -153.8 3.80 0.19 3.92 15.0 OTD514D 651736.5 4767478.0 -173.6 3.79 0.37 4.02 15.0 OTD514D 651731.5 4767477.5 -187.7 3.12 0.21 3.25 15.0 OTD514D 651725.1 4767476.5 -205.6 4.81 0.75 5.29 15.0 OTD514D 651720.0 4767476.0 -219.7 2.46 0.59 2.83 15.0 OTD514D 651715.0 4767475.0 -233.8 3.40 0.96 4.01 15.0 OTD514D 651709.8 4767474.5 -247.9 2.09 0.76 2.58 15.0 OTD514D 651704.1 4767474.0 -263.9 1.47 0.39 1.72 15.0 OTD514D 651699.0 4767473.5 -278.0 1.73 0.40 1.98 15.0 OTD514D 651693.9 4767473.0 -292.1 1.57 0.42 1.84 15.0 OTD514D 651683.6 4767472.0 -320.3 1.34 0.41 1.61 15.0 OTD514D 651678.3 4767471.5 -334.3 1.37 0.35 1.60 15.0 OTD514D 651673.1 4767471.0 -348.3 1.20 0.33 1.41 15.0 OTD514D 651667.7 4767471.0 -362.3 1.49 0.50 1.81 15.0 OTD514D 651662.4 4767470.5 -376.3 1.49 0.57 1.85 15.0 OTD514D 651657.1 4767469.5 -390.4 1.26 0.48 1.57 15.0 OTD514D 651651.6 4767469.0 -404.3 1.33 0.47 1.63 15.0 OTD514D 651646.2 4767469.0 -418.3 1.14 0.97 1.76 15.0 OTD514D 651640.8 4767469.0 -432.3 0.76 0.95 1.37 15.0 OTD514I 651730.9 4767551.0 126.7 1.32 0.03 1.34 15.0 OTD514I 651723.2 4767553.0 113.9 1.23 0.03 1.25 15.0 OTD514I 651715.6 4767554.5 101.1 1.35 0.06 1.39 15.0 OTD514I 651698.1 4767559.0 72.3 1.55 0.09 1.61 15.0 OTD514I 651690.3 4767561.5 59.6 2.22 0.20 2.35 15.0 OTD514I 651683.2 4767563.0 47.7 2.63 0.31 2.83 13.0 OTD514I 651676.0 4767565.0 35.8 4.63 0.93 5.22 15.0 OTD514I 651668.4 4767567.0 23.0 4.52 0.77 5.01 15.0 OTD514I 651660.8 4767569.5 10.3 3.95 0.85 4.50 15.0 OTD514I 651653.1 4767571.5 -2.5 5.32 1.28 6.13 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD514I 651645.6 4767573.0 -15.3 4.86 1.31 5.70 15.0 OTD514I 651634.5 4767576.0 -34.0 4.42 0.98 5.04 15.0 OTD514I 651627.0 4767578.0 -46.8 3.31 0.64 3.72 15.0 OTD514I 651619.5 4767580.5 -59.6 1.51 0.81 2.03 15.0 OTD514I 651612.1 4767583.0 -72.5 2.24 1.21 3.01 15.0 OTD514I 651589.0 4767589.0 -112.2 0.98 1.12 1.69 14.0 OTD514I 651573.9 4767593.5 -138.4 2.18 2.16 3.55 15.0 OTD514I 651567.5 4767595.5 -149.5 0.72 0.55 1.07 11.0 OTD514I 651528.5 4767607.0 -217.3 2.58 1.60 3.60 15.0 OTD514I 651521.1 4767609.5 -230.1 2.49 1.93 3.72 15.0 OTD514I 651513.5 4767611.5 -242.9 4.68 3.72 7.06 15.0 OTD514I 651506.0 4767613.5 -255.7 1.69 2.13 3.05 15.0 OTD514I 651498.5 4767615.0 -268.6 2.93 3.96 5.45 15.0 OTD514I 651476.5 4767622.0 -303.7 1.40 1.62 2.43 15.0 OTD514I 651468.6 4767624.5 -316.1 1.85 2.92 3.71 15.0 OTD514I 651451.5 4767630.5 -341.9 1.11 1.53 2.08 8.0 OTD514I 651440.9 4767634.0 -357.8 1.35 2.30 2.82 15.0 OTD514I 651432.5 4767637.5 -369.8 0.66 1.05 1.33 15.0 OTD514I 651425.6 4767640.0 -379.8 1.12 1.19 1.87 9.8 OTD522 651669.5 4766734.0 416.2 2.14 0.16 2.25 15.0 OTD522 651676.1 4766738.0 403.5 1.31 0.03 1.33 15.0 OTD522 651690.0 4766746.5 378.2 1.71 0.06 1.75 15.0 OTD522 651697.0 4766750.5 365.5 1.92 0.06 1.96 15.0 OTD522 651711.0 4766758.5 340.2 1.21 0.03 1.23 15.0 OTD522 651717.7 4766762.5 327.6 1.27 0.02 1.28 15.0 OTD522 651724.5 4766767.0 314.9 1.45 0.01 1.46 15.0 OTD522 651731.2 4766771.5 302.3 2.72 0.19 2.84 15.0 OTD522 651738.0 4766776.0 289.6 1.83 0.12 1.90 15.0 OTD522 651744.8 4766780.5 277.0 2.53 0.16 2.63 15.0 OTD522 651751.6 4766784.5 264.3 4.15 0.46 4.45 15.0 OTD522 651758.4 4766789.0 251.7 5.28 0.38 5.52 15.0 OTD522 651765.1 4766793.5 239.1 4.23 0.34 4.45 15.0 OTD522 651772.0 4766798.0 226.6 2.75 0.11 2.82 15.0 OTD522 651779.1 4766803.0 214.1 3.26 0.31 3.46 15.0 OTD522 651786.1 4766807.0 201.6 1.79 0.33 2.00 15.0 OTD522 651793.2 4766811.5 189.2 1.32 0.17 1.42 15.0 OTD522 651800.3 4766816.0 176.8 6.39 0.50 6.71 15.0 OTD522 651807.6 4766820.5 164.6 6.01 0.38 6.25 15.0 OTD522 651814.8 4766826.0 152.3 1.64 0.07 1.68 15.0 OTD522 651822.2 4766830.5 140.1 3.42 0.11 3.49 15.0 OTD522 651829.6 4766834.5 127.9 2.20 0.07 2.24 15.0 OTD522 651837.3 4766839.0 115.7 1.97 0.08 2.03 15.0 OTD522 651845.0 4766843.5 103.6 1.48 0.05 1.51 15.0 OTD522 651852.6 4766847.5 91.5 1.13 0.04 1.15 15.0 OTD522 651860.4 4766852.0 79.5 1.02 0.02 1.03 15.0 OTD554 651225.3 4766251.5 683.3 1.11 0.13 1.19 15.0 OTD560A 651398.9 4767364.0 170.4 0.95 0.17 1.06 8.0 OTD570 651303.6 4766999.0 437.7 1.26 0.10 1.32 15.0 OTD576 651870.2 4766905.5 13.4 1.28 0.10 1.34 15.0 OTD576 651868.3 4766906.0 -1.5 1.15 0.11 1.22 15.0 OTD576 651866.5 4766906.5 -16.4 1.61 0.13 1.70 15.0 OTD576 651864.6 4766906.5 -31.3 1.65 0.18 1.77 15.0 OTD576 651862.8 4766907.0 -46.2 2.18 0.14 2.27 15.0 OTD576 651861.0 4766907.5 -61.0 3.02 0.24 3.17 15.0 OTD576A 651734.0 4766835.0 373.5 2.65 0.07 2.69 15.0 OTD576A 651725.1 4766831.5 362.0 3.23 0.11 3.30 15.0 OTD576A 651716.1 4766827.5 350.6 2.47 0.10 2.54 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD576A 651707.1 4766824.0 339.2 2.42 0.09 2.47 15.0 OTD576A 651689.9 4766816.5 318.2 2.89 0.21 3.02 14.0 OTD576A 651680.6 4766813.0 307.0 4.50 0.37 4.73 15.0 OTD576A 651671.1 4766809.0 296.0 2.44 0.12 2.52 15.0 OTD576A 651661.7 4766805.0 284.9 2.13 0.12 2.20 15.0 OTD576A 651650.1 4766800.5 271.8 1.83 0.07 1.87 15.0 OTD576A 651640.4 4766797.0 261.0 1.70 0.10 1.77 15.0 OTD576A 651630.4 4766794.0 250.3 1.67 0.11 1.74 15.0 OTD576A 651620.4 4766790.5 239.7 1.59 0.15 1.69 15.0 OTD576A 651525.0 4766758.5 144.1 0.89 0.20 1.02 15.0 OTD576A 651493.9 4766748.0 113.2 1.37 0.18 1.48 15.0 OTD576A 651483.5 4766744.5 102.9 1.30 0.19 1.42 15.0 OTD576A 651473.1 4766741.5 92.6 1.30 0.14 1.39 15.0 OTD576A 651462.6 4766738.5 82.4 1.39 0.15 1.49 15.0 OTD576A 651452.2 4766735.0 72.2 1.37 0.18 1.48 15.0 OTD576A 651441.6 4766732.0 62.0 0.92 0.22 1.06 15.0 OTD576A 651375.7 4766712.0 0.9 1.19 0.52 1.52 15.0 OTD576A 651364.6 4766709.5 -8.8 1.10 0.87 1.66 15.0 OTD576A 651353.4 4766706.5 -18.3 0.94 0.51 1.27 15.0 OTD576A 651342.3 4766704.0 -27.9 1.52 0.71 1.97 15.0 OTD576A 651319.9 4766698.0 -46.9 0.96 0.76 1.44 15.0 OTD576A 651308.7 4766694.5 -56.4 0.96 0.88 1.52 15.0 OTD576A 651297.4 4766691.5 -65.9 1.21 1.21 1.98 15.0 OTD576A 651286.0 4766689.0 -75.3 0.82 0.78 1.32 15.0 OTD576A 651274.6 4766686.5 -84.6 0.65 0.57 1.02 15.0 OTD576A 651263.1 4766684.0 -93.9 1.02 1.11 1.73 15.0 OTD576A 651251.6 4766681.5 -103.2 0.79 1.03 1.44 15.0 OTD576A 651240.1 4766678.5 -112.4 0.75 0.51 1.08 15.0 OTD576A 651216.6 4766674.0 -130.5 0.72 0.59 1.10 15.0 OTD576B 651762.3 4766878.0 280.3 4.71 0.48 5.02 15.0 OTD576B 651755.8 4766877.5 266.8 4.62 0.41 4.88 15.0 OTD576B 651749.3 4766877.5 253.3 4.94 0.17 5.05 15.0 OTD576B 651742.8 4766877.5 239.8 5.29 0.22 5.43 15.0 OTD576B 651736.3 4766877.0 226.3 2.93 0.20 3.06 15.0 OTD576B 651729.9 4766877.0 212.7 2.98 0.20 3.11 15.0 OTD576B 651723.5 4766877.0 199.1 2.28 0.13 2.36 15.0 OTD576B 651717.0 4766877.0 185.6 1.55 0.07 1.59 15.0 OTD576B 651710.8 4766877.0 172.0 1.45 0.06 1.48 15.0 OTD576B 651704.5 4766877.0 158.3 1.12 0.11 1.19 15.0 OTD576B 651699.2 4766877.0 147.0 1.08 0.10 1.15 10.0 OTD576B 651694.0 4766877.0 135.6 1.40 0.17 1.51 15.0 OTD576B 651681.0 4766877.0 107.0 1.75 0.20 1.88 10.0 OTD576B 651657.1 4766878.0 54.1 1.26 0.12 1.34 14.0 OTD576B 651645.5 4766878.0 28.6 1.04 0.21 1.17 10.0 OTD576B 651625.5 4766880.0 -15.5 1.23 0.26 1.40 15.0 OTD576B 651608.3 4766881.5 -53.8 0.76 0.41 1.03 15.0 OTD576C 651794.7 4766891.0 222.8 0.97 0.10 1.03 8.0 OTD576C 651790.5 4766891.5 212.1 6.41 1.14 7.14 15.0 OTD576C 651785.1 4766891.5 198.1 6.69 1.63 7.73 15.0 OTD576C 651779.6 4766892.0 184.2 4.27 1.78 5.41 15.0 OTD576C 651774.0 4766892.0 170.2 3.65 1.32 4.49 15.0 OTD576C 651768.5 4766892.5 156.3 3.74 1.04 4.40 15.0 OTD576C 651763.0 4766892.5 142.4 3.96 0.91 4.54 15.0 OTD576C 651757.5 4766892.5 128.4 3.83 1.03 4.48 15.0 OTD576C 651751.9 4766893.0 114.5 3.81 0.69 4.25 15.0 OTD576C 651746.3 4766893.0 100.6 3.51 0.46 3.80 15.0 OTD576C 651738.1 4766893.5 80.2 1.88 0.10 1.94 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD576C 651732.5 4766894.0 66.2 1.68 0.15 1.77 15.0 OTD576C 651726.9 4766894.0 52.3 1.79 0.29 1.98 15.0 OTD576C 651721.4 4766894.5 38.4 1.82 0.31 2.02 15.0 OTD576C 651710.6 4766895.0 11.4 1.43 0.15 1.52 15.0 OTD576D 651839.4 4766896.0 109.2 1.16 0.04 1.18 15.0 OTD576D 651836.0 4766896.0 94.6 2.35 0.07 2.39 15.0 OTD576D 651832.6 4766896.0 80.0 4.15 0.15 4.24 15.0 OTD576D 651829.2 4766896.0 65.4 4.47 0.19 4.59 15.0 OTD576D 651825.8 4766896.0 50.8 3.50 0.16 3.60 15.0 OTD576D 651822.5 4766895.5 36.2 3.35 0.23 3.49 15.0 OTD576D 651819.0 4766895.5 21.6 4.68 0.29 4.86 15.0 OTD576D 651815.4 4766895.5 7.0 1.88 0.37 2.11 15.0 OTD576D 651811.9 4766895.5 -7.6 0.92 0.16 1.02 15.0 OTD576D 651805.5 4766895.5 -34.8 1.62 0.12 1.69 15.0 OTD576D 651802.0 4766895.0 -49.4 1.56 0.12 1.64 15.0 OTD576D 651798.5 4766895.5 -64.0 1.25 0.08 1.30 15.0 OTD576D 651791.5 4766895.0 -93.2 1.02 0.19 1.14 15.0 OTD576D 651788.0 4766895.5 -107.7 1.04 0.17 1.15 15.0 OTD576D 651784.4 4766895.5 -122.3 0.92 0.15 1.01 15.0 OTD576D 651773.7 4766895.5 -166.0 0.92 0.20 1.05 15.0 OTD576D 651770.2 4766895.5 -180.6 1.10 0.34 1.32 15.0 OTD576D 651766.7 4766896.0 -195.2 0.84 0.25 1.00 15.0 OTD576D 651763.1 4766896.0 -209.8 1.10 0.23 1.25 15.0 OTD576D 651756.1 4766897.0 -238.9 1.04 0.34 1.26 15.0 OTD576D 651749.0 4766897.5 -268.1 1.12 0.33 1.33 15.0 OTD576D 651745.5 4766897.5 -282.6 1.18 0.23 1.33 15.0 OTD576D 651734.9 4766899.5 -326.4 0.94 0.30 1.13 15.0 OTD577 651774.5 4766685.5 426.6 1.20 0.03 1.22 15.0 OTD577 651765.2 4766685.0 414.8 1.05 0.04 1.08 15.0 OTD577 651742.3 4766684.0 385.9 1.25 0.03 1.27 15.0 OTD577 651732.7 4766684.5 374.3 1.68 0.09 1.74 15.0 OTD577 651723.1 4766684.5 362.8 1.65 0.06 1.69 15.0 OTD577 651713.6 4766685.0 351.2 1.49 0.04 1.51 15.0 OTD577 651703.8 4766685.5 339.8 1.93 0.05 1.96 15.0 OTD577 651694.1 4766685.5 328.4 1.95 0.03 1.97 15.0 OTD577 651684.4 4766685.5 317.0 2.35 0.06 2.39 15.0 OTD577 651674.7 4766685.5 305.5 1.98 0.08 2.03 15.0 OTD577 651665.0 4766685.5 294.0 1.61 0.08 1.67 15.0 OTD577 651657.3 4766685.0 284.8 1.29 0.22 1.43 9.0 OTD577 651649.6 4766685.0 275.7 0.98 0.17 1.08 15.0 OTD577 651640.1 4766685.0 264.1 1.04 0.19 1.16 15.0 OTD577A 651827.6 4766720.5 344.1 1.59 0.04 1.62 15.0 OTD577A 651822.3 4766721.5 330.1 1.01 0.06 1.05 15.0 OTD577A 651807.5 4766724.0 291.9 1.37 0.06 1.41 15.0 OTD577A 651802.0 4766724.5 278.0 2.72 0.06 2.76 15.0 OTD577A 651796.6 4766725.0 264.0 2.71 0.09 2.77 15.0 OTD577A 651791.3 4766725.5 250.0 2.96 0.31 3.16 15.0 OTD577A 651785.8 4766726.5 236.0 5.59 0.41 5.85 15.0 OTD577A 651780.4 4766727.5 222.1 3.04 0.48 3.35 15.0 OTD577A 651775.0 4766728.5 208.1 3.44 0.39 3.69 15.0 OTD577A 651769.5 4766729.0 194.2 4.46 0.71 4.91 15.0 OTD577A 651764.0 4766730.0 180.2 3.70 1.19 4.45 15.0 OTD577A 651758.6 4766730.5 166.3 4.99 0.90 5.56 15.0 OTD577A 651753.0 4766731.0 152.4 3.59 0.75 4.07 15.0 OTD577A 651747.3 4766732.0 138.5 5.29 1.27 6.10 15.0 OTD577A 651740.0 4766733.0 121.0 3.74 0.45 4.02 15.0 OTD577A 651734.1 4766734.0 107.3 1.12 0.19 1.24 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD577A 651728.3 4766735.0 93.5 1.04 0.19 1.16 15.0 OTD577A 651689.8 4766742.0 8.0 1.01 0.16 1.11 15.0 OTD577B 651886.6 4766714.5 158.1 1.13 0.06 1.17 15.0 OTD577B 651882.4 4766716.0 128.4 1.13 0.02 1.15 15.0 OTD577B 651880.3 4766716.5 113.5 1.23 0.03 1.25 15.0 OTD577B 651878.2 4766717.0 98.7 1.01 0.03 1.02 15.0 OTD577B 651876.3 4766717.5 85.8 1.28 0.05 1.31 11.0 OTD577B 651874.5 4766718.5 73.0 1.29 0.04 1.31 15.0 OTD577B 651872.3 4766719.0 58.2 2.43 0.09 2.49 15.0 OTD577B 651869.1 4766719.5 35.4 1.49 0.07 1.54 16.0 OTD582 651486.8 4767213.0 378.8 1.11 0.03 1.13 15.0 OTD582 651485.6 4767213.5 363.9 1.16 0.06 1.20 15.0 OTD582 651484.5 4767213.5 350.4 1.47 0.53 1.81 12.0 OTD582 651474.2 4767216.0 219.4 1.33 0.11 1.40 15.0 OTD582 651473.1 4767216.0 204.4 1.38 0.18 1.50 15.0 OTD582 651471.9 4767217.0 189.5 1.04 0.15 1.13 15.0 OTD582 651470.8 4767217.0 174.5 1.35 0.16 1.45 15.0 OTD582 651469.7 4767217.5 159.6 1.34 0.12 1.42 15.0 OTD582 651468.6 4767218.0 144.6 1.35 0.11 1.42 15.0 OTD582 651467.6 4767218.0 129.7 1.41 0.08 1.46 15.0 OTD582 651466.5 4767218.5 114.7 1.25 0.12 1.33 15.0 OTD582 651465.5 4767219.0 99.7 1.54 0.14 1.63 15.0 OTD582 651464.5 4767219.5 84.8 1.50 0.15 1.59 15.0 OTD582 651463.4 4767220.0 69.8 1.62 0.20 1.75 15.0 OTD582 651462.4 4767220.5 54.9 2.09 0.18 2.21 15.0 OTD582 651461.4 4767221.5 39.9 2.04 0.18 2.16 15.0 OTD582 651460.3 4767222.0 25.0 1.60 0.17 1.70 15.0 OTD582 651457.4 4767224.0 -17.9 1.01 0.16 1.11 15.0 OTD582 651456.3 4767224.5 -32.8 1.60 0.20 1.73 15.0 OTD582 651455.5 4767225.5 -47.8 1.53 0.27 1.71 15.0 OTD582 651454.6 4767225.5 -62.8 1.05 0.22 1.19 15.0 OTD582 651453.8 4767226.0 -111 1.49 0.30 1.68 15.0 OTD582 651453.1 4767227.0 -91.7 0.90 0.19 1.02 13.0 OTD582 651450.5 4767230.0 -131.5 1.49 0.36 1.72 15.0 OTD582 651449.4 4767231.0 -146.4 1.99 0.31 2.18 15.0 OTD582 651448.3 4767232.5 -161.3 1.15 0.53 1.49 15.0 OTD582 651447.3 4767233.5 -176.2 1.02 0.75 1.50 15.0 OTD582 651446.1 4767235.0 -191.1 1.79 1.04 2.45 15.0 OTD582 651445.0 4767236.5 -206.0 1.84 1.82 3.00 15.0 OTD582 651444.2 4767238.0 -217.4 1.79 