o Preliminary
Proxy Statement
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
þ Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material Pursuant to §
þ | No fee required. |
o | Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) | Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) | Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) | Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
(4) | Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) | Total fee paid: |
o | Fee paid previously with preliminary materials: |
o | Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
(1) | Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) | Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) | Filing Party: |
(4) | Date Filed: |
10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time | |
Friday, May 1, 2009 | |
Ryder System, Inc. Headquarters 11690 N.W. 105th Street Miami, Florida 33178 |
1. To elect five directors as follows: John M. Berra, Luis
P. Nieto, Jr., E. Follin Smith and Gregory T. Swienton for a
three-year term expiring at the 2012 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and James S. Beard for a two-year term expiring at
the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
2. To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
as our independent registered certified public accounting firm
for the 2009 fiscal year.
3. To consider any other business that is properly
presented at the meeting.
Who May Vote:
You may vote if you were a record owner of our common stock at the close of business on March 6, 2009. | |
Proxy Voting:
Your vote is important. You may vote: | |
via Internet;
by telephone;
by mail, if you have
received a paper copy of the proxy materials; or
in person at the
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Q: | When and where is the Annual Meeting? | |
A: |
We will hold the Annual Meeting on Friday, May 1, 2009, at
10:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time at the Ryder System,
Inc. Headquarters, 11690 N.W.
Street, Miami, Florida 33178. A map with directions to the
meeting can be found on the printed proxy card. |
Q: | What am I voting on? | |
A: | You are voting on two proposals: |
1. |
Election of directors as follows: John M. Berra, Luis P.
Nieto, Jr., E. Follin Smith and Gregory T. Swienton for a
three-year term expiring at the 2012 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and James S. Beard for a two-year term expiring at
the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
2. |
Ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered
certified public accounting firm for the 2009 fiscal year. |
You will also be voting on such other business, if any, as may
properly come before the meeting, or any adjournment of the
meeting. |
Q: | What are the voting recommendations of the Board of Directors? | |
A: | The Board recommends that you vote: |
| FOR the election of each of the director nominees. | ||
FOR the ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered
certified public accounting firm for the 2009 fiscal year.
Q: | Who can vote? | |
A: |
The Board of Directors has set March 6, 2009 as the record
date for the Annual Meeting. Holders of Ryder common stock at
the close of business on the record date are entitled to vote
their shares at the Annual Meeting. As of March 6, 2009,
there were 55,889,226 shares of common stock issued,
outstanding and entitled to vote. Each share of common stock
issued and outstanding is entitled to one vote. |
Q: | What is a shareholder of record? | |
A: |
You are a shareholder of record if you are registered as a
shareholder with our transfer agent, Computershare
Trust Company, N.A. (Computershare). |
Q: | What is a beneficial shareholder? | |
A: |
You are a beneficial shareholder if a brokerage firm, bank,
trustee or other agent (nominee) holds your shares. This is
often called ownership in street name, since your
name does not appear anywhere in our records. |
Q: | What shares are reflected on my proxy? | |
A: |
Your proxy reflects all shares owned by you at the close of
business on March 6, 2009. For participants in our 401(k)
Plan, shares held in your account as of that date are included
in your proxy, and the proxy will serve as a voting instruction
for the trustee of our 401(k) Plan who will vote your shares as
you instruct. |
Q: | How many votes are needed for the proposals to pass? | |
A: |
The affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of
the total number of shares issued and outstanding and entitled
to vote is required for the election of each director and for
the ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP. |
Q: | What is a quorum? | |
A: |
A quorum is the minimum number of shares required to hold a
meeting. Under our By-Laws, the holders of a majority of the
total number of shares issued and outstanding and entitled to
vote at the meeting must be present in person or represented by
proxy for a quorum. |
Q: | Who can attend the Annual Meeting? | |
A: |
Only shareholders and our invited guests are permitted to attend
the Annual Meeting. To gain admittance, you must bring a form of
personal identification to the meeting, where your name will be
verified against our shareholder list. If a broker or other
nominee holds your shares and you plan to attend the meeting,
you should bring a brokerage statement showing your ownership of
the shares as of the record date, a letter from the broker
confirming such ownership, and a form of personal
identification. If you wish to vote your shares which are held
by a broker or other nominee at the meeting, you must obtain a
proxy from your broker or nominee and bring your proxy to the
meeting. |
Q: | How do I vote? | |
A: |
If you are a shareholder of record, you may vote on the
Internet, by telephone or by signing, dating and mailing your
proxy card. Detailed instructions for Internet and telephone
voting are set forth on the Notice and the printed proxy card.
You may also vote in person at the Annual Meeting. |
If your shares are held in our 401(k) Plan, the proxy will serve
as a voting instruction for the trustee of our 401(k) Plan who
will vote your shares as you instruct. To allow sufficient time
for the trustee to vote, your voting instructions must be
received by April 27, 2009. If the trustee does not receive
your instructions by that date, the trustee will vote the shares
you hold through our 401(k) Plan in the same proportion as those
shares in our 401(k) Plan for which voting instructions were
received. |
If you are a beneficial shareholder, you must follow the voting
procedures of your broker, bank or trustee. |
Q: | What does it mean if I receive more than one proxy card? | |
A: |
It means that you hold shares in more than one account. To
ensure that all your shares are voted, sign and return each
proxy card. Alternatively, if you vote by telephone or on the
Internet, you will need to vote once for each proxy card and
voting instruction card you receive. |
Q: | If I plan to attend the Annual Meeting, should I still vote by proxy? | |
A: |
Yes. Casting your vote in advance does not affect your right to
attend the Annual Meeting. If you send in your proxy card and
also attend the meeting, you do not need to vote again at the
meeting unless you want to change your vote. Written ballots
will be available at the meeting for shareholders of record. |
Beneficial shareholders who wish to vote in person must request
a legal proxy from the nominee and bring that legal proxy to the
Annual Meeting. |
Q: | Who pays the cost of this proxy solicitation? | |
A: |
We pay the cost of soliciting your proxy and reimburse brokerage
firms and others for forwarding proxy materials to you. In
addition to solicitation by mail, solicitations may also be made
by personal interview, letter, fax and telephone. Certain of our
officers, directors and employees may participate in the
solicitation of proxies without additional consideration. |
Q: | What is Householding? | |
A: |
The SECs Householding rule affects the delivery of our
annual disclosure documents (such as annual reports, proxy
statements, notices of internet availability of proxy materials
and other information statements) to shareholders. Under this
rule, we are allowed to deliver a single set of our annual
report and proxy statement to multiple shareholders at a shared
address or household, unless a shareholder at that shared
address delivers contrary instructions to us through our
transfer agent, Computershare. Each shareholder will continue to
receive a separate proxy card or voting instruction card even
when a single set of materials is sent to a shared address under
the Householding rule. The Householding rule is designed to
reduce the expense of sending multiple disclosure documents to
the same address. |
If you are a registered shareholder and you want to request a
separate copy of this proxy statement or accompanying annual
report, you may contact our Investor Relations Department by
(305) 500-4053,
in writing at Ryder System, Inc., Investor Relations Department,
11690 N.W. 105th Street, Miami, Florida 33178, or by
e-mail to
RyderforInvestors@ryder.com, and a copy will be promptly
sent to you. If you wish to receive separate documents in future
mailings, please contact our transfer agent, Computershare by
(800) 730-4001,
in writing at Computershare, P.O. Box 43078,
Providence, RI
or by e-mail
Our 2008 annual report and this proxy statement are also
available through our website at www.ryder.com. |
Two or more shareholders sharing an address can request delivery
of a single copy of annual disclosure documents if they are
receiving multiple copies by contacting Computershare in the
manner set forth above. |
If a broker or other nominee holds your shares, please contact
such holder directly to inquire about the possibility of
Householding. |
Q: | Who tabulates the votes? | |
A: |
Our Board of Directors has appointed Broadridge Investor
Communication Solutions (Broadridge) as the independent
Inspector of Election. Representatives of Broadridge will count
the votes. |
Q: | Is my vote confidential? | |
A: |
Yes. The voting instructions of shareholders of record will only
be available to the Inspector of Election (Broadridge). Voting
instructions for employee benefit plans will only be available
to the plans trustees and the Inspector of Election. The
voting instructions of beneficial shareholders will only be
available to the shareholders bank, broker or trustee.
Your voting records will not be disclosed to us unless required
by a legal order, requested by you or cast in a contested
election. |
Q: | What if I abstain from voting on a proposal? | |
A: |
If you sign and return your proxy marked abstain on
any proposal, your shares will not be voted on that proposal and
will not be counted as votes cast in the final tally of votes
with regard to that proposal. However, your shares will be
counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present.
Accordingly, a marking of abstain on any proposal
will have the same effect as a vote against the proposal. |
Q: | What if I sign and return my proxy without making any selections? | |
A: |
If you sign and return your proxy without making any selections,
your shares will be voted FOR proposals 1 and
2. If other matters properly come before the meeting, the proxy
holders will have the authority to vote on those matters for you
at their discretion. As of the date of this proxy statement, we
are not aware of any matters that will come before the meeting
other than those disclosed in this proxy statement. |
Q: | What if I am a beneficial shareholder and I do not give the nominee voting instructions? | |
A: |
Brokerage firms have the authority under New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE) rules to vote shares for which their customers do not
provide voting instructions on certain routine
matters. The election of directors and the proposal to ratify
the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent
registered certified public accounting firm for the 2009 fiscal
year are considered routine matters. If you are a
beneficial shareholder and your shares are held in the name of a
broker, the broker is permitted to vote your shares on the
election of directors and the ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered
certified public accounting firm for the 2009 fiscal year even
if the broker does not receive voting instructions from you. |
A broker non-vote occurs when a broker or other nominee who
holds shares for another does not vote on a particular item
because the nominee does not have discretionary voting authority
for that item and has not received instructions from the owner
of the shares. Broker non-votes are included in the calculation
of the number of votes considered to be present at the meeting
for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but are not
counted as shares present and entitled to be voted with respect
to a matter on which the broker has expressly not voted. |
Q: | How do I change my vote? | |
A: |
A shareholder of record may revoke a proxy by giving written
notice of revocation to our Corporate Secretary before the
meeting, by delivering a later-dated proxy (either in writing,
by telephone or over the Internet), or by voting in person at
the Annual Meeting. |
If you are a beneficial shareholder, you may change your vote by
following the nominees procedures for revoking or changing
your proxy. |
Q: | When are shareholder proposals for next years Annual Meeting due? | |
A: |
To be considered for inclusion in Ryders 2010 proxy
statement, shareholder proposals must be delivered in writing to
us at 11690 N.W.
