Konta Georges & Buza partner Adam B. Konta received a full acquittal on all charges from a Bronx County jury for a client charged with Murder in the XX Degree. Mr. Konta’s client faced 25 years to life in prison if convicted.

The client was accused of being the driver of a car on July 5, 2020 that pulled alongside a man who was shot and killed by a passenger sitting in the back seat. A video from a nearby MTA bus captured the entire shooting, including the car’s license plate, which ultimately led to several arrests, including the client’s.
In this complex case that required tremendous skill, strategy, and preparation, there were no eyewitnesses, no gun recovered, and no forensic evidence. This led the co-defendant and alleged shooter to put forth a defense based on “identification.” However, Mr. Konta recognized there were several videos of the alleged occupants getting in and out of the car before and after the shooting, which could have made the identification defense problematic. Mr. Konta’s instincts and unique approach to preparing cases guided him to a more unconventional approach, namely having his client testify and admitting that he was in fact the driver.
Mr. Konta fought relentlessly before trial to get his client’s case separated from the co-defendant and alleged shooter. Mr. Konta was denied by one judge but continued to fight for his client to have his own day in court, not prejudiced by being tried with the alleged shooter. A third judge ruled in Mr. Konta’s favor, and the cases were separated. This allowed a path for his client to testify. The co-defendant and alleged shooter went to trial first in March 2024 and was swiftly convicted on all charges.
Mr. Konta’s client started trial soon thereafter. During this time, Mr. Konta implemented a strategic plan to keep the District Attorney’s Office focused on proving Identification as he laid the groundwork for his client to tell his story. Mr. Konta gathered critical information from each witness to help his client testify when it was time.
When the moment came, the client testified—immediately admitting he was the driver while telling the jury that he never knew there was a gun in the car and never had any idea there would be a shooting. He testified truthfully throughout his direct and multi-day cross-examination by one of New York City’s most experienced homicide prosecutors.
After delivering a powerful closing argument to the jury, deliberations began. Mr. Konta’s unorthodox approach continued, giving the jury the requested written charges in a move the judge said she had only seen twice in her 24 years. Mr. Konta wanted the jury to see the words “knowingly,” “state of mind,” and, most importantly, “intent” on the printed
jury instructions so they could better appreciate their meanings and importance to this case. After the jury came back with a “hung jury” note, Mr. Konta advocated keeping the jury deliberating, pushing for a verdict and not a mistrial because he knew this was truly his client’s best chance for the desired outcome.
After four days of deliberations, the jury reached a unanimous verdict: “Not Guilty” on all charges. After battling the New York City Police Department and the Bronx District Attorney’s Office for four long years, this was an incredible victory in the face of some of the toughest adversities an attorney can face. Words cannot express how proud we are of our client for his determination and of his family for their support. We look forward to giving this same effort and achieving similar results for all our clients at Konta Georges & Buza P.C.
Media Contact
Adam Konta
Konta, Georges & Buza, P.C.
The Woolworth Building 233 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, New York 10279

newsroom: news.38digitalmarket.com
Source: 38 Digital Market News
Release ID: 1189276