1.99 3.06 8.0 OTD582 651442.5 4767240.5 -244.7 1.41 0.88 1.97 15.0 OTD582 651441.6 4767242.5 -259.5 0.75 0.76 1.23 15.0 OTD582 651440.8 4767244.5 -273.9 0.80 1.38 1.68 14.0 OTD593 651618.1 4766471.5 393.9 1.84 0.02 1.86 15.0 OTD593 651610.1 4766470.5 381.3 1.57 0.01 1.58 15.0 OTD593 651602.1 4766470.0 368.6 1.68 0.04 1.70 15.0 OTD593 651594.1 4766469.5 355.9 1.68 0.09 1.74 15.0 OTD593 651586.9 4766468.5 344.5 1.49 0.02 1.50 12.0 OTD593 651571.7 4766467.5 320.4 1.00 0.14 1.09 15.0 OTD593 651563.7 4766466.5 307.7 1.27 0.16 1.37 15.0 OTD614 651884.3 4766458.5 190.5 1.12 0.14 1.21 15.0 OTD614 651876.0 4766462.0 178.7 1.01 0.30 1.20 15.0 OTD614 651867.6 4766466.5 166.8 0.92 0.18 1.04 15.0 OTD614 651859.3 4766470.0 154.9 1.69 0.19 1.81 15.0 OTD614 651850.9 4766474.0 143.0 0.93 0.18 1.04 15.0 OTD614 651825.8 4766485.0 107.4 0.93 0.20 1.06 15.0 OTD614 651809.0 4766493.0 83.7 0.87 0.32 1.07 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD614 651800.6 4766496.5 71.8 1.23 0.35 1.45 15.0 OTD614 651769.0 4766511.5 25.1 1.15 0.13 1.23 12.0 OTD635 651532.0 4766228.0 664.9 1.31 0.02 1.32 15.0 OTD635 651525.3 4766222.5 652.7 1.29 0.05 1.32 15.0 OTD635 651516.0 4766214.5 635.7 2.23 0.11 2.30 15.0 OTD635 651509.3 4766209.0 623.6 1.57 0.07 1.61 15.0 OTD663 651610.8 4767386.5 310.1 1.37 0.05 1.40 15.0 OTD663 651613.5 4767384.0 295.6 1.76 0.08 1.81 15.0 OTD663 651616.2 4767381.0 281.1 1.60 0.06 1.64 15.0 OTD663 651618.8 4767378.5 266.6 1.43 0.06 1.46 15.0 OTD663 651621.5 4767376.0 252.1 1.85 0.08 1.90 15.0 OTD663 651624.1 4767373.0 237.6 2.36 0.14 2.45 15.0 OTD663 651626.8 4767370.5 223.1 2.70 0.14 2.79 15.0 OTD663 651629.3 4767367.5 208.5 3.32 0.32 3.53 15.0 OTD663 651631.9 4767365.0 194.0 2.90 0.33 3.11 15.0 OTD663 651634.5 4767362.0 179.5 3.92 0.42 4.19 15.0 OTD663 651637.0 4767359.5 164.9 4.42 0.36 4.65 15.0 OTD663 651639.4 4767357.5 150.3 5.27 0.29 5.46 15.0 OTD663 651641.8 4767354.5 135.8 5.40 0.18 5.51 15.0 OTD663 651645.3 4767351.0 114.4 4.80 0.27 4.97 15.0 OTD663 651647.6 4767348.5 99.8 4.20 0.39 4.45 15.0 OTD663 651650.0 4767346.0 85.2 5.30 0.46 5.60 15.0 OTD663 651652.0 4767343.5 72.6 3.55 0.37 3.78 11.0 OTD663 651655.8 4767339.5 48.2 3.82 0.75 4.30 15.0 OTD663 651658.2 4767337.0 33.7 3.58 0.72 4.04 15.0 OTD663 651660.6 4767334.5 19.1 2.18 0.45 2.47 15.0 OTD663 651662.8 4767331.5 4.5 1.05 0.16 1.15 15.0 OTD663 651665.0 4767329.5 -10.1 2.95 0.34 3.17 15.0 OTD663 651667.2 4767326.5 -24.7 3.37 0.49 3.68 15.0 OTD663 651670.5 4767322.5 -47.1 1.70 0.30 1.89 16.0 OTD663 651671.6 4767321.0 -54.9 2.62 0.93 3.21 15.0 OTD663 651673.8 4767318.5 -69.5 1.94 0.62 2.33 15.0 OTD663 651676.0 4767316.0 -84.2 3.03 1.05 3.70 15.0 OTD663 651678.1 4767313.5 -98.8 3.07 0.92 3.65 15.0 OTD663 651680.2 4767311.0 -113.4 3.21 1.28 4.02 15.0 OTD663 651682.3 4767308.0 -128.0 2.49 0.96 3.10 15.0 OTD663 651684.4 4767305.5 -142.7 4.20 1.10 4.90 15.0 OTD663 651686.5 4767303.0 -157.3 2.89 0.76 3.38 15.0 OTD663 651688.5 4767300.0 -171.9 2.11 0.70 2.56 15.0 OTD663 651690.6 4767297.5 -186.5 2.06 0.51 2.38 15.0 OTD663 651692.6 4767295.0 -201.2 1.58 0.39 1.83 15.0 OTD663 651694.6 4767292.5 -215.8 1.73 0.40 1.98 15.0 OTD663 651696.6 4767290.0 -230.5 1.57 0.31 1.77 15.0 OTD663 651698.5 4767287.5 -245.2 1.40 0.44 1.68 15.0 OTD663 651700.3 4767285.0 -259.9 1.17 0.24 1.32 15.0 OTD663 651702.0 4767282.0 -274.5 1.33 0.28 1.51 15.0 OTD663 651703.6 4767279.5 -289.2 1.23 0.32 1.43 15.0 OTD663 651705.2 4767277.0 -303.9 1.20 0.24 1.36 15.0 OTD663 651706.7 4767274.5 -318.7 1.25 0.23 1.40 15.0 OTD663 651708.2 4767272.0 -333.4 1.14 0.29 1.33 15.0 OTD663 651709.6 4767270.0 -348.1 0.89 0.41 1.15 15.0 OTD663 651711.0 4767267.5 -362.8 0.87 0.57 1.23 15.0 OTD663 651712.4 4767265.0 -377.5 0.86 0.42 1.13 14.8 OTD678 651492.3 4767251.5 353.5 1.22 0.03 1.24 15.0 OTD678 651481.8 4767251.0 342.8 1.14 0.03 1.16 15.0 OTD678 651472.0 4767250.0 332.9 1.62 0.17 1.73 13.0 OTD770A 651651.1 4767403.5 281.0 1.03 0.01 1.03 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD770A 651633.9 4767403.0 256.4 1.10 0.05 1.14 15.0 OTD770A 651623.6 4767402.5 241.7 1.81 0.06 1.85 15.0 OTD770A 651615.0 4767402.0 229.4 2.88 0.15 2.98 15.0 OTD770A 651606.4 4767401.5 217.1 4.44 0.37 4.67 15.0 OTD770A 651597.8 4767401.5 204.8 3.97 0.24 4.12 15.0 OTD770A 651589.1 4767401.5 192.5 4.53 0.32 4.73 15.0 OTD770A 651580.6 4767401.0 180.3 3.74 0.40 4.00 15.0 OTD770A 651572.0 4767400.5 168.0 5.75 1.16 6.49 15.0 OTD770A 651561.7 4767400.0 153.2 4.54 2.78 6.32 15.0 OTD770A 651553.1 4767400.0 141.0 4.74 1.94 5.98 15.0 OTD770A 651544.4 4767400.0 128.7 2.19 1.54 3.17 15.0 OTD770A 651535.8 4767399.5 116.5 2.87 2.16 4.25 15.0 OTD770A 651491.6 4767399.5 54.0 1.42 0.34 1.64 10.0 OTD770A 651484.4 4767399.5 43.8 2.51 0.42 2.77 15.0 OTD770A 651475.7 4767399.5 31.5 2.31 0.38 2.55 15.0 OTD770A 651467.1 4767399.5 19.3 1.67 0.26 1.83 15.0 OTD770B 651491.8 4767400.5 55.2 1.11 0.26 1.28 8.0 OTD770B 651485.0 4767400.5 45.9 2.55 0.48 2.85 15.0 OTD770B 651475.9 4767401.5 34.0 2.34 0.36 2.57 15.0 OTD770B 651466.7 4767402.5 22.2 1.45 0.19 1.57 15.0 OTD770B 651457.5 4767403.0 10.4 1.07 0.15 1.17 15.0 OTD770B 651448.3 4767403.5 -1.5 1.74 0.16 1.84 15.0 OTD770B 651439.1 4767404.0 -13.3 1.73 0.16 1.83 15.0 OTD770B 651430.1 4767404.5 -25.3 1.80 0.36 2.03 15.0 OTD770B 651421.1 4767405.0 -37.3 0.92 0.19 1.04 15.0 OTD770B 651412.1 4767405.5 -49.3 1.09 0.51 1.41 15.0 OTD770B 651403.3 4767406.5 -61.4 2.46 0.72 2.92 15.0 OTD770B 651394.5 4767407.5 -73.5 2.13 0.89 2.69 15.0 OTD770B 651385.7 4767409.0 -85.6 1.17 0.59 1.55 15.0 OTD770C 651678.5 4767440.5 228.0 1.47 0.17 1.58 15.0 OTD770C 651671.5 4767443.0 214.9 1.01 0.11 1.08 15.0 OTD770C 651662.6 4767446.0 198.4 2.66 0.15 2.75 15.0 OTD770C 651655.6 4767448.5 185.4 4.63 0.31 4.82 15.0 OTD770C 651648.6 4767451.0 172.4 3.58 0.38 3.82 15.0 OTD770C 651638.3 4767455.0 153.3 4.16 0.30 4.35 15.0 OTD770C 651631.3 4767458.0 140.4 5.80 0.42 6.06 15.0 OTD770C 651624.3 4767461.0 127.4 5.50 0.46 5.79 15.0 OTD770C 651617.3 4767463.5 114.5 4.05 0.35 4.27 15.0 OTD770C 651610.4 4767467.0 101.6 3.71 0.55 4.06 15.0 OTD770C 651603.5 4767470.0 88.7 6.91 0.80 7.42 15.0 OTD770C 651596.5 4767473.0 75.8 5.31 0.88 5.87 15.0 OTD770C 651589.7 4767476.5 62.9 4.02 0.78 4.51 15.0 OTD770C 651581.7 4767480.5 47.9 3.60 1.08 4.29 8.0 OTD770C 651571.2 4767486.5 27.7 2.81 1.60 3.83 15.0 OTD770C 651564.5 4767490.0 14.8 2.29 1.69 3.37 15.0 OTD770C 651556.0 4767495.0 -2.0 0.85 0.53 1.19 8.0 OTD770C 651519.1 4767519.0 -75.5 2.32 0.52 2.65 15.0 OTD770C 651512.6 4767523.5 -88.3 1.88 0.72 2.34 15.0 OTD770C 651506.2 4767527.0 -101.2 2.74 1.51 3.70 15.0 OTD770C 651499.8 4767531.5 -114.0 3.21 2.77 4.97 15.0 OTD770C 651493.4 4767536.0 -126.9 3.76 3.27 5.85 15.0 OTD770C 651480.9 4767545.0 -152.7 1.44 0.74 1.91 15.0 OTD770C 651474.8 4767550.0 -165.5 2.16 1.33 3.01 15.0 OTD770C 651468.7 4767555.0 -178.4 2.07 1.21 2.84 15.0 OTD770C 651462.6 4767559.5 -191.3 2.63 1.58 3.64 15.0 OTD770C 651456.5 4767564.0 -204.2 2.28 1.43 3.19 15.0 OTD770C 651450.5 4767568.5 -217.1 1.91 2.49 3.50 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD770C 651444.4 4767573.5 -230.0 2.04 1.57 3.04 15.0 OTD770C 651438.3 4767578.5 -242.9 1.70 1.05 2.37 15.0 OTD770C 651432.3 4767582.5 -255.8 1.22 1.44 2.14 15.0 OTD770C 651426.3 4767587.5 -268.6 1.01 2.26 2.45 15.0 OTD770C 651420.4 4767592.5 -281.5 1.40 2.83 3.20 15.0 OTD770D 651726.8 4767416.5 137.7 1.30 0.02 1.32 15.0 OTD770D 651712.3 4767416.5 95.1 1.10 0.02 1.11 15.0 OTD770D 651708.4 4767417.0 83.7 1.52 0.04 1.54 9.0 OTD770D 651704.6 4767417.0 72.3 1.78 0.06 1.82 15.0 OTD770D 651699.8 4767417.0 58.1 3.09 0.10 3.15 15.0 OTD770D 651695.1 4767417.0 44.4 3.39 0.19 3.51 14.0 OTD770D 651690.3 4767417.5 30.7 2.88 0.29 3.06 15.0 OTD770D 651685.5 4767418.0 16.5 5.76 0.87 6.31 15.0 OTD770D 651680.7 4767418.0 2.3 4.39 0.51 4.72 15.0 OTD770D 651675.8 4767418.0 -11.9 5.25 0.79 5.76 15.0 OTD770D 651671.0 4767418.5 -26.1 2.54 0.32 2.74 15.0 OTD770D 651666.1 4767419.0 -40.3 2.64 0.31 2.84 15.0 OTD770D 651661.3 4767420.0 -54.4 3.53 0.45 3.81 15.0 OTD770D 651656.9 4767420.5 -67.1 1.03 0.16 1.14 11.8 OTD770E 651671.3 4767418.5 -25.2 2.38 0.34 2.60 15.0 OTD770E 651666.5 4767418.5 -39.4 2.59 0.36 2.82 15.0 OTD770E 651661.6 4767418.5 -53.6 3.55 0.36 3.78 15.0 OTD770E 651657.5 4767418.5 -65.9 1.14 0.19 1.26 11.0 OTD770F 651698.0 4767415.5 179.4 1.21 0.04 1.24 15.0 OTD770F 651676.6 4767417.0 139.8 1.54 0.08 1.59 15.0 OTD770F 651666.6 4767418.5 121.4 1.95 0.08 2.00 15.0 OTD770F 651659.5 4767420.0 108.2 2.81 0.10 2.87 15.0 OTD770F 651652.4 4767421.0 95.1 4.24 0.35 4.46 15.0 OTD770F 651645.2 4767422.0 81.9 3.30 0.35 3.53 15.0 OTD770F 651639.3 4767422.5 70.9 4.45 0.44 4.73 10.0 OTD770F 651633.5 4767423.5 59.9 3.62 0.35 3.84 15.0 OTD770F 651626.5 4767424.5 46.7 3.51 0.47 3.81 15.0 OTD770F 651619.5 4767425.5 33.5 5.75 1.02 6.40 15.0 OTD770F 651612.5 4767427.0 20.3 4.06 1.22 4.83 15.0 OTD770F 651598.8 4767428.5 -5.3 1.00 0.28 1.18 15.0 OTD770F 651591.7 4767429.5 -18.5 0.92 0.26 1.08 15.0 OTD770F 651580.9 4767431.0 -38.8 0.82 0.33 1.03 16.0 OTD770F 651529.6 4767437.0 -136.4 1.50 0.90 2.08 12.0 OTD770F 651523.3 4767437.5 -148.3 2.27 1.16 3.01 15.0 OTD770F 651516.4 4767438.0 -161.6 1.99 0.97 2.61 15.0 OTD770F 651509.4 4767439.0 -174.9 2.30 1.29 3.12 15.0 OTD770F 651502.5 4767439.0 -188.2 1.69 0.96 2.30 15.0 OTD770F 651495.6 4767439.5 -201.5 1.12 0.35 1.34 15.0 OTD770F 651488.8 4767440.0 -214.8 2.16 0.84 2.70 15.0 OTD770F 651481.8 4767440.5 -228.1 1.40 0.47 1.70 15.0 OTD770F 651474.9 4767441.0 -241.5 1.24 0.54 1.58 15.0 OTD770F 651469.2 4767441.5 -252.6 1.64 0.68 2.07 10.0 OTD770F 651440.7 4767441.5 -309.3 0.72 0.93 1.32 15.0 OTD770F 651400.3 4767443.0 -390.8 0.56 0.84 1.10 15.0 OTD770F 651393.6 4767443.5 -404.3 0.60 0.68 1.03 15.0 OTD770G 651656.8 4767385.0 175.7 3.52 0.25 3.68 15.0 OTD770G 651649.1 4767383.0 162.9 4.50 0.39 4.75 15.0 OTD770G 651641.3 4767382.5 150.2 3.62 0.32 3.83 13.6 OTD770G 651626.1 4767378.5 124.6 3.47 0.32 3.68 12.8 OTD770G 651618.5 4767376.5 111.7 4.62 0.28 4.80 15.0 OTD770G 651611.5 4767375.5 98.5 4.17 0.26 4.34 15.0 OTD770G 651605.8 4767374.5 88.0 3.43 0.17 3.54 9.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD770G 651600.3 4767374.0 77.9 4.51 0.47 4.81 10.0 OTD770G 651594.6 4767372.5 66.9 4.40 0.49 4.71 15.0 OTD770G 651587.6 4767371.5 53.7 1.57 1.42 2.48 15.0 OTD770G 651564.8 4767366.5 12.3 1.49 0.29 1.67 8.0 OTD770G 651529.4 4767360.5 -50.7 0.62 0.59 1.00 15.0 OTD770G 651508.0 4767357.5 -90.1 1.43 0.38 1.67 15.0 OTD770G 651500.7 4767356.5 -103.3 1.61 0.41 1.87 15.0 OTD770G 651493.5 4767356.0 -116.4 1.20 0.26 1.36 15.0 OTD770G 651486.4 4767355.5 -129.6 1.35 0.43 1.63 15.0 OTD770G 651467.9 4767353.5 -163.9 1.10 0.47 1.40 15.0 OTD770G 651460.9 4767353.0 -177.1 1.19 0.42 1.46 15.0 OTD770G 651453.9 4767352.5 -190.4 0.89 0.50 1.20 15.0 OTD770G 651439.0 4767351.5 -218.7 2.19 1.12 2.90 15.0 OTD770G 651432.0 4767351.5 -232.0 1.52 1.36 2.39 15.0 OTD770G 651425.1 4767351.0 -245.3 2.09 2.43 3.64 15.0 OTD770G 651418.7 4767350.5 -257.7 1.71 1.31 2.55 13.0 OTD770G 651407.8 4767350.5 -279.1 0.61 1.00 1.25 15.0 OTD770G 651383.1 4767349.5 -329.4 1.11 0.70 1.56 15.0 OTD770G 651376.6 4767350.0 -342.9 0.63 0.62 1.02 15.0 OTD770G 651370.1 4767350.0 -356.4 0.83 0.99 1.46 15.0 OTD770G 651363.6 4767350.0 -369.9 0.62 0.84 1.15 15.0 OTD770G 651350.7 4767350.0 -397.0 0.79 0.77 1.28 15.0 OTD770H 651713.8 4767459.0 123.0 1.28 0.03 1.30 15.0 OTD770H 651709.0 4767460.0 108.8 1.16 0.06 1.20 15.0 OTD770H 651704.3 4767461.0 94.6 1.30 0.06 1.33 15.0 OTD770H 651699.6 4767462.5 80.4 1.88 0.08 1.93 15.0 OTD770H 651695.2 4767463.0 66.1 3.25 0.13 3.33 15.0 OTD770H 651690.6 4767464.0 51.9 3.18 0.21 3.31 15.0 OTD770H 651686.4 4767465.0 39.1 3.70 0.52 4.03 12.0 OTD770H 651682.2 4767466.5 26.3 5.08 0.89 5.64 15.0 OTD770H 651677.6 4767467.5 12.1 4.14 0.91 4.72 15.0 OTD770H 651672.9 4767469.0 -2.1 1.70 0.16 1.80 15.0 OTD770H 651668.2 4767471.0 -16.3 4.56 0.97 5.17 15.0 OTD770H 651663.6 4767472.5 -30.5 3.24 0.63 3.65 15.0 OTD770H 651658.9 4767473.0 -44.7 2.75 0.41 3.01 15.0 OTD770H 651651.7 4767475.5 -66.4 2.89 1.02 3.54 16.0 OTD770H 651649.2 4767476.5 -73.9 3.48 1.92 4.70 15.0 OTD770H 651644.5 4767478.0 -88.1 1.07 0.70 1.52 15.0 OTD770H 651639.8 4767479.5 -102.3 3.28 1.93 4.51 15.0 OTD770H 651635.0 4767481.0 -116.4 2.57 1.29 3.39 15.0 OTD770H 651630.3 4767483.0 -130.6 1.63 0.72 2.09 15.0 OTD770H 651625.5 4767484.5 -144.7 0.96 0.59 1.34 15.0 OTD770H 651611.5 4767489.0 -187.2 0.89 1.36 1.76 16.0 OTD770H 651603.9 4767491.5 -209.9 1.25 2.02 2.54 15.0 OTD770H 651599.2 4767493.0 -224.0 1.10 0.73 1.56 15.0 OTD770H 651594.5 4767495.0 -238.2 1.92 1.54 2.91 15.0 OTD770H 651589.8 4767496.0 -252.3 1.46 1.26 2.27 15.0 OTD841 651548.5 4767494.5 364.8 3.91 0.64 4.32 15.0 OTD841 651542.3 4767496.0 351.2 3.38 1.61 4.40 15.0 OTD841 651537.6 4767497.0 340.7 4.42 1.06 5.10 8.0 OTD841 651532.9 4767497.5 330.3 3.86 0.93 4.45 15.0 OTD841 651526.7 4767499.0 316.7 6.98 1.44 7.90 15.0 OTD841 651520.6 4767500.5 303.1 5.21 1.61 6.23 15.0 OTD841 651514.4 4767502.0 289.5 4.78 1.32 5.62 15.0 OTD841 651505.0 4767504.0 268.6 4.01 0.85 4.56 16.0 OTD841 651501.8 4767505.0 261.3 4.62 1.62 5.65 15.0 OTD841 651495.6 4767506.5 247.7 3.38 1.40 4.27 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV.(%) LENGTH(M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------ --------- OTD841 651489.5 4767507.5 234.1 3.28 1.73 4.39 15.0 OTD841 651421.8 4767523.5 83.3 1.37 0.33 1.58 15.0 OTD841A 651582.9 4767482.0 335.8 0.99 0.14 1.08 15.0 OTD841A 651579.7 4767482.0 321.2 2.01 0.11 2.08 15.0 OTD841A 651576.5 4767482.0 306.5 2.77 0.18 2.89 15.0 OTD841A 651573.2 4767482.0 291.9 3.94 0.88 4.50 15.0 OTD841A 651570.1 4767482.5 277.2 4.22 1.29 5.05 15.0 OTD841A 651566.8 4767483.0 262.5 6.25 2.00 7.53 15.0 OTD841A 651562.8 4767483.5 244.0 5.45 1.91 6.67 15.0 OTD841A 651559.6 4767483.5 229.3 4.47 0.97 5.09 15.0 OTD841A 651556.4 4767484.0 214.7 4.34 1.06 5.02 15.0 OTD841A 651553.1 4767484.0 200.1 4.34 0.58 4.71 15.0 OTD841A 651549.7 4767485.0 185.4 2.32 0.39 2.56 15.0 OTD841A 651546.5 4767485.0 170.8 4.84 0.57 5.20 15.0 OTD841A 651543.5 4767485.0 156.6 4.13 0.67 4.56 14.0 OTD841A 651540.3 4767485.5 142.5 3.72 1.00 4.35 15.0 OTD841A 651537.1 4767485.5 127.8 2.82 0.98 3.44 15.0 OTD841A 651533.9 4767486.0 113.2 2.26 0.80 2.77 15.0 OTD841A 651530.7 4767486.5 98.5 1.98 1.43 2.89 15.0 OTD841A 651527.6 4767486.5 84.4 2.17 1.45 3.10 14.0 OTD841A 651512.3 4767488.5 14.6 1.21 0.31 1.41 15.0 OTD841A 651509.0 4767489.0 -0.1 0.81 0.44 1.09 15.0 OTD841A 651506.4 4767489.5 -11.8 0.80 0.32 1.00 9.0 OTD841A 651499.3 4767491.0 -43.0 1.91 0.38 2.15 15.0 OTD841A 651496.1 4767491.5 -57.6 1.77 0.50 2.09 15.0 OTD841A 651492.8 4767492.5 -72.2 1.88 0.45 2.16 15.0 OTD841A 651489.5 4767493.5 -86.8 2.29 0.74 2.76 15.0 OTD841A 651486.1 4767494.0 -101.4 2.98 1.84 4.15 15.0 OTD841A 651482.8 4767495.0 -116.0 3.00 2.36 4.50 15.0 OTD841A 651479.5 4767495.5 -130.6 2.24 1.13 2.96 15.0 OTD841A 651476.1 4767496.5 -145.2 1.81 0.72 2.26 15.0 OTD841A 651472.8 4767497.5 -159.8 1.92 0.69 2.36 15.0 OTD841A 651469.5 4767498.5 -174.4 2.15 0.96 2.76 15.0 OTD841A 651466.1 4767499.5 -188.9 2.32 0.92 2.90 15.0 OTD841A 651462.8 4767501.0 -203.5 1.92 0.56 2.28 15.0 OTD841A 651459.5 4767502.5 -218.1 1.55 0.73 2.01 15.0 OTD841A 651450.5 4767506.5 -256.8 1.37 0.84 1.91 15.0 OTD841A 651447.0 4767508.0 -271.4 1.76 1.37 2.63 15.0 OTD841A 651443.6 4767509.5 -285.9 2.35 3.61 4.65 15.0 OTD841A 651440.1 4767511.5 -300.4 1.72 2.51 3.32 15.0 OTD841A 651436.6 4767513.0 -314.9 0.61 0.92 1.19 15.0 OTD841A 651433.1 4767514.5 -329.3 0.88 1.17 1.63 15.0 OTD870 651817.0 4766513.0 140.1 1.15 0.13 1.23 15.0 OTD870 651815.9 4766492.5 108.4 0.86 0.23 1.00 15.0 OTD870 651815.4 4766483.5 95.9 1.17 0.30 1.37 15.0 OTD870 651814.9 4766475.0 83.4 0.93 0.24 1.08 15.0 OTD870 651814.5 4766467.0 71.0 0.82 0.43 1.10 13.0 OTD870 651813.5 4766446.0 39.4 0.69 0.64 1.10 13.3 OTD890 651698.5 4767017.0 337.1 4.92 0.30 5.11 15.0 OTD890 651697.3 4767011.0 323.3 2.41 0.18 2.52 15.0 OTD890 651696.1 4767005.5 309.4 1.94 0.07 1.98 15.0 OTD890 651695.0 4767000.0 295.6 2.90 0.25 3.06 15.0 OTD890 651693.8 4766994.5 281.7 5.11 1.83 6.27 15.0 OTD890 651692.4 4766989.5 267.8 2.70 0.86 3.25 15.0 OTD890 651691.0 4766983.5 254.0 3.69 0.32 3.90 15.0 OTD890 651688.8 4766975.5 233.7 2.30 0.17 2.41 15.0 OTD890 651687.3 4766969.5 219.9 1.96 0.21 2.10 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD890 651685.6 4766963.5 206.1 2.24 0.16 2.34 15.0 OTD890 651684.0 4766958.0 192.3 2.11 0.19 2.23 15.0 OTD890 651682.3 4766952.5 178.5 2.03 0.12 2.11 15.0 OTD890 651680.6 4766947.0 164.7 2.06 0.19 2.18 15.0 OTD890 651678.0 4766938.5 143.6 1.50 0.14 1.59 16.0 OTD890 651675.5 4766931.0 125.3 2.00 0.22 2.14 16.0 OTD890 651672.5 4766922.0 103.3 1.32 0.08 1.37 15.0 OTD890 651670.8 4766917.0 91.3 1.29 0.08 1.34 11.0 OTD891 651811.0 4767040.5 27.9 1.80 0.11 1.87 12.0 OTD891 651808.2 4767040.5 14.7 2.97 0.77 3.46 15.0 OTD891 651805.0 4767040.0 0.1 1.62 0.20 1.74 15.0 OTD891 651800.4 4767040.0 -20.4 2.57 0.28 2.75 15.0 OTD891 651797.1 4767039.5 -35.1 1.77 0.22 1.91 15.0 OTD891 651793.8 4767039.0 -49.7 1.37 0.18 1.48 15.0 OTD891 651790.5 4767038.5 -64.4 2.11 0.28 2.29 15.0 OTD891 651787.3 4767038.5 -79.0 2.48 0.31 2.67 15.0 OTD891 651784.0 4767038.0 -93.6 1.71 0.15 1.80 15.0 OTD891 651780.8 4767038.0 -108.3 1.54 0.17 1.65 15.0 OTD891 651777.5 4767038.0 -122.9 1.23 0.14 1.32 15.0 OTD891 651774.2 4767037.5 -137.5 1.25 0.16 1.35 15.0 OTD891 651764.1 4767037.0 -181.4 0.98 0.20 1.11 15.0 OTD891 651760.6 4767037.0 -196.0 0.97 0.45 1.26 15.0 OTD891 651753.6 4767036.5 -225.1 0.89 0.36 1.12 15.0 OTD891 651750.0 4767036.5 -239.7 0.81 0.41 1.08 15.0 OTD891 651746.3 4767036.5 -254.2 0.78 0.39 1.03 15.0 OTD891 651738.8 4767037.5 -283.3 0.90 0.71 1.35 15.0 OTD891 651735.0 4767037.5 -297.8 0.92 0.67 1.34 15.0 OTD891 651731.1 4767038.0 -312.3 0.88 0.59 1.25 15.0 OTD891 651727.3 4767038.0 -326.8 0.88 0.53 1.22 15.0 OTD891 651716.4 4767038.5 -369.9 0.87 0.45 1.16 14.0 OTD891 651658.3 4767048.0 -591.8 0.82 0.40 1.07 15.0 OTD891A 651780.0 4767053.5 124.6 1.09 0.01 1.09 15.0 OTD891A 651773.2 4767054.5 105.8 1.81 0.06 1.84 15.0 OTD891A 651768.1 4767055.5 91.7 3.33 0.22 3.47 15.0 OTD891A 651763.1 4767056.0 77.6 2.16 0.25 2.32 15.0 OTD891A 651758.0 4767056.5 63.5 3.14 0.39 3.39 15.0 OTD891A 651752.8 4767057.0 49.4 3.91 0.87 4.46 15.0 OTD891A 651747.8 4767057.5 35.3 4.89 2.18 6.28 15.0 OTD891A 651741.4 4767058.5 17.5 4.32 1.09 5.01 15.0 OTD891A 651736.4 4767059.0 3.3 3.30 0.67 3.73 15.0 OTD891A 651731.4 4767059.5 -10.8 1.92 0.33 2.13 15.0 OTD891A 651726.4 4767060.0 -24.9 1.75 0.20 1.88 15.0 OTD891A 651721.3 4767060.5 -39.0 1.78 0.32 1.99 15.0 OTD891A 651716.3 4767061.0 -53.1 1.20 0.35 1.42 15.0 OTD891A 651711.3 4767061.5 -67.3 1.52 0.30 1.71 15.0 OTD891A 651706.1 4767062.0 -81.4 1.59 0.28 1.76 15.0 OTD891A 651701.1 4767062.5 -95.5 1.53 0.28 1.71 15.0 OTD891A 651696.0 4767063.5 -109.5 1.15 0.23 1.30 15.0 OTD891A 651690.8 4767064.0 -123.6 1.05 0.18 1.16 15.0 OTD891A 651685.5 4767064.5 -137.6 0.91 0.14 1.00 15.0 OTD891A 651670.1 4767066.0 -178.8 1.28 0.20 1.41 15.0 OTD891A 651659.6 4767067.0 -206.9 0.89 0.39 1.14 15.0 OTD891A 651654.3 4767068.0 -220.9 0.86 0.67 1.29 15.0 OTD891A 651635.0 4767070.5 -271.3 0.74 0.58 1.11 15.0 OTD891B 651733.6 4767067.0 240.3 4.05 0.64 4.46 15.0 OTD891B 651727.3 4767068.0 228.4 6.61 1.63 7.65 12.0 OTD891B 651721.1 4767069.0 216.4 5.46 1.12 6.18 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD891B 651714.1 4767070.5 203.2 4.26 0.64 4.67 15.0 OTD891B 651707.1 4767071.0 190.0 2.91 0.39 3.16 15.0 OTD891B 651700.1 4767072.5 176.8 2.42 0.22 2.56 15.0 OTD891B 651692.9 4767073.0 163.7 4.64 1.15 5.38 15.0 OTD891B 651685.7 4767073.5 150.5 4.08 1.36 4.95 15.0 OTD891B 651677.6 4767074.5 135.7 3.11 1.02 3.76 15.0 OTD891B 651670.4 4767075.0 122.5 3.37 0.91 3.95 15.0 OTD891B 651663.1 4767076.0 109.5 3.26 1.11 3.97 15.0 OTD891B 651655.8 4767077.5 96.4 3.41 0.94 4.01 15.0 OTD891B 651644.5 4767078.5 76.5 0.93 0.19 1.05 15.0 OTD891B 651637.1 4767080.0 63.5 0.94 0.24 1.09 15.0 OTD891B 651629.9 4767081.5 51.0 1.62 0.35 1.85 10.0 OTD891B 651597.6 4767089.0 -4.4 1.87 0.36 2.10 15.0 OTD891B 651590.0 4767091.0 -17.2 1.36 0.20 1.48 15.0 OTD891B 651582.4 4767093.0 -30.0 1.35 0.32 1.55 15.0 OTD891B 651565.2 4767097.5 -58.3 1.21 0.57 1.57 14.0 OTD891B 651541.8 4767104.5 -95.4 1.07 0.96 1.68 15.0 OTD891B 651513.4 4767113.0 -138.2 1.25 0.54 1.59 15.0 OTD891B 651505.0 4767115.5 -150.3 1.44 0.60 1.82 15.0 OTD918 651589.5 4767664.0 320.7 2.97 0.34 3.19 15.0 OTD918 651579.5 4767665.5 312.4 3.75 1.76 4.87 11.0 OTD918 651570.0 4767666.5 304.4 2.91 0.88 3.47 14.0 OTD918 651557.3 4767668.5 294.0 5.02 1.07 5.70 15.0 OTD918 651545.8 4767670.5 284.6 4.72 2.04 6.02 15.0 OTD918A 651643.2 4767703.0 293.8 1.60 0.11 1.67 15.0 OTD918A 651633.8 4767706.5 282.6 2.34 0.19 2.46 15.0 OTD918A 651624.4 4767710.0 271.5 2.81 0.48 3.11 15.0 OTD918A 651615.0 4767713.5 260.3 5.11 1.51 6.08 15.0 OTD918A 651602.0 4767718.5 244.6 3.41 1.30 4.24 15.0 OTD918A 651592.7 4767721.5 233.4 4.12 1.62 5.15 15.0 OTD918A 651577.1 4767727.5 214.7 4.65 1.37 5.52 15.0 OTD918A 651567.8 4767731.0 203.5 3.08 0.97 3.70 15.0 OTD918A 651558.4 4767734.0 192.4 1.77 0.88 2.33 15.0 OTD918A 651538.5 4767742.0 168.5 2.57 1.59 3.58 15.0 OTD918A 651529.2 4767745.5 157.2 3.47 3.00 5.38 15.0 OTD918A 651519.9 4767749.0 145.9 2.95 2.01 4.23 15.0 OTD918A 651511.1 4767752.0 135.5 2.82 2.24 4.24 13.0 OTD918B 651659.0 4767823.5 253.9 1.11 0.14 1.20 15.0 OTD918B 651650.4 4767830.0 243.2 2.31 0.36 2.54 15.0 OTD918B 651641.9 4767836.0 232.5 3.45 0.77 3.94 15.0 OTD918B 651633.4 4767842.5 221.9 3.85 1.38 4.73 15.0 OTD918B 651626.4 4767847.5 213.0 1.74 0.48 2.05 10.0 OTD918B 651619.0 4767853.0 203.7 1.22 0.79 1.72 12.0 OTD918B 651600.2 4767867.0 179.9 0.66 0.53 1.00 16.0 OTD918C 651687.5 4767665.0 234.8 1.07 0.05 1.10 15.0 OTD918C 651680.1 4767668.0 222.0 1.92 0.20 2.04 15.0 OTD918C 651672.8 4767671.0 209.3 2.91 0.33 3.12 15.0 OTD918C 651665.5 4767674.0 196.7 3.79 0.52 4.12 15.0 OTD918C 651658.1 4767677.5 184.0 4.38 0.39 4.63 15.0 OTD918C 651650.6 4767681.0 171.4 2.85 0.27 3.02 15.0 OTD918C 651643.3 4767684.5 158.8 3.78 0.28 3.96 15.0 OTD918C 651635.9 4767688.0 146.2 7.00 1.21 7.77 15.0 OTD918C 651629.8 4767691.0 135.8 3.77 0.96 4.39 10.0 OTD918C 651623.6 4767694.5 125.4 3.78 1.18 4.53 15.0 OTD918C 651616.3 4767698.5 112.9 5.79 1.82 6.95 15.0 OTD918C 651609.0 4767702.5 100.4 4.80 1.54 5.78 15.0 OTD918C 651601.7 4767707.0 88.1 7.17 2.54 8.78 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD918C 651594.5 4767710.5 75.7 5.67 2.60 7.33 15.0 OTD918C 651587.2 4767715.0 63.4 3.56 1.30 4.39 15.0 OTD918C 651576.0 4767722.0 44.6 3.19 1.78 4.32 15.0 OTD918C 651568.5 4767727.0 32.4 4.53 2.31 6.00 15.0 OTD918C 651561.0 4767731.5 20.2 2.48 1.28 3.30 15.0 OTD918C 651553.5 4767736.0 8.1 2.41 1.34 3.26 15.0 OTD918C 651545.9 4767740.5 -3.9 2.81 1.81 3.96 15.0 OTD918C 651539.3 4767744.5 -14.3 1.25 0.80 1.76 11.0 OTD918C 651527.8 4767752.5 -32.7 2.07 1.42 2.97 15.0 OTD918D 651738.2 4767680.5 222.8 1.04 0.02 1.06 15.0 OTD918D 651726.1 4767682.5 195.4 1.07 0.01 1.07 15.0 OTD918D 651711.5 4767685.0 162.6 1.42 0.05 1.45 15.0 OTD918D 651705.4 4767686.5 149.0 1.30 0.04 1.32 15.0 OTD918D 651699.4 4767688.0 135.3 1.11 0.05 1.14 15.0 OTD918D 651693.4 4767690.0 121.7 2.35 0.27 2.53 15.0 OTD918D 651687.3 4767691.0 108.0 4.04 0.52 4.37 15.0 OTD918D 651681.1 4767692.5 94.5 4.53 0.68 4.96 15.0 OTD918D 651671.6 4767695.0 73.7 4.13 0.49 4.44 16.0 OTD918D 651668.3 4767696.0 66.5 5.03 0.60 5.41 15.0 OTD918D 651662.0 4767697.5 52.9 3.57 0.43 3.85 15.0 OTD918D 651655.8 4767699.5 39.4 4.11 0.88 4.67 15.0 OTD918D 651649.3 4767701.0 26.0 5.11 1.30 5.94 15.0 OTD918D 651639.3 4767703.5 5.4 4.08 0.80 4.59 16.0 OTD918D 651635.8 4767704.5 -1.7 3.77 0.92 4.35 15.0 OTD918D 651629.3 4767706.5 -15.1 2.37 0.71 2.82 15.0 OTD918D 651622.6 4767708.5 -28.4 3.95 1.55 4.93 15.0 OTD918D 651615.8 4767710.0 -41.7 2.57 1.16 3.30 15.0 OTD918D 651607.3 4767713.0 -58.4 2.81 1.31 3.65 15.0 OTD918D 651600.5 4767715.0 -71.6 2.09 0.65 2.51 15.0 OTD918D 651593.6 4767716.0 -84.9 1.19 0.41 1.45 15.0 OTD918D 651586.6 4767718.5 -98.0 1.67 0.70 2.12 15.0 OTD918D 651581.3 4767720.0 -108.0 0.93 0.67 1.36 8.0 OTD918D 651541.4 4767732.5 -180.4 1.33 0.99 1.96 15.0 OTD918D 651534.1 4767735.0 -193.3 1.66 0.67 2.09 15.0 OTD918D 651526.9 4767737.0 -206.2 1.29 0.61 1.68 15.0 OTD918D 651519.6 4767739.5 -219.1 0.92 0.58 1.29 15.0 OTD918D 651512.4 4767742.0 -232.0 1.48 0.84 2.02 15.0 OTD918E 651782.6 4767663.0 177.3 1.26 0.05 1.29 15.0 OTD918E 651759.5 4767666.5 99.7 1.10 0.02 1.12 15.0 OTD918E 651746.9 4767668.0 56.6 1.19 0.03 1.21 15.0 OTD918E 651738.5 4767670.0 27.8 1.13 0.08 1.18 15.0 OTD918E 651734.3 4767671.0 13.5 1.00 0.02 1.01 15.0 OTD918E 651730.0 4767671.5 -0.9 1.09 0.04 1.12 15.0 OTD918E 651725.9 4767672.5 -15.3 1.34 0.08 1.39 15.0 OTD918E 651721.7 4767673.5 -29.7 3.28 0.67 3.70 15.0 OTD918E 651717.6 4767674.5 -44.1 4.17 0.67 4.59 15.0 OTD918E 651713.5 4767675.5 -58.5 4.25 0.55 4.60 15.0 OTD918E 651709.3 4767677.0 -72.8 4.62 0.59 5.00 15.0 OTD918E 651705.4 4767678.0 -86.7 3.23 0.40 3.49 14.0 OTD918E 651701.5 4767678.5 -100.6 2.86 0.32 3.07 15.0 OTD918E 651697.6 4767680.0 -115.1 2.24 0.42 2.51 15.0 OTD918E 651693.6 4767681.5 -129.5 2.13 0.38 2.37 15.0 OTD918E 651689.7 4767682.5 -143.9 1.68 0.31 1.88 15.0 OTD918E 651685.8 4767683.5 -158.3 2.41 0.35 2.63 15.0 OTD918E 651681.9 4767684.5 -172.8 2.54 0.51 2.87 15.0 OTD918E 651678.0 4767686.0 -187.2 2.12 0.36 2.34 15.0 OTD918E 651674.1 4767687.0 -201.6 2.01 0.28 2.19 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD918E 651670.1 4767688.5 -216.0 1.57 0.28 1.75 15.0 OTD918E 651664.5 4767691.0 -237.2 2.15 1.31 2.98 