Street, Miami, Florida 33178, Attention: Corporate Secretary, no
later than November 19, 2009. Additionally, we must receive
proper notice of any shareholder proposal to be submitted at the
2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (but not required to be
included in our proxy statement) at least 90, but no more than
120, days before the one-year anniversary of the 2009 Annual
Meeting. |
If a shareholder would like to nominate one or more directors
for election at the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, he or
she must give advance written notice to us at least 90, but no
more than 120, days before the one-year anniversary of the 2009
Annual Meeting, as required by our By-Laws. The notice must
include information regarding both the proposing shareholder and
the director nominee. In addition, the director nominee must
submit a completed and signed questionnaire. This questionnaire
will be provided by the Corporate Secretary upon request and is
similar to the annual questionnaire completed by all of our
directors relating to their background, experience and
independence. |
All of the requirements relating to the submission of
shareholder proposals or director nominations are included in
our By-Laws. A copy of our By-Laws can be obtained from our
Corporate Secretary. The By-Laws are also included in our
filings with the SEC which are available on the SECs
website at www.sec.gov. |
Q: | Can I receive future proxy materials electronically? | |
A: |
Yes. If you are a shareholder of record you may, if you wish,
receive future proxy statements and annual reports online. If
you vote via the Internet as described on your proxy card, you
may sign up for electronic delivery at the same time. You may
also register for electronic delivery of future proxy materials
on the Investor Relations page of our website at
www.ryder.com. |
If you elect this feature, you will receive an
message notifying you when the materials are available along
with a web address for viewing the materials and instructions
for voting by telephone or on the Internet. |
We encourage you to sign up for electronic delivery of future
proxy materials as this will allow you to receive the materials
more quickly and will reduce printing and mailing cost. |
James S. Beard, 68, served as Vice President of
Caterpillar Inc. from 1991 to 2005, with responsibility for the
Financial Products Division. His responsibilities included
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation, where he served as
President, Caterpillar Insurance Services Corporation,
Caterpillar Redistribution Services Inc. and Caterpillar Power
Ventures Corporation. He served in the leadership position of
Caterpillar Financial Services since its formation in 1981.
Mr. Beard was elected to the Board of Directors in July 2008 and is a member of the Compensation Committee and the Finance Committee. Mr. Beard serves on the Boards of Directors of Genesco, Inc. and Rogers Group, Inc. and is a past Chairman of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association. |
John M. Berra, 61, is Chairman of Emerson Process
Management, a global leader in providing solutions to customers
in process control, and Executive Vice President of Emerson
Electric Company. Until October 1, 2008, he served as
President of Emerson Process Management. Mr. Berra joined
Emersons Rosemount division as a marketing manager in 1976
and thereafter continued assuming more prominent roles in the
organization until 1997 when he was named President of
Emersons Fisher-Rosemount division (now Emerson Process
Management). Prior to joining Emerson, Mr. Berra was an
instrument and electrical engineer with Monsanto Company.
Mr. Berra was elected to the Board of Directors in July 2003 and is the Chair of the Compensation Committee and a member of the Finance Committee. Mr. Berra serves as an advisory director to the Board of Directors of Emerson Electric Company. He also serves as Chairman of the Fieldbus Foundation and is a past Chairman of the Measurement, Control, and Automation Association. |
Luis P. Nieto, Jr., 53, is President of the Consumer
Foods Group for ConAgra Foods Inc., one of the largest packaged
foods companies in North America. Prior to joining ConAgra,
Mr. Nieto was President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Federated Group, a leading private label supplier to the retail
grocery and foodservice industries from 2002 to 2005. From 2000
to 2002, he served as President of the National Refrigerated
Products Group of Dean Foods Company. Prior to joining Dean
Foods, Mr. Nieto held positions in brand management and
strategic planning with Mission Foods, Kraft Foods and the
Quaker Oats Company.
Mr. Nieto was elected to the Board of Directors in February 2007 and is a member of the Audit Committee and the Governance Committee. Mr. Nieto serves on the Board of Directors of AutoZone, Inc. and is a member of the University of Chicagos College Visiting Committee. |
E. Follin Smith, 49, served as the Executive Vice
President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative
Officer of Constellation Energy Group, Inc., then the
nations largest competitive supplier of electricity to
large commercial and industrial customers and the nations
largest wholesale power seller, until May 2007. Ms. Smith
joined Constellation Energy Group as Senior Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer in June 2001 and was appointed Chief
Administrative Officer in December 2003. Before joining
Constellation Energy Group, Ms. Smith was Senior Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of Armstrong Holdings,
Inc., the global leader in hard-surface flooring and ceilings.
Ms. Smith began her career with Armstrong in 1998 as Vice
President and Treasurer and was promoted to her last position in
March 2000. Prior to joining Armstrong, Ms. Smith held
various senior financial positions with General Motors including
Chief Financial Officer for General Motors Delphi Chassis
Systems division.
Ms. Smith was elected to the Board of Directors in July 2005 and is a member of the Audit Committee and the Governance Committee. Ms. Smith serves on the Board of Directors of Discover Financial Services, and the Boards of Trustees of the University of Virginias Darden School of Business, Davidson College and CENTERSTAGE, in Baltimore, Maryland. |
Gregory T. Swienton, 59, was appointed Chairman of Ryder
System, Inc. in May 2002 having been named Chief Executive
Officer in November 2000. Mr. Swienton joined Ryder as
President and Chief Operating Officer in June 1999. Before
joining Ryder, Mr. Swienton was Senior Vice
President-Growth Initiatives of Burlington Northern
Santa Fe Corporation (BNSF). Prior to that he was
BNSFs Senior Vice President-Coal and Agricultural
Commodities Business Unit and previously had been Senior Vice
President of its Industrial and Consumer Units. He joined the
former Burlington Northern Railroad in June 1994 as Executive
Vice President-Intermodal Business Unit. Prior to joining
Burlington Northern, Mr. Swienton was Executive
Director-Europe and Africa of DHL Worldwide Express in Brussels,
Belgium from 1991 to 1994, and prior to that, he was DHLs
Managing Director-Western and Eastern Europe from 1988 to 1990,
also located in Brussels. For the five years prior to these
assignments, Mr. Swienton was Regional Vice President of
DHL Airways, Inc. in the United States. From 1971 to 1982,
Mr. Swienton held various national account, sales and
marketing positions with AT&T and Illinois Bell Telephone
Mr. Swienton was elected to the Board of Directors in June 1999. Mr. Swienton serves on the Board of Directors of Harris Corporation and is on the Board of Trustees of St. Thomas University in Miami. |
David I. Fuente, 63, served as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Office Depot, Inc. from 1987, one year
after the company was founded, until he retired as its Chief
Executive Officer in June 2000 and as Chairman in December 2001.
Before joining Office Depot, Mr. Fuente served for eight
years at the Sherwin-Williams Company as President of its Paint
Stores Group. Before joining Sherwin-Williams, he was Director
of Marketing at Gould, Inc.
Mr. Fuente was elected to the Board of Directors in May 1998 and is a member of the Compensation Committee and the Finance Committee. Mr. Fuente serves on the Boards of Directors of Office Depot, Inc. and Dicks Sporting Goods, Inc. |
L. Patrick Hassey, 63, is Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer of Allegheny Technologies Incorporated
(ATI), a global leader in the production of specialty materials.
Mr. Hassey was Executive Vice President and a member of the
corporate executive committee of Alcoa, Inc. from May 2000 until
his early retirement in February 2003. He served as Executive
Vice President of Alcoa and Group President of Alcoa Industrial
Components from May 2000 to October 2002. Prior to May 2000,
Mr. Hassey served as Executive Vice President of Alcoa and
President of Alcoa Europe, Inc. Prior to becoming President and
Chief Executive Officer of ATI in October 2003, he was an
outside management consultant to ATI executive management.
Mr. Hassey was elected to the Board of Directors in December 2005 and is a member of the Compensation Committee and the Governance Committee. Mr. Hassey serves on the Boards of Directors of ATI and the Allegheny Conference on Community Development, which serves Southwestern Pennsylvania. |
Lynn M. Martin, 69, served as Secretary of Labor under
President George H.W. Bush from 1991 to 1993. Ms. Martin is
the President of Martin Hall Group LLC, a consulting firm. She
is a regular commentator, panelist, columnist and speaker on
issues relating to the changing global economic and political
environment. Ms. Martin was the Davie Chair at the J.L.
Kellogg Graduate School of Management and a Fellow of the
Kennedy School Institute of Politics.
Ms. Martin was elected to the Board of Directors in August 1993 and is a member of the Compensation Committee and the Governance Committee. Ms. Martin serves on the Boards of Directors of The Procter & Gamble Company, AT&T Inc., The Dreyfus Funds, Constellation Energy Group, Inc. and Chicagos Lincoln Park Zoo. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chicago Council of Global Affairs. |
Eugene A. Renna, 64, retired from ExxonMobil Corporation
in January 2002 where he was an Executive Vice President and a
member of its Board of Directors. He was President and Chief
Operating Officer of Mobil Corporation, and a member of its
Board of Directors, until the time of its merger with Exxon
Corporation in 1999. As President and Chief Operating Officer of
Mobil, Mr. Renna was responsible for overseeing all of its
global exploration and production, marketing and refining, and
chemicals and technology business activities.
Mr. Rennas career with Mobil began in 1968 and
included a range of senior management roles such as:
responsibility for all marketing and refining operations in the
Pacific Rim, Africa and Latin America; Executive Vice President
of International Marketing and Refining Division; Vice President
of Planning and Economics; President of Mobils worldwide
Marketing and Refining Division; and Executive Vice President
and Director of Mobil.
Mr. Renna was elected to the Board of Directors in July 2002 and is a member of the Audit Committee and the Finance Committee. |
Abbie J. Smith, 55, is the Boris and Irene Stern
Professor of Accounting at the University of Chicago Booth
School of Business. She joined their faculty in 1980 upon
completion of her Ph.D. at Cornell University. The primary focus
of her research is corporate restructuring, transparency, and
corporate governance. Professor Smith is a co-editor of the
Journal of Accounting Research.
