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CGGVeritas Announces Third Quarter 2010 Results
Revenue Sequentially Stable at $656m
Group Operating Income Contracted to 4%
Backlog Strengthening
PARIS, France – November 9th 2010 – CGGVeritas (ISIN: 0000120164 – NYSE: CGV) announced today its non-audited third quarter 2010 consolidated results. All 2009 results are reported before restructuring.
    Group revenue was $656m, down 10% year-on-year and up 1% sequentially on recovering multi-client sales, including Gulf of Mexico, and continued robust Sercel activity
    Group operating margin at 4% with contrasting performance:
    Sercel: margin up to 30%, primarily driven by higher land sales
    Services: negative margin due to challenging contract market conditions in marine and North America onshore, offsetting promising trends in multi-client and high-end imaging. In this continued oversupplied marine environment, vessel upgrades and planned repairs were accelerated. Together with increased transits, this drove vessel utilization rates lower in Q3
    Net income was a loss of $33 million including $13 million taxes this quarter
    Operating cash flow was $82 million including the impact of increased working capital which was mainly related to Sercel activity. After capital expenditure, including the Oceanic Vega, and after financial costs, our free cash flow decreased by $93 million
    Net debt to equity ratio at 41%
    Backlog as of October 1st was sequentially up 9% to $1.6 billion with significant long term contract awards
    Our 4th quarter is expected to benefit from increased Sercel sales and the promising multi-client trend. Operational cash flow should strengthen in the 4th quarter but not enough to compensate for the decrease in cash flow from the first nine months of the year
Third Quarter 2010 key figures
    Second Quarter     Third Quarter  
In million $   2010     2010     2009  
Group Revenue
    647       656       731  
    247       247       203  
    460       461       571  
Group Operating Income
    37       27       58  
    6 %     4 %     8 %
    66       74       37  
    27 %     30 %     18 %
    5       -17       41  
    1 %     -4 %     7 %
Net Income
    8       -33       12  
Net Debt
    1,452       1,566       1,371  
Net Debt to Equity ratio
    39 %     41 %     32 %

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CGGVeritas CEO, Jean-Georges Malcor commented:
“CGGVeritas results this quarter reflect the challenging conditions that prevail during the low phase of the cycle we are going through. In this context, although our revenue was sequentially stable, our profitability was impacted by lower vessel utilization rates and difficult marine and North American land contract market conditions.
However, in recent months, we have seen promising signs of increased demand for our high-end solutions and innovative technologies. As an example, our new breakthrough broadband solution BroadSeis, which provides a remarkable step forward in the quality of marine imaging, has received a very strong and positive client response. Land and Marine multi-client sales have strengthened, Sercel again posted a very strong quarter and backlog has increased.
Our goal is to benefit from the increasing interest worldwide for our technology and expertise, while leveraging our high-end position in the progressively recovering seismic market.
Looking towards the future, we remain focused on our three strategic priorities: costs savings, operational performance and technology differentiation. We look forward to communicating our plan and progress towards these priorities during an upcoming market day which will be held in Paris on December 16th 2010.”
Third Quarter 2010 Financial Results
Group Revenue
Group revenue was down 10% in $ and up 1% in € year-on-year mainly due to fleet capacity adjustments and low vessel utilization rates while Sercel sales significantly increased. Sequentially, Group revenue was up 1% in $.
    Second Quarter     Third Quarter     Third Quarter  
In millions   2010 ($)     2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
Group Revenue
    647       656       731       518       512  
Sercel Revenue
    247       247       203       194       143  
Services Revenue
    460       461       571       364       400  
    -60       -51       -43       -40       -31  
Marine contract
    195       173       271       137       189  
Land contract
    79       82       85       65       59  
    94       94       101       74       71  
    92       112       114       88       81  
MC marine
    60       77       77       60       54  
MC land
    32       35       37       28       27  
Year-on-year, revenue was up 21% in $ and 36% in €. Sequentially, revenue was stable in $ and operating margin increased 3 points to 30% confirming the indisputable position of Sercel as the industry leader.
Strong demand for increasing channel counts for high density surveys and regional activity drove sequential growth in land equipment this quarter. Sentinel® solid steamer sales along with increased technology take-up of SeaRay® OBC systems kept marine sales at a good level. Internal sales represented 21% of revenue, including the delivery of the Sentinel streamers and Nautilus® for the Oceanic Vega.