15.0 OTD918E 651660.5 4767692.5 -251.6 0.68 0.73 1.14 15.0 OTD918E 651656.6 4767693.5 -266.0 1.52 1.89 2.72 15.0 OTD918E 651652.6 4767695.0 -280.4 1.30 1.64 2.35 15.0 OTD918E 651648.7 4767696.5 -294.8 1.14 1.63 2.18 15.0 OTD918E 651644.8 4767698.0 -309.2 0.61 0.79 1.11 15.0 OTD918E 651640.9 4767699.5 -323.6 0.80 0.70 1.25 15.0 OTD918E 651634.7 4767702.5 -346.0 1.52 1.72 2.61 16.8 OTD918G 651807.5 4767737.5 -8.6 1.00 0.02 1.02 15.0 OTD918G 651804.6 4767739.5 -23.2 1.11 0.04 1.13 15.0 OTD918G 651801.8 4767742.0 -37.7 1.21 0.05 1.24 15.0 OTD918G 651799.0 4767744.5 -52.3 1.42 0.05 1.45 15.0 OTD918G 651796.1 4767747.0 -66.8 1.46 0.06 1.50 15.0 OTD918G 651793.3 4767749.0 -81.4 1.11 0.08 1.17 15.0 OTD918G 651790.5 4767751.0 -95.9 1.54 0.09 1.59 15.0 OTD918G 651787.8 4767753.0 -110.5 1.14 0.04 1.16 15.0 OTD918G 651782.2 4767757.5 -139.7 1.87 0.10 1.93 15.0 OTD918G 651779.6 4767760.0 -154.3 1.71 0.09 1.77 15.0 OTD918G 651771.7 4767766.5 -198.1 1.29 0.07 1.34 15.0 OTD918G 651769.1 4767768.5 -212.7 1.83 0.11 1.90 15.0 OTD918G 651766.5 4767771.0 -227.3 1.27 0.15 1.36 15.0 OTD918G 651763.8 4767773.0 -241.9 2.06 0.24 2.21 15.0 OTD918G 651761.3 4767775.5 -256.5 2.02 0.17 2.12 15.0 OTD918H 651807.7 4767669.0 -42.2 1.06 0.02 1.07 15.0 OTD918H 651803.0 4767672.0 -76.8 1.01 0.02 1.03 15.0 OTD918H 651801.0 4767673.0 -91.7 1.19 0.02 1.20 15.0 OTD918H 651797.0 4767674.5 -121.3 1.00 0.02 1.02 15.0 OTD918H 651793.1 4767677.5 -151.0 1.15 0.03 1.17 15.0 OTD918H 651789.3 4767679.5 -180.7 1.17 0.04 1.20 15.0 OTD918H 651787.4 4767681.0 -195.5 1.08 0.03 1.10 15.0 OTD918H 651785.6 4767682.0 -210.3 0.98 0.04 1.00 15.0 OTD918H 651783.7 4767683.5 -225.2 1.55 0.08 1.60 15.0 OTD918H 651781.8 4767684.5 -240.0 1.93 0.19 2.05 15.0 OTD918H 651780.0 4767686.0 -254.8 2.21 0.25 2.37 15.0 OTD918H 651777.8 4767687.0 -272.6 2.99 0.24 3.14 15.0 OTD918H 651775.9 4767688.5 -287.4 2.91 0.26 3.08 15.0 OTD918H 651774.5 4767689.0 -298.8 2.65 0.30 2.84 8.0 OTD918H 651773.1 4767690.0 -310.2 2.20 0.23 2.35 15.0 OTD918H 651771.2 4767691.5 -325.0 1.54 0.18 1.65 13.0 OTD918H 651769.4 4767692.5 -339.8 1.71 0.16 1.81 15.0 OTD918H 651767.5 4767693.5 -354.7 1.73 0.11 1.80 15.0 OTD918H 651765.6 4767694.5 -369.5 1.16 0.13 1.24 15.0 OTD918H 651763.0 4767696.5 -391.3 2.06 0.75 2.54 15.0 OTD918H 651761.1 4767698.0 -406.1 1.78 1.27 2.59 15.0 OTD918H 651759.2 4767699.0 -420.9 2.33 2.10 3.67 15.0 OTD918H 651757.4 4767700.5 -435.8 1.88 1.68 2.95 15.0 OTD918H 651755.5 4767701.5 -450.6 1.31 0.88 1.87 15.0 OTD918H 651753.6 4767703.0 -465.4 1.02 0.99 1.65 11.0 OTD918H 651750.0 4767705.5 -495.1 1.13 0.76 1.61 15.0 OTD918H 651748.1 4767706.5 -509.9 1.07 1.16 1.81 15.0 OTD934 651574.0 4767672.0 314.3 5.28 1.11 5.99 15.0 OTD934 651569.8 4767673.0 299.9 4.13 1.42 5.03 15.0 OTD934 651562.9 4767674.0 276.5 2.06 0.99 2.69 10.0 OTD934 651551.2 4767677.5 235.7 1.46 0.44 1.74 15.0 OTD934 651547.1 4767678.0 221.3 1.48 0.56 1.84 15.0 OTD934 651543.4 4767679.0 208.4 1.09 0.34 1.30 12.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD934 651539.7 4767680.0 195.4 2.66 1.40 3.56 15.0 OTD934 651535.6 4767681.0 181.0 2.14 0.76 2.62 15.0 OTD934 651531.6 4767682.0 166.6 2.33 1.43 3.24 15.0 OTD934 651527.5 4767683.5 152.2 3.36 2.05 4.66 15.0 OTD934 651523.5 4767684.5 137.8 4.34 2.91 6.19 15.0 OTD934 651519.5 4767685.5 123.4 3.25 2.66 4.94 15.0 OTD934 651479.8 4767695.0 -24.0 1.70 0.85 2.24 10.0 OTD939 651574.3 4767828.5 196.5 1.81 1.96 3.06 16.0 OTD957 651791.8 4766829.5 283.6 3.74 0.18 3.85 15.0 OTD957 651790.6 4766825.0 269.3 4.05 0.31 4.24 15.0 OTD957 651789.4 4766820.5 253.0 3.58 0.27 3.75 15.0 OTD957 651788.2 4766816.0 238.7 4.41 0.74 4.88 15.0 OTD957 651786.9 4766812.0 224.4 2.84 0.19 2.96 15.0 OTD957 651785.6 4766807.5 210.1 3.50 0.34 3.72 15.0 OTD957 651784.3 4766803.5 195.8 4.95 0.44 5.23 15.0 OTD957 651782.9 4766799.0 181.6 2.26 0.22 2.40 15.0 OTD957 651781.5 4766794.5 167.4 2.93 0.65 3.34 15.0 OTD957 651780.0 4766790.0 153.1 4.06 0.70 4.51 15.0 OTD957 651778.5 4766785.5 138.9 4.28 1.11 4.99 15.0 OTD957 651777.0 4766781.0 124.7 3.76 1.12 4.47 15.0 OTD957 651775.5 4766776.5 110.4 3.11 0.38 3.35 15.0 OTD957 651774.1 4766772.0 96.2 3.96 0.64 4.37 15.0 OTD957 651772.6 4766767.5 82.0 3.89 0.20 4.01 15.0 OTD957 651771.2 4766762.5 67.8 2.47 0.16 2.57 15.0 OTD957 651769.5 4766757.5 51.6 1.15 0.21 1.28 15.0 OTD957 651768.2 4766753.5 39.3 1.27 0.25 1.43 11.0 OTD958 651571.0 4767206.0 289.5 1.05 0.04 1.07 15.0 OTD958 651567.1 4767206.0 275.0 1.51 0.04 1.53 15.0 OTD958 651563.1 4767205.5 260.5 1.56 0.03 1.58 15.0 OTD958 651559.3 4767206.0 246.0 1.61 0.05 1.64 15.0 OTD958 651555.3 4767206.0 231.6 1.39 0.05 1.42 15.0 OTD958 651549.4 4767206.0 210.4 2.28 1.11 2.99 15.0 OTD958 651545.5 4767206.0 195.9 3.47 2.24 4.90 15.0 OTD958 651519.9 4767206.5 100.3 .58 0.19 1.70 16.0 OTD958 651512.8 4767206.5 73.6 .41 0.14 1.50 15.2 OTD958A 651544.2 4767205.0 360.5 .74 0.13 1.82 15.0 OTD958A 651537.9 4767205.5 346.9 .58 0.07 1.62 15.0 OTD958A 651531.5 4767205.5 333.3 .68 0.04 1.71 15.0 OTD958A 651525.1 4767206.0 319.7 .57 0.03 1.59 15.0 OTD958A 651518.8 4767206.5 306.1 .03 0.06 1.07 15.0 OTD958A 651511.3 4767207.0 289.8 2.57 0.56 2.93 15.0 OTD958A 651505.5 4767207.5 277.1 2.24 1.13 2.96 13.0 OTD958A 651492.1 4767208.5 248.0 0.95 0.40 1.21 9.0 OTD958A 651479.7 4767210.0 220.7 1.31 0.16 1.41 15.0 OTD958A 651473.5 4767210.0 207.1 1.32 0.14 1.41 15.0 OTD958A 651467.3 4767210.5 193.4 0.97 0.23 1.12 15.0 OTD958A 651443.3 4767211.0 140.6 1.42 0.12 1.49 15.0 OTD958A 651437.2 4767211.5 126.9 1.58 0.14 1.67 15.0 OTD958A 651431.1 4767211.5 113.3 2.13 0.32 2.33 15.0 OTD958A 651425.0 4767211.5 99.6 2.20 0.22 2.34 15.0 OTD958A 651418.8 4767211.5 85.9 2.19 0.25 2.35 15.0 OTD958A 651412.6 4767211.0 72.2 1.71 0.18 1.82 15.0 OTD958A 651406.5 4767211.0 58.5 1.68 0.16 1.78 15.0 OTD958A 651400.8 4767211.0 45.7 1.30 0.17 1.41 13.0 OTD958A 651386.9 4767211.0 14.7 1.30 0.18 1.41 15.0 OTD958A 651374.6 4767211.0 -12.7 1.39 0.21 1.53 15.0 OTD958A 651368.6 4767211.5 -26.4 1.67 0.27 1.85 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD958A 651362.4 4767212.0 -40.1 1.41 0.50 1.73 15.0 OTD958A 651356.3 4767212.0 -53.8 1.75 0.98 2.38 15.0 OTD958A 651350.2 4767212.5 -67.5 1.13 0.52 1.46 15.0 OTD958A 651344.1 4767212.5 -81.2 1.41 0.69 1.85 15.0 OTD958A 651338.1 4767212.5 -94.9 1.32 0.73 1.78 15.0 OTD958A 651332.0 4767212.5 -108.6 1.35 1.03 2.01 15.0 OTD958A 651319.7 4767213.0 -136.0 1.31 0.42 1.58 15.0 OTD958A 651310.1 4767213.5 -157.3 1.35 0.82 1.87 16.8 OTD958C 651479.8 4767202.0 357.7 1.54 0.22 1.68 15.0 OTD958C 651411.5 4767207.5 250.8 0.93 0.12 1.01 15.0 OTD960 651579.0 4767334.0 394.4 1.15 0.04 1.18 15.0 OTD960 651556.8 4767333.0 355.2 1.55 0.04 1.58 15.0 OTD960 651549.4 4767332.5 342.2 1.03 0.05 1.06 15.0 OTD960 651542.0 4767332.0 329.1 1.14 0.03 1.16 15.0 OTD960 651536.3 4767332.0 319.1 1.76 0.13 1.84 8.0 OTD960 651531.4 4767332.0 310.4 3.15 0.30 3.34 12.0 OTD960 651524.7 4767332.0 298.7 2.55 0.51 2.88 15.0 OTD960 651517.3 4767332.0 285.7 4.08 1.68 5.15 15.0 OTD960 651510.1 4767332.0 273.1 3.16 1.80 4.31 14.0 OTD960 651448.2 4767333.0 165.0 1.90 0.16 2.01 15.0 OTD960 651440.7 4767333.5 152.1 1.51 0.14 1.59 15.0 OTD960 651433.1 4767334.0 139.1 1.14 0.11 1.21 15.0 OTD960 651425.6 4767334.5 126.2 1.14 0.11 1.21 15.0 OTD960 651418.1 4767335.5 113.2 1.09 0.13 1.17 15.0 OTD960 651395.1 4767337.0 74.6 1.08 0.12 1.15 15.0 OTD960 651388.3 4767338.5 63.0 1.02 0.23 1.16 12.0 OTD960B 651566.5 4767355.5 414.0 1.02 0.06 1.06 15.0 OTD960B 651558.1 4767356.5 401.5 1.35 0.07 1.40 15.0 OTD960B 651545.2 4767358.0 382.5 1.06 0.03 1.08 16.0 OTD960B 651536.2 4767358.5 369.4 2.62 0.35 2.85 16.0 OTD960B 651531.7 4767359.0 362.8 4.29 0.93 4.89 15.0 OTD960B 651523.3 4767360.0 350.4 3.92 0.82 4.45 15.0 OTD960B 651514.8 4767361.5 338.1 2.06 0.45 2.35 15.0 OTD960B 651506.2 4767362.5 325.8 4.86 1.84 6.03 15.0 OTD960B 651497.6 4767364.0 313.6 4.39 1.93 5.62 15.0 OTD960B 651394.7 4767390.0 169.0 0.93 0.24 1.08 10.0 OTD963 651738.0 4767828.0 206.5 1.53 0.09 1.59 15.0 OTD963 651731.1 4767831.0 193.4 1.07 0.13 1.15 15.0 OTD963 651724.3 4767833.5 180.3 2.04 0.48 2.35 15.0 OTD963 651717.5 4767836.0 167.2 2.09 0.34 2.30 15.0 OTD963 651710.6 4767838.5 154.1 4.66 0.67 5.09 15.0 OTD963 651703.8 4767841.0 141.0 3.63 0.62 4.03 15.0 OTD963 651693.4 4767845.0 121.0 3.93 0.88 4.49 16.0 OTD963 651689.7 4767846.5 114.0 3.14 0.85 3.68 15.0 OTD963 651679.8 4767850.5 94.8 4.78 1.19 5.54 15.0 OTD963 651673.0 4767853.5 81.6 5.78 1.45 6.71 15.0 OTD963 651666.3 4767856.0 68.5 6.39 1.76 7.52 15.0 OTD963 651660.5 4767858.5 57.2 3.66 1.32 4.51 11.0 OTD963 651652.0 4767861.5 40.5 4.37 2.03 5.67 15.0 OTD963 651645.3 4767864.5 27.4 3.14 1.97 4.39 15.0 OTD963 651638.8 4767868.5 14.3 3.15 1.74 4.26 15.0 OTD963 651632.1 4767871.0 1.2 3.09 2.03 4.38 15.0 OTD963 651626.1 4767873.5 -10.6 1.50 1.08 2.19 12.0 OTD963 651613.8 4767879.0 -34.5 1.30 0.48 1.61 15.0 OTD963 651607.0 4767882.0 -47.6 1.29 0.40 1.55 15.0 OTD963A 651795.1 4767804.5 156.1 1.10 0.04 1.12 15.0 OTD963A 651790.4 4767805.0 141.8 1.02 0.04 1.04 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD963A 651785.7 4767805.0 127.6 1.08 0.05 1.11 15.0 OTD963A 651781.0 4767806.0 113.4 1.38 0.07 1.43 15.0 OTD963A 651776.3 4767806.5 99.1 1.20 0.07 1.24 15.0 OTD963A 651766.6 4767808.0 70.8 1.84 0.14 1.92 15.0 OTD963A 651761.7 4767809.0 56.7 2.58 0.21 2.71 15.0 OTD963A 651756.6 4767810.0 42.6 2.50 0.26 2.67 15.0 OTD963A 651751.6 4767810.5 28.5 3.73 0.36 3.96 15.0 OTD963A 651746.5 4767812.0 14.4 3.80 0.51 4.12 15.0 OTD963A 651740.5 4767813.0 -2.5 3.13 0.44 3.41 15.0 OTD963A 651735.5 4767814.0 -16.6 4.10 0.51 4.42 15.0 OTD963A 651730.5 4767815.5 -30.8 4.53 0.56 4.88 15.0 OTD963A 651725.6 4767816.5 -44.9 3.76 0.42 4.03 15.0 OTD963A 651720.8 4767818.0 -59.0 4.53 0.59 4.91 15.0 OTD963A 651716.0 4767819.5 -73.2 2.79 0.43 3.07 15.0 OTD963A 651710.6 4767821.5 -89.2 2.64 1.02 3.29 15.0 OTD963A 651706.0 4767822.5 -103.4 2.89 0.88 3.45 15.0 OTD963A 651701.2 4767824.0 -117.6 2.38 0.66 2.80 15.0 OTD963A 651696.5 4767825.5 -131.8 1.84 0.47 2.14 15.0 OTD963A 651692.1 4767827.0 -146.0 1.29 0.33 1.50 15.0 OTD963A 651687.7 4767829.0 -160.2 1.20 0.29 1.38 15.0 OTD963A 651683.3 4767830.5 -174.5 1.49 0.51 1.81 15.0 OTD963B 651701.0 4767772.0 204.9 1.16 0.05 1.19 15.0 OTD963B 651693.7 4767771.0 191.8 1.37 0.09 1.43 15.0 OTD963B 651686.5 4767770.5 178.7 1.61 0.14 1.70 15.0 OTD963B 651679.1 4767770.0 165.6 3.00 0.27 3.17 15.0 OTD963B 651671.9 4767769.5 152.5 4.47 0.38 4.71 15.0 OTD963B 651664.6 4767769.5 139.4 3.46 0.40 3.71 15.0 OTD963B 651657.3 4767769.0 126.3 2.93 0.39 3.18 15.0 OTD963B 651647.5 4767768.5 108.8 5.42 0.53 5.76 15.0 OTD963B 651640.1 4767768.5 95.8 5.42 0.78 5.92 15.0 OTD963B 651634.0 4767768.5 84.9 2.52 0.58 2.89 10.0 OTD963B 651626.8 4767768.5 72.3 5.54 1.80 6.68 15.0 OTD963B 651619.3 4767768.0 59.3 4.31 1.28 5.12 15.0 OTD963B 651611.8 4767767.5 46.3 4.22 1.92 5.44 15.0 OTD963B 651604.1 4767767.5 33.4 4.54 2.22 5.95 15.0 OTD963B 651596.5 4767767.5 20.6 4.53 2.42 6.08 15.0 OTD963B 651588.6 4767768.5 7.8 4.06 2.05 5.37 15.0 OTD963B 651580.7 4767769.0 -5.0 3.48 2.20 4.88 15.0 OTD963B 651572.8 4767770.0 -17.7 2.86 1.52 3.83 15.0 OTD963B 651564.8 4767771.0 -30.4 3.34 1.80 4.49 15.0 OTD963B 651556.9 4767772.0 -43.0 2.92 1.45 3.85 15.0 OTD963B 651548.9 4767773.5 -55.7 1.34 0.81 1.85 15.0 OTD963B 651540.9 4767774.5 -68.3 1.01 0.77 1.50 15.0 OTD963B 651503.2 4767781.0 -127.6 0.84 0.47 1.14 10.0 OTD963C 651758.3 4767781.0 181.1 1.15 0.02 1.16 15.0 OTD963C 651744.6 4767782.5 146.7 1.56 0.19 1.68 15.0 OTD963C 651739.0 4767783.0 132.8 1.15 0.07 1.19 15.0 OTD963C 651733.3 4767783.0 118.9 1.11 0.13 1.19 15.0 OTD963C 651727.7 4767783.5 105.0 3.08 0.23 3.23 15.0 OTD963C 651722.1 4767784.5 91.1 3.31 0.38 3.55 15.0 OTD963C 651716.6 4767785.0 77.2 3.35 0.48 3.66 15.0 OTD963C 651711.0 4767785.5 63.3 3.98 0.39 4.22 15.0 OTD963C 651706.6 4767786.0 52.1 2.33 0.55 2.68 9.0 OTD963C 651702.2 4767786.5 41.0 2.80 0.69 3.24 15.0 OTD963C 651696.7 4767787.5 27.0 3.47 0.70 3.91 15.0 OTD963C 651691.4 4767788.5 13.1 3.68 0.87 4.23 15.0 OTD963C 651686.0 4767790.0 -0.9 3.91 1.47 4.85 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD963C 651680.8 4767791.0 -14.9 3.26 1.43 4.17 15.0 OTD963C 651675.5 4767792.0 -28.9 5.00 2.12 6.35 15.0 OTD963C 651670.3 4767793.0 -42.9 4.45 2.31 5.92 15.0 OTD963C 651665.1 4767794.0 -56.9 3.43 1.36 4.30 15.0 OTD963C 651659.9 4767795.5 -71.0 2.24 0.63 2.64 15.0 OTD963C 651654.8 4767797.0 -85.0 2.90 1.17 3.64 15.0 OTD963C 651647.5 4767798.5 -104.6 1.43 1.04 2.10 15.0 OTD963C 651642.4 4767800.0 -118.6 0.76 0.67 1.18 15.0 OTD963C 651637.3 4767801.5 -132.7 0.69 0.52 1.02 15.0 OTD967 651772.6 4766950.0 214.4 1.86 0.24 2.01 15.0 OTD967 651769.2 4766950.0 199.8 1.87 0.15 1.97 15.0 OTD967 651765.8 4766950.5 185.2 1.23 0.11 1.30 15.0 OTD967 651762.4 4766950.5 170.6 2.92 0.39 3.17 15.0 OTD967 