Ms. Smith was elected to the Board of Directors in July 2003 and is the Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Finance Committee. Ms. Smith serves on the Boards of Directors of HNI Corporation, DFA Investment Dimensions Group Inc. and Dimensional Investment Group Inc. She also serves as a trustee of certain Chicago-based UBS Funds. |
Hansel E. Tookes, II, 61, retired from Raytheon
Company in December 2002. He joined Raytheon in September 1999
as President and Chief Operating Officer of Raytheon Aircraft
Company. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer in January
2000 and Chairman in August 2000. Mr. Tookes became
President of Raytheon International in May 2001. Prior to
joining Raytheon in 1999, Mr. Tookes had served as
President of Pratt & Whitneys Large Military
Engines Group since 1996. He joined Pratt &
Whitneys parent company, United Technologies Corporation
in 1980. Mr. Tookes was a Lieutenant Commander and military
pilot in the U.S. Navy and later served as a commercial
pilot with United Airlines.
Mr. Tookes was elected to the Board of Directors in September 2002 and is the Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Audit Committee. Mr. Tookes serves on the Boards of Directors of BBA Aviation plc, Corning Incorporated, FPL Group, Inc., and Harris Corporation. |
Christine A. Varney, 53, is a Partner in the law firm of
Hogan & Hartson LLP, which she rejoined in 1997 after
five years in government service. She leads the Internet Law
practice group for the firm. Ms. Varney served as a Federal
Trade Commissioner from 1994 to 1997 and as a Senior White House
Advisor to President Clinton from 1993 to 1994. She also served
as Chief Counsel to President Clintons Campaign in 1992
and as General Counsel to the Democratic National Committee from
1989 to 1992. Prior to her government service, Ms. Varney
practiced law with the firms of Pierson, Semmes &
Finley (1986 to 1988) and Surrey & Morse (1984 to
Ms. Varney was elected to the Board of Directors in February 1998 and is the Chair of the Governance Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee. |
Prior Employment. The director was employed by
us or was personally working on our audit as an employee or
partner of our independent registered certified public
accounting firm, and over five years have passed since such
employment, partnership or auditing relationship ended.
Employment of Immediate Family
Member. (i) An immediate family member was
an officer of ours or was personally working on our audit as an
employee or partner of our independent registered certified
public accounting firm, and over five years have passed since
such employment, partnership or auditing relationship ended; or
(ii) an immediate family member is currently employed by us
in a non-officer position, or by our independent registered
certified public accounting firm not as a partner and not
participating in the firms audit, assurance or tax
compliance practice.
Interlocking Directorships. An executive
officer of ours served on the board of directors of a company
that employed the director or employed an immediate family
member as an executive officer, and over five years have passed
since either such relationship ended.
Commercial Relationships. The director is an
employee, partner, greater than 10% shareholder, or director (or
a directors immediate family member is a partner, greater
than 10% shareholder, director or officer) of a company that
makes or has made payments to, or receives or has received
payments (other than contributions, if the company is a
tax-exempt organization) from, us for property or services, and
the amount of such payments has not within any of such other
companys three most recently completed fiscal years
exceeded one percent (or $1 million, whichever is greater)
of such other companys consolidated gross revenues for
such year.
Indebtedness. A director or an immediate
family member is a partner, greater than 10% shareholder,
director or officer of a company that is indebted to us or to
which we are indebted, and the aggregate amount of such debt is
less than one percent (or $1 million, whichever is greater)
of the total consolidated assets of the indebted company.
Charitable Relationships. A director is a
trustee, fiduciary, director or officer of a tax-exempt
organization to which we make contributions, and the
contributions to such organization by us have not, within any of
such organizations three most recently completed fiscal
years, exceeded one percent (or $250,000, whichever is greater)
of such organizations consolidated gross revenues for such
Abbie J. Smith (Chair) Luis P. Nieto, Jr. Eugene A. Renna E. Follin Smith Hansel E. Tookes, II |
Number of meetings in 2008: | 8 |
John M. Berra (Chair) James S. Beard David I. Fuente L. Patrick Hassey Lynn M. Martin Christine A. Varney |
Number of Meetings in 2008: | 8 |
Christine A. Varney (Chair) L. Patrick Hassey Lynn M. Martin Luis P. Nieto, Jr. E. Follin Smith |
Number of Meetings in 2008: | 5 |
have a high level of personal integrity and exercise sound
business judgment;
are highly accomplished in their fields, with superior
credentials and recognition and have a reputation, both personal
and professional, consistent with our image and reputation;
have relevant expertise and experience, and are able to offer
advice and guidance to our senior management;
have an understanding of, and concern for, the interests of our
shareholders; and
have sufficient time to devote to fulfilling their obligations
as directors.
Hansel E. Tookes, II (Chair) James S. Beard John M. Berra David I. Fuente Eugene A. Renna Abbie J. Smith |
Number of Meetings in 2008: | 6 |
2008 | 2007 | |||||||
Audit Fees
$ | 3.7 | $ | 3.5 | ||||
Audit-Related Fees
1.1 | 0.6 | ||||||
Tax Fees1
0.1 | 0.2 | ||||||
All Other Fees
* | * | ||||||
Total Fees
$ | 4.9 | $ | 4.3 |
1 | All of the tax fees paid in 2008 and 2007 relate to tax compliance services. |
* | All Other Fees for each of 2008 and 2007 consist of $1,500 for research tools provided on a subscription basis. |
Shares Beneficially |
Owned or Subject |
Shares Which |
to Currently |
May be |
Exercisable |
Acquired Within |
Total Shares |
Percent of |
Name of Beneficial Owner
Options | 60 Days1 | Beneficially Owned2 | Class3 | ||||||||||||
Gregory T.
709,200 | 152,224 | 861,424 | 1.540 | % | |||||||||||
James S. Beard
92 | 637 | 729 | * | ||||||||||||
John M.
5,000 | 9,226 | 14,226 | * | ||||||||||||
Robert D.
53,620 | 21,890 | 75,510 | * | ||||||||||||
David I.
1,523 | 13,613 | 15,136 | * | ||||||||||||
L. Patrick Hassey
0 | 4,410 | 4,410 | * | ||||||||||||
Lynn M. Martin
10,881 | 14,760 | 25,641 | * | ||||||||||||
Luis P. Nieto, Jr.
0 | 2,852 | 2,852 | * | ||||||||||||
Thomas S.
9,702 | 22,346 | 32,048 | * | ||||||||||||
Eugene A. Renna
11,500 | 8,365 | 19,865 | * | ||||||||||||
Robert E.
46,009 | 25,127 | 71,136 | * | ||||||||||||
Abbie J.
11,800 | 9,658 | 21,458 | * | ||||||||||||
E. Follin
0 | 5,978 | 5,978 | * | ||||||||||||
Anthony G.
27,136 | 33,680 | 60,816 | * | ||||||||||||
Hansel E.
Tookes, II4,6
6,000 | 9,484 | 15,484 | * | ||||||||||||
Christine A.
107 | 14,115 | 14,222 | * | ||||||||||||
Directors and Executive Officers as a Group
(18 persons)4,5
903,029 | 371,840 | 1,274,869 | 2.279 | % |
* |
Represents less than 1% of our
outstanding common stock. |
1 |
Represents options to purchase
shares which became exercisable between January 14, 2009
and March 14, 2009, performance-based restricted stock
rights that vested on February 6, 2009, and restricted
stock units held in the accounts of directors that vest upon the
directors departure from the Board, which shares had the
potential of vesting before March 14, 2009 if a director
departed from the Board prior to that date. |
2 |
Unless otherwise noted, all
shares included in this table are owned directly, with sole
voting and dispositive power. Listing shares in this table shall
not be construed as an admission that such shares are
beneficially owned for purposes of Section 16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange
Act). |
3 |
Percent of class has been
computed in accordance with
Rule 13d-3(d)(1)
of the Exchange Act. |
4 |
Includes shares held through a
trust, jointly with their spouses or other family members or
held solely by their spouses, as follows: Mr. Swienton,
14,500 shares; Mr. Sanchez, 2,152 shares;
Mr. Tookes, 1,000 shares; and all directors and
executive officers as a group,
5 |
Includes shares held in the
accounts of executive officers pursuant to our 401(k) Plan and
Deferred Compensation Plan and shares held in the accounts of
directors pursuant to our Deferred Compensation Plan as follows:
Mr. Swienton, 3,798 shares; Mr. Fuente,
1,523 shares; Mr. Renehan, 6,585 shares;
Mr. Sanchez, 3,478 shares; Ms. A. Smith,
6,800 shares; Mr. Tegnelia, 1,807 shares; and
Mr. Fatovic, 15,349 shares; and all directors and
executive officers as a group,
6 |
Includes stock granted to the
director in lieu of his or her annual cash retainer which stock
has vested but will not be delivered to the director until his
or her departure from the Board. |
Number of Shares |
Beneficially |
Name and Address
Owned | Percent of Class | ||||||
5,924,0111 | 10.7 | % | |||||
Bahnhofstrasse 45
PO Box CH-8021
Zurich, Switzerland
Bank of America Corporation
3,916,2602 | 7.0 | % | |||||
100 North Tryon Street, Floor 25
Bank of America Corporate Center
Charlotte, NC 28255
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
3,287,4713 | 5.91 | % | |||||
100 Vanguard Boulevard
Malvern, PA 19355
1 |
Based upon the most recent SEC
filing by UBS AG on Form 13G dated February 7, 2009.
Of the total shares shown, the nature of beneficial ownership is
as follows: sole voting power 4,921,244; shared voting power 0;
sole dispositive power 0; and shared dispositive power
5,924,011. |
2 |
Based upon the most recent SEC
filing by Bank of America Corporation on Form 13G dated
February 12, 2009. Of the total shares shown, the nature of
beneficial ownership is as follows: sole voting power 0; shared
voting power 2,980,781; sole dispositive power 0; and shared
dispositive power 3,916,260. |
3 |
Based upon the most recent SEC
filing by The Vanguard Group, Inc. on Form 13G dated
February 13, 2009. Of the total shares shown, the nature of
beneficial ownership is as follows: sole voting power 64,825;
shared voting power 0; sole dispositive power 3,287,471; and
shared dispositive power 0. |
Gregory T. Swienton
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | |
Robert E. Sanchez
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | |
Anthony G. Tegnelia
President Global Fleet Management Solutions | |
Thomas S. Renehan
Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing, Fleet Management Solutions, North America | |
Robert D. Fatovic
Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary |
The Compensation Committee of our Board of Directors is
responsible for reviewing and approving all of the components of
our executive compensation program, approving all compensation
actions for NEOs other than our CEO, assisting the Board in
evaluating the CEOs performance and making recommendations
to the full Board regarding CEO compensation. Our independent
directors acting as a group are responsible for determining and
setting CEO compensation. For 2008, Frederic W. Cook &
Co. (Cook) assisted the Compensation Committee in compiling
market data and reviewing and making a recommendation to the
Board regarding Mr. Swientons compensation
The objective of our executive compensation program is to
recruit, retain and motivate high-quality executives who possess
diverse skills and talents that can help us achieve our
short-term goals and long-term strategies.