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Year-on-year, revenue was down 19% in $ and 9% in €. Sequentially revenue was stable in $ and operating margin was negative this quarter as a consequence of lower vessel utilization rates and challenging contract market conditions in marine and onshore North America.
    Marine contract revenue was down 36% year-on-year in $ and 28% in € due to our vessel reduction plan and lower vessel utilization rates. Sequentially, revenue was down 11% with vessel availability1 and production2 rates, both at 87% in a continued low priced market. 90% of the 3D fleet operated on contract, 10% on multi-client. During the quarter, the Oceanic Vega was delivered and successfully completed its first survey in the Barents Sea, before mobilizing to Mexico to acquire a large wide-azimuth dual vessel survey with the Vanquish which was upgraded to 12 Sentinel streamers. Our new superior broadband marine solution, BroadSeisTM continued to generate strong and increasing client interest with eight successful pilot projects since its introduction earlier this year.
    Land contract revenue was down 4% year-on-year in $ and up 10% in €. Sequentially revenue was relatively stable in $ while margins were impacted by challenging land contract conditions in North America. Activity remained high in the Middle East. In Oman, our high channel count contract was extended until the end of 2011. OBC activity continued to grow with the startup of the first of our two new crews in Saudi Arabia. EmphaSeisTM our new broadband land solution was successfully launched with implementation on four vibroseis crews.
    Processing & Imaging revenue was down 7% year-on-year in $ and up 4% in €. Sequentially revenue was stable in $ and profitability remained strong driven by increased demand for our advanced capabilities, such as our leading RTM 3D gather depth processing technology and our reservoir solutions, particularly for shale gas. We now operate 12 dedicated centers and continued to develop our leadership this quarter with a three year extension for one center in Aberdeen, and the opening of another in Copenhagen.
    Multi-client revenue was down 1% year-on-year in $ and 9% in €. Sequentially, we saw promising signs with revenue up 23% in $ mainly fueled by higher marine after-sales, which were up 138%. Capex for the third quarter was reduced to $62 million (€49 million) with prefunding rates increasing to 93%. The amortization rate averaged 52%, with 75% in land and 41% in marine. The Net Book Value of the library at the end of September was $745 million.
      Multi-client marine revenue was sequentially up 29% in $. Capex was $35 million (€29 million). Prefunding was $36 million (€29 million) corresponding to a very high prefunding rate of 102%. After-sales worldwide were strong at $42 million (€33 million), increasing sequentially both in the Gulf-of-Mexico and in Brazil, highlighting the confidence of our clients in the long term value of deep offshore sub-salt plays. The final processing of our recently acquired Three Corner wide-azimuth survey in the Gulf of Mexico is on track for delivery in June 2011. Initial results show a tremendous improvement in the sub-salt section.
1   - The vessel availability rate, a metric measuring the structural availability of our vessels to meet demand; this metric is related to the entire fleet, and corresponds to the total vessel time reduced by the sum of the standby time, the shipyard time and the steaming time (the “available time”), all divided by total vessel time;
2   - The vessel production rate, a metric measuring the effective utilization of the vessels once available; this metric is related to the entire fleet, and corresponds to the available time reduced by the operational downtime, all then divided by available time.

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      Multi-client land revenue was sequentially up 10% in $ with total sales in US Land breaking a quarterly record. Capex was high this quarter at $27 million (€21 million) as we continue to extend our footprint of prime seismic coverage in the shale gas resource plays. In addition to the ongoing survey in the Haynesville basin, in September we began acquisition of a multi-phase program in the Marcellus basin. Prefunding was $22 million (€17 million), a rate of 81%. After-sales were $14 million (€11 million).
Group EBITDAs was $157 million (€124 million), a margin of 24%.
    Second Quarter     Third Quarter     Third Quarter  
In millions   2010 ($)     2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
    166       157       231       124       163  
    26 %     24 %     32 %     24 %     32 %
Sercel EBITDAs
    78       86       47       67       32  
    31 %     35 %     23 %     35 %     23 %
Services EBITDAs
    120       99       203       79       143  
    26 %     22 %     36 %     22 %     36 %
Group Operating Income was $27 million (€21 million), a margin of 4%. The strengthening performance of Sercel and increased multi-client sales were offset by the continued low priced marine market, low vessel utilization rates and challenging contract market conditions onshore North America.
    Second Quarter     Third Quarter     Third Quarter  
In millions   2010 ($)     2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
Group Operating Income
    37       27       58       21       41  
    6 %     4 %     8 %     4 %     8 %
Sercel Op. Income
    66       74       37       58       25  
    27 %     30 %     18 %     30 %     18 %
Services Op. Income*
    5       -17       41       -12       29  
    1 %     -4 %     7 %     -4 %     7 %
Financial Charges
Financial charges were $36 million (€29 million).
Other financial charges were $9 million (€7 million) following changes in the currency exchange rate this quarter, especially the strengthening of the euro.
Taxes were $13 million (€10 million) mainly due to foreign deemed and US taxation
Net Income was a loss of $33 million (€25 million). After the positive impact of minority interests of $3 million (€2 million), EPS was €-0.18 per ordinary share and $-0.23 per ADS.
Cash Flow
Cash Flow from Operations
Cash flow from operations was $82 million (€66 million).