651759.1 4766951.0 156.0 3.65 0.55 4.00 15.0 OTD967 651755.7 4766951.5 141.3 3.78 0.58 4.15 15.0 OTD967 651752.3 4766951.5 126.7 4.15 0.87 4.71 15.0 OTD967 651749.0 4766951.5 112.1 3.88 0.72 4.34 15.0 OTD967 651745.6 4766952.0 97.5 4.12 0.54 4.46 15.0 OTD967 651740.6 4766952.5 76.1 1.47 0.15 1.56 15.0 OTD967 651737.2 4766952.5 61.4 1.99 0.15 2.09 15.0 OTD967 651733.8 4766953.0 46.8 1.55 0.29 1.74 15.0 OTD967 651730.4 4766953.5 32.2 2.23 0.29 2.41 15.0 OTD967 651727.0 4766953.5 17.6 1.56 0.34 1.77 15.0 OTD967 651723.5 4766953.5 3.0 1.60 0.20 1.72 15.0 OTD967 651720.2 4766954.0 -10.8 1.43 0.26 1.59 13.5 OTD967C 651819.1 4766959.5 68.6 4.03 0.13 4.11 15.0 OTD967C 651817.3 4766959.5 53.7 4.68 0.15 4.77 15.0 OTD967C 651815.5 4766960.0 38.8 5.08 0.26 5.25 15.0 OTD967C 651813.6 4766960.5 23.9 3.89 0.25 4.05 15.0 OTD967C 651811.9 4766960.5 9.5 3.55 0.39 3.80 14.0 OTD967C 651810.1 4766960.5 -4.9 2.42 0.20 2.54 15.0 OTD967C 651808.3 4766961.0 -19.8 2.26 0.28 2.44 15.0 OTD967C 651806.5 4766961.0 -34.7 1.91 0.22 2.05 15.0 OTD967C 651804.6 4766961.5 -49.5 1.20 0.12 1.28 15.0 OTD967C 651802.8 4766961.5 -64.4 1.87 0.13 1.96 15.0 OTD967C 651801.0 4766962.0 -79.3 1.57 0.12 1.64 15.0 OTD967C 651799.1 4766962.0 -94.2 1.44 0.15 1.54 15.0 OTD967C 651797.1 4766962.5 -109.1 1.31 0.17 1.42 15.0 OTD968A 651857.9 4766656.0 148.2 1.32 0.02 1.34 15.0 OTD968A 651855.6 4766656.0 133.4 1.17 0.02 1.18 15.0 OTD968A 651853.2 4766656.0 118.6 1.19 0.03 1.21 15.0 OTD968A 651851.0 4766655.5 104.7 1.73 0.06 1.77 13.0 OTD968A 651848.8 4766655.5 90.9 2.57 0.12 2.65 15.0 OTD968A 651846.6 4766655.0 77.1 1.50 0.07 1.55 13.0 OTD968A 651841.7 4766654.5 45.5 0.97 0.21 1.10 15.0 OTD970 651579.1 4767613.0 321.6 2.71 0.24 2.86 15.0 OTD970 651569.7 4767614.0 306.4 5.36 1.66 6.41 15.0 OTD970 651561.7 4767615.5 293.8 3.30 0.99 3.93 15.0 OTD970 651553.6 4767617.0 281.2 3.37 1.08 4.06 15.0 OTD970 651545.4 4767618.5 268.7 3.38 0.87 3.93 15.0 OTD970 651537.1 4767620.0 256.3 2.45 0.95 3.05 15.0 OTD970 651529.9 4767621.5 245.6 0.94 0.27 1.11 11.0 OTD970 651522.6 4767623.0 234.9 4.47 2.68 6.18 15.0 OTD970 651514.2 4767624.5 222.6 1.90 1.49 2.85 15.0 OTD970 651407.3 4767646.0 80.7 1.01 0.14 1.10 16.0 OTD970A 651635.0 4767614.5 264.9 1.47 0.07 1.52 15.0 OTD970A 651629.6 4767615.0 250.9 2.17 0.09 2.23 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD970A 651624.3 4767616.5 236.9 2.54 0.20 2.66 15.0 OTD970A 651618.8 4767617.5 223.0 4.37 0.41 4.63 15.0 OTD970A 651614.3 4767618.0 211.3 6.93 1.24 7.72 10.0 OTD970A 651609.8 4767619.0 199.7 4.63 0.97 5.25 15.0 OTD970A 651604.3 4767619.5 185.8 6.83 1.78 7.97 15.0 OTD970A 651598.8 4767620.5 171.9 6.11 1.61 7.13 15.0 OTD970A 651593.2 4767621.5 158.0 5.41 1.52 6.38 15.0 OTD970A 651587.5 4767622.5 144.1 3.46 1.00 4.10 15.0 OTD970A 651582.0 4767624.0 130.2 3.58 1.00 4.21 15.0 OTD970A 651576.2 4767625.0 116.4 3.97 1.69 5.05 15.0 OTD970A 651570.5 4767626.0 102.6 2.58 0.78 3.08 15.0 OTD970A 651564.7 4767627.0 88.8 2.77 1.54 3.75 15.0 OTD970A 651559.6 4767628.0 76.8 2.52 1.57 3.52 11.0 OTD970A 651555.1 4767628.0 66.3 1.51 1.35 2.37 12.0 OTD970A 651549.8 4767629.0 53.9 1.62 1.16 2.36 15.0 OTD970A 651542.5 4767630.0 37.5 2.53 1.85 3.71 15.0 OTD970A 651480.9 4767641.0 -94.4 1.84 0.75 2.32 15.0 OTD970A 651474.5 4767642.0 -107.9 0.86 0.22 1.00 15.0 OTD970A 651467.9 4767643.5 -121.4 1.23 0.61 1.62 15.0 OTD970A 651462.1 4767644.5 -133.3 2.03 0.57 2.39 11.6 OTD970B 651687.3 4767629.0 233.0 1.09 0.06 1.12 14.0 OTD970B 651683.9 4767630.0 219.0 1.43 0.10 1.49 15.0 OTD970B 651680.5 4767631.0 204.4 1.53 0.17 1.63 15.0 OTD970B 651677.0 4767631.5 189.8 3.08 0.32 3.29 15.0 OTD970B 651673.6 4767632.5 175.3 5.82 0.70 6.27 15.0 OTD970B 651670.2 4767633.5 160.7 4.43 0.54 4.78 15.0 OTD970B 651666.9 4767634.5 146.1 3.95 0.57 4.31 15.0 OTD970B 651663.6 4767635.5 131.5 3.84 0.36 4.06 15.0 OTD970B 651660.3 4767636.5 116.9 4.91 0.48 5.21 15.0 OTD970B 651657.0 4767638.0 102.3 5.27 0.70 5.72 15.0 OTD970B 651653.6 4767638.5 87.7 3.56 1.27 4.37 15.0 OTD970B 651650.4 4767639.5 73.1 4.06 1.34 4.91 15.0 OTD970B 651647.2 4767641.0 58.5 3.83 0.70 4.27 15.0 OTD970B 651644.0 4767642.5 43.9 4.19 0.89 4.76 15.0 OTD970B 651641.2 4767643.5 31.2 4.60 0.86 5.15 11.0 OTD970B 651638.4 4767644.5 18.6 3.65 0.98 4.28 15.0 OTD970B 651635.2 4767645.5 4.0 2.45 0.62 2.84 15.0 OTD970B 651632.0 4767647.5 -10.6 3.03 0.76 3.51 15.0 OTD970B 651629.0 4767648.5 -25.2 3.02 0.68 3.46 15.0 OTD970B 651625.8 4767650.0 -39.8 2.64 0.76 3.13 15.0 OTD970B 651622.8 4767651.5 -54.5 1.88 0.91 2.46 15.0 OTD970B 651619.8 4767653.0 -69.1 2.53 0.79 3.03 15.0 OTD970B 651616.8 4767654.5 -83.7 2.36 0.58 2.73 15.0 OTD970B 651613.8 4767656.0 -98.3 2.13 0.43 2.40 15.0 OTD970B 651610.8 4767657.5 -112.9 1.43 0.63 1.83 9.2 OTD971A 651739.2 4767134.0 122.1 1.89 0.03 1.91 15.0 OTD971A 651734.5 4767134.0 107.8 1.23 0.03 1.25 15.0 OTD971A 651729.8 4767134.5 93.6 1.52 0.23 1.67 15.0 OTD971A 651725.1 4767135.0 79.3 1.42 0.06 1.46 15.0 OTD971A 651720.9 4767135.0 66.5 1.92 0.09 1.98 12.0 OTD971A 651716.7 4767135.5 53.7 6.32 2.00 7.59 15.0 OTD971A 651712.0 4767135.5 39.4 5.17 1.37 6.04 15.0 OTD971A 651707.5 4767136.0 25.2 2.48 0.70 2.93 15.0 OTD971A 651702.8 4767136.5 10.9 2.49 0.77 2.98 15.0 OTD971A 651698.2 4767136.5 -3.4 2.08 0.52 2.41 15.0 OTD971A 651693.6 4767137.0 -17.6 4.39 1.10 5.09 15.0 OTD971A 651689.0 4767137.5 -31.9 3.72 0.65 4.14 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD971A 651684.4 4767138.0 -46.2 1.75 0.37 1.98 15.0 OTD971A 651679.8 4767139.0 -60.5 2.99 0.84 3.53 15.0 OTD971A 651675.3 4767139.5 -74.7 2.74 0.81 3.26 15.0 OTD971A 651670.6 4767140.0 -89.0 2.58 0.67 3.01 15.0 OTD971A 651666.1 4767140.5 -103.3 2.16 0.49 2.48 15.0 OTD971A 651661.7 4767141.0 -117.6 1.73 0.38 1.98 15.0 OTD971A 651645.0 4767144.5 -170.9 1.03 0.31 1.22 15.0 OTD971A 651640.3 4767145.5 -185.2 0.81 0.37 1.05 15.0 OTD971A 651630.0 4767147.5 -217.0 1.00 0.39 1.25 12.0 OTD971A 651623.2 4767149.0 -237.3 0.92 0.48 1.22 16.0 OTD971B 651608.8 4767129.0 223.1 2.82 0.52 3.15 15.0 OTD971B 651600.6 4767129.0 210.5 3.07 0.69 3.51 15.0 OTD971B 651588.1 4767128.5 191.3 3.83 1.50 4.78 16.0 OTD971B 651575.9 4767128.5 173.0 1.49 0.23 1.63 15.0 OTD971B 651567.5 4767128.0 160.5 1.12 0.15 1.21 15.0 OTD971B 651559.9 4767128.0 149.4 1.29 0.18 1.41 12.0 OTD971B 651547.6 4767128.0 131.7 1.01 0.39 1.25 15.0 OTD971B 651534.8 4767128.0 113.3 1.09 0.19 1.21 8.0 OTD971B 651462.6 4767130.0 15.6 1.65 0.28 1.82 15.0 OTD971B 651453.5 4767130.5 3.7 1.05 0.12 1.12 15.0 OTD971B 651444.1 4767131.5 -8.0 1.37 0.13 1.45 15.0 OTD971B 651434.8 4767132.5 -19.7 1.20 0.18 1.32 15.0 OTD971B 651425.4 4767133.0 -31.3 1.28 0.20 1.40 15.0 OTD971B 651415.7 4767134.0 -42.8 0.99 0.27 1.16 15.0 OTD971B 651406.1 4767135.0 -54.2 1.43 0.36 1.66 15.0 OTD971B 651396.5 4767136.0 -65.7 1.76 0.51 2.08 15.0 OTD971B 651386.5 4767137.5 -76.8 1.65 0.44 1.93 15.0 OTD971B 651376.6 4767139.0 -88.0 1.25 0.63 1.65 15.0 OTD971B 651366.5 4767140.0 -99.0 0.87 0.73 1.34 15.0 OTD971B 651346.3 4767144.0 -120.8 0.70 0.54 1.05 15.0 OTD971B 651335.9 4767146.0 -131.4 1.20 0.90 1.78 15.0 OTD971B 651325.5 4767148.0 -142.1 0.84 0.47 1.13 15.0 OTD971B 651315.0 4767150.5 -152.5 1.05 0.33 1.26 15.0 OTD971B 651304.3 4767153.0 -162.8 0.89 0.42 1.16 15.0 OTD971B 651293.8 4767155.5 -173.1 1.13 1.25 1.93 15.0 OTD972 651626.9 4767305.0 278.9 1.51 0.04 1.53 15.0 OTD972 651619.8 4767303.0 265.8 1.20 0.04 1.23 15.0 OTD972 651612.8 4767301.0 252.7 1.43 0.04 1.45 15.0 OTD972 651605.8 4767299.5 239.5 1.74 0.05 1.77 15.0 OTD972 651598.7 4767297.5 226.4 1.71 0.07 1.75 15.0 OTD972 651591.6 4767296.5 213.3 2.11 0.09 2.16 15.0 OTD972 651584.6 4767294.5 200.1 2.64 0.13 2.73 15.0 OTD972 651577.5 4767293.0 187.0 2.54 0.08 2.59 15.0 OTD972 651570.4 4767291.5 173.9 2.60 0.13 2.68 15.0 OTD972 651562.3 4767290.0 159.0 3.50 0.83 4.03 15.0 OTD972 651555.7 4767289.0 146.7 3.58 1.94 4.81 13.0 OTD972 651495.8 4767279.0 38.6 1.35 0.23 1.49 15.0 OTD972 651488.5 4767278.0 25.5 1.80 0.27 1.97 15.0 OTD972 651481.2 4767277.5 12.5 1.73 0.26 1.90 15.0 OTD972 651473.8 4767277.0 -0.6 2.10 0.35 2.32 15.0 OTD972 651462.5 4767275.5 -20.6 1.96 0.24 2.11 16.0 OTD972 651457.6 4767275.0 -29.3 1.55 0.29 1.73 15.0 OTD972 651450.3 4767274.0 -42.4 1.19 0.32 1.40 15.0 OTD972 651443.0 4767273.5 -55.4 1.51 0.33 1.72 15.0 OTD972 651435.7 4767273.0 -68.5 1.60 0.35 1.83 15.0 OTD972 651428.4 4767273.0 -81.6 1.69 0.33 1.90 15.0 OTD972 651421.1 4767272.5 -94.7 1.38 0.31 1.58 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD972 651414.0 4767272.0 -107.5 1.37 0.58 1.73 14.2 OTD973 651579.5 4767061.0 310.1 3.95 1.05 4.62 15.0 OTD973 651575.8 4767062.0 295.5 4.52 1.79 5.66 15.0 OTD973 651572.3 4767062.5 280.9 4.93 1.19 5.69 15.0 OTD973 651568.7 4767063.0 266.4 3.75 0.78 4.25 15.0 OTD973 651566.0 4767063.5 255.2 4.01 2.06 5.32 8.0 OTD973 651563.7 4767064.0 245.5 3.44 1.40 4.34 12.0 OTD973 651553.5 4767065.5 203.2 1.08 0.14 1.17 15.0 OTD976 651830.6 4767937.5 169.6 1.39 0.09 1.45 15.0 OTD976 651825.0 4767938.0 155.7 1.16 0.06 1.19 15.0 OTD976 651819.4 4767938.5 141.9 1.13 0.11 1.20 15.0 OTD976 651813.8 4767939.5 128.0 1.31 0.17 1.42 15.0 OTD976 651802.5 4767940.5 100.2 2.39 0.44 2.67 15.0 OTD976 651796.8 4767941.0 86.3 3.65 0.49 3.96 15.0 OTD976 651791.2 4767942.0 72.4 3.53 0.55 3.88 15.0 OTD976 651786.5 4767942.5 60.8 4.44 1.06 5.12 10.0 OTD976 651781.8 4767942.5 49.2 4.02 1.20 4.78 15.0 OTD976 651776.3 4767943.5 35.3 4.18 1.47 5.12 15.0 OTD976 651770.7 4767943.5 21.4 2.82 0.83 3.34 15.0 OTD976 651765.1 4767944.5 7.5 2.85 0.71 3.30 15.0 OTD976 651759.6 4767945.0 -6.5 3.31 1.02 3.96 15.0 OTD976 651754.0 4767946.0 -20.4 3.37 1.59 4.38 15.0 OTD976 651748.5 4767946.5 -34.3 3.80 1.62 4.83 15.0 OTD976 651743.0 4767947.0 -48.3 4.01 1.97 5.26 15.0 OTD976 651737.6 4767947.5 -62.3 5.00 2.64 6.68 15.0 OTD976 651732.3 4767948.0 -76.2 4.89 3.91 7.38 15.0 OTD976 651726.8 4767948.5 -90.2 3.88 2.29 5.34 15.0 OTD976 651721.4 4767949.0 -104.2 2.53 1.78 3.66 15.0 OTD976 651716.0 4767949.5 -118.2 2.46 1.67 3.53 15.0 OTD976 651711.6 4767950.0 -129.3 2.05 1.38 2.93 9.0 OTD979 651783.5 4767314.5 -33.1 1.34 0.06 1.38 15.0 OTD979 651777.6 4767315.5 -59.4 1.63 0.07 1.67 9.0 OTD979 651775.0 4767316.0 -71.1 2.87 0.04 2.89 15.0 OTD979 651771.7 4767317.0 -85.8 1.86 0.05 1.90 13.0 OTD979 651765.0 4767317.5 -115.0 3.44 0.11 3.51 15.0 OTD979 651761.5 4767318.5 -129.6 3.98 0.09 4.03 15.0 OTD979 651758.1 4767319.5 -144.2 4.33 0.16 4.43 15.0 OTD979 651754.6 4767320.0 -158.7 5.81 0.20 5.93 15.0 OTD979 651751.2 4767320.5 -173.3 6.53 0.19 6.65 15.0 OTD979 651748.3 4767321.5 -185.5 3.16 0.37 3.40 10.0 OTRCD352 651653.1 4766244.5 601.2 1.02 0.02 1.03 8.0 OTRCD352 651650.3 4766247.0 591.9 1.67 0.12 1.75 12.2 OTRCD352A 651650.0 4766247.5 590.6 1.90 0.09 1.96 15.0 OTRCD352A 651645.8 4766251.5 576.8 1.32 0.10 1.38 15.0 OTRCD352A 651641.7 4766256.0 563.0 2.16 0.17 2.26 15.0 OTRCD352A 651637.6 4766260.5 549.2 1.51 0.11 1.58 15.0 OTRCD352A 651633.6 4766264.5 535.4 1.36 0.07 1.40 15.0 OTRCD352A 651629.6 4766269.0 521.5 1.47 0.07 1.51 15.0 OTRCD352A 651618.5 4766282.0 480.1 1.06 0.06 1.09 15.0 OTRCD352A 651613.0 4766288.5 459.9 0.93 0.21 1.06 15.0 OTRCD352A 651609.3 4766293.0 446.1 0.80 0.33 1.01 15.0 OTRCD352A 651605.5 4766297.5 432.3 0.74 0.68 1.18 15.0 OTRCD352A 651601.7 4766302.0 418.4 0.89 0.26 1.06 15.0 OTD923 651678.3 4766907.0 465.4 1.36 0.09 1.42 15.0 OTD923 651676.9 4766899.0 452.8 2.23 0.18 2.34 15.0 OTD923 651675.2 4766891.0 440.2 1.80 0.14 1.89 15.0 OTD923 651673.6 4766883.0 427.6 2.30 0.37 2.54 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD923 651671.3 4766875.0 415.1 3.91 0.69 4.35 15.0 OTD923 651669.0 4766867.0 402.6 2.46 0.58 2.83 15.0 OTD923 651666.6 4766859.0 390.1 3.54 0.19 3.66 15.0 OTD923 651664.1 4766851.0 377.7 2.51 0.16 2.61 15.0 OTD923 651661.7 4766843.0 365.2 2.45 0.16 2.56 15.0 OTD923 651659.2 4766835.0 352.7 2.44 0.12 2.51 15.0 OTD923 651656.5 4766827.0 340.3 1.84 0.15 1.93 15.0 OTD923 651653.6 4766819.0 328.0 1.64 0.12 1.72 15.0 OTD923 651651.3 4766812.5 318.6 1.99 0.25 2.15 8.0 OTD923 651647.8 4766803.0 303.8 2.19 0.09 2.24 12.0 OTD923 651645.1 4766796.0 292.7 2.26 0.11 2.33 15.0 OTD923 651642.0 4766788.0 280.4 1.89 0.11 1.96 15.0 OTD923 651638.7 4766779.5 268.2 1.76 0.07 1.80 12.0 OTD923 651612.1 4766723.5 183.8 1.00 0.19 1.12 10.3 OTD963E 651840.8 4767806.0 59.4 1.15 0.03 1.16 15.0 OTD963E 651835.1 4767806.0 33.0 0.97 0.06 1.00 15.0 OTD963E 651832.1 4767806.0 18.3 1.11 0.03 1.13 15.0 OTD963E 651829.0 4767806.0 3.7 1.16 0.05 1.19 15.0 OTD963E 651825.8 4767806.0 -11.0 1.44 0.05 1.47 15.0 OTD963E 651819.6 4767806.0 -40.4 1.09 0.03 1.11 15.0 OTD963E 651816.5 4767806.0 -55.0 1.22 0.06 1.26 15.0 OTD963E 651810.1 4767806.0 -84.4 1.37 0.05 1.40 15.0 OTD963E 651807.0 4767806.0 -99.1 1.50 0.05 1.53 13.0 OTD963E 651797.7 4767806.0 -143.1 1.55 0.11 1.62 11.0 OTD963E 651794.6 4767806.0 -157.7 2.48 0.17 2.59 15.0 OTD963E 