The Compensation Committees goal is to design an executive
compensation program and set compensation levels to provide
median levels of compensation if we achieve target financial
results, and below-market compensation when Company
individual performance fail to meet expectations.
While compensation levels may differ among NEOs based on
competitive factors and the role, responsibilities and
performance of each specific NEO, in order to encourage our NEOs
to compete collectively and manage collaboratively, there are no
material differences in the compensation philosophies,
objectives or policies for our NEOs. The Compensation Committee
considers all executives relative pay when making
practical decisions regarding hiring, promoting and retaining
our executives but does not have a formal policy regarding
internal pay equity.
We provide our named executive officers with the following types
of compensation: salary, annual cash incentive awards (annual
bonus), long-term incentive (LTI) compensation and limited
perquisites. We also provide our NEOs with welfare and
post-termination benefits such as retirement, severance and
change of control benefits. A significant portion of NEO
compensation (approximately 73% in 2008) is variable,
at-risk or performance-based compensation.
In evaluating each element of our executive compensation
program, the Compensation Committee considers data from
published market surveys and databases. In evaluating CEO
compensation, the Board considered the compensation levels and
financial performance of two peer groups of companies compiled
by Cook, but did not attempt to maintain a certain target
percentile within these peer groups.
In April 2008, all NEOs, including Mr. Swienton, received
approximately 2.5% increase in base salary which was the annual
merit increase given to most Company employees. In July 2008,
Mr. Tegnelias base salary
increased 12% to $525,000 to compensate him for additional
responsibilities given to him to oversee our Global Fleet
Management Solutions (FMS) operations and in consideration of
all executives relative pay.
In February 2008, the target payout amount for Mr. Swienton
under the annual bonus plan was increased from 100% of base
salary to 120% of base salary in order to increase
Mr. Swientons at-risk compensation consistent with
market compensation data and Cooks recommendation. The
target payout amount for the other NEOs did not change in
In February 2008, Mr. Tegnelia and Mr. Fatovic each
received a grant of time-based restricted stock rights which
cliff vest on the third anniversary of the grant date. These
grants were made to reward Messrs. Tegnelia and Fatovic for
their continued leadership and to assure continued retention of
these long-tenured employees during challenging economic
Although the Companys comparable earnings and operating
revenue grew in 2008 despite a significant economic slowdown in
the fourth quarter, financial results for 2008 were below our
planned targets. As a result, the payout under the annual bonus
plan was 52.85% of target.
Our 2008 LTI program consisted of a combination of stock options
(45%), performance-based restricted stock rights (PBRSRs) (35%)
and performance-based cash awards (PBCA) (20%). The LTI program
was designed to deliver an aggregate target opportunity equal to
175% of the midpoint of the relevant salary range for the
NEOs management level and 350% in the case of our CEO. The
PBRSRs delivered as part of the 2008 LTI Program will vest if
Ryders Total Shareholder Return meets or exceeds the Total
Return of the S&P 500 for a three-year period beginning on
January 1, 2008. The PBCA delivered as part of the 2008 LTI
program will vest if Ryders Total Shareholder Return meets
or exceeds the Total Return of the
percentile of the S&P 500 for a three-year period
beginning on January 1, 2008.
The Companys Total Shareholder Return for the three-year
period ended December 31, 2008 was 22% greater than the
Total Return for the S&P 500 over the same period. As a
result, the PBRSRs and tandem cash awards granted to the NEOs as
part of the
performance cycle of the LTI program were earned as of
December 31, 2008. The cash was paid and the underlying
shares were issued upon Board approval in February 2009.
As a result of the Companys below-target performance under
the annual bonus plan and the Compensation Committees
decision in prior years to shift more of
Mr. Swientons compensation to long-term equity-based
awards, the total cash compensation paid to Mr. Swienton in
2008 decreased by $264,357, or 12% from 2007 levels. Total
direct compensation (total cash compensation plus the grant date
fair value of long-term equity awards) increased by $140,622, or
3% from 2007 levels.
In June 2008, we hired John H. Williford as President of our
Global Supply Chain Solutions business. Revenue and earnings for
that business segment totaled $1.643 billion and
$42.7 million, respectively, in 2008.
Mr. Willifords base salary was set at $525,000. His
annual bonus and LTI payout opportunities were the same as
Mr. Sanchez and Mr. Tegnelia, with a guaranteed
pro-rata target bonus payout for 2008. Mr. Williford also
received a grant of time-based restricted stock rights with a
grant date fair value of $800,000. He is also entitled to the
Companys standard relocation benefits.
Our NEOs do not have employment agreements, but do have
agreements which entitle them to severance under certain limited
circumstances including if their employment is terminated upon a
change of control of the Company.
Aligns the short and long-term interests of our named executive
officers and our shareholders so that our named executive
officers are motivated to take actions that are in the best
interests of our shareholders when carrying out their duties as
executives of our Company.
Emphasizes and rewards overall Company performance through clear
and simple incentive compensation programs that provide market
compensation for achieving target financial results and
below-average compensation when Company
individual performance fail to meet expectations.
Promotes growth without sacrificing quality of earnings or
providing incentives to executives to engage in risky business
Rewards each named executive officers performance,
contribution and value to the Company.
Avis Budget Group, Inc.
Hertz Global Holdings, Inc. | |
C. H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.
Hub Group, Inc. | |
Celadon Group, Inc.
Landstar System, Inc. | |
CIT Group Inc.
Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. | |
Con-way Inc.
PHH Corporation | |
CSX Corporation
Trinity Industries, Inc. | |
Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.
United Parcel Service, Inc. | |
FEDEX Corporation
Werner Enterprises, Inc. | |
GATX Corporation
YRC Worldwide Inc. |
AECOM Technology
Exterran Holdings | |
Barnes & Noble
Grainger (W.W.) | |
Republic Services | |
CGI Group
Services Corp. International | |
Unisys | |
DST Systems
United Rentals | |
UTi Worldwide |
Base Salary
Objective: The Compensation Committee sets an
executives base salary with the objective of hiring and
retaining highly qualified executives and rewarding individual
Design: Base salary is designed to adequately compensate and reward the executive on a day-to-day basis for the time spent and the services the executive performs. When setting and adjusting individual executive salary levels, the Compensation Committee considers the executive officers responsibilities, experience, potential, individual performance, internal pay equity and contribution, competitive market position determined from market surveys and comparative data provided by outside compensation consultants. The Compensation Committee also considers other factors such as the annual merit increase paid to all other Company employees, demand in the labor market for the particular executive and succession planning. These factors are not weighted. The Compensation Committee bases salary adjustments on the overall assessment of all of these factors. The Compensation Committee does not target base pay at any particular level versus a peer group, but instead, the Compensation Committee considers certain market and survey data, as previously described, and uses its judgment to set a base salary that, when combined with all other compensation elements, results in a competitive pay package. |
2008 Salary Actions: In February 2008, Mr. Swienton received a 2.3% salary increase and the other named executive officers received 2.4% to 2.6% salary increases. These increases were effective in April 2008 and were consistent with the budgeted annual merit increase for all eligible employees, which was 2.5%. In July 2008, in connection with Mr. Tegnelias additional responsibilities to oversee our Global FMS operations and recognizing the need for appropriate internal pay equity, Mr. Tegnelia received a 12% salary increase bringing his annual base salary to $525,000. |
2009 Salary Actions: Given current economic conditions, in February 2009, the Compensation Committee determined to freeze salaries for all officers including Mr. Swienton and all other NEOs. |
Annual Bonus
Objective: Our annual bonus program is
designed to reward executives (through additional cash
compensation) when the Company meets certain annual performance
targets. The Compensation Committee believes the annual bonus
motivates executives to focus their efforts on implementing the
Companys near-term strategies and achieving the
fiscal-year financial goals established by management and
approved by the Board.
2008 Annual Bonus Program Design: The performance metrics and performance targets for our 2008 annual bonus program were based on our 2008 internal business plan. The 2008 annual bonus program for our named executive officers was driven by a combination of the following three Company performance metrics. There were no individual performance metrics for our named executive officers. |
revenue (40% weighting) is our total revenue less fuel
services revenue (net of inter-segment billings) in our FMS
business segment and subcontracted transportation revenue in our
supply chain solutions and dedicated contract carriage business
segments. We believe operating revenue (a non-GAAP financial
measure) is an appropriate measure of our operating performance
and sales activity because both fuel and subcontracted
transportation are largely pass-throughs to customers and
therefore have minimal impact on our profitability.
per share (EPS) (30% weighting) is an effective measure
commonly used by shareholders to assess a companys annual
financial performance, and therefore, we think it is an
appropriate measure on which to compensate our named executive
on capital (30% weighting) is our tax adjusted earnings
excluding interest, as a percentage of (i) total debt, (ii) on
and off-balance sheet debt obligations and (iii) shareholders
equity. We believe return on capital measures capital
efficiency across all business segments, which is critical to
the success of capital-intensive businesses like ours.
We believe that these three performance metrics taken together
are useful in measuring our success in meeting our strategic
objective of growing our revenue in a way that creates solid
earnings leverage and earns an appropriate return on invested
The target payout amounts under our annual bonus program are
designed to motivate our executive officers to act in a way that
will result in the Company achieving improved year over year
financial performance without taking excessive risk. Under the
2008 annual bonus program, the target payout opportunity for all
executive officers (other than our CEO) was 75% of base salary
and is subject to a maximum. As reported in last years
proxy statement, for 2008, the target payout opportunity for
Mr. Swienton was increased from 100% to 120% of base salary
in order to increase the at-risk portion of
Mr. Swientons compensation and further motivate Mr.
Swienton to drive strong sustainable performance during a
challenging economic environment. Each year, the Compensation
Committee considers the appropriateness of the target payout
amounts as well as the market data and recommendations provided
by management and Cook. Mr. Swienton is eligible to receive a
higher target payout amount than our other executive officers to
reflect the increased responsibility that accompanies the role
of a CEO.