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Global Capex was $169 million (€140 million) this quarter, an increase of 14% year-on-year.
    Industrial Capex was $107 million (€91 million)
    Multi-client Capex was $62 million (€49 million) a reduction of 9% in $ year on year with a 93% prefunding rate
    Second Quarter     Third Quarter  
In million $   2010     2010     2009  
    163       169       148  
    78       107       79  
    86       62       68  
Free Cash Flow
After interest expenses paid during the quarter, free cash flow was negative at $93 million with high levels of working capital requirements.
Third Quarter 2010 Comparisons with Third Quarter 2009
Consolidated Income Statement   Second Quarter     Third Quarter     Third Quarter  
In millions   2010 ($)     2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
Exchange rate euro/dollar
    1.303       1.266       1.335       1.266       1.335  
Operating Revenue
    646.9       656.3       731.4       517.7       512.2  
    247.0       246.9       203.3       194.3       142.8  
    459.8       460.8       570.9       363.7       400.0  
    -60.1       -51.2       -42.8       -40.3       -30.6  
Gross Profit
    129.4       102.4       151.0       81.8       104.5  
Operating Income
    37.1       26.5       57.7       21.2       40.7  
    65.8       74.0       36.5       57.9       25.2  
    5.1       -16.5       40.6       -12.2       29.0  
Corporate and Elimination*
    -33.8       -31.0       -19.4       -24.5       -13.5  
Net Financial Costs
    -23.2       -45.4       -47.1       -35.1       -33.4  
Income Tax
    -2.7       -13.0       -6.1       -10.0       -4.3  
Deferred Tax on Currency Translation
    0.4       0.9       3.7       0.6       2.6  
Income from Equity Investments
    -3.2       -1.5       4.0       -1.2       2.9  
Net Income
    8.3       -32.6       12.2       -24.6       8.4  
Earnings per share (€) / per ADS ($)
    0.02       -0.23       0.07       -0.18       0.05  
    166.4       156.8       231.3       124.0       162.8  
    77.7       86.1       46.8       67.4       32.4  
    120.2       99.2       203.2       79.1       143.4  
Industrial Capex
    77.7       106.9       79.2       90.5       56.2  
Multi-client Capex
    85.7       61.7       68.4       49.4       47.3  

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Year to Date 2010 Financial Results
Group Revenue
Group Revenue was down 15% in $ and 13% in € year-on-year, reflecting our fleet capacity reduction program and the low priced marine market, masking the strengthening performance of Sercel, up 11% in $ and up 15% in €.
    YTD     YTD  
In millions   2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
Group Revenue
    1,999       2,361       1,514       1,733  
Sercel Revenue
    716       643       544       472  
Services Revenue
    1,432       1,817       1,083       1,334  
    -148       -98       -113       -72  
Marine contract
    571       905       432       664  
Land contract
    276       301       208       221  
    281       299       212       219  
    305       312       230       229  
MC marine
    211       250       159       183  
MC land
    94       62       71       46  
Group EBITDAs was $499 million (€378 million), a margin of 25%.
    YTD     YTD  
In millions   2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
    499       746       378       548  
    25 %     32 %     25 %     32 %
Sercel EBITDAs
    226       178       171       130  
    31 %     28 %     31 %     28 %
Services EBITDAs
    356       634       269       466  
    25 %     35 %     25 %     35 %
Group Operating Income was $100 million (€76 million), a margin of 5%.
    YTD     YTD  
In millions   2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
Group Operating Income
    100       256       76       189  
    5 %     11 %     5 %     11 %
Sercel Op. Income
    189       148       144       108  
    26 %     23 %     26 %     23 %
Services Op. Income*
    3       183       2       135  
  NS       10 %   NS       10 %
Financial Charges
Financial charges were $104 million (€79 million).
Other financial income was $12 million (€9 million).