651791.5 4767806.0 -172.4 1.90 0.14 1.99 15.0 OTD963E 651788.3 4767806.0 -187.1 1.27 0.08 1.32 15.0 OTD963E 651785.2 4767806.0 -201.8 1.58 0.16 1.68 15.0 OTD963E 651782.1 4767806.0 -216.4 2.73 0.31 2.93 15.0 OTD963E 651779.0 4767806.0 -231.1 3.49 0.42 3.76 15.0 OTD963E 651775.8 4767806.0 -245.8 2.74 0.34 2.95 15.0 OTD963E 651772.7 4767806.0 -260.5 2.60 0.37 2.84 15.0 OTD963E 651769.6 4767806.0 -275.1 2.70 0.34 2.92 15.0 OTD963E 651766.5 4767806.0 -289.8 2.22 0.31 2.42 15.0 OTD963E 651763.3 4767806.0 -304.5 1.10 0.17 1.21 13.0 OTD965 651569.3 4767092.0 284.6 4.04 1.72 5.14 8.0 OTD965 651569.6 4767084.5 275.8 2.00 0.69 2.44 15.0 OTD965 651571.1 4767056.0 241.6 1.50 0.54 1.84 12.0 OTD965 651573.6 4767013.0 189.7 1.08 0.14 1.17 15.0 OTD965A 651525.9 4767272.0 394.8 1.15 0.06 1.19 15.0 OTD965A 651525.0 4767265.5 381.3 1.25 0.03 1.26 15.0 OTD965A 651523.9 4767259.5 367.7 1.66 0.06 1.70 8.0 OTD976A 651885.1 4767936.5 128.0 1.25 0.09 1.31 15.0 OTD976A 651881.2 4767936.5 113.5 1.22 0.04 1.25 15.0 OTD976A 651873.1 4767936.5 84.6 1.49 0.06 1.53 15.0 OTD976A 651869.1 4767936.5 70.1 1.14 0.07 1.18 15.0 OTD976A 651865.0 4767936.5 55.7 1.23 0.07 1.27 15.0 OTD976A 651860.9 4767936.5 41.3 1.23 0.06 1.27 15.0 OTD976A 651856.8 4767937.0 26.9 1.44 0.07 1.48 15.0 OTD976A 651844.3 4767938.0 -16.4 1.23 0.07 1.27 15.0 OTD976A 651840.2 4767938.5 -30.8 1.03 0.07 1.08 15.0 OTD976A 651836.0 4767938.5 -45.2 1.70 0.09 1.76 15.0 OTD976A 651831.8 4767938.5 -59.6 1.09 0.07 1.14 15.0 OTD976A 651827.8 4767938.5 -73.5 1.26 0.08 1.31 14.0 OTD976A 651823.8 4767938.0 -87.5 1.07 0.11 1.14 15.0 OTD976A 651815.5 4767937.5 -116.3 1.80 0.23 1.95 15.0 OTD976A 651811.3 4767937.5 -130.7 3.43 0.35 3.65 15.0 DHID EAST NORTH ELEVATION CU (%) AU (G/T) CU_EQUIV. (%) LENGTH (M) ------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------------- ---------- OTD976A 651807.1 4767937.5 -145.1 2.20 0.34 2.42 15.0 OTD976A 651802.9 4767937.0 -159.5 4.18 0.66 4.60 15.0 OTD976A 651798.7 4767937.0 -173.9 3.52 0.45 3.80 15.0 OTD976A 651794.5 4767937.0 -188.3 2.77 0.37 3.01 15.0 OTD976A 651790.3 4767937.0 -202.7 2.00 0.25 2.16 15.0 OTD976A 651786.2 4767936.5 -217.1 2.11 0.29 2.29 15.0 OTD976A 651782.0 4767936.5 -231.5 1.34 0.28 1.52 15.0 OTD976A 651777.8 4767936.5 -245.9 2.21 0.44 2.49 15.0 OTD976A 651773.6 4767936.0 -260.3 1.82 0.38 2.06 15.0 OTD976A 651757.0 4767935.5 -317.9 2.76 1.54 3.74 15.0 OTD976A 651752.8 4767935.0 -332.3 2.10 0.70 2.55 15.0 OTD977B 651749.8 4767941.0 224.8 2.24 0.31 2.44 15.0 OTD977B 651746.7 4767941.5 210.1 2.46 0.43 2.74 15.0 OTD977B 651743.6 4767942.0 195.5 5.33 0.94 5.93 15.0 OTD977B 651740.4 4767943.5 180.8 5.35 1.96 6.60 15.0 OTD977B 651737.3 4767944.0 166.2 5.41 2.41 6.94 15.0 OTD977B 651733.5 4767944.5 148.6 4.51 3.50 6.74 15.0 OTD977B 651730.4 4767944.5 133.9 2.77 2.38 4.29 15.0 OTD977B 651724.4 4767945.5 105.6 0.87 0.55 1.22 13.0 [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDIX C QA/QC CHARTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-1 STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS CHARTS C-2 FIELD BLANKS CHARTS C-3 DUPLICATE SAMPLE CHARTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA C-1 STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS CHARTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] Original Gold Assays for Standard #11 - October 1, 2002 to November 09, 2003 [GRAPH] Final Gold Assays for Standard #11 - October 1, 2002 to November 09, 2003 [GRAPH] Original Copper Assays for Standard #11 - October 1 to November 09, 2003 [GRAPH] Final Copper Assays for Standard #11 - October 1 , 2002 to November 09, 2003 [GRAPH] Original Gold Assays for Standard #12 - November 1, 2002 1 to July 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Gold Assays for Standard #12 - November 1, 2002 to July 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Original Copper Assays for Standard #12 - November 1, 2002 to July 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Copper Assays for Standard #12 - October 1, 2002 to November 09, 2003 [GRAPH] Original Gold Assays for Standard #13 - October 1, 2002 to July 31 ,2004 [GRAPH] Final Gold Assays for Standard #13 - October 1, 2002 to July 31 2004 [GRAPH] Original Copper Assays for Standard #13 - October 1, 2002 to July 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Copper Assays for Standard #13 - October 1, 2002 to July 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Original Gold Assays for Standard #17 - December 10, 2002 to July 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Gold Assays for Standard #17 - December 10, 2002 to July 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Original Copper Assays for Standard #17 - December 10, 2002 to June 30, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Copper Assays for Standard #17 - December 10, 2002 to June 30, 2004 [GRAPH] Original Gold Assays for Standard #19 - December 30, 2002 to January 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Gold Assays for Standard #19 - December 30, 2002 to January 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Original Copper Assays for Standard #19 - December 30, 2002 to January 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Copper Assays for Standard #19 - December 30, 2002 to January 31, 2004 [GRAPH] Original Gold Assays for Standard #20 - December 10, 2002 to April 30, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Gold Assays for Standard #20 - December 10, 2002 to April 30, 2004 [GRAPH] Original Copper Assays for Standard #20 - December 10, 2002 to April 30, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Copper Assays for Standard #20 - December 10, 2002 to April 30, 2004 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #26 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #27 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #27 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #27 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #27 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #28 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #28 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #28 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #28 - JULY 15, 2003 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] Original Copper Assays for Standard #34 - March 10 to June 30, 2004 [GRAPH] Final Copper Assays for Standard #34 - March 10 to June 30, 2004 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #35 - MARCH 10 TO DECEMBER 31, 2004 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #35 - MARCH 10 TO DECEMBER 31, 2004 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #35 - MARCH 10, TO DECEMBER 31, 2004 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #35 - MARCH 10, TO DECEMBER 31, 2004 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #36 - AUGUST 15, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #36 - AUGUST 15, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #36 - AUGUST 15, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #36 - AUGUST 15, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #37 - JULY 27, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #37 - JULY 27, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #37 - JULY 27, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #37 - JULY 27, TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #39 - DECEMBER 10, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #39 - DECEMBER 10, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #39 - DECEMBER 10, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #39 - DECEMBER 10, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #40 - DECEMBER 15, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #40 - DECEMBER 15, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #40 - DECEMBER 15, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR STANDARD #40 - DECEMBER 15, 2004 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA C-2 FIELD BLANKS CHARTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] ORIGINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR BLANKS - MARCH 1, 2002 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL GOLD ASSAYS FOR BLANKS - MARCH 1, 2002 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] ORIGINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR BLANKS - MARCH 1, 2002 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] FINAL COPPER ASSAYS FOR BLANKS - MARCH 1, 2002 TO APRIL 30, 2005 [GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA C-3 DUPLICATE SAMPLE CHART May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [COPPER DUPLICATE SAMPLES GRAPH] [GOLD DUPLICATE SAMPLES GRAPH] [COPPER DUPLICATE SAMPLES GRAPH] [GOLD DUPLICATE SAMPLES GRAPH] [PERCENTILE RANKING FOR COPPER DUPLICATES GRAPH] [PERCENTILE RANKING FOR GOLD DUPLICATES GRAPH] [PERCENTILE RANKING FOR COPPER DUPLICATES GRAPH] [PERCENTILE RANKING FOR GOLD DUPLICATES GRAPH] GOLD DUPLICATE SAMPLES - HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT - JANUARY 25, 2005 (1416 CORE, 719 REJECT, & 696 PULP ORIGINAL PAIRS) [GOLD DUPLICATE SAMPLES GRAPH] COPPER DUPLICATE SAMPLES - HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT - JANUARY 25, 2005 (1416 CORE, 719 REJECT, & 696 PULP ORIGINAL PAIRS) [COPPER DUPLICATE SAMPLES GRAPH] PERCENTILE RANKING FOR GOLD DUPLICATE SAMPLES - HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT JANUARY 25, 2005 [PERCENTILE RANKING FOR GOLD DUPLICATES GRAPH] PERCENTILE RANKING FOR COPPER DUPLICATE SAMPLES - HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT JANUARY 25, 2005 [PERCENTILE RANKING FOR COPPER DUPLICATES GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDIX D EDA CHARTS D-1 HISTOGRAMS AND CDF PLOTS - SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS D-2 HISTOGRAMS AND CDF PLOTS - HUGO NORTH DEPOSITS D-3 BOXPLOTS D4 CONTACT PLOTS D5 GRADE SCATTER PLOTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA D-1 HISTOGRAMS AND CDF PLOTS - SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] OT south: Far South Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t all N 2931 m 0.32 sigma(2) 0.06 sigma/m 0.78 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.16 q(0.50) 0.26 q(0.75) 0.42 max 2.39 class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.45 [GRAPH] OT south: Far South Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t all [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va Inside N 3564 m 1.50 sigma(2) 1.20 sigma/m 0.73 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.77 q(0.50) 1.22 q(0.75) 1.95 max 8.90 class width = 0.10 The last class contains all values >= 3.90 [GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va Inside [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t OTQmd Inside N 509 m 1.20 sigma(2) 0.86 sigma/m 0.77 min 0.01 q(0.25) 0.57 q(0.50) 0.95 q(0.75) 1.60 max 5.76 class width = 0.10 The last class contains all values >= 3.90 [GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t OTQmd Inside [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t xQmd Inside N 130 m 0.55 sigma(2) 0.18 sigma/m 0.77 min 0.02 q(0.25) 0.24 q(0.50) 0.38 q(0.75) 0.82 max 2.00 class width = 0.10 The last class contains all values >= 3.90 [GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t xQmd Inside [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va Outside N 5579 m 0.34 sigma(2) 0.06 sigma/m 0.72 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.19 q(0.50) 0.29 q(0.75) 0.44 max 3.63 class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va Outside [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Qmd Outside N 1855 m 0.11 sigma(2) 0.05 sigma/m 1.97 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.01 q(0.50) 0.03 q(0.75) 0.09 max 2.00 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Qmd Outside [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Bridge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va all Zone N 1573 m 0.12 sigma(2) 0.02 sigma/m 1.26 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.05 q(0.50) 0.08 q(0.75) 0.13 max 2.43 Class width = 0.02 The last class contains all values >= 0.78 [GRAPH] OT south: Bridge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va all Zone [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Bridge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Qmd all zone N 1151 m 0.06 sigma(2) 0.01 sigma/m 1.38 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.02 q(0.50) 0.04 q(0.75) 0.07 max 1.00 Class width = 0.02 The last class contains all values >= 0.78 [GRAPH] OT south: Bridge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Qmd all zone [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au Shell N 1373 m 0.604 sigma(2) 0.222 sigma/m 0.780 min 0.010 q(0.25) 