2008 Payout: The following chart sets forth
the performance measures, weights and targets under our 2008
annual bonus program as well as actual 2008 results. Financial
targets disclosed in this section are done so in the limited
context of our annual bonus plan and are not statements of
managements expectations or estimates of results or other
guidance. We specifically caution investors not to apply these
statements to other contexts.
Performance Measure |
Threshold (25% Payout) |
Target (100% Payout) |
Maximum (200% Payout) |
Adjusted 2008 Results |
Calculated Payout as a Percent of Target Opportunity |
Weighted Payout |
Operating Revenue (in thousands) | $4,500-$4,650 | $4,885 | $5,100 | $4,704.5 | 42.4% | 16.96% | |||||||||||
Earnings Per Share | $3.95-$4.20 | $4.48 | $4.98 | $4.46 | 94.64% | 28.39% | |||||||||||
Return on Capital | 7.0-7.4% | 7.7% | 8.0% | 7.39% | 25% | 7.5% | |||||||||||
Actual performance relative to the target is calculated in
accordance with GAAP and adjusted for non-recurring and
non-operational items. The Compensation Committee retains the
right to adjust reported results in order to ensure that actual
payouts properly reflect the performance of our core business
and are not impacted positively or negatively by non-recurring
or non-operational items.
Specifically, in 2008, the Compensation Committee adjusted 2008
reported EPS to exclude the $0.08 per share positive impact of
our $300 million share repurchase program, consistent with past
practice. The Compensation Committee also adjusted 2008
reported EPS and Return on Capital to exclude $58 million (or
$1.02 per share) of restructuring and other charges taken in the
fourth quarter, substantially all of which relates to our
exiting certain international supply chain operations, headcount
reduction and goodwill impairment. The Compensation Committee
excluded these items so as to not penalize employees for taking
restructuring actions that are in the long-term best interests
of the Company and our shareholders. Each of these excluded
items are discussed at length in our 2008 financial statements
and periodic SEC filings.
As previously described, for 2008, the actual payout for each
NEO was 52.85% of his target payout opportunity. The actual
payout amounts under the annual bonus program were as
Named Executive Officer | 2008 Payout ($) | ||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton | 567,648 | ||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez | 161,534 | ||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia | 195,437 | ||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan | 126,691 | ||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic | 132,795 | ||||||||
2009 Annual Bonus Program: In February 2009,
the Compensation Committee approved the performance metrics,
performance targets and target payout opportunity for the 2009
annual bonus awards. Given the Companys increased focus
in 2009 on meeting its targeted earning objectives and to
enhance earnings transparency in difficult economic conditions,
the Compensation Committee determined that the 2009 annual bonus
awards would be based solely on EPS performance. The target
payout opportunity of 120% of base salary for the CEO and 75% of
base salary for the other NEOs is unchanged from 2008.
Objective: Our 2008 LTI program for our NEOs
was comprised of non-qualified stock options, PBRSRs and PBCA.
The Compensation Committee believes granting stock options,
PBRSRs and PBCA to our named executive officers aligns their
financial interests with that of our shareholders and motivates
them to create long-term value for our shareholders. These
equity awards also promote employee retention as the equity
awards do not fully vest until at least three years after the
grant date.
Design: The combination of stock options,
PBRSRs and PBCA granted in February 2008 to named executive
officers was expected to deliver an aggregate target LTI value
equal to 175% of the midpoint of the relevant salary range for
the named executive officers management level and 350% of
the midpoint in the case of Mr. Swienton. Of the total
target LTI value, 45% of the value was allocated to the stock
options, 35% was allocated to the PBRSRs and 20% was allocated
to the PBCA. This allocation is similar to the allocation used
for the 2007 LTI program. The equity values were converted into
an equivalent number of shares based on the fair value of the
stock options (using a Black-Scholes pricing model) and on the
intrinsic value of the PBRSRs. Following is a description of the
terms and conditions of each component of the 2008 LTI
Stock Options
The stock options were issued at the average of the high and low
sales price of our common stock as reported by the NYSE on
February 8, 2008, the day the Compensation Committee (or
the Board in the case of the CEO grant) approved the grant. The
stock options vest in three equal annual installments and expire
seven years from the grant date. The executive only realizes
benefits from the stock options to the extent our stock price
increases over the term of the option.
The PBRSRs granted in 2008 will vest and pay out upon approval
of the Compensation Committee only if Ryders Total
Shareholder Return (generally the change in Ryders stock
price over the performance period assuming reinvestment of
dividends paid) (TSR) meets or exceeds the Total Return of the
S&P 500 Composite Index over the three-year performance
period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. The
PBRSRs entitle the named executive officer to receive dividend
equivalents during the performance period. The Compensation
Committee believes TSR is an appropriate performance metric
because it assesses whether management is focusing its efforts
on the fundamental drivers of shareholder value. Given the
difficulty in identifying a suitable peer group, the
Compensation Committee selected the S&P 500 as the
comparable group because it is a broad-based, widely-used
The PBCA granted in 2008 will vest and pay out upon approval of
the Compensation Committee only if Ryders TSR meets or
exceeds the Total Return of the 33rd percentile of the S&P
500 Composite Index over the three-year performance period from
January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. Beginning in
2008, the PBCA were not awarded in tandem with the PBRSRs as was
historically the case. The Compensation Committee believes that
setting a lower TSR target for the PBCA provides executives with
an opportunity to receive a minimum payout in the case of
extreme market volatility.
2008 Awards: In February 2008, our independent
directors approved an LTI award with a value of $3,355,000 to
Mr. Swienton, which converted to 109,290 stock options,
20,080 PBRSRs and a $670,925 PBCA. The LTI value awarded to
Mr. Swienton equaled 383% of the midpoint of the relevant
salary range, exceeding the 350% target value. The Compensation
Committee exceeded the target value for Mr. Swienton to
reward him for the Companys strong performance in 2007 and
his continued strong leadership and success as the
Companys CEO as well as to motivate him to deliver strong
performance relative to the market particularly in light of the
expected economic downturn. In addition, in light of market data
provided by Cook indicating that Mr. Swientons
compensation was slightly below that of the Peer Group and
Market Group, the Compensation Committee determined that any
increase in Mr. Swientons compensation should be made
to the variable, at-risk component of his compensation.
Mr. Swientons target value was set higher than the
other NEOs to reflect Mr. Swientons scope of
responsibilities as our CEO.
With respect to awards to our other executive officers, the
target LTI values for all executive officers were aggregated
into one LTI pool. In determining the target LTI value to grant
to executive officers, the Compensation Committee considered
Company performance, competitive practices, the cost to us
(particularly in light of the new stock option expensing rules)
and share dilution. The LTI pool was then allocated and awarded
to the executive officers (including NEOs) by the Compensation
Committee (based on recommendations made by Mr. Swienton).
The Compensation Committee also considered each executives
individual responsibilities, performance evaluation and
long-term initiatives. The number and grant date fair value of
the stock options and PBRSRs and the value of the PBCA granted
to the named executive officers in 2008 are set forth in the
2008 Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table on
page 41.
2006 Awards: In 2006, we issued PBRSRs and
tandem cash awards to our NEOs for the 2006-2008 performance
period. Similar to the PBRSRs issued in 2008, vesting of the
PBRSRs and tandem cash awards issued in 2006 was based on
Ryders TSR for the three-year period ended
December 31, 2008 meeting or exceeding Total Return for the
S&P 500 Composite Index for the same period. As of
December 31, 2008, Ryders three-year TSR was 22%
greater than the Total Return for the S&P 500 Composite
Index. As a result, the PBRSRs and tandem cash awards for the
performance period were earned and vested upon Board approval in
February 2009. The number of PBRSRs and the amount of the tandem
cash for each of the NEOs was as follows:
Named Executive Officer | PBRSRs Vested (#) | Tandem Cash Award ($) | |||||
Gregory T. Swienton | 20,000 | 500,000 | |||||
Robert E. Sanchez | 3,900 | 97,143 | |||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia | 5,900 | 148,572 | |||||
Thomas S. Renehan | 3,900 | 97,143 | |||||
Robert D. Fatovic | 3,500 | 88,572 | |||||
2009 Design Change: In February 2009, the
Compensation Committee maintained the same LTI program design as
was utilized in 2008, including using TSR as the performance
metric for the PBRSRs and PBCA. However, for the
performance cycle, TSR will be calculated by measuring the
absolute difference in cumulative TSR for each month of the
performance period and averaging this over the number of periods
measured. This change was made to normalize temporary
aberrations that can be caused by extreme market conditions and
to prevent large late market cycle moves from distorting overall
Perquisites and Benefits |
Objective: The Compensation Committee prefers
to compensate our named executive officers in cash and equity
rather than with perquisites. However, we do provide a limited
number of perquisites to our named executive officers that we
believe are related to the performance of their
responsibilities. In addition, we believe our named executive
officers should be eligible to participate in the standard
benefits package available to all U.S. salaried employees as
well as a few additional benefits that are customary for other
executives in their positions.
2008 Perquisites: During 2008, each named
executive officer received the following perquisites:
An annual
car allowance equal to $9,600 per year;
An annual
executive perquisite of $5,000 for all executive officers and
$7,500 for our CEO (plus a tax
Although designed to provide the executive with an amount of
money that can be used by him to pay for community, business or
social activities that may be indirectly related to the
performance of the executives duties but are not otherwise
eligible for reimbursement as direct business expenses, there is
no requirement that the executive use the perquisite for these
Given the
complex structure of certain elements of our compensation, we
pay on behalf of our executives, up to $15,000 per year (an
increase from $6,000 in previous years) for amounts incurred by
the executive for financial planning and tax preparation
services; and
security reasons, we provide up to $5,000 for the installation
of a new or upgraded security system in the executives
home and pay any related monthly monitoring fees.
2008 Benefits: During 2008, our named
executive officers were eligible to participate in the following
standard welfare benefit plans: medical, dental and prescription
coverage, Company-paid short- and long-term disability
insurance, and paid vacation and holidays. In addition, the
named executive officers received the following additional
welfare benefits which are not available to all salaried
employees: executive term life insurance coverage equal to three
times the executives current base salary in lieu of the
standard Company-paid term life insurance (limited to an
aggregate of $3 million in life insurance coverage under
the policy) and individual supplemental long-term disability
insurance which provides up to $15,000 per month in additional
coverage over the $8,000 per month maximum provided under our
group long-term disability plan. We believe that these
additional benefits are reasonable and are in line with enhanced
benefits provided to similarly-situated executives.