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Net Income was a loss of $24 million (€18 million). After the positive impact of minority interests of $12 million (€9 million), EPS was €-0.18 per ordinary share and $-0.24 per ADS.
Cash Flow
Cash Flow from Operations
Cash flow from operations was $315 million (€238 million).
Global Capex was $471 million (€356 million), stable year-on-year.
    Industrial Capex was $236 million (€179 million)
    Multi-client Capex was $234 million (€177 million), a reduction of 10% year on year, in $ with a 70% prefunding rate
In million $   2010     2009  
    471       470  
    236       208  
    234       261  
Free Cash Flow
After interest expenses paid during the first nine months, free cash flow was negative at $213 million.
Balance Sheet
Net Debt to Equity Ratio
The Group’s gross debt was $1.915 billion at the end of September 2010, corresponding to €1.403 billion with a 1.365 euro/dollar closing exchange rate.
With $349 million (€256 million) in available cash, Group net debt was $1.566 billion (€1.148 billion).
Net debt to equity ratio, at the end of September 2010, was 41%.

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Year to Date 2010 Comparisons with Year to Date 2009
Consolidated Income Statement   YTD     YTD  
In millions   2010 ($)     2009 ($)     2010 (€)     2009 (€)  
Exchange rate euro/dollar
    1.321       1.335       1.321       1.335  
Operating Revenue
    1999.3       2361.4       1513.7       1733.3  
    715.9       643.1       543.8       471.8  
    1431.7       1816.7       1082.6       1333.6  
    -148.2       -98.3       -112.6       -72.1  
Gross Profit
    379.8       571.4       287.6       419.4  
Operating Income
    100.3       256.3       75.9       189.4  
    189.4       147.5       143.9       108.2  
    2.7       182.6       2.0       135.3  
Corporate and Elimination*
    -91.8       -73.7       -70.0       -54.1  
Net Financial Costs
    -92.5       -119.6       -70.1       -87.7  
Income Tax
    -24.7       -18.2       -18.7       -13.3  
Deferred Tax on Currency Translation
    -2.5       11.3       -1.9       8.3  
Income from Equity Investments
    -4.3       7.3       -3.3       5.3  
Net Income
    -23.8       106.2       -18.0       78.7  
Earnings per share (€) / per ADS ($)
    -0.24       0.29       -0.18       0.22  
    498.7       745.6       377.5       548.1  
    225.5       177.5       171.3       130.2  
    356.2       633.9       269.3       466.2  
Industrial Capex
    236.3       208.4       178.9       152.9  
Multi-client Capex
    234.3       261.2       177.4       191.8  
*   Starting in 2010, operating income for our Services segment is presented after elimination of amortization expense corresponding to past inter-company capital expenditures between our Equipment segment and Services segment. These eliminations were previously presented in Eliminations and Adjustments. The segment information related to our Services segment for the second and third quarters 2009 was restated to reflect this change in our internal financial reporting.
About CGGVeritas
CGGVeritas (www.cggveritas.com) is a leading international pure-play geophysical company delivering a wide range of technologies, services and equipment through Sercel, to its broad base of customers mainly throughout the global oil and gas industry. CGGVeritas is listed on the Euronext Paris SA (ISIN: 0000120164) and the New York Stock Exchange (in the form of American Depositary Shares, NYSE: CGV).
Investor Relations Contacts
Christophe Barnini
  Hovey Cox
Tel: +33 1 64 47 38 11
  Tel: +1 (832) 351-8821
E-Mail: invrelparis@cggveritas.com
  E-Mail: invrelhouston@cggveritas.com

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The information included herein contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the securities act of 1933 and section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements reflect numerous assumptions and involve a number of risks and uncertainties as disclosed by the Company from time to time in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may vary materially.

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     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Compagnie Générale de Géophysique — Veritas has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 9th, 2010
  Senior EVP Corporate

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