0.290 q(0.50) 0.490 q(0.75) 0.770 max 3.000 Class width = 0.020 The last class contains all values >= 0.780 [GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au Shell [LINE GRAPH] [GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au bkgd N 9409 m 0.083 sigma(2) 0.009 sigma/m 1.159 min 0.000 q(0.25) 0.030 q(0.50) 0.050 q(0.75) 0.100 max 1.160 Class width = 0.02 The last class contains all values >= 0.780 [GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au bkgd [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au Shell N 810 m 0.358 sigma(2) 0.166 sigma/m 1.139 min 0.010 q(0.25) 0.130 q(0.50) 0.250 q(0.75) 0.420 max 4.000 Class width = 0.020 The last class contains all values >= 0.780 [GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au Shell [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au bkgd N 3416 m 0.086 sigma(2) 0.011 sigma/m 1.234 min 0.000 q(0.25) 0.020 q(0.50) 0.050 q(0.75) 0.110 max 1.290 Class width = 0.020 The last class contains all values >= 0.780 [GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Au bkgd [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va All Zone N 1844 m 0.07 sigma(2) 0.01 sigma/m 1.70 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.02 q(0.50) 0.03 q(0.75) 0.06 max 1.00 Class width = 0.02 The last class contains all values >= 0.78 [GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Va All Zone [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Qmd All Zone N 1966 m 0.06 sigma(2) 0.01 sigma/m 1.38 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.02 q(0.50) 0.03 q(0.75) 0.06 max 0.88 Class width = 0.02 The last class contains all values >= 0.78 [GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Au g/t Qmd All Zone [LINE GRAPH] OT south:Far South Mar 05-5m comps Cu% all N 2931 m 0.28 sigma(2) 0.04 sigma/m 0.70 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.15 q(0.50) 0.25 q(0.75) 0.37 max 1.99 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values>= 1.45 [BAR GRAPH] OT south:Far South Mar 05-5m comps Cu% all [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Va N 9143 m 0.49 sigma(2) 0.12 sigma/m 0.69 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.27 q(0.50) 0.42 q(0.75) 0.64 max 3.80 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Cu % Va [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Cu% OT-Qmd N 540 m 0.75 sigma(2) 0.20 sigma/m 0.60 min 0.01 q(0.25) 0.36 q(0.50) 0.74 q(0.75) 1.06 max 2.50 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m Comps Cu% OT-Qmd [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Cu% xQmd N 131 m 0.31 sigma(2) 0.09 sigma/m 0.97 min 0.01 q(0.25) 0.13 q(0.50) 0.20 q(0.75) 0.40 max 1.78 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Cu% xQmd [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Qmd N 1904 m 0.10 sigma(2) 0.02 sigma/m 1.60 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.02 q(0.50) 0.04 q(0.75) 0.10 max 1.58 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: South West Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Qmd [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Bridge Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu shell N 1373 m 0.46 sigma(2) 0.10 sigma/m 1.69 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.26 q(0.50) 0.39 q(0.75) 0.56 max 2.87 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: Bridge Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu shell [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu Shell N 6761 m 0.65 Sigma(2) 0.16 Sigma/m 0.62 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.39 q(0.50) 0.57 q(0.75) 0.81 max 4.97 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu Shell [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu bkgd N 4021 m 0.14 Sigma(2) 0.04 Sigma/m 1.41 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.03 q(0.50) 0.07 q(0.75) 0.16 max 2.44 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: Central Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu bkgd [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu Shell N 2765 m 0.51 Sigma(2) 0.12 Sigma/m 0.68 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.29 q(0.50) 0.44 q(0.75) 0.63 max 2.59 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu Shell [LINE GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu bkgd N 1461 m 0.20 Sigma(2) 0.02 Sigma/m 0.66 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.11 q(0.50) 0.18 q(0.75) 0.26 max 1.05 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: South Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu bkgd [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu Shell N 2082 m 0.52 Sigma(2) 0.10 Sigma/m 0.62 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.33 q(0.50) 0.45 q(0.75) 0.62 max 2.55 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu Shell [LINE GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu bkgd N 1728 m 0.18 Sigma(2) 0.03 Sigma/m 0.99 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.05 q(0.50) 0.13 q(0.75) 0.25 max 1.52 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] OT south: Wedge Mar 05-5m comps Cu% Cu bkgd [LINE GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA D-2 HISTOGRAMS AND CDF PLOTS - HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] Hugo North Background 15m comps Au g/t (capped) N 1996 m 0.10 Sigma(2) 0.01 Sigma/m 0.93 min 0.01 q(0.25) 0.03 q(0.50) 0.07 q(0.75) 0.14 max 0.77 Class width = 0.01 The last class contains all values >= 0.39 [BAR GRAPH] Hugo North Background 15m comps Au g/t (capped) [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North Gold Domain - Main 15m comps Au g/t (capped) N 1003 m 0.79 Sigma(2) 0.37 Sigma/m 0.76 min 0.01 q(0.25) 0.35 q(0.50) 0.58 q(0.75) 1.08 max 3.91 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] Hugo North Gold Domain - Main 15m comps Au g/t (capped) [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North Gold Domain - West 15m comps Au g/t (capped) N 289 m 0.78 Sigma(2) 0.48 Sigma/m 0.89 min 0.07 q(0.25) 0.34 q(0.50) 0.57 q(0.75) 0.96 max 4.24 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] Hugo North Gold Domain - West 15m comps Au g/t (capped) [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North Background Domain 15m comps Cu% (uncapped) N 475 m 0.27 Sigma(2) 0.04 Sigma/m 0.74 min 0.00 q(0.25) 0.12 q(0.50) 0.25 q(0.75) 0.39 max 2.06 Class width = 0.05 The last class contains all values >= 1.95 [BAR GRAPH] Hugo North Background Domain 15m comps Cu% (uncapped) [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North Low Grade (0.6%) Domain 15m comps Cu% (uncapped) N 1753 m 1.13 Sigma(2) 0.24 Sigma/m 0.44 min 0.02 q(0.25) 0.78 q(0.50) 1.09 q(0.75) 1.41 max 3.82 Class width = 0.10 The last class contains all values >= 3.90 [BAR GRAPH] Hugo North Low Grade (0.6%) Domain 15m comps Cu% (uncapped) [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North Qtz Vein Domain 15m comps Cu% (uncapped) N 1060 m 3.12 Sigma(2) 1.71 Sigma/m 0.42 min 0.03 q(0.25) 2.20 q(0.50) 2.99 q(0.75) 3.97 max 8.16 Class width = 0.25 The last class contains all values >= 9.75 [BAR GRAPH] Hugo North Qtz Vein Domain 15m comps Cu% (uncapped) [LINE GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA D-3 BOXPLOTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS 2005 GOLD COMPOSITES (CAPPED) SOUTH WEST (SW), FAR SOUTH (FS) AND BRIDGE ZONE (BZ) [GRAPH] Number of data 2828 5579 3564 1855 179 509 1573 1151 Number of data Mean 0.326 0.34 1.501 0.11 0.505 1.197 0.117 0.058 Mean Maximum 2.39 3.63 8.9 2.0 2.0 5.76 2.43 1.0 Maximum Upper quartile 0.42 0.44 1.95 0.09 0.708 1.604 0.13 0.07 Upper quartile Median 0.27 0.29 1.22 0.03 0.35 0.95 0.08 0.035 Median Lower quartile 0.16 0.19 0.77 0.01 0.192 0.57 0.05 0.02 Lower quartile Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.0 Minimum Variance 0.0605 0.0596 1.199 0.0464 0.1987 0.8583 0.0215 0.0063 Variance CV 0.754 0.719 0.729 1.967 0.882 0.774 1.257 1.375 CV Skewness 1.931 2.621 1.936 4.184 1.19 1.864 6.601 5.014 Skewness Variable: Gold g/t Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS 2005 GOLD COMPOSITES (CAPPED) CENTRAL OYU (CO) [GRAPH] Number of data 2103 7306 722 651 890 Number of data Mean 0.113 0.074 0.674 0.525 0.081 Mean Maximum 0.73 1.16 2.42 3.0 0.58 Maximum Upper quartile 0.13 0.09 0.81 0.71 0.1 Upper quartile Median 0.07 0.05 0.56 0.371 0.06 Median Lower quartile 0.04 0.02 0.38 0.19 0.04 Lower quartile Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 Minimum Variance 0.0142 0.0075 0.1992 0.2361 0.0051 Variance CV 1.055 1.163 0.662 0.925 0.886 CV Skewness 2.596 3.272 1.485 1.803 2.766 Skewness Variable: Gold g/t Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS 2005 GOLD COMPOSITES (CAPPED) SOUTH OYU (SO), AND WEDGE ZONE (WZ) [GRAPH] Number of data 2339 1077 438 372 1844 1966 Number of data Mean 0.078 0.104 0.377 0.337 0.068 0.061 Mean Maximum 1.29 0.94 4.0 1.7 1.0 0.88 Maximum Upper quartile 0.09 0.13 0.43 0.415 0.06 0.06 Upper quartile Median 0.04 0.07 0.23 0.27 0.03 0.03 Median Lower quartile 0.02 0.03 0.09 0.16 0.02 0.02 Lower quartile Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.0 Minimum Variance 0.0109 0.0117 0.2438 0.0751 0.0133 0.007 Variance CV 1.336 1.044 1.31 0.814 1.696 1.383 CV Skewness 3.555 2.755 3.165 2.158 4.868 3.982 Skewness Variable: Gold g/t Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS 2005 COPPER COMPOSITES SOUTH WEST (SW), FAR SOUTH (FS) AND BRIDGE ZONE (BZ) [GRAPH] Number of data 2828 9143 1904 540 740 833 611 540 Number of data Mean 0.29 0.493 0.095 0.753 0.299 0.414 0.12 0.519 Mean Maximum 1.99 3.802 1.579 2.5 2.784 2.866 1.278 2.404 Maximum Upper quartile 0.382 0.641 0.098 1.056 0.388 0.511 0.169 0.699 Upper quartile Median 0.254 0.422 0.036 0.742 0.269 0.371 0.058 0.419 Median Lower quartile 0.158 0.266 0.018 0.361 0.171 0.26 0.026 0.265 Lower quartile Minimum 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.006 Minimum Variance 0.0387 0.1171 0.0233 0.202 0.0438 0.07 0.021 0.1374 Variance CV 0.679 0.694 1.604 0.597 0.7 0.639 1.211 0.715 CV Skewness 1.499 1.987 3.815 0.56 3.425 2.129 2.583 1.428 Skewness Variable: Copper % Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS 2005 COPPER COMPOSITES CENTRAL OYU (CO) [GRAPH} Number of data 590 3431 2235 4526 890 Number of data Mean 0.211 0.124 0.673 0.636 0.962 Mean Maximum 2.289 2.44 2.826 4.972 5.072 Maximum Upper quartile 0.283 0.141 0.833 0.803 1.243 Upper quartile Median 0.124 0.062 0.599 0.56 0.818 Median Lower quartile 0.042 0.033 0.42 0.376 0.524 Lower quartile Minimum 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.006 0.033 Minimum Variance 0.0589 0.0323 0.1412 0.1704 0.374 Variance CV 1.152 1.449 0.558 0.649 0.636 CV Skewness 2.6 4.663 1.521 1.776 1.69 Skewness Variable: Copper % Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS 2005 COPPER COMPOSITES SOUTH OYU (SO), AND WEDGE ZONE (WZ) GRAPH Number of data 816 645 1961 804 478 1250 1366 716 Number of data Mean 0.215 0.175 0.515 0.486 0.236 0.155 0.551 0.458 Mean Maximum 0.776 1.05 2.593 2.41 1.52 1.329 2.55 1.446 Maximum Upper quartile 0.285 0.225 0.638 0.614 0.346 0.213 0.68 0.563 Upper quartile Median 0.207 0.145 0.438 0.438 0.203 0.116 0.462 0.43 Median Lower quartile 0.138 0.089 0.292 0.297 0.054 0.055 0.33 0.323 Lower quartile Minimum 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 Minimum Variance 0.0147 0.0186 0.135 0.0827 0.0482 0.0222 0.1309 0.0417 Variance CV 0.564 0.777 0.713 0.592 0.93 0.963 0.656 0.446 CV Skewness 0.764 2.462 1.856 1.65 1.593 2.773 1.655 0.946 Skewness Variable: Copper % Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 OYU TOLGOI PROJECT APRIL 2005 BACKGROUND, AU-MAIN AND AU-WEST DOMAINS HUGO NORTH GOLD 15 COMPOSITES [GRAPH] Number of data 1996 1996 1003 1003 289 289 Number of data Mean 0.1 0.097 0.836 0.793 0.831 0.784 Mean Maximum 2.21 0.77 9.3 3.91 7.0 4.24 Maximum Upper quartile 0.14 0.14 1.09 1.08 0.96 0.96 Upper quartile Median 0.07 0.07 0.58 0.58 0.57 0.57 Median Lower quartile 0.03 0.03 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.34 Lower quartile Minimum 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.07 Minimum Variance 0.0115 0.0081 0.6053 0.3656 0.8149 0.4841 Variance CV 1.076 0.926 0.931 0.763 1.087 0.887 CV Skewness 5.828 1.879 3.589 1.432 3.599 2.274 Skewness Variable: Gold g/t Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 OYU TOLGOI PROJECT APRIL 2005 BACKGROUND, AU-MAIN AND AU-WEST DOMAINS HUGO NORTH GOLD 15 COMPS - CAPPED (BY LITHOLOGY) [GRAPH] Number of data 481 702 779 34 333 16 603 51 283 Number of data Mean 0.094 0.033 0.157 0.142 0.641 0.488 0.904 0.459 0.787 Mean Maximum 0.65 0.44 0.77 0.41 3.02 1.63 3.91 2.16 4.24 Maximum Upper quartile 0.12 0.04 0.2 0.19 0.762 0.535 1.3 0.522 0.96 Upper quartile Median 0.07 0.02 0.14 0.127 0.48 0.402 0.73 0.319 0.57 Median Lower quartile 0.04 0.02 0.09 0.08 0.32 0.322 0.39 0.234 0.346 Lower quartile Minimum 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.07 Minimum Variance 0.0053 0.0012 0.0089 0.0072 0.2511 0.1386 0.4122 0.1537 0.4875 Variance CV 0.773 1.046 0.604 0.6 0.782 0.763 0.71 0.855 0.888 CV Skewness 1.899 5.055 1.815 1.301 1.991 1.901 1.168 2.495 2.271 Skewness Variable: Gold g/t Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 OYU TOLGOI PROJECT APRIL 2005 BACKGROUND, 0.6 AND QUARTZ VEIN DOMAINS HUGO NORTH COPPER 15 COMPOSITES [GRAPH] Number of data 475 475 1753 1753 1060 1060 Number of data Mean 0.27 0.268 1.133 1.132 3.123 3.113 Mean Maximum 2.06 1.54 3.823 3.626 8.162 7.277 Maximum Upper quartile 0.385 0.385 1.411 1.411 3.969 3.969 Upper quartile Median 0.25 0.25 1.088 1.088 2.991 2.989 Median Lower quartile 0.123 0.123 0.78 0.78 2.202 2.202 Lower quartile Minimum 0.003 0.003 0.019 0.019 0.027 0.027 Minimum Variance 0.0397 0.0365 0.245 0.2415 1.7079 1.6483 Variance CV 0.738 0.714 0.437 0.434 0.419 0.412 CV Skewness 1.973 1.546 0.88 0.819 0.467 0.356 Skewness Variable: Copper wt.% Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 OYU TOLGOI PROJECT APRIL 2005 BACKGROUND, 0.6 AND QUARTZ VEIN DOMAINS HUGO NORTH COPPER 15 COMPS - CAPPED (BY LITHOLOGY) [GRAPH] Number of data 24 296 153 294 398 993 68 496 24 519 21 Number of data Mean 0.235 0.222 0.361 1.352 1.012 1.127 0.883 3.265 2.848 3.042 0.992 Mean Maximum 1.54 1.025 1.48 3.25 3.548 3.626 2.93 7.277 6.61 7.165 3.617 Maximum Upper quartile 0.23 0.32 0.454 1.562 1.275 1.403 1.094 4.036 4.046 3.896 1.415 Upper quartile Median 0.113 0.191 0.353 1.294 0.953 1.073 0.867 3.216 3.002 2.864 0.856 Median Lower quartile 0.076 0.097 0.248 1.066 0.69 0.774 0.579 2.37 0.837 2.125 0.495 Lower quart Minimum 0.005 0.003 0.057 0.043 0.025 0.019 0.109 0.586 0.141 0.027 0.039 Minimum Variance 0.1061 0.0301 0.0249 0.2142 0.2273 0.2367 0.1508 1.5322 3.3823 1.5747 0.4866 Variance CV 1.384 0.781 0.437 0.342 0.471 0.432 0.44 0.379 0.646 0.413 0.703 CV Skewness 3.047 1.372 1.341 0.846 1.239 0.754 1.007 0.399 0.234 0.439 1.902 Skewness Variable: Copper wt.% Acceptable range: 0.0 to 100.0 Weights: var_4 [IVANHOE MINES NEW HORIZONS LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA D-4 CONTACT PLOTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] Southern Oyu: Southwest Comps Cu % Qmd vs Va Qmd Va Overall N= 1904 Overall N= 9142 Overall mean= 0.10 Overall mean= 0.49 Within bins N= 1312 Within bins N= 1768 Within bins mean= 0.10 Within bins mean= 0.46 [GRAPH] Southern Oyu: Central Comps Cu % Qmd vs Va Cu Shell Qmd Cu Shell Va Cu Shell Overall N= 3431 Overall N= 590 Overall mean= 0.12 Overall mean= 0.21 Within bins N= 561 Within bins N= 463 Within bins mean= 0.13 Within bins mean= 0.21 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: South Comps Cu % Qmd vs Va Cu Shell Qmd Cu Shell Va Cu Shell Overall N= 645 Overall N= 816 Overall mean= 0.17 Overall mean= 0.21 Within bins N= 179 Within bins N= 146 Within bins mean= 0.18 Within bins mean= 0.22 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: Wedge Comps Cu % Qmd vs Ign+Va Cu Shell Qmd Cu Shell Ign+Va Cu Shell Overall N= 1249 Overall N= 478 Overall mean= 0.15 Overall mean= 0.24 Within bins N= 348 Within bins N= 241 Within bins mean= 0.19 Within bins mean= 0.26 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: Southwest Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Va Qmd Bkgd Va Bkgd Overall N= 1855 Overall N= 5578 Overall mean= 0.11 Overall mean= 0.34 Within bins N= 1143 Within bins N= 1306 Within bins mean= 0.10 Within bins mean= 0.35 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: Central Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Va Bkgd Qmd Bkgd Va Bkgd Overall N= 7306 Overall N= 2103 Overall mean= 0.07 Overall mean= 0.11 Within bins N= 2168 Within bins N= 1807 Within bins mean= 0.08 Within bins mean= 0.12 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: Central Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Va Au Shell Qmd Au Shell Va Au Shell Overall N= 651 Overall N= 722 Overall mean= 0.52 Overall mean= 0.68 Within bins N= 507 Within bins N= 583 Within bins mean= 0.49 Within bins mean= 0.72 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: South Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Va Bkgd Qmd Bkgd Va Bkgd Overall N= 1077 Overall N= 2339 Overall mean= 0.10 Overall mean= 0.08 Within bins N= 677 Within bins N= 634 Within bins mean= 0.12 Within bins mean= 0.11 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: South Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Va Au Shell Qmd Au Shell Va Au Shell Overall N= 372 Overall N= 437 Overall mean= 0.33 Overall mean= 0.37 Within bins N= 265 Within bins N= 215 Within bins mean= 0.34 Within bins mean= 0.34 [LINE GRAPH] Southern Oyu: Wedge Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Ign+Va Qmd Ign+Va Overall N= 1965 Overall N= 1844 Overall mean= 0.06 Overall mean= 0.07 Within bins N= 885 Within bins N= 811 Within bins mean= 0.05 Within bins mean= 0.10 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: 0.6% - Qtz Vein Comps Cu % Quartz Vein domain 0.6% domain Overall N= 1039 Overall N= 1685 Overall mean= 3.11 Overall mean= 1.13 Within bins N= 673 Within bins N= 656 Within bins mean= 3.03 Within bins mean= 1.31 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: 0.6% Cu Domain Comps Cu % Ign vs Va Ign in 0.6% domain Va in 0.6% domain Overall N= 398 Overall N= 294 Overall mean= 1.03 Overall mean= 1.36 Within bins N= 213 Within bins N= 181 Within bins mean= 1.06 Within bins mean= 1.38 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: 0.6% Cu Domain Comps Cu % Qmd vs Va Qmd in 0.6% domain Va in 0.6% domain Overall N= 993 Overall N= 294 Overall mean= 1.11 Overall mean= 1.36 Within bins N= 124 Within bins N= 114 Within bins mean= 1.28 Within bins mean= 1.40 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: Qtz Vein Domain Comps Cu % Ign vs Va Ignin QV domain Va in QV domain Overall N= 24 Overall N= 496 Overall mean= 2.53 Overall mean= 3.27 Within bins N= 24 Within bins N= 26 Within bins mean= 2.53 Within bins mean= 3.54 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: Qtz Vein Domain Comps Cu % Qmd vs Va Qmd in QV domain Va in QV domain Overall N= 519 Overall N= 496 Overall mean= 2.98 Overall mean= 3.27 Within bins N= 300 Within bins N= 280 Within bins mean= 3.27 Within bins mean= 3.26 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: Gold Background Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Va Qmd in Bkgd Au Va in Bkgd Au Overall N= 764 Overall N= 481 Overall mean= 0.16 Overall mean= 0.10 Within bins N= 186 Within bins N= 165 Within bins mean= 0.16 Within bins mean= 0.11 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: Gold Background Comps Au g/t Ign vs Va Ign in Bkgd Au Va in Bkgd Au Overall N= 701 Overall N= 481 Overall mean= 0.03 Overall mean= 0.10 Within bins N= 380 Within bins N= 318 Within bins mean= 0.04 Within bins mean= 0.10 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: Main Au Zone Comps Au g/t Ign vs Va Ign in Main Au Va in Main Au Overall N= 16 Overall N= 333 Overall mean= 0.48 Overall mean= 0.65 Within bins N= 13 Within bins N= 13 Within bins mean= 0.46 Within bins mean= 0.54 [LINE GRAPH] Hugo North: Main Au Zone Comps Au g/t Qmd vs Va Qmd in Main Au Va in Main Au Overall N= 422 Overall N= 333 Overall mean= 0.92 Overall mean= 0.65 Within bins N= 173 Within bins N= 157 Within bins mean= 1.12 Within bins mean= 0.70 [LINE GRAPH] [IVANHOE LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA D-5 GRADE SCATTER PLOTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [LINE GRAPH] [LINE GRAPH] [LINE GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDIX E MODEL VALIDATION CHARTS E-1 HERCO PLOTS E-1 GRADE SWATH PLOTS - SOUTHERN DEPOSITS E-3 GRADE SWATH PLOTS - HUGO NORTH DEPOSITS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA E-1 HERCO PLOTS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - INSIDE GOLD ZONE COPPER GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.62196] [Cu CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - BACKGROUND COPPER GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.62196] [Cu CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - INSIDE GOLD ZONE GOLD GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.58822] [Au CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, CENTRAL DEPOSIT - INSIDE Cu SHELL COPPER GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.53988] [Cu CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, SOUTH DEPOSIT - INSIDE Cu SHELL COPPER GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.53601] [Cu CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, WEDGE DEPOSIT - INSIDE Cu SHELL COPPER GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.41135] [Cu CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT - QUARTZ VEIN Cu DOMAIN COPPER GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.56499] [Cu CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] RECOVERED GRADE - TONNAGE CHART, HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT - 0.6% Cu DOMAIN COPPER GRADE (KRIGED AND HERCO TRANSFORMED NN) [smu = 20m * 20m * 15m; BLOCK DISPERSION VARIANCE = 0.61882] [Cu CUTOFF GRADE GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA E-2 GRADE SWATH PLOTS - SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH AREA AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH AREA AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH AREA AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH AREA AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH AREA AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST - FAR SOUTH AREA AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - GOLD ZONE AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - GOLD ZONE AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - GOLD ZONE AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - GOLD ZONE AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - GOLD ZONE AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTHWEST DEPOSIT - GOLD ZONE AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Va AND Qmd DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] CENTRAL DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] CENTRAL DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] CENTRAL DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] CENTRAL DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] CENTRAL DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] CENTRAL DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] SOUTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] WEDGE DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] WEDGE DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] WEDGE DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 20 m EASTING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] WEDGE DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN Cu SHELL AND BACKGROUND DOMAINS BY 15 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA E-3 GRADE SWATH PLOTS - HUGO NORTH DEPOSITS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN QUARTZ VEIN Cu DOMAIN BY 40 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN QUARTZ VEIN Cu DOMAIN BY 30 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN 0.6% Cu DOMAIN BY 40 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN 0.6% Cu DOMAIN BY 30 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN BACKGROUND Cu DOMAIN BY 40 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN COPPER GRADES IN BACKGROUND Cu DOMAIN BY 30 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN MAIN Au ZONE DOMAIN BY 40 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN MAIN Au ZONE DOMAIN BY 30 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN WEST Au ZONE DOMAIN BY 40 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN WEST Au ZONE DOMAIN BY 30 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN BACKGROUND Au ZONE DOMAIN BY 40 m NORTHING SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT AVERAGE KRIGED AND NN GOLD GRADES IN BACKGROUND Au ZONE DOMAIN BY 30 m BENCH SWATHS [LINE GRAPH] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDIX F BLOCK MODEL SECTION AND PLANS - SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [IVANHOE MINES LOGO] HUGO DUMMETT AND SOUTHERN OYU DEPOSITS TECHNICAL REPORT OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA APPENDIX G BLOCK MODEL SECTIONS AND PLANS - HUGO NORTH DEPOSIT May 2005 APPENDICES [AMEC LOGO] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP] [MAP]