Retirement Benefits |
The NEOs are eligible to participate in one or more of the
following Company-wide retirement plans: qualified pension plan,
pension benefit restoration plan (pension restoration plan),
401(k) savings plan (which may include Company contributions)
and deferred compensation plan. The retirement and deferred
compensation plans are described under the headings
Pension Benefits and 2008 Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation beginning on page 43 of this
proxy statement.
| our principal executive officer; | |
| our principal financial officer; and | |
the three other most highly compensated executive officers
serving as executive officers at the end of 2008 (based on total
compensation (as reflected in the table below) reduced by the
amounts in the Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation Earnings column).
Change in |
Pension |
Value and |
Nonqualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Stock |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Salary |
Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Total |
Name and Principal Position
Year | ($) | ($)1 | ($)2 | ($)3 | ($)4 | ($)5 | ($) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
Chairman and | 2008 | 895,000 | 720,409 | 1,569,268 | 1,067,648 | 373,187 | 70,540 | 4,696,052 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chief Executive Officer | 2007 | 872,500 | 771,080 | 1,283,619 | 1,363,932 | 308,173 | 61,113 | 4,660,417 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2006 | 843,750 | 723,165 | 1,271,629 | 1,744,716 | 254,742 | 60,708 | 4,898,710 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
Executive Vice President | 2008 | 407,500 | 428,493 | 259,761 | 258,677 | 24,072 | 63,564 | 1,442,067 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
and Chief Financial Officer | 2007 | 326,025 | 383,459 | 171,729 | 299,601 | 28,015 | 27,215 | 1,236,044 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2006 | 302,250 | 159,462 | 150,319 | 345,531 | 21,990 | 29,956 | 1,009,508 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
President | 2008 | 492,850 | 512,663 | 341,006 | 344,009 | 110,967 | 41,360 | 1,842,855 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Global Fleet Management | 2007 | 451,500 | 299,955 | 260,285 | 411,373 | 129,306 | 34,454 | 1,586,873 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Solutions | 2006 | 430,250 | 264,478 | 228,534 | 552,717 | 186,208 | 34,364 | 1,696,551 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
Executive Vice President | 2008 | 319,600 | 406,249 | 225,980 | 254,205 | 64,617 | 37,769 | 1,308,420 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sales and Marketing | 2007 | 310,950 | 382,728 | 170,063 | 257,845 | 34,044 | 40,076 | 1,195,706 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fleet Management Solutions, | 2006 | 302,250 | 156,401 | 142,978 | 334,566 | 26,281 | 37,359 | 999,835 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North America | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
Executive Vice President, | 2008 | 335,000 | 292,357 | 220,977 | 221,367 | 20,941 | 57,583 | 1,148,225 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chief Legal Officer and | 2007 | 326,250 | 115,535 | 155,275 | 277,783 | 30,475 | 31,704 | 937,022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Corporate Secretary | 2006 | 317,250 | 100,418 | 123,439 | 235,442 | 26,558 | 26,220 | 829,327 |
1 |
Stock awards consist of
time-based restricted stock rights and PBRSRs. The amounts in
this column do not reflect compensation actually received by the
named executive officer nor do they reflect the actual value
that will be recognized by the named executive officer. Instead,
the amounts reflect the compensation cost recognized by us in
fiscal years 2008, 2007 and 2006 for financial statement
reporting purposes in accordance with SFAS 123R for stock
awards granted in and prior to those years. The full grant date
fair value of stock awards granted in 2008 is reflected in the
Grants of Plan Based Awards table on page 41. For
information regarding the assumptions made in calculating the
2008, 2007 and 2006 amounts reflected in this column, see the
section entitled Share-Based Compensation Fair Value
Assumptions in note 22 to our audited consolidated
financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008,
included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008. Dividend equivalents
are paid on all restricted stock rights. The dividend
equivalents are factored into the compensation cost recognized
for financial statement reporting purposes. |
2 |
The amounts in this column do
not reflect compensation actually received by the named
executive officer nor do they reflect the actual value that will
be recognized by the named executive officer. Instead the
amounts reflect the compensation cost recognized by us in fiscal
years 2008, 2007 and 2006 for financial statement reporting
purposes in accordance with SFAS 123R for stock options
granted in and prior to those years. The full grant date fair
value of stock options granted in 2008, determined using the
Black-Scholes pricing model, is reflected in the Grants of
Plan-Based Awards table on page 41. For information
regarding the assumptions made in determining the 2008 value
under the Black-Scholes pricing model, see the section entitled
Share-Based Compensation Fair Value Assumptions in
note 22 to our audited consolidated financial statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008, included in our
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008. |
3 |
For 2008, the amounts in this
column represent (i) amounts earned in 2008 under the 2008
annual cash incentive (bonus) awards (which amounts were paid in
February 2009), (ii) amounts earned in 2008 under tandem
cash awards granted under the
performance cycle |
of our LTI program, and
(iii) earnings on amounts earned in previous years under
our previous cash based long-term incentive program (Cash LTIP)
but not paid until July 2008. Following is a breakdown of the
amounts paid in 2008: |
Earnings on |
Amounts Earned |
Annual Bonus |
Tandem Cash |
But Unpaid Under |
Year | Awards ($) | Awards ($) | Cash LTIP ($) | |||||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
2008 | 567,648 | 500,000 | 0* | ||||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
2008 | 161,534 | 97,143 | 0* | ||||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
2008 | 195,437 | 148,572 | 0* | ||||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
2008 | 126,691 | 97,143 | 30,371 | ||||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
2008 | 132,795 | 88,572 | |
* |
Due to adverse market conditions
during 2008, Messrs. Swienton, Sanchez and Tegnelia
realized losses on amounts earned but unpaid under the Cash
LTIP. Mr. Fatovic did not participate in the Cash
4 |
The amounts in this column
include an estimate of the increase in the actuarial present
value of the accrued pension benefits (under both our pension
and pension restoration plans) for the named executive officer
for the respective year. Assumptions used to calculate these
amounts are described under Pension Benefits on
page 43. No named executive officer realized above-market
or preferential earnings on deferred
compensation. |
5 |
All Other Compensation for 2008
includes the following payments or accruals for each named
executive officer: |
Employer |
Premiums Paid |
Contributions |
Under the |
Employer |
to the |
Supplemental |
Premiums |
Contributions |
Deferred |
Long-Term |
Paid for |
Charitable |
to the 401(k) |
Compensation |
Disability |
Executive Life |
Awards |
Year | Plan ($)(a) | Plan ($)(a) | Insurance Plan ($) | Insurance ($) | Programs ($)(b) | Perquisites ($)(c)(d) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
2008 | 2,008 | 0 | 8,203 | 3,802 | 17,639 | 38,888 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
2008 | 14,658 | 17,395 | 4,328 | 1,731 | 0 | 25,452 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
2008 | 2,008 | 0 | 5,944 | 2,100 | 0 | 31,308 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
2008 | 2,008 | 0 | 5,340 | 1,358 | 0 | 29,064 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
2008 | 14,658 | 13,578 | 5,133 | 1,423 | 0 | 22,790 |
(a) |
As described below under
Pension Benefits, in 2008, Mr. Sanchez and
Mr. Fatovic were not eligible to continue accruing benefits
under our pension plan and instead received employer
contributions into their 401(k) and deferred compensation
accounts in 2008. Based on their age and/or tenure with Ryder,
Messrs. Swienton, Tegnelia and Renehan could, like all
other eligible plan participants, elect to continue
participating in our pension plan. Because they elected to do
so, they were therefore not eligible for employer contributions
into their 401(k) and deferred compensation
accounts. |
(b) |
As Chairman of the Board,
Mr. Swienton is eligible to participate in our Matching
Gifts to Education Program and Directors Charitable Award
Program described under Director Compensation on
page 49. For 2008, the amounts in this column reflect
(i) $10,000 in benefits under the our Matching Gifts to
Education Program and (ii) $7,639 in insurance premium
payments made on behalf of Mr. Swienton in connection with
the Directors Charitable Award Program. |
(c) |
Includes, for each executive, a
car allowance, a financial planning and tax preparation
allowance, an executive allowance (and related tax
gross-up of
$4,302 for Mr. Swienton, $1,798 for Mr. Sanchez,
$2,868 for Mr. Tegnelia, $1,798 for Mr. Renehan and
$1,798 for Mr. Fatovic), and amounts paid in connection
with the executives home security system. The value
reflected in this column reflects the aggregate incremental cost
to us of providing each perquisite to the
executive. |
(d) |
For Mr. Renehan, includes
travel expenses for Mr. Renehans spouse paid by the
Company in 2008 in connection with her travel to the annual
Company-sponsored FMS sales contest trip (and related tax gross
up of $1,680). Mr. Renehan attends this event annually as
part of his role as the head of Sales and Marketing for our FMS
organization. |
Estimated |
Future |
Payouts |
All Other |
All Other |
Grant Date |
Under |
Stock Awards: |
Option Awards: |
Fair Value |
Equity |
Number of |
Number of |
Exercise or |
of Stock |
Estimated Future Payouts Under |
Incentive |
Shares of |
Securities |
Base Price |
and |
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards1 | Plan Awards2 |
Stock or |
Underlying |
of Option |
Option |
Grant |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
Target |
Units |
Options |
Awards |
Awards |
Date | ($) | ($) | ($) | (#) | (#)3 | (#)4 | ($/Sh)5 | ($)6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
| 268,508 | 1,074,033 | 2,148,066 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 20,080 | 978,097 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 670,925 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 109,290 | 58.48 | 1,509,295 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
| 76,409 | 305,635 | 611,270 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 4,640 | 226,014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 155,035 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 25,245 | 58.48 | 348,633 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
| 92,445 | 369,781 | 739,562 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 4,640 | 226,014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 155,035 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 25,245 | 58.48 | 348,633 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 12,000 | 701,760 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
| 59,927 | 239,708 | 479,416 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 3,140 | 152,949 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 104,916 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 17,100 | 58.48 | 236,151 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
| 62,815 | 251,258 | 502,516 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 3,440 | 167,562 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 114,939 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 18,730 | 58.48 | 258,661 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/08 | 10,000 | 584,800 |
1 |
These columns reflect the range
of payouts under the 2008 annual cash incentive (bonus) awards
granted under the Ryder System, Inc. 2005 Equity Compensation
Plan. Amounts actually earned in 2008 are reported as Non-Equity
Incentive Plan Compensation in the Summary Compensation Table.
The Target column also includes the target payout
under PBCA granted in 2008 under the Ryder System, Inc. 2005
Equity Compensation Plan. For a more detailed description of the
annual cash incentive (bonus) awards, see the section entitled
Annual Bonus in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis. For a detailed description of the PBCA, see
Long-Term Incentive Program PBCA in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis. |
2 |
This column reflects the target
payout under the PBRSRs granted in 2008 under the Ryder System,
Inc. 2005 Equity Compensation Plan. The PBRSRs will payout at
target only if our Total Shareholder Return for the three-year
period ending on December 31, 2010 meets or exceeds the
Total Return of the S&P 500 Composite Index over the same
period, as discussed in further detail under the heading
Long-Term Incentive Program PBRSRs in
the Compensation Discussion and Analysis. The PBRSRs are
entitled to dividend equivalents. |
3 |
Represents time-based restricted
stock rights granted to certain of our named executive officers
in 2008. These restricted stock rights will cliff vest on
February 8, 2011. |
4 |
Represents stock options granted
under the Ryder System, Inc. 2005 Equity Compensation Plan. The
stock options for all of the named executive officers vest in
three equal annual installments beginning on February 8,
2009. For a more detailed description of our stock options and
stock option granting policies, see the sections entitled
Long-Term Incentive Program Stock
Options and Equity Granting Practices in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis. |
5 |
The exercise price of the stock
options granted in 2008 were set as the average of the high and
the low sales prices of our common stock on the grant date as
required under the Ryder System, Inc. 2005 Equity Compensation
Plan. The closing stock price of our common stock was $58.41 on
February 8, 2008. |
6 |
The grant date fair value of the
stock and option awards is determined pursuant to SFAS 123R
and represents the total amount that we will expense in our
financial statements over the relevant vesting period. For
information regarding the assumptions made in calculating the
amounts reflected in this column, see the section entitled
Share-Based Compensation Fair Value Assumptions in
note 22 to our audited consolidated financial statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008, included in our
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008. |
Option Awards | Stock Awards | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equity |
Incentive |
Equity Incentive |
Plan Awards: |
Plan Awards: |
Market or |
Market |
Number of |
Payout Value |
Number of |
Value of |
Unearned |
of Unearned |
Number of |
Number of |
Shares or |
Shares or |
Shares, Units |
Shares, Units |
Securities |
Securities |
Units of |
Units of |
or Other |
or Other |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Option |
Stock That |
Stock That |
Rights That |
Rights That |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Exercise |
Option |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Options |
Options |
Price |
Expiration |
Vested |
Vested1 |
Vested |
Vested1 |
(#) | (#) | ($) | Date | (#) | ($) | (#) | ($) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exercisable | Unexercisable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
114,000 | 16.60 | 10/10/2010 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
150,000 | 36.88 | 2/12/2011 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
175,000 | 44.89 | 2/10/2012 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
116,667 | 58,333(5) | 42.73 | 2/13/2013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37,462 | 74,923(6) | 52.48 | 2/9/2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
109,290(7) | 58.48 | 2/8/2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20,000(2) | 775,600 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21,340(3) | 827,565 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20,080(4) | 778,702 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
12,000 | 44.89 | 2/10/2012 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7,500 | 38.99 | 7/15/2012 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12,500 | 6,250(5) | 42.73 | 2/13/2013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6,562 | 13,123(6) | 52.48 | 2/9/2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25,245(7) | 58.48 | 2/8/2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15,000 | (8) | 581,700 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,900(2) | 151,242 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,740(3) | 145,037 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4,640(4) | 179,939 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
5,000 | 33.19 | 10/7/2012 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10,000(5) | 42.73 | 2/13/2013 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9,365 | 18,730(6) | 52.48 | 2/9/2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25,245(7) | 58.48 | 2/8/2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5,900(2) | 228,802 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5,335(3) | 206,891 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4,640(4) | 179,939 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12,000 | (9) | 465,360 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
2,500 | 33.19 | 10/7/2012 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6,250(5) | 42.73 | 2/13/2013 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12,993(6) | 52.48 | 2/9/2014 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17,100(7) | 58.48 | 2/8/2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15,000 | (8) | 581,700 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,900(2) | 151,242 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,700(3) | 143,486 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,140(4) | 121,769 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
5,000 | 48.54 | 10/8/2011 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12,000 | 44.89 | 2/10/2012 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12,000 | 6,000(5) | 42.73 | 2/13/2013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6,147 | 12,293(6) | 52.48 | 2/9/2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18,730(7) | 58.48 | 2/8/2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,500(2) | 135,730 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,500(3) | 135,730 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,440(4) | 133,403 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10,000 | (9) | 387,800 |
1 |
Based on a stock price of
$38.78, which was the closing market price of our common stock
on December 31, 2008. |
2 |
These PBRSRs were earned on
December 31, 2008, and vested upon approval of the Board of
Directors on February 6, 2009. |
3 |
Represents the PBRSRs that were
granted in February 2007 and will vest if our Total Shareholder
Return for the three-year period ending December 31, 2009
meets or exceeds the Total Return of the S&P 500 Composite
Index over the same period. |
4 |
Represents the PBRSRs that were
granted in February 2008 and will vest if our Total Shareholder
Return for the three-year period ending December 31, 2010
meets or exceeds the Total Return of the S&P 500 Composite
Index over the same period. |
5 |
These stock options will vest on
February 13, 2009. |
6 |
These stock options will vest in
two equal installments on February 9, 2009 and
February 9, 2010. |
7 |
These stock options will vest in
three equal annual installments on February 8, 2009,
February 8, 2010 and February 8, 2011. |
8 |
These restricted stock rights
will vest on October 6, 2009. |
9 |
These restricted stock rights
will vest on February 8, 2011. |
Option Awards | Stock Awards1 | |||||||||||||||
Number of Shares |
Value Realized |
Number of Shares |
Value Realized |
Acquired on Exercise |
on Exercise |
Acquired on Vesting |
on Vesting |
(#) | ($)2 | (#)3 | ($)4 | ||||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
150,000 | 5 | 7,124,000 | 8,333 | 489,564 | |||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
0 | 0 | 1,250 | 66,715 | ||||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
20,000 | 570,900 | 5,667 | 292,586 | ||||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
24,247 | 439,659 | 1,250 | 66,715 | ||||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
4,333 | 141,039 | 433 | 25,439 |
1 |
This column reflects time-based
restricted stock rights previously awarded to the named
executive officer that vested during 2008. |
2 |
Calculated based on the
difference between the closing market price of Ryder common
stock on the date of exercise and the exercise price of the
option. |
3 |
Of these amounts, shares were
withheld by us to cover tax withholding obligations as follows:
Gregory T. Swienton, 2,204 shares; Robert E. Sanchez,
356 shares; Anthony G. Tegnelia, 2,039 shares; Thomas
S. Renehan, 330 shares; Robert D. Fatovic,
4 |
Calculated based on the closing
market price of Ryder common stock on the vesting
date. |
5 |
All option exercises by
Mr. Swienton were effected pursuant to two
Rule 10b5-1
trading plans established by Mr. Swienton on May 18,
2007 and May 15, 2008. |
Number of |
Present Value |
Years Credited |
of Accumulated |
Plan Name
Service (#) | Benefit ($)1 | |||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
Retirement Plan | 10 | 303,842 | |||||||
Benefit Restoration Plan | 10 | 1,671,349 | ||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
Retirement Plan | 16 | 141,619 | |||||||
Benefit Restoration Plan | 16 | 131,867 | ||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
Retirement Plan | 32 | 1,031,632 | |||||||
Benefit Restoration Plan | 32 | 1,293,084 | ||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
Retirement Plan | 23 | 225,156 | |||||||
Benefit Restoration Plan | 23 | 149,924 | ||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
Retirement Plan | 14 | 125,950 | |||||||
Benefit Restoration Plan | 14 | 112,934 |
1 | These amounts have been modified to reflect the effect of the pension changes approved in January 2007 and discussed above. |
Executive |
Employer |
Contributions in |
Contributions in |
Last Fiscal |
Last Fiscal |
Aggregate Earnings |
Aggregate Balance at |
Year ($)1 | Year ($)1 | in Last Fiscal Year ($)2 | Last Fiscal Year-End ($)3 | ||||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
20,375 | 17,395 | (35,034 | ) | 133,654 | |||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
0 | 0 | (53,262 | ) | 81,651 | |||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
0 | 0 | 6,013 | 166,293 | ||||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
52,245 | 13,578 | (132,674 | ) | 552,039 |
1 |
The amounts reflected in this
column were reported as compensation to the named executive
officers in our Summary Compensation Table for
2008. |
2 |
The amounts reflected in this
column were not reported as compensation to the named executive
officers in our Summary Compensation Table for
2008. |
3 |
Aggregate earnings on deferred
compensation included in these amounts were not reported as
compensation to the named executive officers in the Summary
Compensation Table. |
Cause means an act(s) of fraud, misappropriation, or
embezzlement; conviction of any felony; conviction of a
misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; willful failure to report
to work for more than 30 days; willful failure to perform
duties; material violation of Ryders Principles of
Business Conduct; and any other activity which would constitute
cause. The last two triggers are not included in the definition
of Cause for purposes of providing severance upon a Change of
Change of Control means the acquisition of 30% or
more of the combined voting power of our common stock; a
majority change in the composition of our Board; any
reorganization, merger or consolidation that results in more
than a 50% change in the share ownership of our common stock,
the acquisition of 30% or more of the voting power of our common
stock by one person or a majority change in the composition of
the Board; our liquidation or dissolution; or a sale of
substantially all of our assets.
Good Reason means a material reduction in
compensation; transferring the executive more than
50 miles; failure to obtain a successors agreement to
honor the NEO severance agreement; failure to pay certain
Change of Control severance benefits into a trust; termination
of employment not done in accordance with the NEO severance
agreement; and any material change in duties or any other
material adverse change in the terms and conditions of the
executive officers employment (but specifically does not
include a change in title or reporting relationship).
Severance Benefits | Change of Control Severance Benefits | |||||
Cash Severance
The executive will receive cash severance as follows:
salary continuation for the applicable severance period (18 months for all executive officers and 30 months for the CEO). bonus equal to the target annual bonus amount (based on the executives base salary on the date of termination) for the relevant period times the applicable bonus multiple (1.5x for all executive officers and 2.5x for the CEO). |
The executive will receive cash severance as follows:
lump sum payment equal to the executives eligible base salary on the date of termination times the applicable salary multiple (2x for all executive officers and 3x for the CEO). bonus equal to the target annual bonus amount (based on the executives base salary on the date of termination) for the relevant period times the applicable bonus multiple (2x for all executive officers and 3x for the CEO). tax-gross-up with a 10% cutback feature. |
The executive will be entitled to benefits
as follows:
continuation of all medical, dental and
prescription insurance plans and programs until the earlier of
the end of the applicable severance period or the executive
officers eligibility to receive benefits from another
continuation of executive life and
supplemental disability insurance until the end of the relevant
severance period.
outplacement services under a
Company-sponsored program.
Triggering Event | ||||||||||||||
Change of |
Involuntary |
Control |
Termination |
without |
Change of Control |
Compensation |
without Cause |
Termination |
with Termination |
Components | ($) | ($) | ($) | ||||||||||
Gregory T. Swienton
Cash Severance1 | 4,950,000 | 0 | 5,940,000 | ||||||||||
Intrinsic Value of Equity2 | | 2,381,867 | 2,381,867 | |||||||||||
Retirement Benefits3 | | 329,799 | 329,799 | |||||||||||
Welfare Benefits4 | 16,890 | 0 | 20,268 | |||||||||||
Outplacement5 | 28,500 | 0 | 28,500 | |||||||||||
Gross-up6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||
Total Benefit to Employee | 4,995,390 | 2,711,666 | 8,700,434 | |||||||||||
Robert E. Sanchez
Cash Severance1 | 1,076,250 | 0 | 1,435,000 | ||||||||||
Intrinsic Value of Equity2 | | 1,057,918 | 1,057,918 | |||||||||||
Retirement Benefits3 | | 70,620 | 70,620 | |||||||||||
Welfare Benefits4 | 15,354 | 0 | 20,472 | |||||||||||
Outplacement5 | 28,500 | 0 | 28,500 | |||||||||||
Gross-up6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||
Total Benefit to Employee | 1,120,104 | 1,128,538 | 2,612,510 | |||||||||||
Anthony G. Tegnelia
Cash Severance1 | 1,378,125 | 0 | 1,837,500 | ||||||||||
Intrinsic Value of Equity2 | | 1,080,992 | 1,080,992 | |||||||||||
Retirement Benefits3 | | 229,219 | 229,219 | |||||||||||
Welfare Benefits4 | 10,134 | 0 | 13,512 | |||||||||||
Outplacement5 | 28,500 | 0 | 28,500 | |||||||||||
Gross-up6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||
Total Benefit to Employee | 1,416,759 | 1,310,211 | 3,189,723 | |||||||||||
Thomas S. Renehan
Cash Severance1 | 844,200 | 0 | 1,125,600 | ||||||||||
Intrinsic Value of Equity2 | | 998,197 | 998,197 | |||||||||||
Retirement Benefits3 | | 81,246 | 81,246 | |||||||||||
Welfare Benefits4 | 15,462 | 0 | 20,616 | |||||||||||
Outplacement5 | 28,500 | 0 | 28,500 | |||||||||||
Gross-up6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||
Total Benefit to Employee | 888,162 | 1,079,443 | 2,254,159 | |||||||||||
Robert D. Fatovic
Cash Severance1 | 884,625 | 0 | 1,179,500 | ||||||||||
Intrinsic Value of Equity2 | | 792,663 | 792,663 | |||||||||||
Retirement Benefits3 | | 60,303 | 60,303 | |||||||||||
Welfare Benefits4 | 15,336 | 0 | 20,448 | |||||||||||
Outplacement5 | 28,500 | 0 | 28,500 | |||||||||||
Gross-up6 | 0 | 0 | 815,301 | |||||||||||
Total Benefit to Employee | 928,461 | 852,966 | 2,896,715 |
1 |
Cash severance includes:
(i) base salary and (ii) target annual bonus, all as
described above. In the event of involuntary termination without
cause, base salary is paid over time in accordance with usual
payroll practices and the bonus is paid in a lump sum shortly
after termination. In the event of termination in connection
with a Change of Control, all payments are made in a lump sum
shortly after termination. Timing and payment of cash severance
is subject in all respects to Section 409A of the Internal
Revenue Code. |
2 |
Under a Change of Control, the
intrinsic value of equity reflects the intrinsic value of the
accelerated equity. In each case, the amounts are calculated
using the closing price of our common stock on December 31,
2008 ($38.78). |
3 |
This amount reflects the
incremental increase in value resulting from the acceleration of
the vesting of the pension restoration plan in the event of a
Change of Control (whether or not there is a termination of
employment), plus, in the event of a termination in connection
with a Change of Control, the value of the early retirement
subsidy in our pension plan. Assumed retirement age is the later
of age 55 or the executives age on December 31,
2008. |
4 |
Amounts are based on the current
cost to us of providing the named executives current
health, dental and prescription insurance coverage during the
severance period as described above. We continue to pay the
employer portion of the welfare benefits during the applicable
period, provided that the employee must continue to make the
required employee contributions. |
5 |
Amounts reflect the cost of
outplacement services provided under a Company-sponsored
program. |
6 |
In the case of a termination in
connection with a Change of Control, the tax
applies to all payments and benefits and is subject to a cutback
if the severance amount does not exceed 110% of the limitation
in Section 280G of the Internal Revenue
Code. |
Fees Earned |
Stock |
All Other |
or Paid in Cash |
Awards |
Compensation |
Total |
($)(1)(2)(3) | ($)(4)(5) | ($)(6) | ($) | ||||||||||||
James S. Beard
38,356 | 21,778 | 0 | 60,134 | ||||||||||||
John M. Berra
96,000 | 94,504 | 17,414 | 207,918 | ||||||||||||
David I. Fuente
80,000 | 95,647 | 17,210 | 192,857 | ||||||||||||
L. Patrick Hassey
82,000 | 92,425 | 0 | 174,425 | ||||||||||||
Lynn M. Martin
81,000 | 98,731 | 7,098 | 186,829 | ||||||||||||
Luis P. Nieto, Jr.
82,000 | 91,455 | 6,942 | 180,397 | ||||||||||||
Eugene A. Renna
85,000 | 94,850 | 7,590 | 187,440 | ||||||||||||
Abbie J. Smith
98,000 | 94,504 | 7,414 | 199,918 | ||||||||||||
E. Follin Smith
85,000 | 93,049 | 10,000 | 188,049 | ||||||||||||
Hansel E. Tookes, II
92,500 | 94,850 | 6,960 | 194,310 | ||||||||||||
Christine A. Varney
87,500 | 95,647 | 9,785 | 192,932 |
1 |
Includes an annual committee
retainer of $35,000 plus an annual retainer of $45,000, except
for Mr. Beard, who was paid a pro-rated annual committee
retainer of $16,781 plus a pro-rated annual retainer of $21,575
in his first year of service on the Board. |
2 |
Includes Committee Chair fees as
follows: Mr. Berra, $15,000; Ms. A. Smith, $15,000;
Mr. Tookes, $7,500; and Ms. Varney, $7,500. |
3 |
This column includes additional
meeting fees, paid to members of the Board as follows:
Mr. Berra, $1,000; Mr. Hassey, $2,000;
Ms. Martin, $1,000; Mr. Nieto, $2,000; Mr. Renna,
$5,000; Ms. A. Smith, $3,000; Ms. E. Smith, $5,000;
and Mr. Tookes, $5,000. |
4 |
Includes compensation cost
recognized by the Company for financial statement reporting
purposes in accordance with SFAS 123R for dividends on the
restricted stock units granted to directors in 2008 in the
following amounts: Mr. Beard, $208; Mr. Berra, $4,574;
Mr. Fuente, $5,717; Mr. Hassey. $2,495;
Ms. Martin, $8,801; Mr. Nieto, $1,525; Mr. Renna,
$4,920; Ms. A. Smith, $4,574; Ms. E. Smith, $3,119;
Mr. Tookes, $4,920; and Ms. Varney,
$5,717. |
5 |
The following table sets forth
each directors outstanding stock and option awards as of
December 31, 2008. |
Outstanding |
Outstanding |
Stock Awards | Option Awards | |||||||
James S. Beard
637 | | ||||||
John M. Berra
9,226 | 5,000 | ||||||
David I. Fuente
13,613 | | ||||||
L. Patrick Hassey
4,410 | | ||||||
Lynn M. Martin
14,760 | 10,000 | ||||||
Luis P. Nieto, Jr.
2,852 | | ||||||
Eugene A Renna
8,365 | 5,000 | ||||||
Abbie J. Smith
9,658 | 5,000 | ||||||
E. Follin Smith
5,978 | | ||||||
Hansel E. Tookes, II
9,484 | 5,000 | ||||||
Christine A. Varney
14,115 | |
6 |
Consists of (i) benefits
under the Companys Matching Gifts to Education program and
(ii) insurance premiums paid in connection with the
Directors Charitable Award Program. Payments for insurance
premiums related to the Directors Charitable Award Program
were as follows: Mr. Berra, $7,414; Mr. Fuente,
$7,210; Ms. Martin, $7,098; Mr. Renna, $7,590;
Ms. A. Smith, $7,414; Mr. Tookes, $6,960; and
Ms. Varney, $4,785. Benefits under the Companys
Matching Gifts to Education program were as follows:
Mr. Berra, $10,000; Mr. Fuente, $10,000;
Mr. Nieto, $6,942; Ms. E. Smith, $10,000; and
Ms. Varney, $5,000. As a Director, Mr. Swienton also
participates (at the $10,000 level) in the Directors
Charitable Award Program. The amounts paid on behalf of
Mr. Swienton in connection with these programs are
reflected in the Summary Compensation Table on
page 39. |
Ryder System, Inc. | ||
Street Miami, Florida 33178 www.ryder.com |
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The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR
Proposals 1 and 2.
Vote on Directors
For a two-year term of office expiring at the 2011 Annual
For | Against | Abstain | ||||||||||||
1a. James S. Beard
o | o | o | ||||||||||||
For a three-year term of office expiring at the 2012 Annual
Vote on Proposal |
For | Against | Abstain | |||||||||||
1b. John M. Berra
o | o | o |
2. Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as independent registered certified public accounting firm
for the 2009 fiscal year.
o | o | o | ||||||||
1c. Luis P. Nieto, Jr.
o | o | o | ||||||||||||
1d. E. Follin Smith
o | o | o | ||||||||||||
1e. Gregory T. Swienton
o | o | o |
Please indicate if you plan to attend this meeting.
o | o | |||
Yes | No |
Date | Signature (Joint Owners) | Date |
Address Changes/Comments: |